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09-21 投稿


Librae 中文意思翻译



Librae 相似词语短语

1、librated ─── vt.摆动;平均

2、liberal ─── adj.自由主义的;慷慨的;不拘泥的;宽大的;n.自由主义者;n.(Liberal)人名;(葡)利贝拉尔

3、libra ─── n.天秤座;磅(重量单位);n.(Libra)人名;(意、捷)利布拉

4、Librae ─── n.(美、英、以)莉巴埃(人名)

5、libraire ─── n.(法)书店;书商

6、liberate ─── vt.解放;放出;释放

7、fibrate ─── 低

8、librates ─── vt.摆动;平均

9、librate ─── vt.摆动;平均

Librae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Libra [Sept.23--Oct.22] ─── 天秤座

2、Libra is the cheerleader we need to work together and build a team. ─── 天秤座是我们共同工作的组织者。

3、Discontent is in the air, dear Libra, and when people are disgruntled they tend to say things they don't mean. ─── 亲爱的天秤座,空气中有不满的情绪,当人们不满的时候人们会口不择言。

4、Libra is an air sign, like Gemini and Aquarius. ─── 天秤座和双子,水瓶一样,是一个风象星座。

5、The argument is spread with the introspective discussion on library right,and the research of"library right"takes library as the independent entity,and emphatically analyzes five items of libra... ─── 在研究有关"图书馆权利"论述的基础上将图书馆作为独立实体进行研究,并重点论述公共图书馆的五项权利。

6、Listening and Speaking Libra ─── 听听、说说“天秤座”

7、public libra. ─── 公共图书馆

8、The new moon that arrived last month on September 29 was in Libra and will help you enjoy love and fun. ─── 上个月9月29号的新月落在了天秤座而且将继续让你享受爱情和娱乐。

10、Libra is now the only zodiacal constellation that doesn't represent a living thing. ─── 天秤座现在仅仅是黄道带的一部分,并没有任何鲜活的代表和象征了。

11、LIBRA &TAURUS: Not too bad as you both value the finer things in life. ─── 关系不错,因为你们都很重视生活中美好的事物。

12、LIBRA &SCORPI The Scorpions' jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. This is certainly not an alliance made in heaven and usually quite difficult for you to balance. ─── 善妒的天蝎座会把随意和谐的你惹恼。你们的组合并不怎么样,你通常会感到难以保持平衡。

13、Libra represents the air elemengt. it is a sign that is extroverted and active.your great need to share , to be fair and impartial will helpyou a lot. ─── 天秤座是风相星座,其提点是比较外向和主动。你非常渴望与他人分享,你对公平的向往会给你很大帮助。

14、Libra appreciates elegance. Candles, formal wear and mirrors work well. New clothes are good, especially anything with a top-notch[6] designer label. ─── 天秤座的人讲求优雅。蜡烛,正式的服装和镜子都不错。新衣服,尤其是有一流设计师标签的当然更好啦。

15、Libra [Lib] ─── 天秤座 [Latin]

16、Libra wish to find the perfect romantic relationship. ─── “天平”的生日愿望是找到理想的恋爱伴侣。

17、Do you have any Libra friends? ─── 你有天秤座的朋友吗?

18、Libra needs harmony and a variety of entertainment, which really isn't your style or your intent. ─── 他/她喜欢步调一致,热衷各类娱乐活动,这可和你的生活方式完全不同;

19、Thankfully, Venus rules this Full Moon, and she's still in her other home sign, Libra, closely trine Neptune in Aquarius. ─── 值得庆幸的是,金牛座的守护星金星,这一次满月的守护星,它处于另一个家的位置,天平座,与海王星水瓶形成紧密的和谐三分相。

20、Gemini is a Mutable Sign and Libra is a Cardinal Sign. ─── 双子是变动星座,天秤是本位星座。

21、Corpora libra in joint ─── 关节内游离体

22、Libra Men: Dress with elegant aristocratic-like temperament, to do anything before, like prior consultation with each other's opinion. ─── 天秤座男士:优雅的穿着加上贵族般的气质,做任何事之前,都喜欢事先征询对方的意见。

23、If you have a problem, ask a Libra for help. ─── 假如你有问题,就去找天秤座的人帮忙。

24、 双语使用场景

25、LIBRA& ARIES: Shooting stars in the bedroom. Tension, however, at a mental level. It can work if you are both willing to compromise[1]. ─── 在卧室里妙不可言,但精神方面充满压力。如果你们都能有所妥协,关系还可继续。

26、Libra on the cusp of your Seventh House of marriage makes you highly idealistic about relationship. ─── 你命盘中婚姻七宫头位于天秤座,使得你对两性关系非常理想化。

27、The key to introduction of knowledge management to libraries lies in the way in which libra rians manage reasonably their professionals with sophisticated skills. ─── 图书馆引入“知识管理”理念,其主要的衔接口在于如何充分合理地应用“拥有专业技能的人”。

28、Balance is the key to Libra's health and wellbeing, a balanced diet, balance of work and recreation and balanced relationships with other people. ─── 保持平衡是让天秤座的人拥有健康的关键,无论是饮食的均衡,还是娱乐、工作上的平衡。

29、But that steelyard son, the pursuit of balance can be seen Libra the basic idea At the same time, the wavering Libra Pingzi also showed the undecided. ─── 但由那一杆秤子,可以看出天秤座追求平衡的基本念头,同时,摇摆不定的秤子也表现出天秤座的犹豫不决。

30、A Libra is usually more interested in other people than themselves. ─── 天秤座的人对别人比对自己还关心。

31、LIBRA & SCORPIO: The Scorpions' jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. ─── 善妒的天蝎座会把随意和谐的你惹恼。

32、LIBRA : Libras like to feel like they live a refined, sophisticated life, so season tickets to the symphony or the ballet fulfills their yen for culture. ─── 天秤座喜欢沉醉在精致生活的良好自我感觉中,交响乐或芭蕾舞季票恰能满足其对文化生活的渴求。

33、Scorpio can return the favor to Libra with their characteristic powers of focus, a trait that Libra usually lacks. ─── 两人的默契非比寻常,由于它们对于情感的关系的好恶是如此的相似,如出一辙。

34、In early July, the constellation Libra appears at its highest in the south about an hour after sunset. Look due south at that time to find this faint constellation. ─── 七月上旬,天秤座会在日落后一小时左右出现在南方。那时向南方看去就能看到这个模糊暗淡的星座。

35、You are certain to feel comfortable talking to a Libra. ─── 和天秤座的人谈话,肯定会让你觉得很舒服。

36、Often, those Libra scales tip wildly to the extremes before we discover how to be a whole self in relation to another whole self. ─── 但是,往往在我们发现如何能在与另一个人的关系中保有自己之前,天秤座的标杆就已经滑向到了极端。

37、VIRGO& LIBRA: Libra's extravagant, indecisive nature bothers you, however Libra's charm can normally melt your critical tongue. Not likely to be lasting but it can be passionate while it lasts. ─── 天秤奢侈挥霍和优柔寡断的个性使你困扰,但他们的魅力又总是轻易地消融你尖刻的话语。不太可能持久,不过在维持的时候还是满怀热情的。

38、Libra is still standing in front of the closet trying to decide on a costume. ─── 天秤座还在衣柜前左右为难不知穿哪套衣服好。

39、You didn't hover in the background, making the variety of subtle suggestions that are your forte, as a Libra. ─── 你不会参与运作或与背景有关联,作为天平,作出精细并多样化的建议才是你的长处。

40、It was realized based on OpenPBS framework. It was also simulated using GridSim toolkits to proceed a contrastive test with FIFO(first|input first|output) and Libra. ─── 在OpenPBS机群调度系统上实现了该算法 ,并通过GridSim工具包与先入先出FIFO(First InputFirst Output)算法和Libra调度算法进行了模拟对比试验 .

41、The scales of Libra will hang awry until Aries props them up with its curving horns. ─── 天平座的刻度会歪曲地悬挂,直到白羊座用弯曲的角把它纠正。

42、For example, it is observed that many folks born in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, have Moon in Venus and Jupiter signs like Taurus, Libra, sag and Pisces. ─── 举例来说,它是指出,许多乡亲出生在约克郡,林肯郡和诺丁汉, 有月亮在金星和木星的迹象一样,金牛座,天秤座,凹陷和双鱼座。

43、And transiting Pluto (indicating transformation in life style) was at 21 deg. Libra, approaching a conjunction with her Midheaven. ─── 同时移位中的冥王星[主生活风格的一种转换]刚好在天秤座21度,接近跟中天重叠形成合相的位置。

44、Further, Libra values cooperation and good working relationships. ─── 天秤座老板重视合作和好的工作关系。

45、Libra: Be Fair and Be Harmonious ─── 公平而和谐的天秤

46、Libra represents the Air element.It is a sigh that is extroverted and active.Your great need to share,to be fair and impartial will help you a lot. ─── 天秤座是风相星座,其特性是比较外向和主动。你非常渴望与他人分享,你对公平的向往会给你很大帮助。

47、LIBRA: Chooses two boxes of chocolates, white and dark; one for you, one for them. ─── 天秤座会买两盒巧克力,一盒白巧克力,一盒纯巧克力;一盒给你,一盒留给自己。

48、It is a good color, however, for persons born under the signs of Libra, Aquarius, or Capricorn. ─── 但是对于出生属于天秤座、宝瓶座或摩羯座的人来说,黑色却是好的颜色。

49、Libra people work hard and are rarely loners, whose luck will be half-and-half this year, while there has been an upward trend in the study. ─── 天秤座的人做事勤奋,亦很少不合群,本年度的运势是好坏参半,学习运却呈上升趋势。

50、GEMINI &LIBRA: Magnetic[3] union, however not long lasting. ─── 互相吸引的一对,但却难以持久。

51、The Libra step-parent has a lot going on beneath the surface and a lot on it, too. ─── 天秤座的继父(母)表面上和心底里都藏着很多事情。

52、Thomas the Chaldean抯 quest, under the sign of Libra, has been successful. ─── 卡尔迪亚的托马斯的冒险,在天枰座,已经成功了。

53、Libra will reach a decision sometime next year. ─── 天秤座会决定明年再送礼物。

54、I belongs to Libra, really not good. ─── 和我现在的处境真的是一样哦!!很准!

55、Libra bosses are just fine until it's time to make a tough decision. ─── 天秤座的老板一直很好,直到他们必须做出强硬的决定时。

56、LIBRA& AQUARIUS: This is a compatible coalition, you are capable of making love in the highest form. Your two of a kind, neither of you care about detail nor domestics. ─── 你们可以和睦相处,你们的做爱可以登峰造极。你们是两个同类,都对家事和细节满不在乎。

57、libra avoirdupois ─── (拉)常衡磅(以16盎司为一磅)

58、Libra represends the Air element. It is a sign these is abundance extroverted or active. ─── 天秤座是风相性格。其特性较量外向和主动。

59、Libra woman GAO both rational and emotional reality with both nostalgic feelings, and aesthetic fashion. ─── 天秤女子既具有理性的清高,又具有感性的现实,既有怀旧的情怀,又有时尚的审美。

60、service of libra. ─── 图书馆服务

61、Something social would be successful with a Libra date. ─── 多一些社交活动肯定能让他/她满意。

62、Libra does their best to make sure everyone gets equal portions. ─── 天秤座仔细比较着每个人食物的分额是否一样。

63、The main challenge of the day occurs at 4:24PM PST when Venus in Libra squares Vesta in Capricorn. ─── 一天当中所面临的主要挑战都发生在太平洋标准时间下午4时24分,这时天秤座里的金星与摩羯座里的灶神星正处于和谐的位置。

64、Libra is most suited to fine handmade chocolates, which can be both a work of art to look at, and also good nutrition to supplement energy. ─── 天秤座最适合制作精美的手工巧克力,既能当艺术品观看,又能当好料补充体力。

65、You are about to outdo yourself, dear Libra, so if you are working on a project, allow yourself free rein. ─── 你正打算要超越你自己,亲爱的天秤,如果你在进行一个项目的话,让自己自由发挥吧。

66、In October the Sun will be in Libra, the House of Relationships and Marriage ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love and the bearer of the Divine Feminine energy. ─── 10月份,太阳将在天平座,人际关系、婚姻的宫位星座,金星作为此一星座的主宰星,女神的爱与神圣阴性能量的承载。

67、At that time, Venus will retrograde in Scorpio and Libra for a time. ─── 在那个时候,金星将在天蝎座和天平座逆行一段时间。

68、Balance is the key to Libra's health and wellbeing, a balanced diet, balance of work and recreation and balanced relationships with other people. ─── 保持平衡是让天秤座人拥有健康的关键,无论是饮食的均衡,还是娱乐、工作上的平衡。

69、Libra lives for harmony, partnership, admiration and popularity! ─── “天平”以和睦、合作、赞赏和声望为生活目标!

70、As a result, dear Libra, you could grow closer to them - especially if you sense what they need even before they do! ─── 亲爱的天秤座,结果是你会和他们更加的亲密,尤其是你会想他人所想。

71、LIBRA & SCORPIO: The Scorpion's jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. This is certainly not an alliance made in heaven and usually quite difficult for you to balance. ─── 天秤-天蝎:嫉妒心极强的蝎子让追求和谐生活的你烦恼不堪。这当然不会是一对神仙眷侣,你们很难平衡彼此的关系。

72、If you want to befriend a Libra, try to be kind and fair. ─── 假如你想和天秤座的人交朋友,你自己要努力做到仁慈和公平。

73、Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is extroverted and active. Your great need to share, to be fair and impartial will help you a lot. ─── 天秤座是风象星座,其特性是比较外向和主动。你非常渴望与他人分享,你对公平的向往会给你很大的帮组。

74、Libra represents the Air element. ─── 天秤座是风相星座。其特性比较外向和主动。

75、Answer the questions. For instance,"Libra". ─── 回答提问。例如:“天秤座”

76、Once in Libra, you will absorb more easily the new lessons Saturn will have for you, without so much struggle. ─── 一旦进入天秤座,对你来说,你不用太多努力就会很容易地吸收新的经验教训。

77、Libra pets can be your close companion and be best friends with one other animal. They are chic and look best in "outfits". ─── 天秤座的宠物可以成为你亲密的伴侣,也会成为其它动物最好的朋友。它们举止高雅,是“行头”最气派的星座。

78、LIBRA: Libras like to feel like they live a refined, sophisticated life, so season tickets to the symphony or the ballet fulfills their yen for culture. ─── 天秤座喜欢陶醉在精致生活的良好自我感觉中,交响乐或芭蕾舞季票恰能满足其对文化生活的渴求。

79、Your compatibility score with Libra is 56%. Libras are romantic and charming but can also be wishy-washy and gullible. ─── 你和天平座的相性为56%。秤子们充满了罗曼蒂克和魅力,但也缺乏决心,容易受骗...不许骗我

80、LIBRA: keeps saying "don't I look adorable in this apron?" ─── 天秤座不停地嘟哝着“穿上这条围裙的我看上去是不是很可爱?”

81、PISCES & LIBRA:You are both creatively inclined; however, you are just not sophisticated enough for the Scales. Librans also have trouble putting up with your emotional whims. ─── 双鱼-天秤:你俩都很有创造力。不过,相对于老道的秤子来说,你还是嫩了点。对方也很难忍受你的空想。

82、Libra people love to have people about them and to feel that they are appreciated. ─── 天秤座喜欢被人环绕,这样他们会觉得被人所欣赏。

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