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09-21 投稿


leapfrog 发音

英:['li:pfrɒɡ]  美:[ˈlipˌfrɒɡ, -ˌfrɑɡ]

英:  美:

leapfrog 中文意思翻译



leapfrog 词性/词形变化,leapfrog变形

动词过去分词: leapfrogged |动词过去式: leapfrogged |动词现在分词: leapfrogging |动词第三人称单数: leapfrogs |

leapfrog 短语词组

1、leapfrog method ─── [计] 跳步法, 跳点法

2、leapfrog position ─── [医] 跳娃位, 跳背戏位

3、leapfrog procedure ─── [法] 越级程序

4、crippled leapfrog test ─── [计] 踏步检查

5、leapfrog scheme ─── [计] 蛙跳格式

6、leapfrog configuration ─── 跳跃式配置

7、leapfrog test ─── [计] 跳步检查

8、bus leapfrog ─── 公交蛙跳

leapfrog 相似词语短语

1、leaper ─── n.跳跃者

2、to leapfrog ─── 跳跃

3、leafing ─── n.发叶;金属粉末悬浮现象出叶;叶浮;v.长出叶;迅速翻阅(leaf的ing形式)

4、leapfrogs ─── n.跳背游戏;v.玩跳背游戏;越级提升;超过,超越;跨越(障碍)

5、lea-rig ─── lea钻机

6、leapfrogging ─── n.跳背法;间断勘探;交互跃进;v.竞相超越;蛙跳般前进(leapfrog的ing形式)

7、leapfrogged ─── 交替前进;跃过(leapfrog的过去式和过去分词);使交互跃进(leapfrog的过去式和过去分词)

8、leaping ─── adj.跳跃的,跳跃而行的;n.跳跃;v.跳跃(leap的ing形式)

9、leadfoot ─── 前脚

leapfrog 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And there are some cases, particularly in the developing world, when technological progress takes the form of a leapfrog. ─── 而在某些情况下,尤其在发展中国家,技术进步却是“跳越式”的。

2、Liverpool now have two games in hand and should they win both of them they will leapfrog United into second place. ─── 利物浦现在少赛两场,而且这两场极有可能全胜,从而取代曼联占据联赛第二的位置。

3、Furthermore, firms can leapfrog over the experience curve by means of innovation and invention. ─── 此外,公司也可以通过创新和发明跳出曲线的束缚。

4、In the golden time of the leapfrog development of UMT in China, technological innovation and progress are the very keys to achieve the ultimate goal. ─── 摘要我国的城市轨道交通正处在跨越式的发展阶段,而技术创新是实现城市轨道交通跨越式发展的必由之路。

5、The company still believes the chip is a leapfrog in integration and will pay huge dividends. ─── 那家公司仍然认为那款芯片是集成方面的一次飞跃并将带来巨大的收益。

6、One way out of this "middle-income trap" is by trying to leapfrog the technology leaders. ─── 走出“中等收入陷阱”的一种方法就是尝试着跳背过技术领先者。

7、Leapfrog technologies can also spread faster, because they do not face competition from entrenched earlier systems. ─── ,因为,这些技术不会受到来自早期确立的技术体系的竞争影响。

8、The win allowed them to leapfrog three teams to gain second place. ─── 这场胜利使他们连超三个队,跃居第二位。

9、China railway leapfrog development strategy focused on large-scale railway network construction. ─── 中国铁路跨越式发展战略的核心是实施大规模铁路网建设。

10、Thus, the law expressly provides that the construction contract leapfrog contract is null and void. ─── 因此,法律明令规定,凡越级承包的建筑工程合同均属无效。

11、These leapfrog one another, as one team creates one generation, hands over to the next and then picks up the development cycle again. ─── 这些产品接连出现,因为一个团队创造出一代产品后,会应用于下一个产品,然后再次加速开发周期。

12、Entire economies may even leapfrog from agriculture straight to high-tech industries. ─── 甚至有可能整个国家从农业经济直接转向高科技产业。

13、Those who can leapfrog that without managing to look like a prat will be able to land whatever job they like. ─── 那些既能蹦蹦跳跳,又不至于让自己看起来像傻子的人,将能找到自己所喜欢的任何工作。

14、Victory would see Liverpool leapfrog leaders Manchester United, who host Portsmouth on Wednesday. ─── 胜利将会让利物浦暂时在积分榜上超越曼联,后者星期三对战朴斯茅斯。

15、The tension of the game got to us a little bit and we knew this result would allow us to leapfrog ahead of Livorno. ─── 比赛的压力使我们有一些紧张,我们知道如果我们赢了,我们就可以超过利沃诺。

16、Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps. ─── 人们完成跳背游戏的时候必须完成所有的跳跃。

17、But the development of mobile technology may enable the developing world to leapfrog the PC era altogether. ─── 但移动技术的发展将会开启一个新的世界与PC相互竞争。

18、The main appeal of the LeapFrog products is the company's focus on personalized education. ─── LeapFrog产品的主要吸引力来自于公司对于个性化教育的专注。

19、The kids were playing leapfrog and doing somersaults in the backyard. ─── 孩子们正在后院玩跳背游戏和翻筋头。

20、China has the opportunity to leapfrog over generations of out-dated technologies and thinking to mitigate the effects of climate change. ─── 中国有机会逾越过落后技术和陈旧思想所带来的障碍,减少气候变化所带来的影响。

21、Pairs of male lance-tailed manakins perform complex dances of "leapfrog" stunts and flight displays to woo interested females. ─── 两只雄长尾侏儒鸟一起表演高难度的“跳背舞”及特技飞行,以吸引雌鸟。

22、As time went by the Southern League application did not appear to be making progress, so even later an application was made to leapfrog it and join the Football League. ─── 一段时间后,南方联盟的申请通过迟迟不见进展,于是稍后新的加入足球联盟的申请取而代之。

23、Mr. Hartlaub: Yeah. He was "in-one-take Charlie" . They're all in awe of him. He's like a rock star when he walks into LeapFrog. ─── 哈特劳布:是呀,他号称“一遍定音小查理”。那些制作人都对他佩服得不行。他走进跳蛙玩具公司时,整个一副摇滚巨星的姿态。

24、To move forward or progressin or as if in leapfrog. ─── 向前移动或象在跳背游戏中那样前进。

25、The win allowed Newcastle to leapfrog three teams to gain second place. ─── 这场胜利使纽卡斯尔队越过三支球队上升到第二的位置。

26、To move forward or progress in or as if in leapfrog. ─── 向前移动或象在跳背游戏中那样前进

27、With the rapid urbanization in China, leapfrog development strategy is to some extent a popular practice for cities. ─── 在高速城市化进程中,城市实施跨越式发展已带有不同程度上的普遍性。

28、If it pursues this proactive strategy, China can leapfrog centuries of imperialist missteps and avoid "blowback" . ─── 如果中国遵循这种先发制人的战略,中国可能会跨越几百年的资本主义错误、并避免“反弹”。

29、Cloud computing could prove to be a similar “leapfrog” technology because it dispenses with the need to build a cumbersome IT infrastructure. ─── 云计算可能也会成为“鲤鱼跳龙门”式的技术,因为它把构建复杂IT基础设施的需求进行有效的分配。

30、In Serie B, Juventus leapfrog up to 10 points and 12th place. ─── 在乙级,尤文已经获得10个积分,排在第12.

31、M + could leapfrog Kanazawa and become the Tate Modern of the East. ─── M +可以超越金泽成为东方的泰特现代美术馆。

32、Strive to achieve leapfrog technological progress. ─── 努力实现技术发展的跨越。

33、Such leapfrog development and should be regarded as a high-speed growth. ─── 这种跨越式的发展,应该算是一个高速度的增长。

34、To jump over in or as if in leapfrog. ─── 在或象在跳背游戏中那样跳过

35、It provides to domestic enterprises with some evidences of patent race strategies in order to achieve the technological" leapfrog". ─── 对我国企业的技术“蛙跳”提供专利竞赛策略依据。

36、The bride saw them coming and said, "By the power of the diamond, let those men play leapfrog. " ─── 新娘见他们来了,便说:“让鉆石戒指的魔力使这些人玩跳蛙游戏吧!”

37、How Can China Leapfrog Towards A Cleaner World? ─── 中国将如何向清洁型社会发展?

38、And last year, the top athletes from the top 345 metres long 50 metres west leapfrog Building lawn. ─── 和去年一样,运动员将从金茂345米的塔顶跳到大厦西侧长50米的草坪上。

39、Studies cited by Leapfrog suggest that computerized systems could cut drug error by 50% to 100%. ─── 青蛙跳小组引用研究结果并提出,计算机系统可以减少50%-100%的用药错误。

40、With XDSL technology (the X represents all the DSL variations), the telephone companies are in a position to leapfrog the cable TV industry. ─── 利用XDSL技术(X代表所有的DSL变种),电话公司处于能超越有线电视业的地位。

41、In an attempt to leapfrog the slow process of curriculum reform and teacher training, many have taken the easy route of encouraging private schools. ─── 一项加速课程改革和教师训练过于缓慢的意图,很多国家竟采取鼓励兴办私立学校的快捷方式。

42、This presented a chance to leapfrog the old technology and go straight to mobile phones. ─── 这提供了一个机会,让落后的技术直接跃至移动通信业务。

43、Third, as the nation in position to exploit moon resources, China could leapfrog the world in some important earthbound technologies. ─── 而作为在月亮建立永久基地的国家,中国人将对国际有持续影响。

44、I believe that China offers a great opportunity for the financial resources Africa needs to leapfrog its economy. ─── 我相信中国是提供了卓越的财务资源来促使非洲经济获得跨越式的发展。

45、In the golden time of the leapfrog development of UMT in China,technological innovation and progress are the very keys to achieve the ultimate goal. ─── 我国的城市轨道交通正处在跨越式的发展阶段,而技术创新是实现城市轨道交通跨越式发展的必由之路。

46、This book has been developed in association with early learning specialists at LeapFrog and at Scholastic. ─── 花草树木日月星辰风雨霜雪偶尔投射在她安静的平面。

47、A point would see Alonso and co leapfrog leaders Manchester United, who get underway in Sunderland at 3pm. ─── 阿隆索认为就是曼联的一分优势将会被反超,后者将会下午3点做客桑德兰。


科颜氏、倩碧,雅诗兰黛 差不多这些吧!现在用的转运123,效率很高,包装也不错,而且服务态度很好!没有出现什么问题过!

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