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09-21 投稿


kilted 发音

英:[ˈkɪltɪd]  美:[ˈkɪltɪd]

英:  美:

kilted 中文意思翻译



kilted 词性/词形变化,kilted变形

过去式:kilted 原型:kilt

kilted 相似词语短语

1、tilted ─── adj.倾斜的,翘起的;v.使倾斜(tilt的过去分词)

2、lilted ─── n.轻快的动作;轻快活泼的调子;vt.轻快地动;唱轻快的调子;用欢快节奏唱;vi.轻快地动;唱轻快的调子;用欢快节奏唱

3、hilted ─── n.刀把,柄;n.(Hilt)人名;(德、挪、罗)希尔特

4、kilter ─── n.平衡;顺利;良好状态

5、milted ─── n.脾脏;鱼白;(雄鱼的)精液;雄鱼生殖腺;vt.使受精;adj.繁殖期的;n.(Milt)人名;(英、捷)米尔特

6、killed ─── adj.被杀死的;镇静的;隔开的;vt.杀(kill的过去分词)

7、silted ─── v.淤塞;充塞(silt的过去式和过去分词)

8、kilned ─── v.烧制;在窑中烧制、烘烤或处理(kiln的过去式和过去分词)

9、jilted ─── v.抛弃;遗弃(情人或恋人)(jilt的过去式和过去分词)

kilted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Us done move up hyah affer Old Marse wuz kilt." ─── 我们是老马尔斯被打死以后搬到这里来的。"

2、If he wears a kilt or bears a purse. ─── 如果他穿着苏格兰短裙或者挎个小包。

3、The most typical Scotland characteristic, the beautiful case short skirt that should be men (Kilt) and bagpipe (Bagpipe) . ─── 最典型的苏格兰特点,要算是男人们的花格短裙(kilt)和风笛(bagpipe)了。

4、Kilt wearers could face prosecution if they do not have a licence for their sporran under new legislation which has been introduced in Scotland. ─── 根据苏格兰实施的新法,穿苏格兰裙的人,如果没有毛皮袋执照,可能遭到起诉。

5、She wore a pink short-sleeved T shirt, blue buckle kilt, wearing a red card issuers, feet wearing white boots, very beautiful. ─── 她穿着短袖粉色T恤,蓝色带扣短裙,头戴红色发卡,脚上穿着白色的靴子,很漂亮。

6、"Miss Scarlett, it wuz dem Slatterys, dem trashy, no-good, low-down po'-w'ite Slatterys dat kilt Miss Ellen. ─── "思嘉小姐,都是斯莱特里家那些贱货,坏透了的下流白人,他们把爱伦小姐害死了。

7、What does a Scotsman wear under his kilt? ─── 苏格兰人在他的苏格兰裙里面穿的是什么?

8、The MTV Australia Video Music Awards 2007 were held yesterday in Sydney. MTV VJ Darren McMullen revealled all under his kilt。 ─── 2007年度澳洲MTV颁奖礼于4月30日在悉尼举行。MTV的主持麦克穆伦竟然当众撩起他的苏格兰短裙。

9、And if what Butler said warn't true, then he's a spy and he is goin' to turn them up to the Yankees and they'll git kilt just the same. And if he does turn them up, then I'll kill him, if it's the last deed of m' life. ─── 要是巴特勒说的是谎话,他就是个奸细,他会去报告北方佬,我们的人还得让他们打死,他要是真的告发了,我就把他弄死,即使我自己活不成了,那也无所谓。

10、a fur or leather pouch worn at the front of the kilt by Scottish Highlanders. ─── 苏格兰方格呢短裙前面的毛或皮革的口袋。

11、Last year, it was so cold that I had to wear something under my kilt,” Chung said. ─── 去年,也是如此得冷,以至于我不得不在我的裙摆下再穿点什么。

12、THE sound of the bagpipes is as familiar to the Scottish as wearing a kilt and climbing mountains. ─── 对于苏格兰人来说,风笛的声音就如同穿苏格兰方格呢短裙或爬越高山一样亲切而熟悉。

13、If your budget can handle more than $20, go wild and get the whole kilt-and-caboodle (a nice kilt set will run you well over $600). ─── 如果你的预算能够承受超过20美元的话,那就放开手买下整套--包括所有配饰的方格呢短裙吧(一套漂亮的苏格兰方格呢短裙会轻而易举地花掉你超过600美元。)

14、Ah got ter git ter Tara whar dey woan fine me. Ah--Ah done kilt a man." ─── 我一定要到塔拉去,我一到那里,他们就找不着我了,我----我杀了一个人。

15、Whatever the impetus for change was, the kilt now became a tailored garment with sewn-in pleats, ** it neater and far more easy to put on and wear. ─── 不管变化的原因为何,方格呢裙如今已经成为需量身订制的打褶服装,更为整洁且容易穿着。

16、The feileadh mor was simplified by disposing of its top half, leaving the belt and the skirt below.The resulting creation became known as the feileadh beg, or "little kilt". ─── 通过舍弃上半身而只杏色外套如何搭配保留腰带和下半身的裙子,大格呢裙得以简化,由此形成的服装被称作feileadhbeg,即“小格呢裙”。

17、And although the kilt is typically regarded as being Highland dress, more kilts are now worn in the Lowland cities than in the Highlands。 ─── 虽然方格呢裙被看作是典型的高地服饰,但如今一些低地城市的人们更常穿着。

18、This was reputedly at the behest of an Englishman running an ironworks at Invergarry who felt his kilted employees needed a greater freedom of movement to do their work. ─── 据说该设计是应英国因弗格瑞一位钢铁厂老板的要求而做,他认为穿方格呢裙的员工在工作中需要更大的肢体自由。

19、"I would expect a female to wear an ankle-length dress, not a knee-length kilt," Cooney said. ─── “我预想,女性应该穿着过膝的长裙,而非平膝的短裙。”库尼补充。

20、No! That is not a skirt. It's a kilt. ─── 那不是裙子,是苏格兰短裙。

21、He's wearing a kilt. ─── 他们穿苏格兰方格呢短裙。

22、And if they ain't kilt, then they'll all have to light out of here for Texas and lay low and maybe never come back. It's all yore fault and thar's blood on yore hands." ─── 他们要是不死,谁都得赶快离开这里,到得克萨斯去,在那里销声匿迹,也许永远不能再回来,这都是你的过错,你的手上沾满了血。

23、the Highlands are a mountainous region of northern Scotland famous for its rugged beauty; known for the style of dress (the kilt and tartan) and the clan system (now in disuse). ─── 以其崎岖不平的美景闻名的苏格兰北部的丘陵地区。

24、The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, e ecially when they march in parades. ─── 苏格兰传统的褶裙按照礼节是应该在演奏高地风笛时穿的,尤其是列队前进的时候。

25、Highland regiments still wear the kilt on regular basis (although no longer into battle) but it is not an everyday article of dress in Scotland. ─── 高地军团如今依然定期穿方格呢裙(当然不再穿着参加战斗),但这已非苏格兰人的日常服饰。

26、the rypical scottish garment,the kilt,is de rigueur when the scots play the great highland bagpipes,especially when they march in parades. ─── 苏格兰传统的褶裙按照礼节是应该在苏格兰人演奏著名的高地风笛时穿的,尤其是列队前进的时候。

27、The skirt-like kilt which is familiar to us today evolved around the middle of the 18th century from the more commonly worn and functional belted plaid 。 ─── 如今广为人知的短裙般的苏格兰方格呢裙最早出现在18世纪中期左右,是从当时穿着比较普遍又实用的束带格纹呢子披肩演变而来的。

28、The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when they march in parades. ─── 苏格兰传统的褶裙按礼节是应该在演奏高地风笛时穿的,尤其是列队前进的时候。

29、Every member of a pipe band wears a kilt, a knee-length tartan, or plaid skirt, traditionally worn by Scottish or Irish men. ─── 管乐团内的每位成员都会穿上裙长及膝的短裙或图案为格子状的裙子,这是苏格兰或爱尔兰的常规男用短裙。

30、The shortage comes after the Army decided to end its 150-year association with its former kilt makers. ─── 据说,裙子短缺是因军方终止了与原制造商长达150年的合作而造成的。

31、De cap'n gempmum whut had me in charge, he wuz kilt an' dar warn't nobody ter tell Big Sam whut ter do, so Ah jes' lay low in de bushes. ─── 带领我们的队长被打死了,没人说怎么办,我就在林子里躲了起来。

32、Other true proverbs are based on Aesop's fables or similar old stories; for example, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch," and "Don't kilt the goose that lays the golden egg.' ─── 还有一些全句式谚语由伊索寓言或类似的故事演变而来,如“蛋没孵出先别忙着数小鸡”、“千万别杀鸡取卵”等。

33、White was also sported by male models at many shows. White suits, white accessories and even a white kilt were presented by various designers. ─── 在众多展秀上,白色也成为了男模的做秀之物。多位设计师都推出了白色套装、白色配饰,甚至是白色的苏格兰裙。

34、The girl was curious and asked what he was wearing under the kilt. ─── 那女友很好奇,问他在裙子底下穿些什麽。

35、Fashion designers have also tried to update the kilt and make it appeal to a wider audience by using non-tartan designs such as camouflage and material such as leather. ─── 时装设计师也在努力使方格呢裙跟上时代,通过采用无格布料设计,比如采用迷彩风格的布料和皮革布料等,来适应更多人的品味。

36、The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigueur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, especially when they march in parades ─── 苏格兰格子花呢是苏格兰真正的标志。

37、"He wuz drunk an' he said sumpin' Ah couldn' tek noways an' Ah got mah han's on his neck--an' Ah din' mean ter kill him, Miss Scarlett, but mah han's is pow'ful strong, an' fo' Ah knowed it, he wuz kilt. ─── "他喝醉了,朝我说了些很难听的话,我受不了,就掐住了他的脖了----我并没不想起死他,思嘉小姐,可我的手特别有劲,一会儿的工夫,他就死了。

38、The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid (or sash) which is now worn at more formal events. ─── 大格呢裙的上半身则逐渐演变为单独的格呢披肩(或肩带),如今多在较为正式的场合穿着。

39、Her slate-blue skirts were kilted boldly about her waist and dovetailed behind her. ─── 她的蓝灰色的衣裙冒失地卷在腰间,塞在背后如同鸠尾。

40、---- My kilt will fly up, but I'll try it. ─── (我的裙子将会飘起来,但我会试试的。)

41、The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid (or sash) which is now worn at more formal events。 ─── 大格呢裙的上半身则逐渐演变为单独的格呢披肩(或肩带),如今多在较为正式的场合穿着。

42、Chris Hudson I'd like to buy a kilt for my wife. ─── 我想买一条短裙送给我太太。

43、William Wallace: Well, my kilt will fly up, but I'll try. ─── 哦, 那样我的裙子会飞起来,但是我会去做。

44、The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid which is now worn at more formal events。 ─── 大格呢裙的上半身则逐渐演变为单独的格呢披肩,如今多在较为正式的场合穿着。

45、4. What does a Scotsman wear underneath his kilt? ─── 苏格兰男子在短裙下面穿著什麽?

46、He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath. ─── 他身穿罗马人的褶叠短裙,头戴桂冠。

47、was reputedly at the behest of an Englishman running an ironworks at Invergarry who felt his kilted employees needed a greater freedom of movement to do their work. ─── 据说该设计是应英国因弗格瑞一位钢铁厂老板的要求而做,他认为穿方格呢裙的员工在工作中需要更大的肢体自由。

48、Making the music during the party ... as a unique rockin the kilt style ! ─── 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。

49、At the front are infantrymen; to the left a Lewis gunner , to the right a kilted soldier with a Vickers machine gun. ─── 在前面的步兵,向左边一刘易斯炮手,右边一个有维克斯机枪打褶的士兵。

50、Tradition has it that a "true Scotsman" should wear nothing under his kilt. ─── 根据传统,“真正的苏格兰男人短裙下应该什么都不穿。

51、kilt skirt ─── 褶叠短裙

52、Maybe its time to see Tangiers a different life-style some different fears and maybe I should be Edinburgh in a kilt in Edinburgh ─── 也许该是时候去看看丹吉尔那迥异的生活方式,那不同的担心恐惧也许我应该去爱丁堡,在爱丁堡身着一件苏格兰短裙

53、From the waist down, the feileadh mor resembled a modern kilt while the remaining material above the waist was draped over the shoulder and pinned there. ─── 从腰部以下看,大格呢裙与现代的方格呢裙类似,而腰部以上的其余布料则搭在肩上并扣牢。

54、The "woman" is a kilted Scot, and the "monster" is his bagpipe.The Scot challenges Bugs to a game of golf. ─── 苏格兰之旅 My Bunny Lies over the sea剧情简介: In Scotland, Bugs Bunny rescues a woman from a monster.

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