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levator 发音

英:[ləˈveɪtər]  美:[lɪˈveɪtə(r)]

英:  美:

levator 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 提肌


levator 网络释义

n. [解剖] 提肌;脑骨碎片镊子

levator 词性/词形变化,levator变形


levator 短语词组

1、levator menti ─── [医] 颏提肌

2、levator palati ─── [医] 腭帆提肌

3、levator anguli oris ─── [医] 口角提肌

4、musculi levator palpebrae superioris ─── [医] 上睑提肌

5、musculi levator labii superioris ─── [医] 眶下头(上唇方肌)

6、levator hernia ─── [医] 阴部疝

7、musculi levator scapulae ─── [医] 肩胛提肌

8、musculi levator prostatae ─── [医] 前列腺提肌

9、levator labii inferioris ─── [医] 下唇提肌

10、levator syndrome ─── [医]提肌综合征

11、musculi levator veli palatini ─── [医] 腭帆提肌

12、levator muscle of rib ─── 肋骨上提肌

13、levator pharyngeus ─── [医] 茎突咽肌

14、musculi levator labii inferioris ─── [医] 下唇提肌

15、levator muscle of superior lid ─── 上盖提肌

16、musculi levator ani ─── [医] 肛提肌

17、musculi levator glandulae thyreoideae ─── [医] 甲状腺提肌

18、levator labii superioris ─── [医] 上唇提肌

19、musculi levator anguli oris ─── [医] 口角提肌, 犬齿肌

levator 相似词语短语

1、elevatory ─── adj.升高的;向上举的

2、levators ─── n.[解剖]提肌;脑骨碎片镊子

3、elevator ─── n.电梯;升降机;升降舵;起卸机

4、elevators ─── n.电梯(elevator的复数形式);升降机

5、levitator ─── 悬浮器

6、legator ─── n.立遗嘱者,遗赠者

7、levigator ─── 水磨机;研粉器

8、deviator ─── n.偏差器;偏量

9、levatores ─── n.提肌;脑骨碎片镊子(levator的变形)

levator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords blepharoptosis;frontal aponeurosis flay;levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis; ─── 上睑下垂;提上睑肌腱膜瓣;额肌腱膜瓣;

2、30 cases were found with infiltrating surrounding deep tissue, especially swelling of palatosalpingeus and levator veli palatini and lossing of adipose space; ─── 周围深部组织浸润30例,其中腭帆提肌和腭帆张肌肿胀、脂肪间隙消失多见;

3、nerve of levator muscle ─── 提上睑肌神经, 上睑提肌神经

4、laminae profunda musculus levator palpebrae superioris ─── 提上睑肌深层

5、Recession of levator palpebrae superioris for severe congenital lapsus palpebrae superioris ─── 提上睑肌缩短术治疗重度先天性上睑下垂

6、Superior levator muscle resection combined superior transverse ligment advancement for the treatment of severe congenital ptosis ─── 上睑提肌缩短上横韧带徙前治疗重度上睑下垂

7、musculi levator glandulae thyreoideae ─── [医] 甲状腺提肌

8、Marcus Gunn ptosis treated by levator myectomy and frontalis tendon suspension ─── 提睑肌切除额肌腱膜悬吊术治疗marcus Gunn 上睑下垂

9、Measurement of the pubic portion of the levator ani muscle in women with unilateral defects in 3-D models from MR images ─── 在磁共振构建的3-D模型中测量单侧肌肉缺陷患者耻骨部分的肛提肌

10、RESULTS: The result of each operation had its advantages and complications. Levator plication was an ideal surgical method for the current. ─── 结果:每种手术均有其优点及并发症,提上睑肌折叠术为目前较为理想的手术方法。

11、Evaluation on levator ani muscle injuries after vaginal delivery with MRI ─── MRI对分娩并发肛提肌损伤的评价研究

12、musculi levator veli palatini ─── [医] 腭帆提肌

13、musculus levator labii superioris ─── 提上唇肌, 上唇提肌, 上唇方肌

14、The pudendal nerve provides the major nerve supply to the striated sphincter and levator ani. ─── 外括约肌和提肛肌的主要支配神经为阴部神经。

15、Keywords Congenital ptosis;Levat or advancement;Frontalis suspension;Ocul ar surface; ─── 先天性上睑下垂;上睑提肌缩短术;额肌肌瓣悬吊术;眼表;

16、musculus levator ─── 提肌

17、Study of morphlogical changes in levator ani muscle of patients with stress urinary incontinence ─── 压力性尿失禁及盆底组织膨出患者肛提肌肌纤维直径和分型的研究

18、When patients are instructed to perform sphincter exercises postoperatively, they are actually contracting the levator ani musculature. ─── 当患者需要进行术后外括约肌收缩训练时,他们可以收缩提肛肌。

19、musculi levator labii superioris alaeque nasi ─── [医] 内眦头(上唇方肌)

20、Keywords: Levator veli palatini, Motor nerve, Animal testing, ─── 关键词:腭帆提肌,运动神经,动物实验

21、levator muscle of upper eyelid tucking technique ─── 提上睑肌折叠术

22、The procedure of levator muscle shortening and superior transverse ligament suspension for severe congenital ptosis ─── 提上睑肌缩短联合上横韧带悬吊术矫正上睑下垂

23、lengthing af levator muscle/methods ─── 提上睑肌延长术/方法

24、musculi levator labii superioris ─── [医] 眶下头(上唇方肌)

25、shortening levator palpebrae superioris ─── 上睑提肌缩短术

26、AbstractFolding of lid levator and frontal muscle aponeurosis suspension in the treatment of severe blepharoptosis ─── 提上睑肌折叠术联合额肌力悬吊术治疗中重度上睑下垂

27、The Outcome of Levator Shortening Operation with Ameliorated Adjustable Suture ─── 提上睑肌缩短调整缝线改良术的疗效分析

28、Contraction of the levetor labii superioris , zygomatic minor, and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi elevate the upper lip;contraction of the depressor labii inferioris depress the lower lip. ─── 提上唇肌、小颧肌、提鼻翼肌的收缩动作会牵动上唇,使之往上移动,而降下唇肌则掌管下唇的收缩及下拉。

29、Lengthening of the levator muscle ─── 提上睑肌延长术

30、Keywords stress urinary incontinence;levator ani muscle;pelvic floor fascia;estrogen receptor; ─── 压力性尿失禁;肛提肌;盆底筋膜;雌激素受体;

31、C. Pelvic floor electrical stimulation with a vaginal or anal probe produces a contraction of the levator ani muscle. ─── 用阴道或肛门的探针来进行盆底的电刺激治疗可收缩肛提肌。

32、levator palpebrae superioris muscle ─── 提上睑肌, 上睑提肌

33、The opposite movement of downward rotation is brought about through the action of the rhomboids and the levator scapulae. ─── 和下旋相反的活动是通过菱形肌、提肩岬肌产生的。

34、Quantitative analysis of sensory neurons innervating the muscle levator ani in rats with anorectal malformation ─── 先天性肛门直肠畸形胎鼠支配肛提肌感觉神经元定量研究

35、Keywords Orbital implant;Blepharoptosis;Levator palpebrae superioris;Upper_cross ligament;Enforcement surgery; ─── 义眼台;上睑下垂;上睑提肌;眶上横韧带;加强手术;

36、The role of releasing the fibrous bundles across levator muscle in correcting congenital blepharoptosis ─── 上睑提肌内限制韧带松解在治疗先天性上睑下垂中的意义

37、pleating of levator palpebrae superioris ─── 提上睑肌折迭术, 上睑提肌折叠术, 上睑提肌折迭术

38、recession of levator palpebrae superioris ─── 上睑提肌退缩术

39、operation of levator palpebra resected ─── 上睑提肌缩短

40、The anterior portion of the levator ani can be divid ed into two layers, the upper layer belonged to the pubococcygeus muscle; ─── 前列腺提肌(或耻骨阴道肌)止于会阴体;

41、CONCLUSION:UBM is a covenient, non-invasive test which can be used to measure the thickness of the levator palpebrae muscle. ─── 结论:超声生物显微镜是一种便捷、非侵入性且可以比较精确测量提上睑肌厚度的方法。

42、Operation essential: Separating and shortening levator muscle from superior transverse ligament to correct ptosis. ─── 手术要点:自上横韧带上分离缩短提上睑肌矫正上睑下垂。

43、electrical connection in the photoelectrics levator involves electronics. ─── 光电升降机嗉的电气连接涉及到电子学。


45、Shortening Effects of Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle on Moderate and Severe Congenital Blepharoptosis ─── 提上睑肌缩短术治疗中重度先天性上睑下垂的效果分析

46、Plication of levator for blepharoptosis ─── 提肌折术用于睑下垂

47、Shortening of levator palpebrae superioris muscle in treating moderate and severe congenital blepharoptosis ─── 提上睑肌缩短术在治疗中重度先天性上睑下垂中的应用

48、musculus levator labii superior ─── 上唇提肌

49、levator labii superioris alaeque nasi ─── 上唇鼻翼提肌, 提上唇鼻翼肌

50、nasal head of levator labii superioris ─── 上唇方肌内眦头

51、levator muscle of upper lip and ala of nose ─── 提上唇鼻翼肌

52、Superior levator palpebrae muscle ─── 上提睑肌

53、Total length of tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatial, palatoglossal and palatopharyngcal muscle were demonstrated on coronal images in 10 cases. ─── 10例资料在冠状位像均可显示腭帆张肌、腭帆提肌、腭舌肌、腭咽肌行程。

54、Levator palpebrae superioris shortening ─── 提上睑肌缩短术

55、Contraction of the levetor labii superioris, zygomatic minor, and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi elevate the upper lip; contraction of the depressor labii inferioris depress the lower lip. ─── 提上唇肌、颧肌、提鼻翼肌的收缩动作会牵动上唇,使之往上移动,而降下唇肌则掌管下唇的收缩及下拉。

56、levator palpebrae superioris ─── 上眼睑提肌, 提上睑肌, 上睑提肌

57、Modified Levator Muscle Shortness for the Correction of Congenital Ptosis with Severe Cases ─── 提上睑肌缩短改良术矫正重度上睑下垂

58、Levator palpebrae superior musculoaponeuroticflap - frontalis anastomosis for the treatment of severe congenital ptosis ─── 上睑提肌腱膜瓣-额肌吻合治疗重度上睑下垂

59、Keywords blepharoptosis;recurrent shortening of levator palpebrae superioric strengthen of supertransverse ligament; ─── 上睑下垂;复发性;提上睑肌缩短术;上横韧带加强术;

60、laminae superficialis musculus levator palpebrae superioris ─── 提上睑肌浅层

61、musculus levator labii inferioris ─── 下唇提肌

62、Observation of treatment of less rectified congenital ptosis by another shortening levator surgery ─── 提上睑肌缩短治疗先天性上睑下垂术后欠矫的再手术观察

63、Keywords ptosis;resection of levator aponeurosis; ─── 上睑下垂;上睑提肌缩短术;改进;

64、Keywords moderate and severe congenital blepharo ptosis;levator palpebrae s uperioris muscle shortening; ─── 中重度先天性上睑下垂;提上睑肌缩短术;

65、we prevent or repair levator trauma? ─── 我们可否预防和修补肛提肌损伤?。

66、Marcus-Gunn syndrome, also called jaw-winking syndrome, is a rare disease characterized by combined movements of musculus levator palpabrae and masseter muscles, whose etiology is far from clear and treatment used to be symptomatic. ─── Marcus-Gunn综合征是一种罕见的眼病,又称下颌瞬目综合征。 患眼的提上睑肌与咀嚼肌发生异常联合运动。

67、Active continence is achieved by voluntary contraction of the levator ani musculature, which surrounds the apex of the prostate and membranous urethra. ─── 前列腺尖部和膜部周围的提肛肌的主动收缩可以导致主动性控尿。

68、levator muscle of superior lid ─── 上睑提肌

69、Keywords blepharoptosis/treatment lid levator fold/treat use frontal muscle aponeurosis suspension/treat use; ─── 上睑下垂/治疗;提上睑肌;折叠/治疗应用;额肌悬吊/治疗应用;

70、musculi levator labii inferioris ─── [医] 下唇提肌

71、musculi levator palpebrae superioris ─── [医] 上睑提肌

72、The opposite movement of downward rotation is brought about through the action of the rhomboids and the levator scapulae. ─── 和下旋相反的活动是通过菱形

73、Keywords Blepharoptosis Pleating of levator palpebrae superioris Anastomosis of frontal muscle; ─── 上睑下垂;提上睑肌折叠术;额肌吻合术;

74、Shortening of levator palpebrae superioris muscle and transverse ligament suspension in treating severe congenital blepharoptosis. ─── 提上睑肌缩短加上横韧带加强治疗重度先天性上睑下垂。

75、levator veli palatini muscle ─── 岩悬雍垂肌

76、levator muscle of angle of mouth ─── 提口角肌

77、Levator labii superioris muscle ─── 提上唇肌

78、Cystourethropexy by levator muscle sling ─── 提肌悬吊行膀胱尿道固定术

79、Frontalis aponeurosis flay and levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis flay on treatment of complete blepharoptosis ─── 提上睑肌腱膜瓣与额肌腱膜瓣悬吊在重度上睑下垂中的应用

80、levator muscle of upper eyelid ─── 提上睑肌

81、Conclusion Congenital ptosis can be effectively treated by maximum shortening of upper eyelid levator muscle. ─── 目的探讨应用提上睑肌缩短术治疗中重度先天性上睑下垂的效果。

82、Study of morphological changes in levator ani muscle of patients with stress urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse ─── 压力性尿失禁及盆底组织膨出患者肛提肌形态学的观察

83、The electrical connection in the photoelectric s levator involves electronics. ─── 光电升降机嗉的电气连接涉及到电子学。

84、Operation essential:Separating and shortening levator muscle from superior transverse ligament to correct ptosis. ─── 手术要点:自上横韧带上分离缩短提上睑肌矫正上睑下垂。

85、Correction of complete blepharoptosis with suspension by frontalis muscle flap and levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis flap ─── 上睑提肌腱膜瓣与额肌瓣悬吊缝合矫正重度上睑下垂

86、Resection of levator aponeurosis ─── 提上肌缩短术

87、The opposite movement of downward rotation is brought about through the action of the rhomboids and the levator scapulae ─── 和下旋相反的活动是通过菱形肌、提肩岬肌产生的。

88、Objective To investigate the fiber types composition and distribution in levator veli palatini of the congenital cleft palate. ─── 目的探讨先天性腭裂患者的腭帆提肌肌纤维型组成和分布,借以了解先天性腭裂患者肌纤维特点。

89、Keywords Congenital ptosis;Levator muscle resection;Frontalis muscle-fascial flap suspension; ─── 先天性上睑下垂;上睑提肌缩短术;额肌筋膜瓣悬吊术;

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