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09-20 投稿


Bergen 发音

英:  美:

Bergen 中文意思翻译



Bergen 词性/词形变化,Bergen变形


Bergen 短语词组

1、lineage logistics bergen op zoom ─── 沿袭物流卑尔根op zoom

2、candice bergen husband ─── 坎迪斯·伯根丈夫

3、university of bergen ─── 卑尔根大学

4、Bergen-Belsen ─── 贝尔根— ─── 贝尔森(德国两个相邻村庄, 纳粹曾在此设集中营)

5、candice bergen ─── 甘蒂丝·柏根(女子名)[人名]坎迪斯·伯根

Bergen 相似词语短语

1、bergens ─── n.卑尔根市(位于挪威西南部)

2、bergenia ─── n.岩白菜属植物

3、berley ─── n.撒食;欺瞒;愚蠢

4、Bergen ─── n.卑尔根市(位于挪威西南部)

5、beret ─── n.贝雷帽;n.(Beret)人名;(西)贝雷特

6、Tinbergen ─── n.廷伯根

7、bergs ─── n.山,群山;(theBerg)南非德拉肯斯山脉;abbr.冰山(iceberg)

8、bergere ─── 围手椅(尤指18世纪法国式藤条椅子)

9、bergenias ─── 岩白菜

Bergen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Hakonshallen, the most beautiful monument in the city, lies within the walls of Bergen's fortress. ─── 市内最美丽的遗迹Hakonshallen位于卑尔根堡的城墙之内,

2、L.A.R.S., BERGEN, NORWAY ─── L.A.R.S.,卑尔根,挪威

3、There is a large park in the centre of Bergen which is taken up almost completely by an octagonal lake, around which, lie some of the principal museums in the city. ─── 卑尔根市中心有一个大公园。整个公园几乎被一个八角湖所覆盖,它周围聚集了市内主要的博物馆。

4、The content of this page is from the BERGEN port or BERGEN customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自BERGEN港口或BERGEN海关的进出口公司目录;

5、Carl-Ludwig Diego Von Bergen ─── 柏尔根(1872-1944),德国人,驻华外交官。

6、Institution for light, energy and sustainable building at Bergen Architect School, Norway ─── 挪威博根建筑师学院

7、She made her own recitals at “Troldhaugen” in Bergen, Music Academy in Stavanger and at Svalbard (Spitzbergen). ─── 她在挪威卑尔根,斯塔万格音乐学院和斯瓦尔巴特群岛等地举办了钢琴独奏音乐会。

8、Objective:To analyse the relation bergen acute respiratory infection in children and meteorologic factors,and establish a predictin model finally. ─── 目的:探讨金乡地区几种气象因子对儿童急性呼吸道感染发生的影响,并建立预测模型,为降低这类疾病的发病率提供依据。

9、Stankiewicz B. A., van Bergen P. F., Smith M. B., Carter J. F., Briggs D. E. G., and Evershed R. P., Journal of Analytical Applied Pyrolysis, Vol.45, 1998, pp. 133-151. ─── 柘植新,大谷肇著,金熹高等译,高分辨裂解色层原理与高分子裂解图谱集,中国科学技术出版社,1993年6月。

10、Bergen,a port lying in the southeast of the country,is crowded with brightly coloured houses,which belonged to German traders of the powerful Hanseatic League. ─── 挪威东南港城卑尔根,布满了许多颜色鲜艳的小房子,它们属于汉萨联盟的德国商人们。

11、1987 National Academy of Art and Design, Bergen, Diploma ─── 1987年毕业于伯根国立艺术与设计学院

12、Thanks for the nice comment. This photo was taken during a trip to Bergen in October 2003. ─── 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。

13、Favre started the game with a back three consisting of Simunic, Friedrich and von Bergen. ─── 法弗雷以由希姆尼奇、弗里德里希、范伯根组成的三后卫阵型开场。

14、When he made his mix he had been living more or less isolated for years in a old house in the countryside outside of Bergen, Norway. ─── 在创作他的重新混音版本时,他已经在卑尔根郊外的老屋中住了几年,多少有点与世隔绝。

15、Conference on Sustainable Development, Science and Policy in Bergen ─── 卑尔根持续发展、科学和政策会议

16、Holiday Inn Orangeburg - Rockland / Bergen: Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

17、Festivals: Rotterdam IFF, Karlovy Vary IFF, Flanders IFF, Cairo IFF, Bergen IFF, Kiev IFF, Sao Paulo Mostra, Pusan IFF, Stockholm IFF ─── 参加电影节:鹿特丹,卡罗维发利,佛兰德斯,开罗,卑尔根,基辅,圣保罗影展,釜山,斯德哥尔摩

18、By 1898, the route had been lengthened to start at Bergen in the south, extending northward to Kirkenes, far above the Arctic Circle. ─── 到1898年,这一航线已扩展到南边的波根,北至北极圈腹地的科科恩斯。

19、Bergen makes it clear that she was at best misleading about the actions of the administration. ─── Bergen清楚的阐明,她是政府行动中最令人误解的一个人。

20、Bergen Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Development in the ECE Region ─── 欧洲经委会区域可持续发展问题卑尔根部长宣言

21、On this question, I agreed with Bergen School and opposed Weitz’s point. ─── 维特根斯坦强调审美的文化环境,文化在他看来不是某种抽象的东西,而是具体的生活形式。

22、She is the lead author of a study by a team from Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital and the University of Bergen in Norway. ─── 她是来自哈佛的布莱罕和妇女医院和挪威的卑尔根大学所领导的研究小组里的主要作者。

23、In 1995 I had the opportunity to serve as visiting scholar at the University of Bergen (Universitet i Bergen) in the ancient capital city of Bergen, Norway. ─── 我曾于1995年在挪威古都卑尔根的卑尔根大学担任访问学者两个月,在这两个月的观察中认为这个国家可提?

24、The Hakonshallen, the most beautiful monuments in the city, lies within the wails of Bergen's fortress. ─── 整个公园几乎被一个八角湖锁覆盖,湖周围坐落着市内一些主要的博物馆。

25、Arthur R. Bergen, Vijay Vittal. Power systems analysis. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, c2000. ─── 何仰赞等,电力系统分析(上下册),武汉:华中理工大学出版社出版,1996

26、According to the nonlinear medium theory given by Bloem bergen and Pershan, we have solved Maxwell equations by using pertubution method in power of the surface roughness parameter. ─── 依据Bloembergen和Pershan关于非线性介质的理论,用微扰论方法求解了麦克斯韦方程.

27、Universitetet i Bergen ─── 卑尔根大学

28、Bergen Corpus of London Teenager Language, COLT ─── 卑尔根的伦敦少年英语口语语料库

29、He was supposed to go back to Bergen on the last bus, but of course the accident prevented him. ─── 他本应坐最后一班公共汽车回卑尔根,但当然,这场意外拦住了他。

30、An ocean model developed by the Bergen University in Norway (BOM, Bergen Ocean Model) was coupled with a state of art sea ice model CSIM4 (Community Sea Ice Model Version 4). ─── 对挪威卑尔根大学发展的海洋模式BOM(Bergen Ocean Model)与集成最新海冰模式发展成果的海冰模式CSIM4(Community Sea Ice Model Version 4)进行了耦合,对北极海冰的气候变率进行了模拟。

31、one of the older cities was Bergen Norway who's old town dated back 800 years A.D. that was locked in time from it's original construction. ─── 其中一个较古老的城市是挪威的卑尔根,它有着可追溯至公元800年的古镇,而它从它的最初的建筑起全被锁在时间里。

32、Bergen Conference on Sustainable Development; ─── 可持续发展问题卑尔根会议;

33、He is also the father of actress Candice Bergen. ─── 他也是演员甘蒂丝·柏根的父亲。

34、The Admiralty sanctioned Admiral Forbes'plan for attacking Bergen, but later warned him that he must no longer count on the defences being friendly. ─── 海军部核准了福布斯海军上将进攻卑尔根的计划,但后来又警告他不应该指望防御的一方仍是友好的国家。

35、The North Atlantic inter-annual variability associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is examined in a 300 years integration of Bergen Climate Model (BCM). ─── 检验了一个全球海气耦合模式对北大西洋年际气候变率的模拟,讨论了导致这种年际变率型的物理机制,并分析了其对年代际变率的可能影响。

36、Bergen National Academy of The Arts - KhiB ─── 卑尔根国家艺术学院

37、Seeking GOOD GUYS for my beautiful blonde best friend.. seriously! - 23 (north bergen area ─── 为我的金发女性好朋友(23岁)征好男友,有诚意者看过来!

38、The Hotel de Dennen provides a comfortable base in charming Bergen aan Zee, along the North Sea. ─── 您可以享受简约而又高雅的住宿环境以及迷人的花园露台。

39、Days Inn Hotel North- North Bergen ─── 北卑尔根假日酒店

40、Bergen Paul D. ─── 柏尔根(1860-1915),美国人,来华传教士,曾任广文学堂校长。

41、Candice Bergen ─── 甘蒂丝·柏根

42、Mack Sennett, Edgar Bergen, W. Howard Greene Museum of Modern Art Film Library ─── 现代艺术博物院电影图书馆

43、From Voss, you can continue your journey by train to Bergen or Oslo. ─── 景色还是比不过川藏阿!

44、Candice Bergen and William Shatner manage the pageant and hire Michael Caine to turn Bullock from rough and tumble agent to stunning beauty queen. ─── 为了改造姬丝,联邦密探重金礼聘选美仪态顾问域陀,负责为姬丝改头换面。

45、Bergen Regional Conference ─── 卑尔根区域会议

46、Bergen Conference ─── 卑尔根会议

47、Bergen, a port lying in the southwest of the country, is crowded with brightly colored houses, which belonged to German traders of the powerful Hanseatic league. ─── 在卑尔根,挪威西南部港市,颜色鲜艳的房子星罗棋布,这些房子属于强大的汉撒联盟的德国商人们。

48、Bergen Conference on Sustainable Development ─── 可持续发展问题卑尔根会议

49、9. Objective:To analyse the relation bergen acute respiratory infection in children and meteorologic factors,and establish a predictin model finally. ─── 目的:探讨金乡地区几种气象因子对儿童急性呼吸道感染发生的影响,并建立预测模型,为降低这类疾病的发病率提供依据。收藏指正

50、Hinter der Bergen, strahlen die Sonnen, ─── 在山之背、太阳照耀之处,

51、Bergen Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Development in the ECE Region; ─── 欧洲经委会区域可持续发展问题卑尔根部长宣言;

52、Climate Impacts of the Decadal and Interannual Variability of the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation in Bergen Climate Model ─── 卑尔根气候模式中大西洋热盐环流年代际与年际变率的气候影响

53、In 1981 Gaarder moved to Bergen and began to teach high school philosophy, a career that he continued for eleven years. ─── 在1981年转移到卑尔根Gaarder,并开始教高中哲学,他的职业生涯持续了十一年。

54、The Admiralty sanctioned Admiral Forbes' plan for attacking Bergen, but later warned him that he must no longer count on the defenses being friendly. ─── 海军部核准了福布斯海军上将进攻卑尔根的计划,但后来又警告他不应该指望防御的一方仍是友好的国家。

55、Huaxia Chinese School Bergen Branch ─── 华夏中文学校博根分校

56、Bergen Candice ─── 康迪斯·伯根

57、48. Bergen, a port lying in the southeast of the country, is crowded with brightly coloured houses, which belonged to German traders of the powerful Hanseatic League. ─── 卑尔根,挪威东南港城,布满了许多颜色鲜艳的小房子,它们属于汉萨联盟的德国商人们。

58、Valdivia told The Record of Bergen County the theft must have occurred between 1 a.m., when her husband went to bed, and 5 a.m., when she awoke. ─── 瓦尔迪维亚告诉卑尔根县报社,盗窃一定是发生在凌晨1时她丈夫上床睡觉和临晨5点她醒来这段时间之内。

59、A city of southwest Norway south of Bergen on an inlet of the North Sea. ─── 斯塔凡格挪威西南部一城市,位于卑尔根以南,北海一入口处。

60、Bergen's lachrymal probe ─── 伯根(氏)泪管探针

61、of Bergen which is taken up almost completely by an octagonal lake, around which, lie some of the principal museums in the city. ─── 卑尔根市中心有一个大公园。整个公园几乎被一个八角湖所覆盖,它周围聚集了市内主要的博物馆。

62、You get the best view over bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere. It's easy to admire Norwegians for their unique way of respecting the nature! ─── 在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。在这儿,我们将由衷的对挪威人尊崇自然的独特方式而感叹。

63、But a plague pit in the Dutch town of Bergen op Zoom has bacteria of a different strain, which the researchers infer arrived from Norway. ─── 而荷兰的卑尔根镇(BergenopZoom)的瘟疫细菌却属于不同的品种,研究者们推断它们源自挪威。

64、Bergen Investment Corporation Shanghai Rep. Office ─── 挪威博亘投资有限公司上海代表处

65、At Bergen’s Fish Market, you can buy fresh tasty, classic shrimp-and-cucumber on baguette sandwiches. ─── 在卑尔根的水产市场,你可以买到不少新鲜的美味,比如夹着龙虾肉和黄瓜片的法式三明治。

66、Jay Shapiro - Classic Realty Group - Serving the Bergen County area. Includes a resume, buyer and seller tips, services provided, testimonials and office information. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

67、Bergen Edgar ─── 爱德加·伯根

68、Oslo National College of the Arts Kunsthgskolen in Bergen ─── 两所艺术学院

69、Bergen Evans and Cornelia.Evans,A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage. ─── 柏根·爱文斯 柯尼丽亚·爱文斯 ?代美国英?用法?典

70、You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere. It's easy to admire Norwegians for their unique way of respecting the nature! ─── 在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。在这儿,我们将由衷的对挪威人尊崇自然的独特方式而感叹。

71、Transient response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to enhanced freshwater input to the Nordic Seas - Arctic Ocean in the Bergen Climate Model ─── 在Bergen气候模式里大西洋欧洲南部翻转环流对提高淡水输入到北欧北冰洋的瞬间反应

72、The next day, the Norwegian made it to Bergen. ─── 第二天,挪威人也到了卑尔根。

73、One only has to look at Inge De Bruijn and observe the fantastically efficient stroke she has developed with her super coaches, Paul Bergen and Jacco Verhaeren. ─── 你观看德布鲁因(的比赛)会观察到她由她的超级教练Paul Bergen 和Jacco Verhaeren培养出来的美妙的高效率划水。

74、Bergen Brunswig ─── 伯根布鲁斯威格(财富500强公司之一, 总部所在地美国, 主要经营批发)

75、Book online the cheapest hotels in Bergen - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Bergen 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

76、We end up in Bergen, Norway's best-preserved medieval city, taking in views that inspired composer Edvard Grieg. ─── 在挪威现存中世纪风味十足的柏根,看完给予著名作曲家格里格无限灵感的美景,行程告一段落。

77、Conference on Sustainable Development, Science and Policy in Bergen; ─── 卑尔根持续发展、科学和政策会议;

78、While residing in the Bergen University family housing, one of my neighbors happened to be a student from Bangladesh who also taught at a Bergen elementary school. ─── 当我住在卑尔根大学的宿舍时,邻居有一个自孟加拉的研究生也在卑尔根的小学教书。

79、Bergen, Pual D. ─── 柏尔根

80、Scandic Bergen Airport also has a play area for children in the restaurant. ─── 在这里,孩子可以在游戏室玩乐或到花园与兔子玩耍。

81、From north to south, from Lapland to Oslo and Bergen, Norwegian people has convinced us, with time, that human beings, as the most advanced yet most vulnerable in the grand family of nature, can live in harmony with all its other members. ─── 从北到南,从拉普兰到奥斯陆和卑尔根,挪威人用时间向我们证明了:人类作为自然大家庭中最高级但也是最脆弱的一分子,能够与其他成员融洽地生活在一起。

82、You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere ─── 在观景台上能看到卑尔根的最好风光--海湾及周围的葱葱群山。

83、As one of the nation's largest drug distributors, Amerisource Bergen has been an obvious beneficiary of the booming generics business. ─── 作为美国最大的药品销售商之一,美源伯根公司显然是一般药品市场蓬勃发展的受益者。

84、Bergen National Academy of the Arts ─── 奥斯陆大学艺术、设计与戏剧学院

85、It certainly looks like it has some promise, with some very well-known women signed up as commentators such as Candice Bergen, Marlo Thomas, Lily Tomlin, Whoopi Goldberg and others. ─── 当然这其中还有不少知名女性的参与,例如坎蒂斯伯根、马洛托马斯、莉莉汤姆林、乌比哥德堡等等,她们都签约为该网站的评论员。

86、Olympic Hercules Aalesund by the docs in Bergen - tied up ; ─── 奥林匹克的赫拉克勒斯奥勒松图片 Olympic Hercules Aalesund 3.

87、New Jersey的Bergen County, New York State的Westchester, Connecticut的Greenwich Village, Long Island的Hampton, 我感觉life比住在City里好... ─── 当然钱多的就是城里一套公寓,长岛一撞别墅了...

88、You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountai from the belvedere. ─── 在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。

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