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09-21 投稿


jobbery 发音

英:['dʒɒb(ə)rɪ]  美:['dʒɑbəri]

英:  美:

jobbery 中文意思翻译



jobbery 短语词组

1、practise jobbery ─── 干点活

jobbery 相似词语短语

1、slobbery ─── adj.潮湿的;流口水的;过于伤感的;懒散的

2、bobbery ─── n.骚动;大骚乱;adj.麻烦的;吵闹的

3、bibbery ─── n.酒鬼(bibber的变形)

4、robbery ─── n.抢劫,盗窃;抢掠

5、snobbery ─── n.势利,谄上欺下;摆绅士架子;势利的行为或语言

6、yobbery ─── n.粗鲁行为,无赖行为

7、cobblery ─── 鹅卵石

8、jobbers ─── n.批发商(jobber的复数)

9、jobber ─── n.批发商;股票经纪人;临时工

jobbery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Party B causes great loss to Party A due to its breach of duty and jobbery. ─── 乙方严重失职,营私舞弊,给甲方利益造成重大损失。

2、In the internalized-externalized mechanism, jobbery crime psychology shows two tendencies. ─── 在内外化机制中,职务犯罪心理主要呈现两种发展趋势。

3、Wong re-opens Hung's case but arouses the official's suspicion of him practising jobbery. ─── 往为红翻案,被巡按误会假公济私。

4、In the externalized mechanism, the motivation of jobbery crime and criminal personality are the substantial content. ─── 在外化机制中,职务犯罪动机和犯罪人格是职务犯罪心理的实质内容;

5、Party yB has serious neglect of duty, jobbery or leak out of important business information; ─── 乙方严重失职、营私舞弊、泄露重要商业信息;

6、Organization of a few rural economics is on fund management, the tendency common occurance of jobbery . ─── 一些农村经济组织在资金治理上,假公济私的倾向屡见不鲜。

7、To overdo anything public may lead to jobbery, while appropriate selfishness may promote the growth. ─── “公”字过头可能假公济私,私心适度也会促进发展。

8、In the internalized-externaliz ed mechanism, jobbery crime psychology shows two tendencies. ─── 在内外化机制中,职务犯罪心理主要呈现两种趋势。

9、He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market. ─── 他对股票买卖缺乏经验,在股票市场上吃了亏。

10、Party B causes great loss to Party A due to its breach of duty and jobbery. ─── 乙方严重失职,营私舞弊,给甲方利益造成重大损失。

11、He practiced jobbery and bought a large number of real estates in Chengdu and Chongzhou etc., once with a name of “Half Liu City”. ─── 他利用职权,中饱私囊,大肆购买房地产,在成都、崇州等地都有公馆,成都一度有“刘半城”之称。

12、Jobbery crime ─── 职务犯罪

13、practise jobbery ─── 舞弊营私

14、Key words: jobbery crime psychology; ─── 关键词:职务犯罪心理;

15、The official in our small town ask for more than ten thousands of RMB when I apply for the birth permission. is not it jobbery? ─── 我们镇上的公务员以办理第一胎准生证为名向我们索要数万元的费用。这难道不是利用职权勒索敲诈吗?

16、Key words: jobbery crime psychology; the formational mechanism; the internalized mechanism; the externalized mechanism; the internalized-externalized mechanism ─── 关键词:职务犯罪心理;生成机制;内化机制;外化机制;内外化机制

17、Organization of a few rural economics is on fund management, the tendency common occurance of jobbery. ─── 一些农村经济组织在资金治理上,假公济私的倾向屡见不鲜。

18、Jobbery crime is an extreme form of social corruption which has destoried the political probity and social justice. ─── 职务犯罪是社会腐败的一种极端形式,它腐蚀政治清明,破坏经济发展,损害社会正义。

19、stock jobbery ─── 证券经纪业

20、Firstly, those who act jobbery for others’ interest should be convicted respectively. ─── (二)其中一方利用职务便利而另一方没有利用本人职务上的便利的情形。

21、There are many controversies concerning the Crime, in the theory of criminal law and judicial practice, as one of typical malfeasance crime manifestations that state functionary carry on by jobbery. ─── 作为国家机关工作人员利用职权实施的渎职犯罪的典型表现形式之一,在我国刑法理论和司法实践中争论较多。

22、He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market. ─── 他对股票买卖缺乏经验,在股票市场上吃了亏。

23、jobbery crime psychology ─── 职务犯罪心理

24、Secondly, two subjects, with only one acting jobbery and the other not acting jobbery,we shoud convict the criminal acting a jobbery according to the nature of the crime. ─── 应以利用职务便利实施犯罪的行为人的犯罪性质定罪。

25、The official in our small town ask for more than ten thousands of RMB when I apply for the birth permission. is not it jobbery? ─── 我们镇上的公务员以办理第一胎准生证为名向我们索要数万元的费用。这难道不是利用职权勒索敲诈吗?

26、In the externalized mechanism, the motivation of jobbery crime and criminal personality are the substantial content. ─── 在外化机制中,职务犯罪动机和犯罪人格是职务犯罪心理的实质;

27、The Theory of the Jobbery Official Order and the Falsity from the Contrived Account Information ─── 从寻租理论看会计信息人为失真

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