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09-20 投稿


liberalizing 发音

英:[ˈlɪbrəlaɪzɪŋ]  美:[ˈlɪbrəlaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

liberalizing 中文意思翻译



liberalizing 同义词

kindness | liberalness | free thought | charity | open-mindedness | openness |breadth | tolerance

liberalizing 词性/词形变化,liberalizing变形

名词: liberalization |动词过去分词: liberalized |动词过去式: liberalized |动词现在分词: liberalizing |动词第三人称单数: liberalizes |

liberalizing 短语词组

1、liberalizing capital account ─── 资本账户自由化

2、liberalizing trade ─── 贸易自由化

3、liberalizing project ─── 项目自由化

liberalizing 反义词


liberalizing 相似词语短语

1、lateralizing ─── v.(大脑)表现偏侧性

2、mineralizing ─── v.矿化(mineralize的ing形式);成矿酌

3、illiberalising ─── 非自由化

4、federalizing ─── vt.使同盟;使成联邦

5、generalizing ─── 归纳

6、illiberalizing ─── 不自由化

7、literalizing ─── v.照字面,按照字面意义解释

8、liberalising ─── 使自由化

9、fiberizing ─── vi.纤维化;成纤维;vt.使…成纤维;使…纤维化

liberalizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We have encouraged and supported China's strategy of liberalizing the economy, introducing market reforms, expanding economic freedoms and opening to the outside world. ─── 我们鼓励并支持中国的经济开放,引入市场改革,搞活经济和对外开放。

2、The IMF is getting more closely involved with China as China moves towards liberalizing its financial markets. ─── 国际货币基金会和中国的关系越来越密切,因为中国正朝著开放金融市场的方向前进。

3、Zhang Guobao saidChina is committed to liberalizing fuel prices eventually, but that ithas been delayed by the sharp rise in global oil prices, the Xinhuanews agency reported. ─── 据新华社报导,张国宝表示,中国也计划最终放开成品油价格,但全球油价飙升使得这一工作被迫暂缓。

4、margo liber ─── 游离缘独立缘

5、With finance liberalizing and globalizing since seventies of 20 century, financial innovation has emerged one after another. ─── 20世纪70年代以来,金融自由化、全球化的趋势锐不可挡,金融创新层出不穷。

6、The difference between libel and slander is that liber is printed while slander is spoken. ─── 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

7、This will put pressure on the government to lay down institutional and market infrastructure for the local bond market, including liberalizing interest rates. ─── 这将会对政府造成压力,为地方债券市场确立体制和市场基础,比如对利率放宽限制。

8、China is in the process, slowly but surely, of liberalizing its capital markets. The renminbi will eventually be fully convertible. ─── 我已经讲了——慢慢地、但稳步、切实地——中国已经处于资本市场自由化进程中,人民币最终将实现完全自由兑换。

9、ASEAN and China also signed a new deal to open access to each other's market by liberalizing services in tourism, telecoms, energy and computers. ─── 东盟和中国同样也签署了一项新的协议来打开双方在旅游,电信,能源及电子计算机方面的自由化服务市场。

10、margo liber ovarii ─── 卵巢游离缘

11、Liber, -i, m Italian god of fertility. ─── 注意这个Liber中的i是长音。

12、Undoubted, marine liberalizing is one handle Shuang Renjian. ─── 无疑,海运自由化是一柄双刃剑。

13、1. With six trade ministers from major economic powers in one room there was anticipation of a breakthrough for stalled talks on liberalizing global commerce. ─── 当六大经济体的贸易部长共聚一堂时,人们对打破持续不前的全球贸易自由化进程有了些许期望。

14、Develop within the party democratic, must hold to 4 basic principles, object bourgeois liberalizing. ─── 发展党内民主 ,必须坚持四项基本原则 ,反对资产阶级自由化。

15、(Homo liber, qui inter ignaros vivit, eorum, quantum potest, beneficia declinare studet. ─── 一个生活在无知的人群中的自由人将尽可能努力避免他们的恩惠。

16、Caloneis liber f. sinica ─── n. 离生美壁藻中华变型

17、pnagus liber ─── [医] 独立噬菌体, 家蝇葡萄球菌噬菌体

18、The Doha talks began in 2001 with the aim of liberalizing trade, and lifting milli** of people out of poverty by giving a boost to global commerce. ─── 多哈回合谈判始于2001年,目的是通过贸易自由化和刺激全球商贸来帮助数以百万计的穷人摆脱贫困。

19、All have embarked on the route of opening their markets and liberalizing their domestic economies to varying degrees. ─── 这些国家都开放了市场,在不同程度上放宽了它们的国内经济。

20、EU Commission spokesman Peter Power says the commission sees the Democratic Party as friendlier than the Republicans toward liberalizing markets and services worldwide. ─── 真正的领导魅力应该在这个时候体现出来,达成此协议还存在很大希望。

21、Several international studies suggest that the gains from liberalizing services could be substantial. ─── 几项国际研究都显示,实行服务业自由化可能会带来实质性的收益。

22、Chinese Legislative Orientation on Foreign Investment Admission Under the Liberalizing Trend of Foreign Investment Admission ─── 外资准入自由化趋势下中国外资准入立法取向

23、Let him humbly commune with Zoroaster then, and through the liberalizing influence of all the worthies, with Jesus Christ himself, and let "our church" go by the board. ─── 那末,让他谦逊地和琐罗亚斯德精神沟通,并且在一切圣贤的自由影响下,跟耶稣基督精神沟通,然后,“让我们的教会”滚开吧。

24、Responding to global energy flux, China is processing a reform on power sector, bringing out a great change in the market of electricity: liberalizing, competing and risk managing. ─── 能源是经济的基础,在世界能源变迁的大朝下,中国也在上演着能源牵动市场的变革,这在电力市场反应尤为明显。

25、secondary liber ─── 次生韧皮部

26、Effect of hirudinoid extract on intracellular liber calcium ion of retinal pigment epithelium ─── 水蛭提取液对视网膜色素上皮细胞内游离钙离子的影响

27、Health care attitudes in Japan, which has one of the lowest disclosure rates in the world (7), are only slowly liberalizing, while elsewhere in Asia data is scanty on what communication occurs. ─── 日本的医护人员是世界上其中向病人发放最少资料(7),他们只有慢慢地开放,而亚洲其他地方的数据沟通的发生。

28、Phagus liber ─── 独立噬菌体, 家蝇葡萄球菌噬菌体

29、The Liberalizing Trend of International Investment Rules and Multilateral Investment Treaty in WTO ─── 国际投资规则的自由化与WTO多边投资协议

30、In accordance with the Investment Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs' policy of liberalizing the economy, there shall be no restrictions on the investment-export ratio by overseas Chinese. ─── 经济部投资审议委员会为配合推动经济自由化与国际化,决定不再限制侨外投资人的出资比例,全由投资者自行决定。

31、Under the tendency of international investment liberalizing,every country must take some measures in the legislation of foreign capital. ─── 在国际投资自由化的趋势下,各国在外资立法方面必然采取相应措施。

32、The challenge for the international community is to promote growth and sustainable development in a globalizing and liberalizing international economy. ─── 国际社会面临的挑战就是在全球化和自由化的国际经济中促进增长和可持续的发展。

33、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al. ─── 她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。

34、Liber scriptus proferetur, ─── 展开巨册案卷,

35、India is attempting a transformation few nations in modern history have successfully managed: liberalizing the economy within an established democratic order. ─── 印度正试图进行一场改革,该改革是近代历史上鲜有几个国家取得成功的,那就是采用民主的方式使经济自由化。

36、China's currency has appreciated more than 14% against the U.S. dollar since the government began liberalizing the exchange rate in July 2005 -- much of that in the past year. ─── 人民币兑美元汇率自2005年7月政府放松汇率管制以来已累计上涨了14%以上,其中人民币的大部分升值是在去年实现的。

37、The consideration of our country's foreign capital legislation under international investing liberalizing environment ─── 国际投资自由化背景下我国外资立法的应对思考

38、With six trade ministers from major economic powers in one room there was anticipation of a breakthrough for stalled talks on liberalizing global commerce. ─── 当来自六个经济主体国的贸易部长共处一屋时,人们期望一度中断的关于全球贸易自由化的谈判能够有所突破。

39、De oppresso liber !!!!! ─── 愿上帝保佑美国!

40、How do you avoid running into some of the same difficulties in Taiwan as you also pursue these free market policies like liberalizing prices? ─── 在台湾你按照自由价格规律以自由价格从购买这些东西时,如何避免进入类似的麻烦?

41、ASEAN and China also signed a new deal to open access to each other's markets by liberalizing services in tourism, telecoms, energy and computers. ─── 东盟和中国还签署了一项依靠在旅游,电信,能源和电脑方面实行自由化服务来开放双方市场的新协议。

42、Policy must thus focus on liberalizing the labour-intensive services sector to help offset job losses in the export sector. ─── 因此政策必须注重对劳动密集型服务领域的投入增加就业,从而抵消外向型(出口)经济领域的人口失业。

43、Navicula liber f. sinica ─── n. 离生舟形藻中国变型

44、Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura quae legis hic. aliter non fit, Avite, liber. ─── 好东西,一些平凡的东西,更多糟糕的东西,你都在这儿读到。若非这样,阿维陀,书就造不成了。

45、Third, the opinions handed down by the court have led countries to adopt trade-restrictive, rather than trade-liberalizing, measures. ─── 第三,机构的意见致使主权国家去采纳贸易限制措施而非贸易自由措施。

46、Scientific development mindset and urban-rural integration provide the theoretical basis for thoroughly liberalizing farmers. ─── 科学发展观和城乡统筹的提出为农民的彻底解放奠定了理论基础。

47、After all, other countries, such as Australia and Britain, have started liberalizing their legal professions. ─── 毕竟,像澳大利亚和英国等其他国家已经开始放开对法律行业的限制。

48、So far, Vietnam, which is intent on liberalizing its economy after joining the World Trade Organization last year, has not followed suit. ─── 截至目前,去年才加入世界贸易组织的越南为了实现经济自由化而没有步其后尘。

49、The WTO nevertheless allows member countries to go further in liberalizing trade through regional or bilateral free trade agreements(FTAs) 3. ─── 然而世贸组织允许各成员国进一步的贸易自由化是通过区域或双边自由贸易协定( FTA )。3.

50、When are you going to fully liberalizing the exchange rate regime? ─── 什么时候要完全放开银行利率的波动范围?

51、Other top Chinese financial figures have also voiced caution in recent weeks about liberalizing too quickly. ─── 就在几周前另一些中国金融业重量级人物也对开放过快提出了警告。

52、Indonesia, southeast Asia's largest economy, is especially at risk,despite liberalizing its economy and attracting heavy foreign investmentsince the Indonesian economy melted down in 1997. ─── 东南亚最大经济体印尼的风险尤其突出,虽然该国自1997年经济陷入崩溃以来实行了开放经济、大量吸引外资的政策。

53、Many Yamagata residents feel the party has gone too far in liberalizing trade and cutting public spending, Mr. ─── 在削减公共开支和贸易自由化方面,许多山形居民认为该党已经走的太远,细野先生指出。

54、Too much civil society, too little politics: Egypt and liberalizing Arab regimes; Vickie Langohr ─── 太多的公民社会,太少的政治

55、Mayor Cuddihy, who has given up hope of retrieving another book in the collection that was last seen in 1352, said he felt time was running out for getting back the Liber Secundus. ─── 该书库还有一本书,人们最后一次看见它是在1352年,对于找回此书克德黑市长已经不抱希望。

56、concept of controlling money and liberalizing price ─── “管住货币,放开价格”思想

57、The examination system of the optical liber sensor has been widely used in the large building. ─── 光纤传感检测系统在大型建筑物安全监测中已经得到了广泛的应用。

58、Furthermore, with the liberalizing of new bank openings, the amount of banks in the country has increased too much, causing negative competition. ─── 再者,开放新银行的设立,造成国内银行家数过多,形成恶性竞争。

59、but our shirts are our liber, or true bark, which cannot be removed without girdling and so destroying the man. ─── 我们的衬衣可是我们的韧皮,或者说,真正的树皮,剥下来的话,不能不连皮带肉,伤及身体的。

60、GronroosC.Marketing in service companies.Malmo liber,1883. ─── 陈小春主编,旅行社管理学,中国旅游出版社,2003年4月第1版.

61、Some progress could quickly be made by liberalizing the insurance and banking sectors; ─── 通过将保险和银行业自由化,可以很快取得一些进展。

62、I think the Internet is a great thing. It is liberalizing. ─── 我认为互联网是很好的东西,它很自由。

63、In raising interest rates this time, the central bank also gives commercial banks more freedom in setting their own interest rates, a significant move in liberalizing the rates. ─── 距今央行最后一次加息是在1995年,上一次利率的改变是在2002年,降低利率是促进缓慢经济的增长。

64、Argument: The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president. ─── 另一个看都没有看, 义无返顾地选择了这个issue, 因为这一个总有点映象啊。

65、Honorius, according to the Liber Pontificalis, came from Campania and was the son of the consul Petronius.He became pope on October 27, 625, two days after the death of his predecessor, Boniface V. ─── 关于霍诺留斯就职的日期有两种说法,一种是11月3日,另一种是10月27日。

66、The Latin saying liber ex libro expresses this idea, explaining that a book holds insights found in other books. ─── 拉丁语有这样一句谚语:“liber ex libro”,表达了这样一种思想:一本书所持有的观点是从其他书中获得的。

67、It remains to be seen whether the CEQ regulations, if they remain in effect, will be successful in liberalizing the Kleppe approach. ─── 环境质量委员会的条例(如果继续有效的话),能否成功地放宽克莱珀案中的观点,人们将拭目以待。

68、We need to continue the liberalizing of international trade. ─── 我们需要继续把国际贸易自由化。

69、In any event, they shall be subject to negotiation in subsequent trade liberalizing rounds. ─── 无论如何,此类豁免应在今后的贸易自由化回合中进行谈判。

70、The report also says liberalizing global trade in agricultural would bring 48 million people out of poverty. Agriculture provides employment for 60 percent of the working population in the region. ─── 调查报告呼吁亚太政府贯彻直接提高农业生产率的重点政策,比如将农村的贫困人口同城市和市场相连接,让农民更容易得到贷款和农作物保险服务。

71、Liber Pontificalis ─── 教宗史书

72、For example,reducing barriers to trade and investment,liberalizing prices,reform and restructuring of state owned enterprises and steps to strengthen the banking sector. ─── 例如,减少贸易和投资壁垒,放开价格,改革改组国有企业并采取措施加强银行业。

73、Such being the case, to enhance the effects and efficiency of monetary policy, it is necessary to keep on liberalizing the interest rates in order to solve the blocks in monetary transmission channel. ─── 因此,继续深化利率市场化改革,解决掉货币政策传导机制中存在的这一体制性梗阻,是提高货币政策效率的根本出路。

74、Liberalizing non-tradable stock which is majority on the stock market ─── 解决上市公司大部分股份不可流通问题

75、calyx liber ─── 离生萼

76、With the development of economy globalization, international investment will also develop in the liberalizing direction. ─── 随着经济全球化的推进,国际投资也将朝自由化的方向发展。

77、Caloneis liber ─── n. 离生美壁藻

78、liberalizing the economy ─── 经济自由化

79、Analysis of Policy Orientation for Liberalizing Cultural Service Sectors ─── 文化服务业开放的政策取向分析

80、But if China continues on its present path, growing exports too rapidly without liberalizing trade, then trouble will certainly be coming. ─── 但中国目前仍在原路上继续走——出口增长太快,且贸易缺乏自由度——那么麻烦将肯定到来。

81、How do we treat countries like China that are liberalizing economically but not politically? ─── 我们要怎样对待中国这样的国家,它对经济自由化,但对政治却是专制的?

82、margo liber unguis ─── 甲游离缘

83、Bosch says it is important to reach an agreement on liberalizing world trade as soon as possible. ─── 博施说,尽早达成一项世界贸易自由化的协议十分重要。

84、Keywords leech extract;retinal pigment epithelium;RPE;intracellular liber calcium ion; ─── 水蛭;视网膜色素上皮细胞;细胞内游离钙离子;

85、The PBoC also announced the standard stuff about reforming the exchange rate system and liberalizing financial markets. ─── 而央行也(适时的)公布了汇率系统重整和金融市场自由化的一些基本策略。

86、In order to effectively promote services trade and address the interests of developing countries, the ongoing round of GATS negotiations must aim at liberalizing the movement of natural persons. ─── 为了有效地促进服务贸易发展,以及考虑到发展中国家的比较利益,即将进行的服务贸易谈判回合必须在自然人流动自由化方面有所建树。

87、'Many believed that with China liberalizing its economy, greater political freedom would follow, but that hasn't happened, ' she said. ─── 她说,许多人曾经以为中国开放经济将带来更大的政治自由,但结果并非如此。

88、rules will probably be viewed, rightly, as liberalizing what counts as circulation, Murray said. ─── 规则也会适当的公布于众,就像公布哪些因素是用来计算发行量一样,莫里说。

89、LIBER; League of Friends of Paul; ─── 圣保罗之友联盟;

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