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09-21 投稿


lixivium 发音

英:[lɪkˈsɪvɪəm]  美:[lɪkˈsɪvɪəm]

英:  美:

lixivium 中文意思翻译



lixivium 词性/词形变化,lixivium变形


lixivium 相似词语短语

1、lixivial ─── 浸出物

2、bivium ─── n.二道体区

3、lixiviate ─── v.(用滤液)沥滤

4、lixiviums ─── n.浸出液;灰汁

5、iridium ─── n.[化学]铱(Ir)

6、diluvium ─── n.[地质]洪积层;洪积物

7、exuvium ─── n.蜕;皮屑

8、lixivious ─── 浸出的

9、lixivia ─── n.浸出液;碱汁(lixivium的复数)

lixivium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The unwanted iron ions in the lixivium were removed with ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) and other soluble impurities were stripped by washing with distilled water. Lastly the purity of the alumina product is excess 99.6 percent. ─── 此外,实验采用络合滴定法,以乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)为络合剂有效除去其中的杂质铁,用蒸馏水洗涤除去钠和其它可溶性杂质,得到纯度高于99.6%的氧化铝粉体。

2、Methods: We measured the content of water-soluble lixivium by means of sand-scorch. ─── 方法:采用砂烫法进行水浸出物含量测定。

3、The optimized extraction rate could reach 13.36% and the content of podophyllotoxin in lixivium was 2.78%. ─── 最佳条件下的验证实验表明:桃儿七鬼臼毒素提取率13.36%,浸膏纯度为2.78%。

4、Keywords waste raw material;toxicity of lixivium;determination;method; ─── 废物原料;浸出液毒性;检测;方法;

5、waste battery lixivium ─── 废电池浸出液

6、The method of acid lixivium/ISE is widely used to determine fluorine in food, but the food is extracted by acid lixivium only by once in the state standard method. ─── 摘要酸浸/电极法是当前广泛采用的测定粮食中氟含量的国家标准方法,该方法仅对样品进行一次酸液浸泡测定。


8、lixivium with arsenic ─── 含砷浸出液

9、Determination of the low content of Pt and Pd in metallurgy lixivium by active carbon concentration and colorimetric method ─── 活性炭富集、比色法测定冶金浸出液中低含量的铂、钯

10、Enlargement Test Studies of Bio-hydrogen Production Using Artificial Wastewater of Corn Stalk Fermentation Lixivium by Mixed Culture ─── 玉米秸秆发酵浸出液模拟废水发酵产氢的放大实验研究

11、red mud lixivium ─── 赤泥浸出液

12、Study on the Reducing of Iron from the Lixivium of Zinc Sulphide Concentrate with High Iron and Indium Containing ─── 高铟高铁硫化锌精矿加压浸出溶液铁的还原研究

13、optimal substrate ginseng lixivium is 30%. ─── 最适培养基为人参浸出物浓度是30%。

14、Corn is the staple food,and chili is the favorite vegetable in the coal-burning endemic fluorosis areas.Fluorine in corn can be totally extracted by acid lixivium by once. ─── 研究表明对燃煤型地氟病区的主要携氟介质玉米一次酸浸即可提取全部酸溶性氟,但辣椒却需要经过多次酸浸提取;

15、The fluorine content in the residue of acid lixivium is a constant.These factors should be taken into account when the limits is laid down for fluoride exposure and fluorine levels in foodstuff. ─── 玉米和辣椒的酸不溶态氟含量基本为一定值,这两点在制订粮食的含氟量及人体的摄氟量卫生标准时宜作适当考虑。

16、Study of antibacterial effect of earthworm lixivium on escherichia coli ─── 蚯蚓浸出液对大肠杆菌抑菌效果的研究

17、Conclusion : The assay of water-soluble lixivium and clinical experiment indicated that Cornu Cervi by sand-. . . ─── 结论:水浸出物含量测定及临床实验证明砂烫鹿角优于生品。

18、Enlargement Test Studies of Bio-hydrogen Production Using Artificial Wastewater of Corn Stalk Fermentation Lixivium by Mixed Culture ─── 玉米秸秆发酵浸出液模拟废水发酵产氢的放大实验研究

19、Keywords waste battery lixivium;Carassius auratus;single cell gel-electrophoresis;DNA damage; ─── 废电池浸出液;鲫鱼;单细胞凝胶电泳;DNA损伤;

20、Survey on Acarid Mites Pollution in Chengdu Public Place and Analysis of Its Lixivium with Protein Eletrophoresis ─── 成都市部分公共场所尘螨污染情况调查及其浸出液蛋白电泳分析

21、toxicity of lixivium ─── 浸出液毒性

22、Keywords lixivium with arsenic;calcium hydroxide;neutralization;dearsenication; ─── 含砷浸出液;氢氧化钙;中和;脱砷;

23、Such micronutrient elements as amino acids and vitamins in maize lixivium can promote the growth and metabolism of microorganism. ─── 应用瓦氏呼吸仪测定微生物耗氧量方法,研究添加玉米浸出液强化活性污泥系统处理焦化废水的效果。

24、Keywords maize lixivium;activated sludge process;coking wastewater; ─── 玉米浸出液;活性污泥系统;焦化废水;


26、Contrast on Rapid Determination Box and Acetyl Acetone Method in Determining Formaldehyde in Aquatic Products and Lixivium ─── 甲醛速测盒与乙酰丙酮法在检测水产品和水发产品中甲醛的对比试验

27、Determination of copper and iron in electrodeposited copper lixivium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry ─── 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定电积铜浸出液中铜和铁

28、The major components of the rap oil seedcakes are protein,nitrogen-free lixivium,coarse fiber,crude fats,and ash content. ─── 菜籽油饼的主要成分为蛋白质、无氮浸出物、粗纤维、粗脂肪和粗灰分,这些成分在钻井液中都具有较好的降滤失效果。

29、modified meerschaum was first used to recover gallium from acid lixivium of zinc residues and the experimental results were satisfactory. ─── 改性海泡石从锌渣酸浸液中提取、回收稀散金属镓,取得了良好的试验结果。

30、vegetable fruit lixivium ─── 蔬果类浸出液

31、Aimed at the feature of pumping lixivium with submersible pump in in-situ leaching mine, the electro vehicle carried device for lifting submersible pump is developed. ─── 针对地浸矿山潜水泵提升浸出液的特点,研制了车载式电动提放潜水泵装置。

32、The principle,method and case history how to predict the average uranium mass concentration in lixivium of in-situ leaching are introduced and the existing problems are discussed. ─── 介绍了矿床采区浸出液中平均铀质量浓度的预测原理、方法和实例,并讨论了存在的问题。

33、Such accelerant was a mixed-microbial-agent supplemented by distiller s grains lixivium and small quantity of inorganic salt. ─── 偏低温沼气促进剂由微生物混合菌剂辅以酒糟浸出液和微量的无机盐成分而成。

34、But the mortality was different when the experiment is done in different seasons or with different lixivium. ─── (2)这3种植物材料及其组合水浸液的灭螺效果都是春季比秋季好;

35、Press 2, glass containers are full of 90 per cent of the capacity of water-in-place, and then separate determination lixivium of these four elements. ─── 2、玻璃容器按满口容量的90%灌注水,然后分别测定浸出液中的上述四元素含量。

36、Keywords city stream;sediment lixivium;acute toxicity;aquatic organisms; ─── 城市河涌;沉积物浸出液;急性毒性;水生生物;

37、The optimized extraction rate could reach 13. 36% and the content of podophyllotoxin in lixivium was 2. 78%. ─── 最佳条件下的验证实验表明:桃儿七鬼臼毒素提取率13.36%,浸膏纯度为2.

38、Bacillus lixivium ─── 细菌浸出液

39、Determination of the low content of Pt and Pd in metallurgy lixivium by active carbon concentration and colorimetric method ─── 活性炭富集、比色法测定冶金浸出液中低含量的铂、钯

40、The modified meerschaum was first used to recover gallium from acid lixivium of zinc residues and the experimental results were satisfactory. ─── 采用改性海泡石从锌渣酸浸液中提取、回收稀散金属镓,取得了良好的试验结果。

41、The time of calefaction for stainless steel should be renamed for lixivium ─── 高速钢加热时间应易名为浸液时间

42、Effects of Waste Battery Lixivium on DNA Damage of Carassius auratus Erythrocyte ─── 废电池浸出液对鲫鱼红细胞DNA损伤的研究

43、sediment lixivium ─── 沉积物浸出液

44、bamboo lixivium ─── 竹子浸出液

45、Keywords white rot fungi;natural lixivium;lignin peroxidase;manganese-dependent peroxidase; ─── 白腐真菌;天然浸出液;木质素过氧化物酶;锰过氧化物酶;

46、Keywords oilysludge;solidify;strength;lixivium; ─── 含油污泥;固化;强度;浸出液;

47、maize lixivium ─── 玉米浸出液

48、The major components of the rap oil seedcakes are protein, nitrogen-free lixivium, coarse fiber, crude fats, and ash content. ─── 菜籽油饼的主要成分为蛋白质、无氮浸出物、粗纤维、粗脂肪和粗灰分,这些成分在钻井液中都具有较好的降滤失效果。

49、Evaluation of Waste Battery Lixivium Effects on Halobios ─── 废电池浸出液对海洋生物的影响评价

50、The experimental process included strength testing of the solidified block, and analysis of the lixivium for contents of COD, oil and toxic substances, i. ─── 以水泥作为固化剂对中原油田文一污的含油污泥进行了固化处理,测定了固化后产物的抗压强度和浸出液的COD、含油量及有毒元素的含量。

51、acid lixivium ─── 多不饱和脂肪酸

52、Keywords modified meerschaum;recovery;gallium;acid lixivium of zinc residue; ─── 改性海泡石;回收;镓;锌渣酸浸液;

53、Keywords electrolysis;kelp lixivium;distillation of iodine;influencing factors; ─── 电解;海带浸泡液;制碘;影响因素;

54、Effect of the suspension and lixivium from ooze mud in the Changjiang estuary on chlorophyll a ─── 长江口底泥浸出液和悬浮液对叶绿素a含量的影响

55、A study was performed to determine the effects of vegetable fruit lixivium(such as maize,potato and sweet potato lixivims)on in situ bioremediation of scenic water. ─── 研究了玉米、土豆和番薯等蔬果类浸出液在景观水体原位生物修复中的作用。

56、Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Differentiated into Hepatocyte-like Cells Induced by Rebirth Liver Tissue Lixivium of Mouse in Vitro ─── 小鼠再生肝浸出液体外诱导骨髓间充质干细胞向肝细胞样分化的研究

57、lixivium of chromium slag ─── 铬渣渗滤液

58、Concentration of Zinc and Separation of Ferric Iron from the Biochemical Lixivium of Low-grade Zinc Sulfide by Solvent Extraction ─── 低品位硫化锌矿生物浸出液中锌的富集和铁的去除

59、Keywords vegetable fruit lixivium;microorganism;in situ bioremediation; ─── 关键词蔬果类浸出液;微生物;原位生物修复;

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