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09-22 投稿


glazes 发音

英:[ˈɡleɪzɪz]  美:[ˈɡleɪzɪz]

英:  美:

glazes 中文意思翻译




glazes 短语词组

1、variegated glazes ─── 杂色釉

2、double-glazes v. ─── 给窗子配上双层玻璃( double-glaze的第三人称单数 )

glazes 词性/词形变化,glazes变形

名词: glazer |动词过去式: glazed |动词现在分词: glazing |动词第三人称单数: glazes |动词过去分词: glazed |

glazes 常用词组

colored glaze ─── 色釉,彩釉;色彩釉

ceramic glaze ─── n. 釉

coloured glaze ─── 琉璃;色釉,彩釉

glazes 反义词

smash | break

glazes 同义词

polish | varnish |cover | finish | glass | gloss | sugarcoat | glaze over | veneer | wax | candy | luster | glass over | paint | coating | brighten | dazzle | seal | glare | coat | buff

glazes 相似词语短语

1、glazen ─── 玻璃

2、glazed ─── adj.光滑的;像玻璃的;上过釉的;呆滞无神的;v.上釉(glaze的过去分词);装以玻璃

3、glaze ─── vt.装以玻璃;上釉于;vi.变呆滞;变得光滑;n.釉;光滑面;n.(Glaze)人名;(英)格莱兹

4、grazes ─── vt.啃食;放牲畜吃(graze的第三人称单数);vi.放牧(graze的第三人称单数)

5、blazes ─── n.火焰;地狱;v.燃烧(blaze的第三人称单数)

6、glazer ─── n.上釉工人;加光工人;上光机;抛光轮;n.(Glazer)人名;(俄、法、塞)格拉泽尔;(英)格莱泽

7、glades ─── [林]林中空地;n.(Glades)人名;(英)格莱兹

8、glares ─── v.怒目而视,瞪眼看;发出刺眼的光;n.怒视,瞪眼;刺眼;耀眼的光;受公众注目;张扬;俗艳;adj.光滑的

9、gazes ─── n.嘎斯(俄罗斯汽车品牌名称)

glazes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If the piece survives the oven, the alarca glaze is painted on to give the shine which is unique to talavera pottery. ─── 如果陶器通过烧烤成功,会用阿拉卡上釉,使得达拉维尔陶器有它独特的亮度。

2、Bring the remaining chilli and rum glaze to the boil before serving hot or cold with the ham. ─── 将剩下的混合糖浆煮沸作为蘸汁。此橙糖火腿可以作为冷盘或热盘。

3、Coat a layer of fine grog on the bottom to avoid the glaze run down and stick on it before kiln packing. ─── 入窑前窑室底部先铺上一层幼耐火沙以备釉药可能在高温时流落在窑砖上做成破坏。

4、Like a coating of glaze over earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart. ─── 23火热的嘴,奸恶的心,好像银渣包的瓦器。

5、Diopside type,celsian type,and willemite type raw matt glazes for the porcelain tile were deveooped on the basis of the experiments. ─── 在实验基础上研制出了瓷质砖透辉石型、钡长石型和硅锌矿型生料无光釉.探讨了其无光机理。

6、The production process of golden yellow ilmenite crystal glazes for the stoneware and artistic porcelain was introduced, and the main affect factors were discussed. ─── 叙述了可用于炻器餐具及艺术瓷的适于隧道窑高温烧成的金黄色铁板钛矿结晶釉的制作过程,并讨论了其主要影响因素。

7、Blue and white china and oil spot Temmoku glaze had been the two most precious jewels in the Chinese ceramics history. ─── 中国的陶瓷史上,青花瓷与油滴是两颗闪烁瑰丽的明珠。

8、Next, glaze chromatism should as far as possible small. ─── 其次,釉面色差应尽可能小。

9、The analyses show that the major compositi ons of ceramic glazes are Al 2O 3, SiO 2; a small quantity of K 2O, Na 2O, CaO, MgO; and a trace amount of TiO 2, Fe 2O 3, S etc. ─── 实验表明 :陶瓷釉的主要化学成分为Al2 O3、SiO2 ,少量为K2 O、Na2 O、MgO、CaO和微量的TiO2 、Fe2 O3、S等 ;

10、Earthenware decorated with colorful, opaque glazes. ─── 彩釉饰有彩色、不透明釉料的陶器

11、Especially indicated for glazes which contain lead and boron. ─── 尤其适用于含铅、含硼的釉药。

12、Glaze has been used from ancient times in Egypt. ─── 埃及自古代起就使用釉料。

13、Many companies are marketing waxes and paint protectants as polishes and glazes and the terms have become almost interchangeable. ─── 很多公司都将打蜡和漆面护理看作是抛光和上釉,并且叫法也改变了。

14、Color results will vary according to glaze composition, firing temperature and kiln atmosphere. ─── 唯基础釉的组成物料、窑烧温度、烧氧化或还原均会影响烧成的颜色。

15、The rain drop glze is called “temmoku glaze”in Japan. ─── “雨点釉”在日本称“天日釉”。

16、I know how to glaze a window. ─── 我知道怎么给窗装玻璃。

17、Any of various substances, such as wax or glaze, used to give an object a gloss or polish. ─── 上光剂任何一种能给物体带来光泽或光亮的物质,如蜡或釉料

18、With its simple forms, absence of decoration and fine glaze, Ru ware is perfectly understated. ─── 其形式简单,釉上无装饰,汝窑具有完美的朴素。

19、Some popular methods for studying ceramic glazes at present were summarised, and these methods were illustrated by examples in this paper. ─── 概述了目前流行的几种陶瓷釉的研究方法,并以实例进行了说明。

20、It is very stable, particularly in glazes with a low lead and boron content. ─── 它的稳定性特佳,特别用在含低铅及硼的釉料中。

21、I do not understand why his eyes start to glaze over at the mention of Chomsky. ─── 我不了解为什么一提到乔姆斯基的名字他的两眼变得呆滞无神。

22、Tang three-color glaze horses are famous for their perfect design and realism. ─── 唐三彩上釉马以其造型精美和形态生动而著名。

23、The average value of LRee/HRee of porcelain glaze and body of replica is higher than that of the celadon. ─── 仿宋瓷胎和瓷釉的轻稀土元素含量与重稀土元素含量比值 (即LRee/HRee)的平均比值大于古瓷胎的平均比值。

24、You'd better glaze in the porch. ─── 你们最好把走廊用玻璃围起来。

25、The preparation technique and application of noctilucent powder and noctilucent glaze were introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了夜光粉和夜光釉的制作方法及其应用。

26、It describes the application of Engobe in Yellow graywall tiles and red body mat glaze floor tiles. ─── 以生产实际例子说明了化妆土在黄灰色墙面砖和红坯体无光釉地砖中的应用情况。

27、He was now up, standing-mentally and physically frozen really-his eyes touched with a stony glaze for the moment. ─── 他起身站在那里,说实话,心理上、生理上都冰凉,有一阵子他的眼睛象发了呆似的。

28、For use in glaze,engobe,sanitary ware ceramic body blen ... ─── 内容简介: 适用于釉料,化妆土与高级陶瓷坯体原料。

29、The residue of an ice storm glazes a beech tree, pushing its branches to a near- breaking point . ─── 这是冰暴之后,一棵山毛榉树上挂满了厚厚的冰凌,几乎要将树枝压断。

30、Make sure there is no glaze on the bottom. ─── 作品底部不能有釉,以免高温烧熔后底部会造成破坏。

31、Five coloring uses clear glaze, and smudges without layering, therefore it is also known as “hard coloring”. ─── 五彩使用透明彩,缺少层次的渲染,故又称“硬彩”。

32、Glazes had been used from ancient times in Egypt. ─── 埃及自古代起就使用釉料。

33、There was raw glaze on the pots that sat again on the drying rack. ─── 在干燥架上又摆上了才上釉的陶罐。

34、Indirect ceramic decoration process is divided into ceramic glazes on decal and ceramic glaze decal two processes. ─── 不直接陶瓷点缀工艺分为陶瓷釉上贴花和陶瓷釉下贴花两不小工艺。

35、The sources of raw materials of the black glazes in Tang dynasty are very concentrated, the green glazes and the white glazes are scattered. ─── 其中,唐代的黑釉原料产地非常集中,青釉和白釉原料产地分散;

36、The man gets really indignant and says, "Officer, I couldn't help but notice your eyes are glazes. ─── 一名警察让一个超速行驶的人靠边停车,然后叫他下车。

37、Apply toners, highlights, glazes or shaders to obtain desired finish. ─── 应用墨粉,亮点,釉料或着色器,以达到理想的光洁度。

38、See the difficulty that coloured glaze makes, this is the reason that people collects coloured glaze artwork about. ─── 可见琉璃制作的难度,这大约就是人们收藏琉璃艺术品的原因。

39、Copy the serial number of your glaze line on the scutcheon above the glaze line inlet and outlet. ─── 按钉在施釉线进出口上方标牌抄下你的施釉线系列号。

40、These ancient glazes all belong to the binary system PbO-SiO_2, the chiefcolouring elements of which confine only to Fe, Cu, Co and Mn. ─── 就化学组成而言,中国历代低温色釉都属于PbO-SiO_2二元系统。

41、It took me almost thirty years to realize the greatness of Temmoku glaze and the wisdom of our ancestors. ─── 我花了二、三十年的岁月研究它,才了解天目的尊贵与古人的智慧。

42、The use of lead in glazes, particularly low-fired glazes such as raku, can be a hazard not only for the potter, but also the consumer or buyer of such wares. ─── 在釉中特别是在低温烧制成的大乐一类的釉中使用铅,这非但对制陶工人,而且对这些制成品的消费者或购买者都构成隐患。

43、Glaze the pie with beaten egg. ─── 在馅饼上涂上打匀的蛋液使表面发亮.

44、Main products include archaize bronze items, colored glazes etc.The products we manufactured are with plenty of specifications and sculpt lifelikeness. ─── 主要产品包括仿古青铜器物品,色釉料等,我们的产品制造,是用大量的规格和造型生动。

45、The relationship between surface microstructure of lithium matte glaze and optic characteristic is analysed. ─── 分析了锂质无光釉表面显微结构与釉面光学特征的关系。

46、Her eyes glaze over when she is bored. ─── 当无聊的时候,她的眼力变得迟钝。

47、Treatment by rational design of stamp inks components, stamp inks and glaze made from mixed ground from coacervate. ─── 办理的办法是:公道安排印油不败不合,印油与色釉搀和研磨后不克不及爆不收固不解本体。

48、Vermeer"s application of glaze is also hard to surpass. ─── 他对透明色油的运用也达到了一个高峰。

49、A thin, plain cotton or linen fabric of fine close weave, usually white, with a high glaze. ─── 一种细而平坦的棉布或者编织得很细密的一种亚麻布织物,一般为白色,表面非常光滑。

50、The more advanced the pottery in terms of decoration, materials, glazes and manufacture, the more advanced the culture itself. ─── 因为陶器的装饰、材料、釉彩、制作等工艺越发达就说明这种文明越发达。

51、The microelement Zn values of porcelain glaze and body of replica are also higher than that of celadon. ─── 仿宋瓷的胎和釉的微量元素zn含量则明显高于古瓷zn元素含量。

52、This paper induct the major benefits of using spodumene in sanitaryware glaze. ─── 利用锂辉石在卫生瓷釉中的应用及其优点。

53、As for the glaze color, Jun porcelains have presented its colorful style, which is also there individuality. ─── 在釉色方面,宋代钧瓷表现了丰富多彩的风貌,这也是其独具的个性。

54、The birdbath like flower is very practical also, bottom already glaze, can install conveniently go up in the stage. ─── 像花朵一样的水盆也很实用,底部已上釉,可方便地安装在台上。

55、Elegance of form and subtlety of glaze were hallmarks of imperial taste at this time. ─── 外形典雅,色泽淡雅,代表了此时皇家的品味。

56、PG Series Colour Stains can be used to color transparent or opaque base glazes. ─── 可将PG系列色粉混入透光或不透明的基础釉中以获得意欲的成色釉。

57、Suitable for Zn free glazes with low Pb , the needed black color can be required when adding Co , Cr, Fe oxides . ─── 非常适合低铅无锌釉,添加钴、铬、铁氧化物可获所需黑色。

58、Combine all ingredients together. bring to a boil, temper and glaze. ─── 将以上所有材料混合煮沸做成果胶。

59、To produce a network of fine cracks in the surface or glaze of. ─── 使(陶瓷器)的一表面产生裂缝.

60、An outer coat of glaze on a piece of pottery. ─── 外层釉陶器釉面上的第二层釉

61、To guarantee good fluidity of glaze and to prevent sedimentation, the electrolytic methylcellulose shall be added. ─── 为保证釉有良好的流动性及防止沉淀,可加入电解质甲基纤维素。

62、Double glaze clerestory windows and skylights in cooler climates to prevent excessive heat loss. ─── 把可敞开的天窗玻璃配挑出屋檐使其面向北部可以避免夏季的阳光。

63、Tang Dynasty pottery vases with three-color glaze have a traditional Chinese style and are very attractive. ─── 具有中国传统风味的唐三彩花瓶,引人注目。

64、Diopside type, celsian type, and willemite type raw matt glazes for the porcelain tile were developed on the basis of the experiments. ─── 在实验基础上研制出了瓷质砖透辉石型、钡长石型和硅锌矿型生料无光釉。

65、Glaze a doughnut; glaze pottery. ─── 在甜甜圈上浇糖浆; 给陶器上釉

66、Improve the fluidness and activity of glaze. ─── 4改善釉料的流动性、触变性。

67、He is going to glaze a picture . ─── 他准备给这幅画罩上玻璃框。

68、A bisque and then one or two glaze firings. ─── 一个素瓷然后是一个或两个的上釉焙烧。


70、Besides, laboratory glazes were obtained and characterized following the technical rules. ─── 此外,实验室釉和特点,得到以下的技术性法规。

71、The reasonable content and particle size in zircon opacified glaze was determined. ─── 得到了生料锆乳浊釉中锆英石引入的合理粒度组成和加入量。

72、The design of this octagon vase is tall and simple;the glaze color is green and clear. ─── 八棱瓶造型简洁挺拔,釉色青绿莹润。

73、The more advanced the pottery in terms of decoration, materials, glazes and manufacture, the more advanced the culture itself. ─── 因为陶器的装饰、材料、釉彩、制作等工艺越发达就说明这种文明越发达。

74、He made a series of significant innovations on the crafts of confecting glazes, making porcelain bodies, roasting and so on. ─── 东晋咸康六年(公元340)官至五品,先后在闽浙赣三地任职。

75、Cutting decals, leaf pattern, and variable glaze decoration are unique. ─── 剪纸贴花、木叶纹、窑变釉等装饰具有独特性。

76、Most scarabs were made of steatite which was then covered with a turquoise coloured glaze. ─── 大多数圣甲虫是用滑石做成,然后在滑石上用绿宝石彩釉覆盖。

77、Their attitude expressed a final reserve and their faces showed the glaze of prudence. ─── 她们的姿态十分拘谨,脸上流露出小心翼翼的神色。

78、Mainly specializes in kinds of porcelain and stoneware and glaze porcelain, and so on. ─── 产品主要有中西餐具系列、咖啡杯系列、工艺美术瓷系列以及电光、色釉系列。

79、Is the red on fittings glaze?Do you have pics of Tunkou,if you have please post it,thanks!!! ─── 刽锋刀刃老师请问你的剑装上的红色是釉色吗?有没有剑吞口有的话请上图很想拜读,谢谢!!!

80、Process of making lustre glaze by metal oxide as colouring agent was narrated. ─── 叙述了以金属氧化物为着色剂的虹彩釉的制作过程。

81、Here the vision system of the robot for spraying ceramic glaze is discussed. ─── 介绍了在自动施釉生产线中机器人视觉系统的设计。

82、We are specialize in the manufacture and export of ceramic glaze,including Body stain &Glaze sta... ─── 发布者:梁雪贤所在地:广东佛山市行业:电子元器件职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

83、The act or process of applying a glaze. ─── 上釉上釉的动作或过程

84、A fine crack in a surface or glaze. ─── (陶瓷器)表面的裂缝

85、Color presentation is pure in transparent or Zirconium opaque glaze. ─── 在透明釉、锆白釉,发色纯正。

86、The main re-ceivers of pigments and glazes of the Spanish industry are: Italy, Egypt, Portugal, Morocco and Argelia. ─── 西班牙陶瓷色釉料的主要进口国包括意大利、埃及、葡萄牙、摩洛哥和阿赫利娅。

87、Since winter is coming,we should glaze in a porch . ─── 冬天快到了,我们应该给走廊装玻璃了。

88、Since winter is coming , we should glaze in a porch . ─── 冬天快到了,我们应该给走廊装玻璃了。

89、Kennedy, tire body ware boy, glaze even. ─── 器型周正,胎体坚质,釉面匀净。

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