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09-21 投稿


pal 发音

英:[pæl]  美:[pæl]

英:  美:

pal 中文意思翻译





pal 词性/词形变化,pal变形


pal 常用词组

pen pal ─── 笔友(等于pen friend)

pal 短语词组

1、e-pal ─── 网友(通过电子邮件交流)

2、pen-pal ─── 笔友(等于pen friend)

3、great pal ─── 好朋友

4、pal up with ─── 和…结交; ─── 和…结帮

5、crypto pal ─── 加密pal

6、crony pal ─── 亲信朋友

7、pal up ─── 结成友好

8、net pal ─── 网虫 =netizen, nethead

9、e pal ─── 电子伙伴

10、pal around (with someone) ─── 伙计(和某人在一起)

11、composite pal signal ─── 复合pal信号

12、Pal's stain ─── [医] 帕耳氏染剂

13、do you have a pen pal ─── 你有笔友吗

14、a letter to my pen pal ─── 给我笔友的一封信

15、come and see my new pen pal ─── 来看看我的新笔友

16、i have a new pen pal ─── 我有一个新笔友

17、pen pal ─── 笔友

18、cos pal cos pal ─── 公司

19、cyber pal ─── 网友

pal 相似词语短语

1、Opal ─── n.猫眼石,蛋白石;乳白玻璃;n.(Opal)人名;(英)奥珀尔;(土、法)奥帕尔

2、pal. ─── abbr.古生物学(paleontology);巴勒斯坦(Palestine)

3、palm ─── n.手掌;棕榈树;掌状物;vt.将…藏于掌中;n.(Palm)人名;(英)帕姆;(瑞典)帕尔姆;(法、德、俄、捷、芬、挪)帕尔姆

4、pall ─── n.幕;棺罩;遮盖物;vt.覆盖;使乏味;vi.走味;n.(Pall)人名;(英、德、罗、瑞典)帕尔

5、paal ─── n.(加勒比)(打入土中的)桩

6、pail ─── n.桶,提桶

7、pali ─── n.巴利语

8、palp ─── n.(昆虫等的)触须(等于palpus)

9、pale ─── adj.苍白的;无力的;暗淡的;n.前哨;栅栏;范围;vt.使失色;使变苍白;用栅栏围;vi.失色;变苍白;变得暗淡;n.(Pale)人名;(塞)帕莱

pal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With her very own splash pool, she can take a dip with her pal the dolphin or lounge poolside for a siesta. ─── 她拥有自己的池塘, 她可以和她的海豚在池塘里洗澡或者是在池塘边午休 。

2、Listen, pal, I don't want you talking to my sister any more, see? ─── 听好,小鬼,我不要你再跟我妹说话了,知道吗?

3、It's from my pen pal George in Australia. ─── 它是我在澳大利亚的笔友乔治写来的。

4、Play PAL games on a US or Japanese Nintendo Wii. ─── 在美版或日版机玩PAL制式游戏。

5、Listen, pal, I don't want you talking to my sister any more. ─── 听着, 小子, 我不让你再和我妹妹说话了。

6、This letter is from your Australian pen pal. ─── 这是来自澳大利亚的笔友的信。

7、Where is your/ her/ Tom's pen pal from? ─── 你的/她的/汤姆的笔友来自哪里?

8、It described the principles of this system and how it differs from the NTSC and PAL system. ─── 它简单地叙述了原理,说明了与NTSC制及PAL制的区别。

9、What language (does her pen pal speak)? ─── 2她的笔友说什么言语?

10、If you are trying to think of new ideas, corral your pal to act as a sounding board. ─── 如果你在尝试构思一些新的想法,与你的好友围在一起,你会和他们产生共鸣和激荡的。

11、I were you, pal, I'd stay away from her! ─── 我要是你呀,小子,我就离她远远的!

12、She recently told a pal, "I don't even talk to my mom and dad - when did my life get so screwy? ─── 她最近告诉自己的一个朋友,”当我迷茫时在生活中碰到苛刻时都甚至不能告诉我的父母!”

13、Oh, no. I gotta get you someplace safe, pal. ─── 不,我得给你找个安全的地方,兄弟。

14、Philip is looking for a pen pal in Britain. ─── 菲利普正在寻找一位英国的笔友。

15、The frame refresh rate for NTSC/(PAL) was set at approximately 30/(25) frames/sec. ─── NTSC/(PAL)的帧刷新速率设定为约30/(25)帧/秒。

16、But what is an e-pal, or key pal? ─── 但是你知道什么是电子朋友或者是键盘朋友吗?

17、Backup DVD Pro supports both PAL and NTSC frame rate. ─── 备份DVD的亲既支持PAL和NTSC帧速率。

18、The activity of PAL was increased as explant turned black. ─── PAL活力随外植体褐变的增强而逐渐增加。

19、He hoped can be you the pen pal. ─── 他希望能做你的笔友.

20、A newspaper pal got him a blind date, choosing Alice because she was the only girl reporter shorter than he. ─── 一报社朋友给他介绍对象,选中的阿莉斯,因为她是惟一个子比他矮的女记者。

21、Be wary if a pal ask for monetary help or else you might get into trouble and end up in court. ─── 如果有人问你借钱,小心处理,可能为你带来麻烦和官非。

22、Before you make a mixed drink for your pal, ask him if he wants it straight up or on the rocks. ─── 在你给你的朋友制作混合饮料前,问他是否想要加冰。

23、The variation degree of PAL activity,lignin growmjiight-growth of each Alnus cremastogyne clones is consistent. ─── 不同无性系间PAL活性、木质素增长、高生长之间的差异是一致的;

24、Mix some more white in to make the paint pal. ─── 再搀些白颜料使涂料浅些。

25、PAL and SECAM make type TV signal. ─── PAL和SECAM制式电视信号。

26、The waiter, also a bit of a pal, pops in periodically to check on us. ─── 侍者(也是熟人)时不时过来关照我们,并跟帕克聊几句。

27、"I told her I wanted her and me to be together forever, " he said, but now wishes he could have the married and pregnant mom as a pal. ─── “我跟她说要跟她永远在一起。”他说。但现在他只祈求跟这位已婚并怀孕中的妈妈做回朋友。

28、Why did the actor say “It's sundown for you, pal” there? ─── 为何演员那边要说‘朋友,你的太阳下山了’?

29、PAL DVDs must contain at least one MPEG Layer 2, LPCM, or Dolby Digital audio track. ─── PAL制式DVD必须包含至少一道MPEG Layer 2、LPCM或者Dolby Digital。

30、What your pen pal speak? --He. ─── 你的笔友讲什么语言?--他讲法语。

31、You just crapped out your last bargaining chip,pal. ─── 你没有讨价还价的筹码了。crap out=退出;

32、Jim : Sorry for the bad advice, pal. ─── 吉姆:抱歉给你出馊主意,兄弟。

33、The PAL functions similarly to a Microsoft Windows access control list. ─── PAL的功能与Microsoft Windows的访问控制列表相似。

34、Chinese television adopts PAL system. ─── 中国电视采用的制式为帕尔制。

35、The PAL can be configured to contain a list of logins and groups that are granted access to the publication. ─── 可把PAL配置为包含被授权访问发布的登录名和组的列表。

36、Is that from your new pen pal? ─── 它是你笔友那儿来的吗?

37、No good, pal what kind of a poem is that? ─── 不行,伙计,这哪里像诗呢。

38、Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? ─── 你的笔友住在上海吗?

39、Be in the publication access list (PAL). ─── 位于发布访问列表(PAL)中。

40、Kelly: Dating your best friend and English study pal is not the best idea Bobby. ─── 凯丽:跟你最好的朋友和英语学友约会可不是个好主意,鲍比。

41、Are you willing to all one’s life all as my pal? ─── 你愿意一辈子都当我的好朋友吗?

42、Be a pal, since you are not going anywhere this afternoon, lend him your bicycle. ─── 别这么不够朋友,既然你今天下午不出去就把自行车借给他用一用.

43、How often do you write to your pen pal? ─── 你多长时间给你的笔友写一封信?

44、The PAL is the primary mechanism for securing publications at the Publisher. ─── PAL是用于保护发布服务器中发布的主要机制。

45、How can you treat him like that? Remember, he's my pal. ─── 你怎能这样对待他?记住,他是我的老友。

46、"Her friends tried to talk her out of it, "says Patty Criner, a long-time pal from Little Rock. ─── "朋友们试图说服她不要那样做, "小石城的老朋友帕蒂·克里尼特说

47、You should pal up with John. He's the man to help you. ─── 你应该和约翰交朋友,他可以给你帮助。

48、Delaware and his sidekick, detective pal Milo Sturgis, follow the tangled trail to a surprising conclusion. ─── 但是,作者已经把这些事情的大概情节和分析的理论说清楚了,大家一定也已经明白其中的道理了。

49、He always wants to be my pal, you know. ─── 他一直想成为我的朋友,你知道。

50、"They were best friends before they dated," says his pal Anthony Robinson, adding that the couple met as freshmen. ─── “在约会之前,他们已经是最好的朋友,”凯因的朋友安东尼·罗宾逊说。 他接着补充道两人在大学一年级时就认识了。

51、Papa was his number-one pal. ─── “爸爸”是他最要好的伙伴。

52、Pal! Who do you think you are? ─── 呸!你以为你是谁阿?

53、Unit One Do you have a pen pal? ─── 学会给自己的笔友写信或征集笔友。

54、His unnamed pal was one of the 96 Liverpool supporters who were crushed to death on packed terraces at the Sheffield stadium. ─── 他那位姓名未被公开的朋友是在位于谢菲尔德的球场中,于挤满了人的看台被压死的96位利物浦球迷之一。

55、An old pal is bringing me a two-carat hunk of ice. ─── 一位老朋友要带给我一颗两克拉重的钻石。

56、In high school, he and a pal bought a pinball machine to pun in a barbershop. ─── 在他上高中时,他和他的朋友将弹子游戏机出租理发店的老板。

57、PAL activity and the content of flower pigment increased. ─── PAL活性和花青素含量上升。

58、Do you think your pen pal's writing is good or bad? ─── 你认为你的笔友书写工整或凌乱?

59、Kelly: Anything for my best pal. ─── 凯莉:愿为朋友两肋插刀。

60、PAL's color encoding is similar to the NTSC systems. ─── PAL制式的彩色编码类似NTSC系统系统。

61、There he met one old pal who was engaging in oil business. ─── 在那儿他遇见了一个正从事石油业的老友。

62、Wanna know what your pal Fenster told us? ─── |想知道你的好兄弟范斯特是怎么说的?

63、He thinks to come a trick over his old pal. ─── 他想跟他的老朋友开个玩笑。

64、You just crapped out your last bargaining chip, pal. ─── 你刚放弃了你最后还价的筹码。

65、The worst S/N under PAL mode is 69dB,while 70 7dB under NTSC mode. ─── DDFS输出在 PAL 制式下信噪比为 6 9d B,NTSC制式下为 70 .7d B

66、H: Yes. I talk to my American pen pal every day through MSN. ─── 亨利:找到了。我每天都和我的美国笔友透过MSN聊天。

67、Where your pen pal ? ---He Japan. ─── 你的笔友来自哪儿?---他来自日本。

68、Alright! I admit that I LOVE desserts. My pal in Texas is my role model and I am working hard to match his size. ─── 好吧!我承认我爱死了甜点,我在德州的朋友是我的榜样,我努力要与他的体型相配.

69、He tried to come a trick over his old pal. ─── 他想对自己的老友来个恶作剧。

70、On the surface of the CD-G the system (N or PaL) is marked that it matches. ─── CD-G盘面上注有应匹配的制式(N或pal)。

71、A third standard, SECAM, is popular in France and parts of eastern Europe, but many of these areas use PAL as well. ─── 另外一种制式,SECAM,则在法国和东欧部分地区流行,不过,在这些地区中,许多也都采用PAL

72、Annie and Mel are following the footsteps of Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell and TV presenter pal Ben Fogle. ─── 安妮和梅尔是继奥运金牌得主詹姆斯克拉克内尔和电视节目主持人帕勒本福格尔的脚步。

73、Gina is writing to his pen pal in Australia. ─── 吉娜正在给她在澳大利亚的笔友写信。

74、Moammar Khadafy is dead -- and his unlikely pen pal, a retired Jewish florist from Brooklyn, never got to say goodbye. ─── 穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲死了-----退休的布鲁克林区犹太花商,这位不那么象笔友的笔友,再也不用和他道别了。

75、PAL are popular in satellite TV, MATV and electronic applications when video are necessary. ─── PAL系列广泛应用于TV,卫星电视等等视频系统。

76、"They were best friends before they dated," says his pal Anthony Robinson,adding that the couple met as freshmen. ─── “在约会之前,他们已经是最好的朋友,”凯因的朋友安东尼·罗宾逊说。他接着补充道两人在大学一年级时就认识了。

77、"All right, pal, keep your hair on! ─── “好吧,伙计,别发火。

78、N's pal We know how much you hated Odie. We know how much you wanted him gone. ─── 我们知道你是多么恨。

79、In high school, he and a pal bought a pinball machine to put in a barbershop. ─── 在学校时,他就和一个小拍档买了一台弹球机,放在理发店里。

80、Pal, easy, nuffin' aint no big deal at all, never. ─── 如果生命效法宇宙的规则,那么意识与情感便应该效法生命的规则,乐观、积极、向上、永不放弃。

81、Effect of pH on callus growth, PAL activity and paclitaxel content of plants of Taxus L. ─── pH对红豆杉愈伤组织生长、PAL活性和紫杉醇含量的影响。

82、Removes interlace artifacts from NTSC or PAL video input. ─── 从输入的NTSC或PAL制式视频移除交错。

83、Your that sends the email frequently for yours pen pal? ─── 你经常那个给你的笔友发电子邮件吗?

84、Steve: You're in luck today pal, I know all about making speeches. ─── 史蒂夫:幸亏是你不是我,朋友。我讨厌发表演讲。

85、What language does your pen pal speak ? ─── 你的笔友讲什么语言?

86、For five full years now I've been her sage and Santa Claus and pal and playmate and father and friend. ─── 五年来我一直是她的全能偶像和圣诞老人,伙伴和玩伴,父亲和朋友。

87、So let me offer a friendly bit of advice to this likable ogre: If you feel you're losing 'em, pal, just shuck the clothes. ─── 所以让我给这个可爱的怪物一点友善的意见:如果你感到你不受欢迎了,就把衣服脱了吧!

88、And right there, on top, was my little pal. ─── 包一打开,一眼就能看到上面我的小伙伴。

89、N's pal To do it, you cast Odie out into the cold, cruel world? ─── 为了睡自己的床,你就把?


date reporter的中文翻译date reporter 日记者双语例句1A newspaper pal got him a blind date, choosing Alice because she was the only girlreporter shorter than he. 一报社朋友给他介绍对象,选中的阿莉斯,因为她是惟一个子比他矮的女记者。

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