kidnaping 发音
英:[ˈkɪdnæpɪŋ] 美:[ˈkɪdnæpɪŋ]
英: 美:
kidnaping 中文意思翻译
kidnaping 词性/词形变化,kidnaping变形
动词现在分词: kidnapping/kidnaping |动词过去式: kidnapped/kidnaped |名词: kidnapper |动词过去分词: kidnapped/kidnaped |动词第三人称单数: kidnaps/kidnaps |
kidnaping 短语词组
1、kidnaping in bedcover ─── 床罩内绑架
kidnaping 相似词语短语
1、kidling ─── n.小山羊,羔羊
2、kidnapping ─── n.绑架;诱拐;v.绑架(kidnap的ing形式);诱拐
3、-draping ─── n.覆合;隔音材料;隔声材料;[地质]披盖;换网(drape进行式)
4、kidnappings ─── n.绑架;诱拐;v.绑架(kidnap的ing形式);诱拐
5、dognaping ─── v.(为取得赎金或转售给实验室)偷(狗)(过去式dognapped/dognaped,过去分词dognapped/dognaped,现在分词dognapping/dognaping,第三人称单数dognaps/dognaps,名词dognapper)
6、-naping ─── 激活
7、kidding ─── n.开玩笑;v.开玩笑,戏弄;欺骗;胡闹,出洋相;山羊产羔(kid的现在分词)
8、bedraping ─── 床上强奸
9、draping ─── n.覆合;隔音材料;隔声材料;[地质]披盖;换网(drape进行式)
kidnaping 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、But the news is full of the kidnaping of most of the children who served with Ender in Command School. ─── 但是新闻中全都是绑架那些曾与安德一起在指挥学院中服役的孩子们的消息。
2、FARC's kidnap and murder of a provincial governor in late December was a grisly throwback to the bad old days of a decade ago. ─── 去年十二月的哥伦比亚革命武装力量的绑架案和一个省州长的谋杀案让人惊恐地想到十年前的那些黑暗日子。
3、Both men had worked harmoniously together in kidnaping people and amassing land, but the sudden lust of Tou Mali for White Flower broke up the happy partnership. ─── 他们俩在绑架老百姓和强占土地方面互相配合得很好。然而,窦马利对白花突然起了淫念,上述良好的合作关系便告破裂。
4、Fifteen men and five women have been arrested in co ection with the kidnap. ─── 十五名男子和五名女子怀疑和该宗绑架案有关,已被警方拘捕。
5、He said the militants were apparently planning to attack a kibbutz collective farm or to kidnap a soldier. ─── 以色列的加兰特将军迅速赶往事发现场。
6、must be extirpated. ─── 必须根除绑架。
7、Gangland’s Mr. Big is guilty of kidnap and blackmail. ─── 岗兰地的警察因绑架勒索获罪。
8、The talented young detective Kudo Shinichi receives a message: "I will kidnap one of your classmates during your class trip." Shinichi is going to find out the truth. ─── 但在出行前一天,新一收到一封内容为“修学旅行中,我将绑架你的同学”的挑战书。
9、They feel that the plan of the murder and kidnaping was too elaborate to be the work of a Negro mind ─── 他们觉得,谋杀和绑票的计划太周详了,一个黑人的头脑决想不出来。
10、Iran must stop supporting the militia special groups that attack Iraqi and coalition forces, and kidnap and kill Iraqi officials. ─── 伊朗必须停止支持攻击伊拉克人和联合军队的民兵特别小组,并且绑架和杀害伊拉克官员。
11、1.to hold under duress; to kidnap; to abduct; 2.kidnapping; abduction ─── 劫持
12、The parents go through a terrible ordeal when their child is kidnap ─── 当孩子遭到绑架时,父母亲经受了一次可怕的折磨
13、Establish handling ideating of kidnap hostage event and let it turn into police's action is very necessary at present. ─── 当前树立先进的处置理念并让其转化为警方的自觉行动是十分必要的。
14、Sequel to Tetsuo this time has the Iron Man transforming into cyberkinetic gun when a gang of vicious skinheads kidnap his son. ─── 上集的铁男在废弃的钢铁厂中,集合一群壮汉试验人机合一的可能性,一家三口沦为白老鼠。
15、Doubting Thomas is the story of a twelve year old boy known for telling tall tales who overhears a plot to kidnap the President's daughter. ─── Doubting Thomass是个12岁的小男孩,因喜欢说大话而远近闻名。他却无意中听到了一个绑架总统女儿的阴谋。
16、The custom of the best man probably goes back to the days when the groom took a friend with him when he went to kidnap the bride from her home. ─── 好好先生的习俗可能要追溯到以前,新郎在把新娘从娘家抢出来时,他总要带上的一位朋友。
17、A judge in Italy convicted 23 CIA agents and two Italian secret agents of the kidnap of a Muslim cleric, Abu Omar, in Milan in 2003. ─── 一位意大利法官证实在2003年,23名联邦警探及两名意大利特工在米兰对穆斯林牧师阿布-奥马尔实施了绑架。
18、English: There are bad guys who want to kidnap little girls. ─── 中文:想要绑架女孩子的都是坏人。
19、When the wife think her husband is kidnap she hit the panic button. ─── 妻子以为她丈夫被绑架了,惊慌失措。
20、An official says the kidnap included the institute's deputy general directors and employees. ─── 一名政府官员称,被绑架的人包括该机构的几名副总经理和一些雇员。
21、Bigger looked about and saw the pile of white bones lying atop a table; beside them lay the kidnap note, held in place by a bottle of ink. ─── 别格举目四望,看见一张桌子上面放着一堆白骨;骨头旁边放着那封绑票信,用只墨水瓶压着。
22、They almost kidnap my son as a kind of mean to threaten me, wanting me to surrender. ─── 他们在劫持我的儿子,将他用作人质,威胁我,试图降服我。
23、Hearing about the kidnap shocked her. ─── 听到绑架的消息她惊呆了。
24、Militant groups frequently attack oil facilities and kidnap foreign workers in the Niger Delta in their fight to spread a greater share of the country's oil revenue to impoverished communities. ─── 为了争取让尼日利亚贫困社区更多分享这个国家的石油收入,激进分子经常袭击尼日尔三角洲的石油设施,并绑架外国工人。
25、Besides killing, burying alive and terrible taxation, the people of Anyang also had to endure extortion, blackmail and kidnaping. ─── 除了被杀、活埋和苛捐杂税外,安阳人民还遭到敲诈勒索和绑架。
26、She is the victim of marriage by kidnap. ─── 她就是掠夺婚的受害者。
27、I'm insured against kidnaping for up to ten million. This should be very simple. ─── 我上了高达一千万的防绑架险,所以这应该很简单。
28、A group of Irish noblemen kidnap girls in order to marry into their fortune and avoid becoming priests or soldiers. ─── 一群爱尔兰贵族绑架了一些女孩子,目的是为了和她们结婚,并且避免成为战士和牧师。
29、She swears she didn't mean to leave Nurse Ellen down there to die. In the same way she says she only pretended to kidnap the children. ─── 她发誓说她并不是想把埃伦保姆丢在那里让她去死。她同时又说她只是假装把孩子们绑架走。
30、The alleged leader of a French kidnap gang has gone on trial in Paris accused of torturing and killing a Jewish man - a crime that shocked France in 2006. ─── 2006年震惊法国的折磨并杀害一名犹太人案件在巴黎开庭审理,犯罪嫌疑人为法国一绑架团伙。
31、A mad scientist transfers his mind to a wicked robot, which then embarks on a program of kidnaping, rape and murder, during which a female detective is killed. ─── 剧情女督察谢玲(青山知可子饰演)在查案时殉职,男友祖(吴大维饰演)伤心欲绝。
32、Because he wasted all his time stretching arms upwardly instead of climbing the walls of Julieta's house, kidnap her and run away to the land of the blessed? ─── 因为他把所有的时间来扩大他的武器,而不是去翻过朱丽叶房子的围墙,诱惑她,然后和她私奔去神圣的天堂.
33、Exactly is who kidnap a land? ─── 到底是谁绑架了土地呢?
34、About this kidnap case his theory is way off base. ─── 关于这宗绑票案,他的揣测未免离垒太远。
35、As part of the intrigue, a pair of bumbling Ansionians attempted to kidnap Offee. ─── 两个不自量力的安森人试图绑架奥菲,这是他们计划当中的一部分。
36、Tang Elder Tiger return to Su Zhou suffer South Chang's Peace King uses the high pay" three customer to thatched cottage”, kidnap to aides and for staff. ─── 唐伯虎回苏州后,被南昌的宁王用高薪“三顾茅庐”,而且被绑架去为幕僚。
37、Consequently, a victim’s family should perhaps only pay off a kidnapper who intends to kidnap again. ─── 因此,一个受害人的家属可能仅会报复一个想要重复绑架的绑匪。
38、You want to kidnap your people with these agitative words,you want make a feint to the pubulic. ─── 你们用过激的言辞,想要绑架公众的思维,想要在公众面前制造假象。
39、B-but. Why did they kidnap you, then? ─── 但-但是。他们为什么要绑架您呢?
40、his story of be kidnap by little green men be sheer absurdity ─── 他说他遭到矮小的绿种人绑架,这纯粹是无稽之谈
41、The kidnap of Alan Johnston and the Fatah-Hamas feud could be a harbinger of things to come, as warlords and militias slug it out ever more lethally. ─── AlanJohnston(BBC驻加沙记者)的被绑架及法塔与哈马斯的世仇可能就是即将发生的事情的先兆。军阀和民兵们必将会以更加致命的方式迎接他们的到来。
42、We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot. ─── 我们去掳掠抢夺,毫不留情.
43、They feel that the plan of the murder and kidnaping was too elaborate to be the work of a Negro mind. ─── 他们觉得,谋杀和绑票的计划太周详了,一个黑人的头脑决想不出来。
44、All three strongly deny this, but in at least some voters' eyes, the American alliance is now tainted with connivance in kidnap and torture, followed by cover-ups. ─── 对此,三个国家都强烈否认,但是至少在某些投票人眼中,美国联盟正因对绑架和折磨的纵容而变质,紧随其后的是相关新闻报道。
45、The students had intended to mark this day in a general manner: by parades against food reduction, against kidnaping, against intellectual persecution and mass dismissals. ─── 学生们原来只打算一般地纪念一下这个日子,搞些游行反对削减伙食费,反对报纸反对精神迫害和集体开除。
46、The Clan had recently learned that Wu Sangui's son was visiting Peking and had sent this group of fighters to make their way there and kidnap the son as a means of coercing the father to revolt. ─── 他们最近得到讯息,吴三桂的儿子吴应熊到了北京,司徒掌门便派他们来和他相见。
47、The Whole Story of the Kidnap of Great Collector Zhang Bo-ju ─── 大收藏家张伯驹绑架案始末
48、After I kidnap the beautiful princess we will be married immediately in a quiet civil ceremony not a lavish spectacle in three weeks` time during which the final phase of my plan will be carried out. ─── 当我绑架了美丽的公主我会毫不声张的马上举办私下的结婚仪式而不是在我邪恶计划的最后阶段花三个礼拜的时间准备刺眼灿烂的婚礼.
49、If you improve security at embassies, they kidnap businessmen. ─── 如果你加强了大使馆的安全防范,他们就绑架商人。
50、" We'll kidnap the dog, " I said. Finn stared at me. " What in the world for?" ─── “我们要绑架这只狗,”我说道。芬恩盯着我:“究竟为了什么?”
51、In his whole miserable, messed-up life he'd never considered anything so callous as kidnaping. ─── 在他悲惨、混乱的一生中,他从未想到过像绑架这样冷酷无情的事。
52、When Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang saved his life during the Sian kidnaping of 1936.Chiang repaid this deed by imprisoning the Young Marshal when that commander flew in all trust to Nanking. ─── 一九三六年西安事变中,张学良留下他一命,而蒋却恩将仇报,把这位不疑有他、飞到南京的少帅拘禁起来。
53、In order to cover his participation in the kidnaping, the landlord pretended to mediate the affair through puppet troops, preparing a banquet on the tenant's behalf. ─── 地主为了掩盖自己的干系,假装请伪军解决这一绑架事件,还代替佃户摆了一次酒席。
54、Hamas too will think much harder next time it is tempted to burrow under the border to kidnap Israeli soldiers, or to pop its rockets off at Ashkelon or Beersheba. ─── 下次,当哈马斯试图挖掘边界地道来绑架以色列士兵,或是朝阿什科龙或比尔夏巴发射火箭炮时,它也将忖度再三。
55、Some of his colleagues became envious of his fame and he was afraid they'd kidnap me, or worse, if they found out I knew about this place. ─── 他的一些同事越来越嫉妒他的名声,他很担心,假如他们发现我知道这个秘密,他们会绑架我,甚至更糟。
56、When he refuses, Judex takes advantage of a masked ball to kidnap Favraux with the intention of turning his friends and family against him. ─── 化.舞会上的神秘人绑架了恶名昭章的大银行家维桃,还令银行家的挚爱亲朋通通背弃他。
57、At analysis kidnap the behavior stage and the behavior link of the offense after, enunciation oneself support the one behavior of basic standpoint. ─── 在分析了绑架罪的行为阶段与行为环节后,表明了自己支持单一行为说的基本观点。
58、In Japan, crows crack open uts with the help of cars and in Australia, choughs gang up and kidnap theirneighbours young. ─── 在日本,乌鸦能借助汽车的帮助使坚果裂开;在澳大利亚,红嘴山鸦合伙袭击并劫持了他们邻居的幼禽。
59、Military planners have also expressed concern that attempts would be made to kidnap him. ─── 军事策划人员同时也表示出了对绑架的忧虑。
60、Criminal law academe has different understands for the accomplishment form of kidnap crime. ─── 刑法学界对绑架罪的完成形态有不同的认识。
61、Five men heist the Camp Pendleton payroll and kidnap a pilot and his daughter, who are forced to fly them to Mexico. ─── 在电影”稻草人”里,5个人抢劫彭德尔顿营地的工资,并且拐走一名飞行员和他女儿迫使他们朝墨西哥飞去。
62、Urge family members to report kidnap cases ─── 呼吁被绑者家属报案
63、Six people have been arrested in co ection with the kidnap and murder of a 13-year-old boy. ─── 六名涉嫌绑架撕票一名十三岁男童的疑犯落网。
64、carry sb. away by force; kidnap ─── 强行架走
65、Citing unnamed Egyptian officials, the same newspaper floated charges that Iranian intelligence agents were responsible for the kidnap and murder of Egypt's ambassador in Iraq in July 2005. ─── 同一家报纸援引未具名的埃及官员的话指控伊朗情报机构应该对2005年埃及驻伊拉克大使被绑架和杀害负责。
66、Coaxed into helping his friend Pirithous to kidnap Persephone, Theseus went down there, only to be chained to a black stone, and rescued later by Heracles when the latter came to steal Cerberus. ─── 忒修斯被骗去帮助朋茇皮里托俄斯绑架冥后佩耳塞福涅,不料反被用锁链锁在一块黑石头上,直到后来赫刺克勒斯来盗三头犬刻耳柏罗斯时才获救。
67、He lived as a virtual recluse following his 2005 acquittal on charges of child molestation and plotting to kidnap his young accuser. ─── 2005年儿童性骚扰和策划诱拐他的年轻原告指控选派无罪以来,他实际过着隐居生活。
68、They kidnap the killer's beautiful girlfriend a prostitute working in a seedy bordello. ─── 他们无所忌惮,谁当在前面,都祇有死路一条!
69、There is no agreement on the standard of accomplishment and unaccomplishment of crime of kidnaping for ransom in field of theory. ─── 关于绑架勒赎犯罪的既遂与未遂标准 ,理论界并无一致看法。
70、The two of us drove from Los Angeles to Montana so I could "kidnap" the girl I was in love with. ─── 我们俩驱车从洛杉矶赶往蒙大拿,我要“抢”走我爱的女孩。
71、Scarlett Johansson is being lined up to play kidnap girl Natascha Kampusch in a Hollywood movie of her harrowing eight-year imprisonment in a concrete dungeon. ─── 史嘉丽乔安森被选中出演好莱坞新电影的女主角。此影片讲述娜塔莎被绑架八年悲惨的地牢生活。
72、Seven US men have been charged with conspiring to provide support to Islamic militants and conspiring to murder and kidnap people abroad. ─── 七个美国人涉嫌向伊斯兰武装军队提供支持、在海外谋杀和绑架而缠上官司。
73、"Why kidnap her when they could employ her openly?" asked Father. ─── “那为什么要在他们公然控制她的情况下再绑架她?”父亲问。
74、In the past two months, insurgents have come to Mansour to gun down a city councilman, kidnap four Russian Embassy workers, shoot a tailor dead in his shop and bomb a pastry shop. ─── 如今,曼塞尔距加强警备的绿色地带只有三英里,感觉更像战时的贝鲁特而非派克大街。
75、He was as thoughtless as he was unkind .A son of Poseidon's,attempting to kidnap his daughter,made the war-god unhappy,so that he killed the youth Without he sitation. ─── 他做事不加思考,就像他的残暴一样典型。波塞冬的一个儿子企图诱拐他的女儿,弄得战神非常不悦。于是,他毫不留情地把他干掉了。
76、A lovestruck German banker allegedly staged the kidnap of a workmate - and then rescued her so she'd fall for him. ─── 一名热恋中的德国银行员述其自编自导了一场绑架同事并实施营救欲令其爱上他的案件。
77、Three thugs decide to kidnap two rich girls to get rich. ─── 为了致富,三个恶棍决定绑架二个有钱女孩。
78、He admitted the charge of kidnap. ─── 他对绑架的指控供认不讳。
79、Lorek, 41, is pinning his hopes for success on a German law which grants kidnap victims the right to state compensation. ─── 41岁,他把成功的希望寄托在一项德国法律上,该法律保障绑架的受害者申请政府赔偿的权利。
80、He threatened to kidnap her child. ─── 他威胁要绑架她的孩子。
81、He said the militants were apparently planning to attack a kibbutz collective farm or to kidnap a soldier. The general said the quick response of Israeli troops prevented further casualties. ─── 加兰特说,很显然,这些激进分子原来计划袭击基布兹集体农庄或者绑架一名军人。加兰特将军说,由于以色列军队作出了快速的反应,才避免了更多的人员伤亡。
82、While their plan to kidnap the thieves' teenage brother at first seems like a stroke of genius, the scheme is complicated when the frightened adolescent unexpectedly dies. ─── 可是得到金钱,却令他们堕进万劫不复的境地。满足到他们的虚荣生活,代价就是众叛亲离,一切变成泡影。
83、A counterterrorism expert says Carroll may have been experiencing a touch of Stockholm syndrome, a defense mechanism in which kidnap victims empathize with their captors. ─── 一位反恐专家说,Carroll可能患有斯德歌尔摩综合症,这是一种受害人移情到绑架者的防卫机制。
84、A pair of robbers were trying to kidnap his wife. ─── 两个强盗正试图绑架他的妻子。
85、In the case of a conspiracy, attempt, or solicitation to kidnap, ? ─── 在绑架共谋、未遂或教唆情形下,?
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