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kneels 发音

英:[niːlz]  美:[niːlz]

英:  美:

kneels 中文意思翻译



kneels 词性/词形变化,kneels变形

动词过去式: knelt/kneeled |动词过去分词: knelt/kneeled |动词现在分词: kneeling |动词第三人称单数: kneels |

kneels 相似词语短语

1、knevells ─── 井喷

2、kneeled ─── 跪(kneel的过去式和过去分词)

3、kneeler ─── n.跪者;跪台;跪拜者;跪垫

4、kneidels ─── 丧钟

5、kneel ─── vi.跪下,跪

6、keels ─── n.(船的)龙骨;(动)龙骨脊;(植)龙骨瓣;(诗/文)船;平底船;v.(使)翻倒,倾覆;(非正式,人或物)倒塌,崩溃;变凉(同cool);n.(Keel)(美、瑞士、英)克尔(人名)

7、knees ─── [解剖]膝;n.(Knees)人名;(德)克内斯

8、kneelers ─── n.跪者;跪台;跪拜者;跪垫

9、knells ─── n.丧钟声;凶兆;哀伤的声音;vi.鸣丧钟;预报凶兆;发出哀伤之声;vt.敲丧钟召集

kneels 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He stopped to kneel toward the way the sun rose and prayed for forgiveness. ─── 他停下步来,朝着太阳升起的方向,跪倒在地,祈求宽

2、The subjects had to kneel down before the king. ─── 在国王的面前臣民必须跪下。

3、A student comes to a young professor's office hours. She glances down the hall, closes his door , kneels pleadingly . ─── 一个学生走进一位年轻教授的办公室。她扫了一眼大厅,关上教授办公室的门,祈求地跪在地上。

4、Go to temple with me to seek a sign,grasp my hand kissingly and kneel down together. ─── 同我去庙里求签,轻轻捉住我的手一同跪下。

5、Then there was a room where we learned how to walk, how to kneel, (and) how to bow. ─── 另一间里则用来练习如何走路、下跪和鞠躬。

6、Liu looked up this bag of money, re-mind the variety of goods from a list, for God, once again kneel down, fold his hands, and even three Beit al. ─── 刘景升瞧了瞧这袋钱,重新惦记起货物的品种,列出清单,面向苍天,再次跪下,双手合拢,连拜三拜。

7、He was dragooned to kneel before the enemy. ─── 他被硬逼在敌人面前跪下。

8、When I go to the temple to pray, he lightly holds my hand and kneels with me. ─── 同我去庙里求签,轻轻捉住我的手一同跪下。

9、Instead, the man can not kneel. ─── 反之,也不能跪着看人。

10、A student comes to a young professor's office hours. She glances down the hall, closes his door, kneels pleadingly. ─── 一个学生走进一位年轻教授的办公室。她扫了一眼大厅,关上教授办公室的门,祈求地跪在地上。

11、Another kind is the male lies down supinely, the female kneels sits between its both legs, or above face. ─── 另一种是男性仰躺,女性跪坐在其双腿之间,或脸部上方。

12、Eighth, I lie low the husband side to kneel, namely his mouth assumes the even condition with mine lip of vulva. ─── 八、我平躺着老公侧跪,即他的嘴与我的阴唇呈平型状态。

13、But Ms.Li, a hardened veteran of not one but two gao kao ordeals, had a ready retort: “Come on.Even if my mother kneels down before me, I will refuse to take this test again. ─── 但是经过不是一次而是两次高考痛苦经历的李小姐,马上回嘴说:“算了吧,即使我母亲跪在我的面前,我也不考了。”

14、At church people kneel when they pray. ─── 人们在教堂祈祷时要下跪。

15、Say double leg is installed first, namely genuflect is installed, the pose is first genuflect right leg, next two tactics helps left knee up, left leg kneels down. ─── 先说双腿安,即跪安,姿势是先跪右腿,然后两手扶左膝,左腿下跪。

16、Other experiments showed that her kneels and shoulders had a similar sensitivity. ─── 其他的实验也表明她的膝盖和肩都有类似的能力。

17、A student comes to a young professor's office. She glances down the hall, closes his door, kneels pleadingly. ─── 一个女学生来到一个年轻的教授办公室里。她瞄一眼走廊,关上门,恳求的跪下去。

18、You now go to church on Sunday, and you kneel and you worship a Jew, and we're Jews. ─── 你们现在在星期日上教堂,你们下跪朝拜一个犹太人,而我们是犹太人。”

19、Each sister kneels in turn on the stones, and confesses aloud, in the presence of all, the faults and sins which she has committed during the week. ─── 修女一个个顺序走去跪在石板上,当着大众的面,大声交代她在这星期里所犯的大小过失。

20、The children kneel on the ground to express their sentiments for the volunteers.As they kowtow, tears of gratitude and nostalgia come flooding out. ─── 垂手可得美味的炸素料,却是育幼院童难得的享受,品尝美食的同时,孩子感受到的更是那一份如同父母亲对子女的爱。

21、Kneels next to her. ─── 她身旁跪下。

22、Kneel before the brazier, light it, and focus on what you see before your eyes. ─── 在火盆前面跪下并点亮它,并且注视你眼前出现的东西。

23、It also acquires a photographer, a woman in a wind-roiled pashmina, who kneels down close to the pebbles to photograph them. ─── 这片海滩也得到一位摄影师,那是一个披着挡风的羊绒披肩的妇女,双膝跪在鹅卵石上给它们照相。

24、A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape. but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape. ─── 坚强的女人每天做运动保持身材.而有气量的女人足下祈祷保持自己的灵魂健康.

25、When Haman saw that Mordecai would not kneel down or pay him honor, he was enraged. ─── 哈曼见末底改不跪不拜,他就怒气填胸。

26、General Zod:Come to me, Superman! I defy you! Come and kneel before Zod! Zod! ─── 佐德:过来,超人!我向你挑战!来跪在佐德面前吧!

27、Your son kneels before the Emperor. ─── 儿臣拜见父王。

28、May my wife grind for another, And may others kneel over her. ─── 10就愿我的妻子给别人推磨,别人也与她同寝。

29、Every year on the birthday of the town god.folks kneel by the gates of their houses to meet and see off deity. ─── 一年一度的城隍诞辰之日,百姓们跪在自己家的门口,虔诚地迎送着城隍爷。

30、But he would have to make the camel kneel before mounting it and that would mean further delay which he couldn't afford. Time was money. ─── 可是不敢去骑,即使很稳当,也得先教骆驼跪下,他才能上去; 时间是值钱的,不能再麻烦。

31、Muslims kneel at prayer at the Niujie Mosque in Beijing. ─── 北京牛街穆斯林在做礼拜(跪拜)。

32、Go to temple to pray with you ,hold your hand and kneel down together. ─── 同你去庙里求签,轻轻抓住你的手一同跪下。

33、In interrogating a process, a reporter kneels down to the policeman beg for mercy, try with policeman of bribery of 5000 yuan of cash. ─── 在审讯过程中,一名记者向民警下跪求饶,试图以5000元现金行贿民警。

34、Then the cowhide stripped, leaving the cow leather, and buried in the grave kneel has cried. ─── 后来就把牛皮剥了,留下牛皮埋了牛,又在牛坟上跪着大哭了一场。

35、These kings had to kneel at his and his courtiers' feet when they sat at table, and live on the morsels which they left. ─── 吃饭的时候,他强迫这些国王跪在他和他的朝臣们的脚下,同时要他们吃残羹剩饭。

36、Grace kneels on his back and grabs his breathing mask. ─── 格蕾丝的膝盖压在他的背上,并抓住他的呼吸面罩。

37、Forcing your wife to kneel down and scrub the house floor clean is a crime because it amounts to mistreatment, Italy's highest appeals court ruled. ─── 义大利最高上诉法院裁定,强迫你的太太跪著擦洗屋内地板构成犯罪,因为这形同虐待。

38、A crazy queen, old and jealous. Kneel down before me. ─── 一个疯狂的女王,年迈而且爱妒忌:给朕下跪。

39、To kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in expression of deep respect, worship, or submission, as formerly done in China. ─── 叩头跪下并使前额触地,以表示高度尊敬、崇拜或臣服,以前曾用于中国

40、The Buddhist kneels and hopes that the dog will not urinate at this hallowed moment. He dares not lift his head. ─── 佛教徒跪下来,心里暗自希望小狗不要在这个神圣的时刻撒尿。

41、What have you done, what have you done, that you should kneel to us! ─── 你做过什么? 你做过什么? 为什么要向我们跪下?

42、Hiruko: Yatsurao was destroyed by the Oboro 72 years ago. But, he shall be resurrected with the sacrifice of this girl! Kneel before the might of Yatsurao! ─── 八面王在72年前被胧所毁灭。但是,用这女孩做祭品它应该会复活!在八面王的神威前跪下吧!

43、In church you have to kneel during parts of the service. ─── 在教堂,你应该跪下在仪式期间。

44、I know I mean their presents when I kneel know to pray. ─── 在我跪下祈祷的时候,我清楚我被关在这“监狱”。

45、As people cherished the memories of Yue Fei and hated Qin Hui and his followers, they had these four cast in iron, to kneel forever before Yue Fei. ─── 人们怀念岳飞,痛恨秦桧一伙,铸了这四个铁像,让他们永远跪在岳飞面前。

46、Kneel down before a crucifix, be sorry for your sins, and beg My Mothers protection. ─── 在十字架面前跪下,为你的罪感到难过,恳求圣母的保护。

47、He had an impulse to kneel and plead for forgiveness. But a bitterer red anger burned up to fury in him. ─── 他一阵冲动想跪下来请求宽恕,可苦涩的愤恨此时在他胸中已燃烧成了狂怒。

48、The quest for the Holy Grail is the quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the feet of the outcast one. ─── 圣杯在上,剑刃在下。剑刃和圣杯一道看护着她的门外。

49、So of course the priest could do nothing else but kneel down and pray to God that Hes would save him from this terrible Christian lion. ─── 传教士只好跪下,祈祷上帝能将他从这只可怕的基督徒狮子嘴里救出来。

50、Height has been a fascination since the pyramids. It's closer to heaven, to God. It scares off your enemies. It makes your faithful kneel down in awe. ─── 从金字塔时代开始,高度就成为一种吸引人的魅力。越高就越让人神往。高度可以震慑敌人,让人的崇敬之心油然而生。

51、We salute the man who kneels. ─── 我们向跪着的人致敬。

52、Yes. What? They gaze on the darkness, they kneel, and they clasp their hands. What does this signify? ─── 做。做些什么?他们注视着黑影,他们双膝跪下,两手合十。那是什么意思?

53、Holding the lizard in her closed fist, she opens the front door and kneels on the step. ─── 用手包住蜥蜴,她打开前门,跪在了台阶上。

54、Monkey:You silly, kneel down to meet your master. ─── 八戒忙对着唐僧下跪,口喊师傅。唐僧非常吃惊。

55、Chinese knees are not quite as precious as Western knees, for we kneel down before emperors,magistrates and before our own parents on New Year's Day, when they are living. ─── 中国人的膝头并不象西洋人的膝头那么宝贵,因为我们向皇帝拜跪,向县令拜跪,在元旦日也向我们活着的父母拜跪。

56、Oh come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker” (Ps. xcv. 3, 6). ─── “我们要屈身敬拜,在造我们的耶和华面前跪下。”

57、A student comes to a young professor's office hours.She glances down the hall, closes his door, and kneels pleadingly. ─── 免责声明:本站所有文章和图片全部收集自网络,如侵犯到您的权利,请来信告之,我们会立即删除的!

58、Instead of her riding you the typical way, kneel down and rest your butt on your heels. ─── 不是她像骑马一样骑在你的身上,而是跪下,把你的臀部放在你的脚后跟上。

59、Do not kneel, go straight to your feet. ─── 千万不要跪着,要把脚伸直。

60、You silly, kneel down to meet your master. ─── 两人在台上走半圈,来到房前。

61、The whole family is pleasantly surprised, kneels kowtows, this elephant is leisurely and carefree. ─── 全家人又惊又喜,跪地磕头,本象悠闲。

62、Christians often kneel down to say their prayers. ─── 基督教徒通常跪着做祷告。

63、They gaze on the darkness, they kneel, and they clasp their hands. What does this signify? ─── 他们注视着黑影,他们双膝跪下,两手合十。那是什么意思?

64、People sometimes kneel to pray. ─── 人们有时跪着祈祷。

65、Doctoral dissertation:"Bedstand(kneel) style research". ─── 博士论文:“床头柜(跪)式样研究”。

66、He approaches the ceramic sewer pipe and kneels before it.Pulls out the rock-hammer and says a quick silent prayer. ─── 他跪到陶瓷制的下水管道前,拿出石锤,迅速做了一个祷告。

67、"We did not kneel to colonialism", he said. ─── “我们不需要向殖民主义下跪”,他说。

68、Queensland chicken spot ---- men kneel on the bed, the woman sitting in the arms of men, to accept the insertion Yujing. ─── 十八、昆鸡临场----男性跪在床上,女性坐在男性的怀里,接受玉茎的插入。

69、"Who are you?" Asks the Giant. The Giant has a strange sensation. He kneels in front of the little boy. ─── “你是谁?”巨人问道。巨人有一种奇异的预感,他在小男孩跟前跪了下来。

70、"Kneel!" Vierna commanded, and Dinin, when he regained his composure, fell to his knees, all the while looking blankly at Jarlaxle. ─── “跪下!”维尔娜命令道,而狄宁,刚恢复镇定,一下子跪倒在地上,一脸茫然地看着贾拉索。

71、You can't kneel down in the middle of a highway and live to talk about it. ─── 你不可以在高速公路的中间跪了下来,说自己还活着。

72、If I only could kneel down in front of him and beg him to give me only the love of a brother or a friend. ─── 又是给我难受一下! 我恨不得跪在他面前求他只赐我以弟弟或朋友的爱吧!

73、To make(oneself) bow or kneel down in humility or adoration. ─── 使(自己)拜倒使(自己)谦恭或崇敬地鞠躬或跪倒

74、In the traditional Chinese marriage ceremony, the bride and groom kneel before their parents and serve them tea to express their gratitude. ─── 在中国传统的结婚仪式中,新娘和新郎跪在父母面前,向父母敬茶以表达感激之情。

75、Therefore he kneels does obeisance, after makes the rest to continue slightly to seek visits antiquities virtuously. ─── 于是他跪地而拜,稍作休息后又继续去寻访古贤。

76、The Prince kneels and begs the shepherdess for forgiveness.The fairy declares that the girl had always loved the prince, but didn't like his bad behavior. ─── 之后,耶律倍带着爱妃高美人,将所有的书籍装运到船上,渡海逃向后唐。

77、Under czarism, this kind of confidence is doomed to suffer universal destruction.When all the people are forced to kneel down, the only one who still stands has become a god. ─── 但是,只要你拥有做人的基本自信,你就比较容易克服这类局部的自卑,依然坦荡地站立在世界上。

78、But to think of your mother begging you with her last breath to kneel down and pray for her. ─── 可你想想看,你那位快咽气的母亲恳求你跪下来为她祷告。

79、He made the camels kneel down outside the city by the well of water at evening time, the time when women go out to draw water. ─── 创24:11天将晚、众女子出来打水的时候、他便叫骆驼跪在城外的水井那里。

80、"Kneel before me!" Tesla demanded, gesturing to the floor. ─── “在我面前跪下!”泰斯拉指着地面,要求道。

81、I kneel only to god , but i don`t see him here! ─── 在这里对死者家属表示同情!节哀顺变!

82、The meat definitely does meat to despise definitely, Food, the guest kneels from the front, rice together with teach mutually. ─── 濡肉齿决,干肉不齿决,毋嘬炙。卒食,客自前跪,彻饭齐,以授相者。

83、All the rich of the earth will feast and worship; all who go down to the dust will kneel before him- those who cannot keep themselves alive. ─── 地上一切丰肥的人必吃喝而敬拜;凡下到尘土中不能存活自己性命的人都要在他面前下拜。

84、You wouldn't kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you. ─── 你母亲弥留之际,要你跪下来为她祷告,你却拒绝了。

85、And he made his camels to kneel down without the city by a well of water at the time of the evening, even the time that women go out to draw water. ─── 创24:12他说、和华我主人亚伯拉罕的神阿、你施恩给我主人亚伯拉罕、我今日遇见好机会。

86、Towards evening, the time when the women come out to draw water, he made the camels kneel down by the well outside the city . ─── 傍晚,正是妇女出来打水的时候,他让骆驼跪在城外水井边。

87、A cameraman kneels two feet from the heckler and stays there, lens fixed on the old man's face so as not to miss the next outburst. ─── 一位摄影师跪在离这位诘问者两英尺的地方,镜头固定在这位老人的脸上,等着以便不错过他的下一次爆发。

88、It seemed as though he dared not kneel directly before God. ─── 他仿佛觉得他不敢直接跪在上帝跟前。

89、Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel...luckly. ─── 又见阿心这无知少女在此无病呻吟了。。。。

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