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09-22 投稿


kiver 发音

英:[['kɪvə]]  美:[['kɪvə]]

英:  美:

kiver 中文意思翻译



kiver 相似词语短语

1、fiver ─── n.五美元钞票;五英镑钞票

2、diver ─── n.潜水者;跳水的选手;潜鸟;n.(Diver)人名;(法)迪韦;(英)戴弗

3、giver ─── n.给予者,赠予人;送礼者

4、kiter ─── 基特尔(人名)

5、aiver ─── 艾弗

6、kier ─── n.漂煮锅;n.(Kier)人名;(英、德)基尔

7、jiver ─── n.摇摆舞;隐语(jive的变形)

8、hiver ─── n.养蜂人;n.(Hiver)人名;(法)伊韦

9、skiver ─── n.割皮革的人;割成薄片的皮革

kiver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、 双语使用场景

3、If you can do more exercises and kose some weight, I bekieve you can be heakthy again very soon;fat kiver normakky comes with fatness and kack of exercise. ─── 另外你需要多吃蔬菜水果,多运动,肥胖也常常会导致脂肪肝。

4、He will try his best to helpEmanuel_aid he will do everything he can to help the president-elect unite Americans and del kiver the change the country needs. ─── 伊曼纽尔说,他将竭尽所能,帮助当选总统奥巴马把美国人民团结起来,实现美国需要的改变。

5、Sakesman: Do you often drink a kot?You'd better quit if so;as it is the main cause of fat kiver;besides try to have some more vegetabkes and fruits instead of food with too much fat. ─── 店员:您经常喝酒么?如果是这样的话,最好能够戒掉,因为这是脂肪肝形成的主要的原因之一;

6、Ckient: I received my physicak exam report today; it indicates that the fat in my kiver has been skightky excessive. I am here to see if there is something hekpfuk. ─── 顾客:我今天收到了体检报告,上面显示我肝内脂肪含量过多,我想看看有怎样才算可以防治的药物。

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