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09-19 投稿


lyrically 发音

英:[ˈlɪrɪkli]  美:[ˈlɪrɪkli]

英:  美:

lyrically 中文意思翻译



lyrically 网络释义

adv. 抒情地;诗意地;狂热地

lyrically 词性/词形变化,lyrically变形

副词: lyrically |名词: lyricalness |

lyrically 同义词

poetic | mellifluous | romantic | warm | pure |melodic | silvery | sweet | poetry | elegiac | fervid | light | mellifluent | harmonious | sentimental | rhapsodic | emotional | words | ardent | lyrical | songlike | lilting | language | passionate | clear | expressive | melodious | inspired | tuneful | musical | impassioned | dulcet | lyric poem

lyrically 反义词

epic |dramatic

lyrically 相似词语短语

1、lyrical ─── adj.抒情诗调的;感情丰富的;充满愉悦的

2、cynically ─── adv.爱嘲笑地;冷笑地

3、clerically ─── adv.如牧师般地

4、lexically ─── adv.词汇方面;字典地

5、laically ─── 世俗的

6、logically ─── adv.逻辑上;合乎逻辑

7、ludically ─── 玩乐地

8、hydrically ─── 氢化物

9、lytically ─── 淋漓尽致地

lyrically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This CD lyrically deals with the scenario of a war between the West and Islamic terrorists, sung in true death metal style growling by vocalist Juan Urteaga. ─── 不过他们的观点是对于阿拉伯国家的否认,甚至有一些过激。封面就是一把带有浓烈阿拉伯色彩的刀将地球劈开,鲜血淋漓。

2、Perhaps the lyric come after the melody, so owen (the lyricist) has some constraint. ─── 但是有些部分下到我啦!哈哈!我是新来的,不会怎样把我唱的歌放下去。

3、Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons. ─── 俳句:一种日本抒情诗,由三句分别有五,七,五个音节的不压韵诗行构成,通常吟诵自然或四季风光

4、Besides, their inditement of romantic poems are influenced by Latin idylls and Japanese colloquial poems translated by Zhou Zuoren on lyric way. ─── “湖畔”诗人对周译日本短歌、俳句有着较为全面的借鉴,不仅如此,他们的爱情诗创作也摄取了周译希腊牧歌、日本俗歌的抒情方式。

5、I have no idea that I can't download lyric today, maybe its server is upgrading. ─── 不知道为什么今天没法下载歌词,也许在升级服务器吧。

6、Hoped you understood any words from this lyric song meaning is. ─── 希望您?解什麽这首歌曲意味是。

7、He began to wax on lyrically about American society's history as a melting pot of immigrants from all around the globe. ─── 他开始热情讴歌美国社会的历史,说美国是全世界移民的大熔炉。

8、Ovid and Horace challenge comparison with the best elegiac and lyric poets of Greece. ─── 奥维德和贺雷西要同希腊最好的挽歌和抒情诗人争一日之长。

9、Lyrically, the number also encapsulates the entire movie, except the shoot-out at the end of course. ─── 在歌词上,这首歌压缩了整部电影的内容,除了影片结尾的枪战场面。

10、Subject repeating technique is an important creative feature of Grieg s Lyric Piano Opusculum. ─── 主题重复手法是格里格钢琴抒情小品的一个重要创作特点。

11、His lyrics are unique in the traditional lyric writing field. ─── 在传统歌词创作的领域中,独树一帜。

12、A day &night timelapse shot.I chose the song not because of the lyric, but it is the length fitted to my video. ─── 广州上下九路 Guangzhou广州上下九路 Guangzhou This is a famous shopping area "walk-and-shop" street in Guangzhou.

13、He quoted another song lyric in Devils and Dust by Bruce Springsteen, it goes like this:"What if what you do to survive, kills the things you love? ─── 我今年已经大四了,可是在我身边的同学中,有好些人的很多思想还是大一、大二的,可是他们却说我幼稚,认为我杞人忧天,我无言无语。

14、He talks lyrically of hill farmers on high mountain pastures, whose grazing herds prevent avalanches and provide jobs in remote villages. ─── 同时,他还充满深情得提到,在高山农牧区,牧民们进行放牧,一方面防止了雪崩的发生,又为边远地区提供了工作岗位。

15、ZONG Pu is a famous authoress of the present time.Her prose is completed with the finished artistic form: charming and lyric,fluent and graceful. ─── 宗璞是当代著名的女作家,她的散文写得细腻又抒情,流畅而又有韵味。

16、But neither advertising brochures nor lyric poetry can ever be reduced to the kind of logic required of computer programs. ─── 但是无论广告小册子还是抒情诗都绝不可能归结为计算机所要求的那种逻辑。

17、It is a concept record that tells a single story both musically and lyrically. ─── 这是一张在音乐上和歌词上都讲述一个故事的概念专辑。

18、Greek lyric poet remembered especially for his Odes. ─── 品达希腊田园诗诗人,尤以其颂歌集而著称

19、Lyrically, the song started as a reflection of witnessing a friend go through a really bad drug problem. ─── 歌词上的,这首歌一开始是见证了一个朋友处理一些非常糟糕的问题。

20、I see in the swollen muscles of their lyric throats the staggering effort that must be made to turn the wheel over, to pick up the pace where one has left off. ─── 我从他们美妙的喉咙的肿胀肌肉上看出把轮子翻转过来时,从掉队的地方加快脚步赶上来时,他们一定费了惊人的力量。

21、It is mainly divided into two parts, main musical form and nip musical form, which have depended with each other, making the lyric structure intergraded, changeable and uniform. ─── 主曲体和夹曲体在整个曲体上互为依存,相互补充,整个歌词的结构有起、有承、有转、有合,使整个套曲在结构上既有变化又有统一的特点。

22、It sounds more a lyric than a song. ─── 它与其说是歌词,不如说是一首抒情诗。

23、O lyric love, half angel and half bird And all a wonder and a wild desire. ─── 哦,奔放的爱,半是天使半是飞鸟,合起来便是奇迹和狂野的欲望。

24、Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece, two are still admired by readers today: Sappho and Pindar. ─── 古希腊抒情诗人中,萨福和品达至今仍被人们广泛赞赏。

25、The subjects of ancient Hebrew lyric,medieval Arabic and Persian lyrics,and India lyric are mostly religious or connected with religions. ─── 古代希伯来抒情诗、中古阿拉伯和波斯的抒情诗、印度抒情诗三者,其题材往往是宗教性的或者与宗教有关。

26、COME BACK TO SORRENTO Lyric by G. De Curtis, Music by E. ─── 回到索伦多曲

27、The effects on literature creating and literary theory were that it promoted the development of the lyric literature and the perfection of the idea of artistic ambit. ─── 唐代文人大多习佛好禅,在佛学的深刻影响下,促进了对意境说的研究,推动了意境说的产生与逐步发展。

28、She also sings very well--a clear lyric soprano. ─── 她歌儿也唱得很美--清脆的抒情女高音。

29、A medieval Italian or Proven?l lyric of varying stanzaic form,usually with a concluding envoy. ─── 坎佐尼中世纪意大利或法国普罗旺斯的抒情诗,诗节形式不一,通常在结尾有一个献诗

30、One of the German lyric poets and singers in the troubadour tradition who flourished from the12th to the14th century. ─── 吟游诗人风行于12世纪至14世纪的继承游吟诗人传统的德国抒情诗人和歌手

31、Kada is a young artist full of lyric intentions. ─── 卡达是一个赋有诗意的青年艺术家。

32、It is this sorrow of separation that gazes in silence all night from star to star and becomes lyric among leaves in rainy darkness of July. ─── 就是这种痛苦整夜无言地凝视群星,然后在七月霪雨的幽暗里,在瑟瑟的树叶声中幻化成浓情的天籁。

33、The nature of dialogue with lyric text is to seek the extensive and deep relationship between human being and the world through the text to improve the spiritual realm. ─── 与抒情文本对话实质上是通过文本寻找与世界的广泛而深刻的联系,最终提升阅读主体的精神境界。

34、Chinese people returning from overseas (lyrically named hai-gui or "returning turtles") are plugging some of the shortages, particularly at the most senior levels. ─── 中国海龟人员填补了一些溃乏,特别是在深层领域。

35、She danced the part of the black swan very lyrically. ─── 她充满感情地跳了一段布莱克的《天鹅湖》。

36、The lyric protagonist in The Belles Longs and Shorts was a mythical multi-layered character whose deep psyche was composed with universal elements. ─── 《美妇人诗吟》的抒情主人公是一个复式多层面的神话象征形象 ,其深层结构由宇宙灵魂与宇宙元素组成。

37、SL: Lyrically, can you explain the messages of both Extension Of The Wish and the forthcoming album? Does anything intertwine? ─── 在歌词的部份,你能解释一下这两张专辑所要传达的讯息吗?两者间是否有任何的纠结?

38、Hers is a large voice, projected with ease and assurance, and shaded to lie between lyric and dramatic qualities. ─── 她嗓音宏亮,发声自如而有把握,表现手法既抒情而又富于戏剧性。

39、He wrote a lyric poem. ─── 他写了一首抒情诗。

40、She invites me to her lyric drama today. What can I do, as you know I am so busy. ─── 今天她邀请我参加她的歌剧,不过我很忙,我该怎么做呢?

41、Fine, tell you, my friends like your music, and asked if you can write a lyric for it? ─── 很不错,告诉你,我的朋友们很喜欢你的音乐,并且希望你能给做个歌词。

42、If you are not burned to ashes, you will then be able to philosophize lyrically. ─── 如果你未被烧为灰烬,你将能够激情澎湃的阐明哲理。

43、Why should there be this uncomfortable moment on a seemingly positive lyric? ─── 为什么这种令人不安的时刻会和看似正面的歌词同时出现?

44、That's just amazing!! I like the rhythm, I like the lyric, and I like the way you sing it even more!!! ─── 可以说你不止唱得好,也很会演吗:)现在就开始期待你的下一个作品了!!!

45、Your charming and beautiful as love lyric poem; Your pristine, pure love seems crystal stone. ─── 你的娇美,美如爱抒情诗;你的清纯,纯似爱的水晶石。

46、His oil painting works always flare with rational brilliance of realism as well as pure and fresh art color and lyric quality of eclogue. ─── 他的油画作品,始终闪耀着现实主义的理性光辉,却又不乏清新秀婉的艺术情调和田园牧歌式的抒情品质。

47、He is a lyric poet. ─── 他是个抒情诗人。

48、The moonlight, the song lyric, nice, soft slowly when listening, there is always a light yellow, yellow, with quiet moonlight lusk song! ─── 城里的月光,那歌真好,柔缓抒情,什么时候听,总有淡淡、黄黄、静静的月光伴歌声入耳!

49、She became quite lyric(al). ─── 她感到非常兴奋。

50、Unlike modern lyric poetry, it friendly affirms the same folk love as the traditional narrative poetry. ─── 它不似现代抒情诗一刀挥断与传统诗歌的脐带,而是以较为亲和的姿态,表现出与传统叙事诗同源的民间情结。

51、With, unadorned lyric, profound meaning, brilliant melody, his songs are full of artistic charm and boast high aesthetic value. ─── 他的艺术歌曲充满了强烈的艺术魅力,具有很高的审美价值。

52、Irritates, song without proper lyric can still get praises from teacher. ─── 叔叔到现在都不明白为什么那时多了那么多人去他的婚礼。

53、Growled seawater of a day restored calm right now, a spiccato lyric, tender Hai Zhiyun. ─── 咆哮了一天的海水此时恢复了平静,弹奏着一曲抒情、温柔的海之韵。

54、Artists are forbidden to perform content that would harm "national unity" or "stir up resentment" and promoters are asked to submit set-lists and lyric sheets for approval. ─── 很多歌手以破坏“民族团结”和“煽动仇恨”为由被禁止演出,而承办商则需要向上递交歌单和歌词以获审查和通过。

55、Wailing songs in wedding were once the popular lyric folk songs of Tujia people and the bride's right of utterance. ─── 哭嫁歌曾是土家族地区风行的抒情性仪式歌谣,是新娘在哭嫁仪式中拥有的话语权。

56、Places and seasons play an integral role in your poetry, both lyrically and theatrically. ─── 地点和季节在你的诗歌中扮演了一个不可或缺的角色,作用于抒情和戏剧化。

57、Her songs are lyrically deep, full of messages with sounds aimed with a pop pitch. ─── 鬼束千寻将流行节奏配上深具意义的歌词,因此每一首歌都百听不厌。

58、THE SOLDIER IN LOVE Lyric by A.Califano, Music by E. ─── 恋爱中的士兵曲

59、The students trained actively, enjoyed the dancing lyrically, and they show the charming of campus team dancing. ─── 同学们积极训练,热情参与,以欢乐的舞姿演绎了旋律优美的校园舞。

60、His lyric art is explored according to his dense plebeian consciousness, multi-angled organization of a group poems, and multicolored lyric skills. ─── 关于储诗的抒情艺术,本文从抒情主体浓郁的平民意识,多层次多角度的组诗抒情形式,异彩纷呈的抒情技巧三点展开。

61、Out of the urban system, encircling the cities, sending labor forces. A Song without lyric. ─── 世俗操作系统外,包围城市,远输劳工,为之馈送。

62、Greek lyric poet (518-438 BC). ─── 希腊抒情诗人(公元前518年-公元前438年)。

63、Far You're such a beauty, beauty is like a lyric poems, you are so pure, pure like a piece of ice crystal and transparent ying. ─── 你是那样的美,美得象席慕容的一首抒情诗,你是那样的纯,纯得象一块冰莹剔透的水晶石。

64、They lyrically described it as "a little ray of sunshine" amid the global financial storm. ─── 他们满怀激情地将之形容为全球金融风暴中的“一缕阳光”。

65、Even if we can sing lyrically, but it can't proceed from the moral nature actually the sympathetic ch... ─── 即使我们能唱出动人的歌,却没有发自心底的共鸣,也只是一些空洞的音乐罢了。

66、This paper makes an analysis of the world-famous political lyric "Song to the Men of England"written by PercyBysshe Shelley. The focus of this paper is mainly on the word-alarm... ─── 就英国浪漫主义时期著名诗人雪莱的政治抒情诗"致英国人民"进行文体和寓意两方面的评析.全文的重点在于"警钟"一词.

67、A CUP OF COFFEE Lyric by G.Capaldo, Music by V. ─── 一杯咖啡曲

68、As a quick disclaimer, with all lyric writing there is a conscious level and a subconscious level. ─── 我不承认所有的歌词创作都有一个有意识的和潜意识的层面。

69、A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons. ─── 俳句一种日本抒情诗,由三句分别有五,七,五个音节的不压韵诗行构成,通常吟诵自然或四季风光

70、Many of his blues poems are written in the three common blues lyric forms, namely the AAB form, the ABB form and the AAA form. ─── 布鲁斯歌词常见的形式有三种,也就是AAB,ABB,AAA。

71、JUST SAY I LOVE HER Lyric by E.Fusco, Music by R. ─── 就说我爱你曲

72、He was nominated for a 2002 Laurence Olivier Theatre Award for Most Promising Newcomer of 2001 for his performance in The Servant at the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre. ─── 他被提名为2002年劳伦斯奥利维尔戏剧奖最有前途的新人, 2001年为他的表现在仆人在抒情哈默史密斯剧院举行。

73、Quzici in the Tang Dynasty first prevailed among ordinary people, but the literati began to compose the Lyric Poetry for music since the mid Tang Dynasty. ─── 唐代曲子词最早流行于民间,文人填词的风气始于唐中叶,之后填词的文人逐渐增多。

74、His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order. ─── 他的早期作品显露了一流的抒情才华。

75、Mostly it post the whole characterful of bashan folk song from the kind of lyric,spcial language,sort of descant. ─── 主要从歌词的种类、语言特点及风格,曲调的类别和特征上揭示巴山民歌的整体风格特征,表现它的独特性和艺术性。

76、In one of his poets German lyric poet Friedrich H"olderlin wrote: “Full of merit yet poetically man dwells on this earth. ─── 德国诗人荷尔德林在诗中曾这样写道:“布满劳绩,然而人诗意地栖居在大地上”。

77、We live in a business world that increasingly worships the great tribal god innovation, lyrically hailing it not just as a desired, but as a necessary condition of a company's survival and growth. ─── 我们所处于的商业世界日益将创新视为部落里的神灵,不仅仅把它当作一种奢求,而是作为一家企业生存与发展的基石。

78、From Aristotle to modern times, Genre is basically limited in the category which includes Lyric poetry, Narrative poetry and Drama. ─── 从亚里士多德开始到当代,文类大都被界定在由史诗类、抒情诗歌类、戏剧类构成的诗的的艺术的范畴之内,而摈弃了实用性、无韵的散文。

79、Lyrically and thematically, there is also more of a sense of romanticism and sentimentality than previous albums, which were more realistic without taking as much creative liberty. ─── 以往的歌词与主题偏重在现实的陈述,这次则是运用更多天马行空的创意,抒发出更为浓烈的浪漫与感伤情怀。

80、Whitman) run in the United States one of the three major lyric poet immortalized. ─── 她诗风独特,以文字细腻、观察敏锐、意象突出著称。

81、Shek Kip flower size, the historywen ren mo ke Cliff left a large number of stone, or Notepad, or lyric, or Lishu, or regular script, rich and colorful. ─── 大小花石峡中,历代文人墨客留下大量摩崖碑刻,或记事,或抒情,或隶书,或楷书,丰富多彩。

82、Xu Zhimo lived only35 years in this world. His life is too short, but his lyric poems with profound thinking and inexhaustible symbolic meanings, will forever remain in our mind. ─── 徐志摩虽然在这个世界上只生活了短短的35年,但他所留下的具有无穷无尽意义的诗却会永远留在我们的心中。

83、Both musically and lyrically it is very effective. ─── 和歌词都给人留下非常深刻的印象。

84、As a lyric coloratura. ─── 作为一个抒情花腔女高音。

85、In the introduction, Natural scene is put and is full of lyrically and the philosophic theory mean, make the scene artistic conception, thus, built the artistic conception of the poem. ─── 在引子中,自然景物的并置充满抒情和哲理意味,这样使场景意境化,从而营造了诗的意境;

86、A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five,seven,and five syllables,traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons. ─── 俳句一种日本抒情诗,由三句分别有五,七,五个音节的不压韵诗行构成,通常吟诵自然或四季风光。

87、I didn't remember the lyric,but the song sounded quiet and peaceful. ─── 我不记得歌词,但是那歌听起来给人很平静安宁的感觉。

88、He writes good short lyric poems. ─── 他的小令写得很出色。

89、When creating aesthetic images, film and television art tends to enrich the lyric color by omitting the space of imagination and changing the time and space. ─── 影视艺术审美意象的营造表现出省略营造的想象空间以及通过时空变异增强抒情色彩等重要特征。

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