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09-20 投稿


lacunar 发音

英:[[lə'kju:nə]]  美:[[lə'kju:nə]]

英:  美:

lacunar 中文意思翻译



lacunar 短语词组

1、lacunar infarct ─── 腔隙性梗塞

2、acute lacunar tonsillitis ─── 急性腔隙性扁桃体炎

3、lacunar angina ─── [医] 扁桃体炎

4、lacunar ligament ─── 腔隙韧带,陷窝韧带

5、lacunar abscess ─── [医] 陷窝脓肿

6、lacunar cell ─── 陷窝细胞

7、lacunar amnesia ─── [医] 空隙性遗忘

8、lacunar infarction ─── 腔隙性脑梗死 ─── 腔隙性脑梗塞

9、lacunar tonsillitis ─── [医] 陷窝性扁桃体炎

10、lacunar ceiling ─── 格形顶栅天花板

11、lacunar tissue ─── 腔隙组织

12、lacunar syndrome ─── 腔隙综合征

13、lacunar stroke ─── 空洞性卒中

lacunar 相似词语短语

1、lacunary ─── adj.有孔的;缺项的;有缺陷的

2、acinar ─── adj.[解剖]腺泡的

3、lacunate ─── adj.有孔的

4、lacunaria ─── n.花格平顶,(花格平顶的)嵌板(lacunar的变形)

5、lacunal ─── adj.有孔的;空隙的

6、lacuna ─── n.空隙;空白;(生物)腔隙;n.(Lacuna)(西)拉库纳(人名)

7、lacunas ─── n.空隙;空白;(生物)腔隙;n.(Lacuna)(西)拉库纳(人名)

8、lacunae ─── n.脱漏;缺损;裂陷(lacuna的复数形式)

9、lacunars ─── n.花格平顶,(花格平顶的)嵌板;花格镶板;凹格(拱形)天花板;天花板的装饰镶板;adj.有花格平顶的;陷窝的,含陷窝的;(与)空隙有关的

lacunar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Materials and Methods: 60 patients with diabetes mellitus were studies by MR imaging.The number, distribution and stage of the lacunar cerebral infarction were analyzed and classified. ─── 材料和方法:对60例糖尿病患者行MRI检查,统计和分析糖尿病患者的腔隙性脑梗死的数目、分布和分期。

2、concentric lacunar leukoencephalopathy ─── 同心圆性腔隙性白质脑病

3、Forensic Medical Examination of Traumatic Lacunar Cerebral Infarction ─── 外伤性腔隙性脑梗死的法医鉴定

4、Keywords Intracerebral microbleeds Gradient-echo T2* MRI Lacunar infarcts White matter changes; ─── 脑内微出血;梯度回波磁共振;腔隙性梗塞;脑白质改变;

5、Cranial MRI on the symptomatic patient demonstrated bilateral symmetric leukoencephalopathy and multiple small subcortical lacunar infarcts. ─── MRI显示双侧对称的白质脑病和多发性脑梗死。

6、Sasaki T,Watanabe M,Nagai Y.et al.Association of plasma homocysteine concentration with atherosclerotic carotid plaques and lacunar infarction[J].Stroke,2 ─── 中华神经科学会,中华神经外科学会.各类脑血管疾病诊断要点[J].中华神经科杂志,1996,29:379.

7、Keywords cerebral infarction;hemorrhagic compartmental syndrome;lacunar infarct;risk factor.; ─── 关键词脑梗死;出血性腔隙综合征;腔隙性脑梗死;危险因素;

8、multiple lacunar infarction ─── 多发性腔隙性脑梗塞

9、Relationship of Congnitive Function with Different Location and Stage of First-ever Lacunar Infarction ─── 不同部位初发腔隙性脑梗死患者不同时段与认知功能的关系

10、The alteration of balance between coagulated and fibrinolytic activities was apparent in the patients with lacunar infarction. ─── 结论高血压病无论是否合并腔隙性病变均存在凝血和纤溶功能的失衡,提示早期预防具有重要意义。

11、lacunar stroke ─── 空洞性卒中

12、Objective To investigate CT features and its diagnostic value of traumatic cerebral lacunar infarction. ─── 目的探讨CT对外伤性腔隙性脑梗塞的诊断价值及其特征。

13、The Clinical Observation of Equal-volume Blood Attenuation Treated Lacunar Cerebral Infarction ─── 等容血液稀释血液净化生物平衡疗法治疗腔隙性脑梗死临床观察

14、Miyao S,Takano A,Teramoto J, et al. Leukoaraiosis in relation to prognosis for patients with lacunar infarction[J]Stroke,1992, 23(10):1434. ─── 全国第四届脑血管病学术会议.脑卒中患者临床神经功能缺损程度评分标准(1995)[J].中华神经科杂志,1996,29(6):381.

15、lacunar node, medial ─── 内侧陷窝淋巴结

16、Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of 3.0T MR diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in distinguish the acute lacunar infarction from leukoaraiosis (LA). ─── 目的评价3.0T磁共振扩散张量成像(DTI)对鉴别老年人脑白质疏松症(LA)中急性腔隙性脑梗死的诊断应用价值。

17、METHODS: An auditory discrimination paradigm was employed to elicit event related potentials in 16 patients of silent multiple lacunar cerebral infarction as compared with age matched healthy controls. ─── 方法:检测16例无症状性多发腔隙性脑梗死患者的事件相关电位并与正常对照组进行比较。

18、Objective To investigate the method to measure lacunar infarction quantitatively. ─── 目的探讨对高血压病患者脑腔隙性梗塞灶定量的可行性。

19、Keywords laser;He Ne;lacunar intares;depressive state; ─── 激光;氦氖;腔隙性脑梗死;抑郁状态;

20、Objective: To study the relationship between diabetes mellitus and lacunar cerebral infarcts. ─── 目的:研究糖尿病与腔隙脑梗塞的关系。

21、Objective:To investigate the changes of cerebrovascular function in the patients with multiple lacunar infarct(MLI)at different stage. ─── 目的 :观察多发腔隙性脑梗死 (MLI)不同时期脑血管功能变化的临床意义。

22、Results Of all ischemic stroke patients,21.0%,21.0%,36.3% and 21.7% were classified as lacunar infarcts,total anterior cir... ─── 结论本研究中部分前循环梗死亚型所占比例最高,不同性别患者各亚型的分布无差别。

23、Keywords Atherosclerotic Cerebral Infarction;Lacunar Cerebral Infarction;Cerebral Atherosclerosis;Insulin Resistance; ─── 神经病学;动脉粥样硬化性脑梗死;腔隙性脑梗死;胰岛素抵抗;

24、2 Cases showed brain atrophy, 1 case showed mild lacunar infarction, and the other 2 were normal. ─── 2例脑萎缩,1例少许脑腔隙梗死,另有2例正常。

25、1.The arteriolar sclerosis that results from chronic hypertension leads to small lacunar infarcts, or "lacunes", one of which is seen here in the pons. ─── 缓进型高血压小动脉硬化导致小范围的腔隙性梗死灶,脑桥上可见一此种病变。

26、Pontine lacunar infarction was common in clinic, but it had the limitation of detection means. ─── 临床上脑桥腔隙性梗死并不少见,但受到检测手段的限制而易被忽视。

27、incomplete, lacunar, full of gaps, full of holes, full of loopholes, fragmentary ─── 有裂缝的。充满裂缝的。全是洞的。满是枪眼的。不全的。有缺陷的。

28、Is Investigating for Carotid Artery Disease Warranted in Non-Cortical Lacunar Infarction? ─── 有研究表明颈动脉疾病属于非皮质的腔隙性梗塞吗?

29、AIM:To investigate the diagnostic value of event related potentials (ERP) for cognitive impairment of patients with silent multiple lacunar cerebral infarction. ─── 目的:探讨事件相关电位(ERP)对无症状性多发腔隙性脑梗死患者认知功能障碍的诊断价值。

30、Anna MB.Leonardo P.Giovanni P Age,hypertension,and lacunar stroke are the major determinants of the severity of age-related white matter changes 2006(5-6 ─── 刘玮.刘俊艳.高东美.魏娟红脑梗死患者脑白质疏松症发病率及其相关因素分析[期刊论文]-中华神经医学杂志2006(2

31、Conclusion: MRI was most trustworthy method to identify the lacunar cerebral infarction. ─── 结论:MRI是目前显示腔隙性脑梗死的最可靠方法。

32、Objective To analyze the characteristics of CT and TCD and their ralations with the clinical manifestations in lacunar infarction patients. ─── 目的对149例腔隙性脑梗塞患者的头颅CT、部分TCD及临床特征作回顾性分析。

33、Objective To compare the risk factors for hemorrhagic compartment syndrome(HL) and lacunar infarct(LI). ─── 目的比较出血性腔隙综合征(HL)与腔隙性脑梗死(LI)的危险因素。

34、Electron micrograph of a chondrocyte in its lacuna and almost entirely filling the lacunar space. ─── 电镜照片显示软骨细胞充满骨陷窝中。

35、Electron micrograph of a chondrocyte in its lacuna and almost entirely filling the lacunar space. ─── 电镜照片显示软骨细胞充满骨陷窝中。

36、lacunar abscess ─── [医] 陷窝脓肿

37、Diagnostic Value of Thin CT Scan in the Lacunar Infarction ─── CT薄层扫描对腔隙性脑梗塞的诊断价值

38、Keywords lacunar infarction;congnitive function;memory;language;practice;attention;orientation; ─── 关键词腔隙性脑梗死;认知功能;记忆;语言;实践;注意;定向力;

39、joint capsule was sealed, the lacunar called joint cavity. ─── 关节囊是密封的,其内的腔隙叫关节腔。

40、Objective Explore the causa morbi and treatment of lacunar cerebral infarction. ─── 目的探讨腔隙性脑梗死的发病原因及治疗。

41、lacunar node, lateral ─── 外侧陷窝淋巴结

42、mean lacunar surface ─── 平均腔隙表面面积

43、Methods : It was analysed in 500 elder patients with lacunar infarction that included risk factors, clinical character, mechanism, and the features of CT and MRI. ─── 方法:通过对老年人腔隙性脑梗死500例的危险因素、临床特点、发病机制、CT和MRI的影像特点及转归的综合分析。

44、Objective To investigate the characteristics of cognitive disorder in elderly patients with silent lacunar infarctions(SLI). ─── 目的探讨静止性腔隙性脑梗死(SLI)老年患者认知功能障碍的特点。

45、A study of the relationship between ambulatory blood pressure and lacunar infarction in patients with essential hypertension ─── 原发性高血压患者动态血压与腔隙性脑梗死关系的研究

46、Objective Discuss the types and clinical features of lacunar infarction (lacuna). ─── 目的探讨老年腔隙性脑梗死的类型与临床特征。

47、However,compare with control,PLT in Lacunar cerebral infarction patients has no significant difference(P>0.05). ─── 而腔隙性脑梗塞患者PLT与对照组比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

48、lacunar ceiling ─── 格形顶栅天花板

49、Objective To investigate usage of TCD in Evaluating the cerebral hemodynamics in patients with lacunar infarction. ─── 目的探讨经颅多普勒(TCD)在腔隙性脑梗死患者脑血流动力学检测中的作用。

50、Keywords Paraoxonase Polymorphism Lacunar infarction; ─── 屏氧酶-1;基因多态性;腔隙性脑梗死;

51、Objective: To study the character of lacunar infarction in elder patient and the value of CT and MRI for diagnosis of lacunar infarction. ─── 目的:研究老年人腔隙性脑梗死的特点及CT、MRI在其诊断中的价值。

52、Methods 94 patients with stroke were divided into artherothrombotic infarction (ATI) group (34 cases), lacunar infarction(LI) group (25 cases) and intracerebral hemorrhage(ICH) group(35 cases). ─── 方法 94例脑卒中患者分为动脉粥样硬化血栓性脑梗死组 (ATI,34例 ) ,腔隙性脑梗死组 (LI,2 5例 ) ,脑出血组 (ICH,35例 ) ;

53、lacunar angina ─── [医] 扁桃体炎

54、Conclusion Diabetic microvascular complication is one of the risk factors of lacunar infarction. ─── 结论糖尿病微血管病变是腔隙产生的危险因素之一。

55、Objective To investigate the changes of cerebrovascular function in the patients with multiple lacunar infarct (MLI) at different stage. ─── 目的系统观察多发腔隙性脑梗死(MLI)不同时期脑血管功能的变化。

56、Evaluation of the differentiation between recent and old cerebral lacunar infarcts with MRI diffusion-weighted imaging ─── 磁共振扩散加权成像在鉴别新陈腔隙性脑白质梗死中的价值

57、Lacunar infarcts were rated visually.Volumes of deep white matter and WML and presence of lacunar infarcts reflected cerebral small vessel disease. ─── 人工视觉判断腔隙性梗塞的程度,深灰质的容积、脑室容积及腔隙性梗塞的存在与否反应脑部小血管病变的程度。

58、Objective To study the correlation between lacunar cerebral infarction and cerebral arterial stenosis. ─── 目的探讨腔隙性脑梗塞与颅内脑动脉狭窄的关系。

59、lacunar amnesia ─── 空隙性遗忘

60、Objective To investigate usage of TCD in Evaluating the cerebral hemodynamics in patients with lacunar infarction. ─── 目的探讨经颅多普勒(TCD)在腔隙性脑梗死患者脑血流动力学检测中的作用。

61、A analysis on the clinical manifestation and MRI. BAEP of pons lacunar infarction ─── 桥脑腔隙性梗死的临床与MRI、BAEP检测分析

62、Methods Analyse retrospectively 117 elder patients with lacunar infarction. ─── 方法对以腔隙性脑梗死就诊的老年患者117例回顾分析。

63、Application of Breath-holding Test in the Guidance of Antihypertensive Treatment for Hypertensive Patients with Lacunar Infarction ─── 屏气试验在指导老年高血压并腔隙性脑梗死患者降压治疗中的应用

64、The purpose of the present study was to detect and identify the characteristics of cognitive impairments during the early stage of lacunar stroke. ─── 而本研究的目的即著重于发现并厘清在早期陷窝型脑梗塞病人所引起 的认知功能障碍。

65、Comparison of the Risk Factors for Hemorrhagic Compartmental Syndrome and Lacunar Infarct ─── 出血性腔隙综合征与腔隙性脑梗死危险因素比较

66、intermediate lacunar node ─── 中陷窝淋巴结

67、On this slice a common normal variant is seen which may be mis-identified as lacunar infarction or other abnormality: the widened lenticulostriate perivascular space. ─── 在此层面,有一个正常的变异可能会被认为是腔隙梗塞或其它异常:纹状体外周血管空间增宽。

68、The changes of cerebrovascular function in the patients with multiple lacunar infarction. ─── 多发腔隙性脑梗死的脑血管功能变化。

69、When more prominent, they may be misidentified as lacunar infarcts. ─── 有时如果图像加强一些,就容易和脑梗塞的缺陷混淆。

70、Objective To study the relationship between diabetic rnicroangiopathy and lacunar infarction. ─── 目的研究糖尿病微血管病变与腔隙性脑梗死之间的关系。

71、In this papar, radioimmunoassay was carried out to measure the somatostation (SS) concentration in 30 patients with mult tiple lacunar infarcts(MLI) and 16 normal controls. ─── 本文应用放射免疫法对20例多发性腔隙梗塞(MLI)患者及16名健康人的血浆生长抑素(SS)含量进行了观察,结果显示MLI患者血浆SS含量为17.16±4.86ng/L。

72、Conclusion Actively treating basic diseases can effectively prevent and reduce risk factors of cardial-cerebral disease and avoid the attack of lacunar cerebral infarction. ─── 结论积极治疗基础疾病可以有效预防和减少脑血管疾病的危险因素,避免腔隙性脑梗死的发生和再发生。

73、Keywords Medicine Iconography;MRI;Lacunar infarction;Brain stem; ─── 关键词医学影像学;磁共振成像;腔隙性梗死;脑干;

74、The main imaging findings of diffuse SLEE which is good prognosis were normality, Lacunar infarct, demyelination; ─── 其中弥漫型的影像学表现多为正常、腔隙性脑梗塞、脱髓鞘样改变,其预后较好;

75、Results Pontine was the most common site of brainstem infarction, and lacunar infarction accounted for the largest proportion of pontine infarction, which was closely related to anatomy. ─── 结果脑桥是脑干梗死最常见部位,脑桥梗死又以腔隙性梗死为最多,这和解剖学密切相关。

76、Keywords Insulin resistance(IR);Cerebral lacunar infarction;Insulin sensitivity indexes(I SI); ─── 胰岛素低抗;脑梗塞;胰岛素敏感指数;

77、lacunar stage ─── 滋养叶陷窝期

78、Objective To analyze the genetic predisposition to lacunar cerebral infarction (LCI) by genotyping of HLA DQA1 alleles according to trait of multiple genes leading to disease. ─── 目的 针对腔隙性脑梗死多基因致病的特点 ,进行人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) DQA1等位基因分型 ,分析腔隙性脑梗死的遗传易感性。

79、Keywords Hemorrhage lacunar syndrom;Hypertension;Lacunar infarction;CT;MRI; ─── 关键词出血性腔隙综合征;高血压病;腔隙性梗死;CT;MRI;

80、Keywords Intellect evaluation;Hypertension: Lacunar infarction; ─── 智能评定;高血压;腔隙性脑梗死;

81、Objective To evaluate CT findings of traumatic cerebral lacunar infarction in diagnosis. ─── 目的:探讨CT在外伤性腔隙性脑梗塞诊断中的价值及其特征。

82、Results Find that occurrence rate of lacunar infration of cerabral infraction group is low, occurrence of great area infraction is high,death rate increases, live ability of survivors is poor. ─── 结果发现房颤组腔隙性梗死发生率低,大面积梗死发生率高,死亡率增加,存活者生活自理能力差。

83、Out of 412 patients with lacunar cerebral infarction,127 cases were affirmatively confirmed by MRA to have cerebral artery stenosis. ─── MRA检查发现颅内动脉狭窄127例。

84、Results The infarctions appeared as small lacunar lesions, and were located mainly in the regions of lenticular nucleus, caudate nucleus and internal capsule. ─── 结果外伤性腔隙性脑梗塞好发于基底节内囊区,均位于豆状核、尾状核及内囊区,呈小片腔隙性低密度影。

85、Conclusion Diabetic microvascular complication is one of the risk factors of lacunar infarction. ─── 结论糖尿病微血管病变是腔隙产生的危险因素之一。

86、Objective To explore the clinical value of changes of depressive emotion and P300 (EP) evoked potentials in patients with lacunar infarct (LI). ─── 摘要目的探讨腔隙性脑梗死(LI)患者的抑郁情绪和P300电位变化及其临床价值。

87、Method Treat 285 cases of lacunar cerebral infarction with cytidine diphosphate choline and purarin, and treat pointing to symptoms for those with basic diseases. ─── 方法对285例腔隙性脑梗死患者给予胞二磷胆碱、葛根素治疗,对合并基础疾病的患者同时给予对症治疗。

88、acute lacunar tonsillitis ─── 急性陷窝性扁桃体炎

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