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09-21 投稿


laminal 发音

英:[['læmɪnəl]]  美:[['læmɪnəl]]

英:  美:

laminal 中文意思翻译



laminal 短语词组

1、laminal flow ─── 层流

laminal 相似词语短语

1、laminary ─── adj.由薄片组成的(等于laminar);薄层的

2、lamina ─── n.叶片;薄层;薄板;n.(Lamina)人名;(意)拉米纳

3、liminal ─── adj.阈限的

4、laminas ─── n.叶片;薄层;薄板;n.(Lamina)人名;(意)拉米纳

5、laminate ─── v.将锻压成薄片;分成薄片;n.薄片制品;层压制件;adj.薄片状的;层状的

6、luminal ─── n.鲁米那(一种镇静剂);adj.腔的

7、laminable ─── adj.可辗薄的;可切成薄片的

8、laminae ─── n.(沉积岩、有机组织的)薄片,薄层;椎板;叶片(lamina的复数)

9、laminar ─── adj.薄片状的,由薄片组成的;层流的;层状的,板状的

laminal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the previous stage, the laminal ore and source were formed by spouting hydrothermal sedimentary in the eastern part and in the lower herizon. ─── 前期海底喷流热液沉积作用,在台沟与台地过渡地带形成了矿区东部和下部的纹层条带状矿和矿源层。

2、In chloric pollution the area cultivates 48 day hind, 1 kilogram of lamina can be absorbed chloric 4. 8 grams.It still can absorb mercuric vapour. ─── 一旦环境中出现硫化物,它的叶片上就会出现斑纹,甚至枯黄脱落,这便是向人们发出的警报。

3、external thalamic medullary lamina ─── 丘脑外髓板

4、lamina chorioidea epithelialis ventriculi lateralis ─── 侧脑室上皮性脉络层

5、Put wintersweet in the home, once sulfide appears in the environment, the streak can give on its lamina, withered and yellow even fall off, issue warning to people. ─── 将梅花摆放在家中,一旦环境中出现硫化物,它的叶片上就会出斑纹,甚至枯黄脱落,向人们发出警报。

6、The arranges of lamina are various and can be subdivided into 4 types in terms of the different contents of composition in situ and allogene composition. ─── 互层出现的形式是多种多样的,依据其岩石中原地组分和异地组分的含量不同,可进一步划分为4种类型。

7、Twenty-five reticules were counted in each specimen and yielded the number of neutrophils in 1 mm2 of the lamina propria(0.04mm2 x 25= 1 mm2 ) . ─── 在每个样本里面计算25个小格的数目,然后累加起来就得到了固有层里面1平方毫米的中性粒细胞数目。

8、VCD 3 -- (Chinese) The technical open method and structure Theory of Lamina quintuplet-lock (Demo and explain by Taiwan master. ─── VCD三(国语):台湾师傅演示叶片五段锁的技术开启方法叶片五段锁结构原理的图片讲解.

9、The equilibrium moisture content of redrying lamina of flue-cured tobacco grown in Yunnan province was determined with the conditioning box method.Each test circle was completed in 2 - 3 days. ─── 在用调温调温箱控制实验环境的温湿度条件下,测定了云南烤烟复烤片烟及其膨胀梗丝、叶组烟丝的吸湿平衡含水率,每组样品测定周期为2-3天。

10、The rationale regarding the use of the skeletal muscle tissue technique is the availability of a longitudinally oriented basal lamina and extracellular matrix components that direct and enhance regenerating nerve fibers. ─── 使用骨骼肌组织修复神经缺损的优点在于,它能够提供纵向延展的基底膜和细胞外基质成分,这些物质都可以直接促进神经纤维的再生。

11、One week later, can grow shiny green wheat seeding, turnip also up the lamina with pale green cock, shape is like an a basket of flowers. ─── 一周后,便能长出绿油油的麦苗,萝卜也向上翘起嫩绿的叶片,状如一只花篮。

12、Is being apart from the room bottom certainly highly place establishment lamina cribrosa. ─── 在距室底一定高度处设置筛板。

13、In 2002, we devoted large funds, introduced advanced techniques, imported advanced machines from Taiwan, and worked out lamina computer padlock with high density. ─── 挂锁以款式新颖、品质优良、安全牢固等优点,深受国内外客户的青睐和好评。

14、A series solution of eddy current expressed by analytical methodis given for eddy current problems of rectangular lamina under the transverse magnetic field which varies with harmony. ─── 对于横向谐变磁场下的矩形薄板涡电流问题,给出了能够解析地表征出涡电流密度的级数解,瓶变分法加以比较。

15、In lamina of shale which deposited in deep lake away from paleo-debouchment in the Shahejie Formation in the Jiyang Depression, some aeolian silty sand was discovered. ─── 在济阳坳陷沙河街组远离古河口沉积的页岩纹层中发现了风成粉砂沉积。

16、Careful observation of such leaf lamina shows that veins do branch and converge in places, especially near the base and apex of the blade. ─── 仔细的观察表明叶脉在某些地方分支和联合,尤其在叶片的顶端和基部。

17、Dental lamina of permanent teeth ─── 恒牙牙板

18、Above lamina cribrosa aerosol ore grain of group, carries on the hindered settling lamination. ─── 在筛板上方悬浮着矿粒群,进行干涉沉降分层。

19、In this paper,adopting red blood cell of rats by lamina chromatogram scanning.We discussed the influence of Red Ginseng(P.schin seng Nees. ─── 以家兔为实验动物,采用薄层色谱扫描法探讨红参提取物对红细胞膜磷脂成分的影响,结果显示:实验组红细胞膜磷脂成分中磷脂酰胆碱显著增多(p

20、All cells are attached to the basal lamina, but some do not reach the surface. ─── 全部细胞都附着到基板,而有些细胞,不到达表面。

21、Given the fiber orientation and the lamina thickness as the design variables and the LPF load as the objective, a structural optimization problem is solved. ─── 以纤维方向角和层合板厚度作为设计变量,以最终失效强度为目标,对结构进行优化分析。

22、LAMINA PROPRIA - this layer is composed of loose connectie tissue located immediately under the epithelium and basal lamina. It contains blood essels, lymphatics, and neres and may contain glands. ─── 固有层-这层包括疏松的结缔组织,与上皮层紧密相连,在基底层下.内有血管,淋巴组织神经,也可能有些腺体.

23、A hallmark of H. pylori-triggered mucosal inflammation is the continuous recruitment with neutrophil and mononuclear cell infiltration to the gastric lamina propria. ─── 在幽门杆菌感染所引起的黏膜发炎有一项特徵,就是会一直持续吸引中性球和单核球浸润到胃部的固有层。

24、The clinical observation of thoracolumbar fractures treated with laminal reconstruction and spinal canal-plasty ─── 椎板再造椎管成形治疗胸腰椎骨折的临床观察

25、Destroyed external lamina in petrosal bone ─── 岩骨外板破坏

26、Evaluation for Life on Laminal Vessel Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Decision Process ─── 用模糊综合评判法评估薄壁容器的寿命

27、The main procedures were bilateral laminal enlarging fenestration, diskectomy and autofocus one implanted for interbody lumbar fusion. ─── 方法行两侧扩大开窗摘除椎间盘,并作椎体间植骨融合。

28、lamina cartilaginis medialis tubae auditivae ─── 咽鼓管内侧软骨板

29、In different successional communities, the lamina of 3 Gramineae species showed great anatomical plasticity in the order: A. extremiorientale (0.24)>T. japonica (0.19)>A. hispidus (0.17). ─── 3种禾草的叶片结构都随群落的恢复演替而表现出较大的可塑性,可塑性大小依次为:远东芨芨草(0.24)>黄背草(0.19)>荩草(0.17)。

30、This article introduces rolling installment structure of the biconcave slide wedge shaped lamina and the parameter of motion design. ─── 介绍了双凹面斜楔形薄板辊轧装置结构和运动参数设计。

31、Each lamina of ramose top turns into bud piece, base the ministry is gules, read floweriness piece. ─── 各分枝顶端的叶片变为苞片,基部红色,看似花瓣。

32、Small lamina 3, egg shape wraps around needle form, stipule falls early, foliaceous each other is unripe, flocculus brim has toothed, vimineous softness. ─── 小叶片3,卵状披针形,托叶早落,叶互生,小叶边缘有锯齿,枝条柔软。

33、The LOA sign is possibly related to a tight dural sac, which causes separation between the posterior dural sac and subjacent lamina in the neutral position. ─── LOA征可能与硬膜囊紧张有关,后者在中位时引起后硬膜囊与邻近椎板之间的分离。

34、The argyrophil cells assumed various forms, and distributed between the epithelial cells or lied in the base of epithelium and in the lamina propria. ─── 嗜银细胞形态多样,位于肠上皮细胞之间和固有层结缔组织中。

35、Junction point of proximal lamina was not a round pore, but a slide designed according to instantaneous central curve of knee joint. ─── 与传统绞链不同的是,近侧合叶片的联结点不是一个圆孔,而是一个按照膝关节瞬时中心曲线设计的滑道。

36、The reservoir is usually lamina sandstone interbbeded with mudstone. ─── 储层砂岩与泥岩大多呈薄互层状。

37、Some argyrophil cells were observed in the connective tissue of lamina propria near epithelium or gland. ─── 在小肠固有膜结缔组织中有散在的嗜银细胞。

38、lamina lanceolate, bi-to tripinnate; ─── 叶片披针形,二至三回羽状深裂;

39、A two years study indicated that nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in vivo sharply decreased after harvestand was zero after three to five days air-curing both in lamina and midrib. ─── 两年的试验结果表明,深色晾烟采收晾制后,体内硝酸还原酶活性剧烈下降。

40、In2002, we devoted large funds, introduced advanced techniques, imported advanced machines from Taiwan, and worked out lamina computer padlock with high density. ─── 挂锁以款式新颖、质优良、全牢固等优点,深受国内外客户的青睐和好评。

41、Dai CC, Wang W, Cao YL.An experimental study of repairing nerve gap with acellular basal lamina tubes.Zhonghua Zhengxing Waike Zazhi(Chin J Plast Surg), 2001, 17:366-368. ─── [6]戴传昌,王炜,曹谊林.去细胞异体神经基膜管桥接神经缺损的实验研究.中华整形外科杂志,2001,17:366-368.

42、When blade closes, mutual be identical answers between each lamina, without the space of light leak. ─── 当叶片闭合时,各叶片间应相互吻合,无漏光的空隙。

43、lamina chorioidea epithelialis thalami ─── 丘脑上皮性脉络层

44、Analysis of Region Having Similar Solutions of Velocity in Fixed-Flux Condition of Flat Laminal Borderland ─── 平板层流边界层定常流动存在相似性解区域的分析

45、Three cases showed many plasma cells infiltrated in lamina propria.Endothelial swelling of small blood vessels and syphilitic vasculitis were also observed. ─── 3例直肠壁黏膜固有层内均有大量浆细胞漫润,小血管内皮细胞肿胀及梅毒性小血管炎,直肠黏膜表面溃疡,大量浆细胞、淋巴细胞、组织细胞漫润;

46、Phyllode An expanded flattened petiole that acts as the photosynthetic organ if the lamina is missing or very reduced.Phyllodes are seen in various Australian species of Acacia. ─── 叶状柄:一种伸展、扁平的叶柄,如果叶片缺失或退化则作为光合器官起作用。叶状柄在各种澳洲的金合欢属中较为常见。

47、In the damage constitutive relations of a composite lamina with ma-trix cracking,nonsymmetrical constraint effects of neighbouring plies was considered. ─── 在模拟中引入了作者早些时建立的包含基体开裂层非对称约束影响的损伤本构关系,以及裂纹密度与损伤区应力关系函数等。

48、Another example of papillary cystitis. The urothelium is hyperplastic. The lamina propria contains numerous plasma cells and delicate essels. ─── 另一例乳头状膀胱炎。尿路上皮增生,固有层含有大量浆细胞和微血管。

49、After the research, it was found the W8 fault was a laminal gas cap inspissated pool. ─── 在开发过程中,发现气体影响较大,有油井7口不能正常生产,经研究认为W8断块是层状气顶稠油油气藏。

50、The press water gives into by the lamina cribrosa underneath, after mesh upflow. ─── 压力水由筛板下方给入,经筛孔向上流动。

51、In organic lamina, the content of organic carbon exceeds 5% and algae fossils and ichthyolite are abundant. ─── 其中有机质纹层中的有机碳含量在5%以上,富含藻类化石及鱼化石等;

52、In addition, it was also found that the salivary gland of ostrich was abundant, which was distributed in the lamina propria of lingua and pharynx mucosa. ─── 另外还观察到,鸵鸟的唾液腺发达,舌、咽部黏膜的固有层内均有分布,腺泡由单层柱状粘液性上皮细胞构成。

53、In the labial scanning images, three major layers, including epithelium, lamina propria, and submucosa, can be identified. ─── 在这些口腔黏膜的扫瞄结果中发现,我们可以观察到口腔黏膜中上皮层和固有层两层结构,部分能看到次黏膜的构造。

54、Although there was no loss of duodenal mucosa under microscope, chronic inflammatory cells were found distribute asystematicly in the lamina propria. ─── 光镜下十二指肠黏膜完整未见脱落,固有层中有散在分布的慢性炎细胞,活检取材最深可达黏膜下层,未见其他特异性病理改变。

55、In rear-fanged snakes, the fangs develop from an independent posterior dental lamina and retain their posterior position. ─── 后毒牙是在位置保持不变的一个专门区域发育形成的。

56、L aminate Veneers (Engineered Veneer): Combine each timber lamina ( growing fast tree ) to make grains similar to natural hardwood species. ─── 使用生长较快之树材,利用技术作出有木纹之木皮,并贴于各尺寸木板上.

57、lamina large, oblong, tripinnate; ─── 叶片大,长矩圆形,三回羽状深裂;

58、The lamina may appear especially even and parallel in sections parallel to the shoreline. ─── 在平行于滨线的剖面上,薄层显得尤为平整。

59、The thickness of basal lamina of the alveolar septa in diabetic rats was examined by transmission electron microscopy, image analysis, and morphometry methods. ─── 使用透射电镜观察摄片、图像分析仪分析及形态计量学方法研究肺泡隔内基板厚度。

60、Application : Verdure of lamina of red star pineapple is shining, cardinal bud tubal account piece, colour is gorgeous and abiding, view and admire period long. ─── 应用 :红星凤梨叶片翠绿光亮,深红色管状苞片,色彩艳丽持久,观赏期长。

61、The relationships of nuclear MN with nucleolus and chromosomes, lamina with nucleus, as well as intra- and intercellular MN with cytomixis are discussed in this paper. ─── 初步探讨了核微梁骨架与核仁和染色体之间的关系,核纤层与细胞核之间的关系,以及细胞内、细胞间微梁骨架与细胞融合之间的关系。

62、After ovalation, the oviducal wall is the thinnest, the cells of the tubular glands becomes smaller.During ovulation, the lamina propria is thicker. ─── 产卵后输卵管管壁变薄,固有层腺体细胞缩小,粘膜层在产卵时比产卵前明显增厚;

63、In grasses the ligule occurs at the junction of the leaf sheath and lamina. ─── 在禾本科植物中,叶舌生长在叶鞘和叶片的交界处。

64、Traditional laminectomy completely exposes the lumbar spinal canal with spinous process and lamina osteotomy , which usually causes postoperative lumbar spinal instability and scar tissue adherent. ─── 传统的全椎板切除减压术,椎管开放后造成腰椎不稳定、硬脊膜外瘢痕粘连而引起手术效果不理想。

65、The high temperature creep deformation of certain material used in aerial engines lamina was detected by means of high temperature moire interferometry in this paper. ─── 利用高温云纹干涉法对航空发动机叶片定向结晶材料的高温蠕变进行了测试,获得该材料不同主方向的高温蠕变性质和规律。

66、Observation on scleral laminal implantation with piece of silicon sponge for intractable glaucoma ─── 巩膜层间填充硅海棉片治疗难治性青光眼疗效观察

67、Study of the bionics artificial vertebral lamina ─── 仿生型人工椎板的实验研制

68、The basal lamina and extracellular matrix (ECM) in the intercellular substance is important structure in keeping the integrity of the BBB. Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) is a family of proteolyticthe enzyme which can resolve the ECM. ─── 基质金属蛋白酶(Matrix Metalloproteinase, MMP)是一组钙锌依赖性肽链内切酶家族,是分解ECM分子的蛋白酶类中最重要的一种。

69、lamina cartilaginis tubae auditivae ─── 咽鼓管软骨板

70、lamina flow bacteria control unit ─── 层流净化空气环境

71、Jejunal biopsy through enteroscopic examination revealed atrophic villi and dense infiltration in lamina propria by lymphocytes, with extension beyond the layer of muscularis mucosa. ─── 我们报告一例具典型临床症状的31岁男性患者,其空肠切片检查看到黏膜固有层中有致密的淋巴浆细胞浸润,浸润程度已穿越黏膜肌肉层。

72、The brown products of positive expression of C fos gene were abundant in lamina propia and muscularis in the aganglionic colon and were absent in the proximal dilated segment and normal colon. ─── C fos蛋白免疫组化巨结肠无神经节细胞的痉挛段粘膜固有层和粘膜肌层中出现大量的棕褐色C fos蛋白表达产物 ,而巨结肠近段的扩张段未见C fos蛋白表达阳性产物。

73、The effective elastic constants of T700/QY8911 single ply plate of stitched lamina are calculated by the proposed model, and the comparison with unstitched model is also analyzed. ─── 在此模型的基础上分析了T700/QY8911缝合单层板的有效弹性常数,并与未缝合模型进行了比较。

74、Tapering cells always had one long processus extending to the gut lumen, shuttle cells had two long processus,one extending to the gut lumen, the other extending to the lamina propria. ─── 嗜银细胞主要分布于粘膜上皮之间和腺泡上皮之间,也有少量位于上皮细胞基部。

75、The urothelium is hyperplastic.The lamina propria contains numerous plasma cells and delicate essels. ─── 尿路上皮增生,固有层含有大量浆细胞和微血管。

76、The thought of shearing demulsification was introduced.A double cylinder device which form lamina shear flow was designed and flow character was analyzed. ─── 介绍了乳化液剪切破乳的思想,设计了双圆筒剪切装置形成薄层纯剪切流场,并进行流场分析。

77、The subependymal nodules tend to be located along the ventricular surface of the caudate nucleus, most often on the lamina of the sulcus thalamostriatus immediately posterior to the foramen of Monro. ─── 室管膜下结节倾向于位于尾状核的脑室面,最常位于近邻孟氏孔丘脑髓纹的质板。

78、The phyllosphere(smooth , wrinkle), stalk and growing apex(green , purple),leaf(whole lamina and non-lamina) were all segrated at ratio of 1:1. ─── 叶面(平滑、皱缩),叶柄和生长锥(绿色、紫色),全叶(全叶、非全叶),叶尖(失绿、非失绿)以1:1的比例进行遗传。

79、A simplified method for calculating local interlaminarstresses is applied by smearing more laminas far away in solving lami-nation as a quasi-homogeneous lamina. ─── 利用结构的整体与局部的概念,对重点研究的区域作为局部区域按每一层不同的材料铺层划分单元。

80、A high-speed burr was used to decorticate the surface of C2 lamina and C1 arch. ─── 使用高速球钻在C2椎板和C1椎弓表面去皮质。

81、When a lamina has failed, the laminate stiffness is modified to reflect the damage, and stresses in the structure are re-analyzed. ─── 以纤维方向角和层合板厚度作为设计变量,最终失效强度为目标,对结构进行优化。

82、They were also used, for example, to determine the gravitational attraction exerted by a lamina on particles. ─── 例如:他们也用来确定一个薄片作用在一个质点上的万有引力。

83、It was noticeable that there were many labelled cells in the organum vasculosum lamina terminalis(OVLT)in group CGL, and typical labelled cells in the ependyma of third ventricle near the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus in group CGM. ─── 值得注意的CGL组在终板血管器观察到相当丰富的标记细胞,CGM组在邻近弓状核的室管膜内见相当典型的标记细胞。

84、lamina cartilaginis laeralis tubae auditivae ─── 咽鼓管外侧软骨板

85、To deepen acetabulum,we turned over the external ilium lamina as a hinging graft coving on the femoral head when performing iliumotomy. ─── 加之手术切开复位时切开关节囊,对关节囊的动脉也有一定的影响,这样就会造成股骨头的血供相对不足;

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