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09-21 投稿


knockings 发音


英:  美:

knockings 中文意思翻译




knockings 常用词组

knocking out ─── 原子位移;击出

knocking over ─── 脱圈

knockings 词性/词形变化,knockings变形

动词现在分词: knocking |动词过去式: knocked |动词过去分词: knocked |动词第三人称单数: knocks |

knockings 相似词语短语

1、knocking-shop ─── 敲门店

2、knocking ─── n.爆震音;卡答卡答的故障声音;敲的声音;v.敲,敲打;相碰,碰撞;把……撞击成(某种状态);敲动,打破;打,凿(洞)(knock的现在分词)

3、dockings ─── n.入坞;adj.入坞的;v.入港;为…设置船坞(dock的ing形式);n.(Docking)人名;(英)多金

4、inworkings ─── 工作区

5、kickings ─── n.踢腿;反撞;adj.活泼热烈的;激动人心的;令人兴奋的;v.踢;反冲;加速;活跃(kick的现在分词)

6、nocking ─── n.帆的前部上端;箭尾端搭弦处;vt.作凹痕于;将弦搭上;n.(Nock)人名;(英、德)诺克

7、knocking up ─── 使……筋疲力尽;敲门唤醒

8、stockings ─── n.长袜,球袜;丝袜

9、knocking on ─── 手球

knockings 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To cause to knock against an obstacle. ─── 使撞上障碍物。

2、He rushed into the room without troubling to knock. ─── 他连门也懒得敲就闯进屋去。

3、He has won most of his fights by knock outs. ─── 他在拳赛中多以击倒对方获胜.

4、Knock it off! You lot. I'm trying to get some rest. ─── 停!你们这群人,我想休息一会儿。 

5、What time do you knock off (work)? ─── 你什麽时候下班?

6、You don't have to knock,just walk in. ─── 不必敲门,进来就是了。

7、They both heard a knock at the side - door . ─── 他们俩都听见有人敲侧门。

8、Measurement for Knockings of Engine with Spark Plug Optic Fiber Sensor ─── 用火花塞光纤传感器测量发动机的爆震

9、They decided to knock up a table tennis match. ─── 他们决定赶快安排一场乒乓球比赛。

10、Maybe I should tell him to knock it off. ─── 也许我该让他到此为止。

11、The storeroom is an untidy mess but I'll soon knock it into shape. ─── 储藏室里乱七八糟,但我会马上把它整理好的。

12、You build me up then you knock me down. ─── 你塑造了我然后把我击倒。

13、There seems to be a knock at the door. ─── 似乎有人在敲门。

14、What time do you knock off work? ─── 你什么时候下班?

15、Just now I heard a knock on the back door. ─── 刚才我听见有人敲后门。

16、"You can knock me down with a feather! ─── "你就这样不费吹灰之力把我击倒了!

17、How much does he knock down a week? ─── 他一星期挣多少钱?

18、I can knock off a poem in half an hour. ─── 半小时之内我就能作一首诗。

19、Do you hear someone knock at the door? ─── 你听见有人敲门了吗?

20、They knock off one book after another. ─── 他们很快地写出一本又一本的书

21、She took a bad knock when her husband died. ─── 丈夫的死,使她受到沉重的打击。

22、He knew where his heart lay, but where did his duty lie? And so did he toss and turn, and get up for a drink of water, and knock over a pile of books. ─── 他知道他的良心何在。但是责任何在呢?这个问题使他辗转难眠,起床去喝水,结果打翻了一摞书。

23、They managed to knock a hole in the wall. ─── 他们设法在墙上凿了个洞。

24、He wondered whether it would be proper to knock at her door. ─── 他不知道敲她的门是否恰当。

25、There comes a knock at the door. ─── 传来了敲门声。

26、Next time don't barge into room. Knock! ─── 下次别再乱闯进我房间,进来之前先敲门。

27、This is the early knockings of this crisis. ─── 这是这次危机大爆发前的滴答计时声。

28、Don't wait for opportunity to knock. ─── 不要坐等机会到来。

29、Yet I know the endless thirst in your heart fo sight of me , the thirst that cries at my door in the repeated knockings of sunrise . ─── 然而,我知道,你心里有一种与我相见的无穷的欲望,它伴着日出一次次叩门,在我门口呼唤。

30、It sounds as though there is a knock at the door. ─── 听起来好像有人在敲门。

31、He's very clever. I'm sure he could knock holes in your plan. ─── 他很聪明。我确信他会找出你计划中的漏洞。

32、Can you knock the stick into the earth? ─── 你能把这个树枝插入土里吗?

33、He's always finding fault with us; we'll have to find some way to knock him off his perch one of these days. ─── 他老是找我们麻烦;哪一天我们也要设法让他认输。

34、You can knock her down, which is uncivilized. ─── 你可以迫使她屈服,但这太不文明了。

35、Hard life doesn't knock the spirit out of him. ─── 他人穷志不短。

36、Let's knock off our work and have a rest. ─── 咱们停下来休息一会儿吧。

37、George used to arrive home drunk every Saturday night and knock hell out of his wife. ─── 以前,乔治每星期六晚上都喝得醉醺醺地回家,然后狠狠地打老婆一顿。

38、Why ever did she let him knock her off? ─── 为什么她会让他与自己发生关系?

39、He hasn't got time to knock the script out himself. ─── 他没有时间亲自写出剧本来。

40、Old George used to arrive home drunk every Saturday night and knock hell out of his wife. ─── 乔治老头每星期六晚上总是喝得醉醺醺地回家,并把老婆痛打一顿。

41、Do you want to knock off early today? ─── 你今天想早点歇工吗?

42、Someone was heard to knock at the door three times. ─── 只听见有人敲了三次门。

43、Jim sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door. ─── 吉姆听到敲寝室门的声音时便坐了起来。

44、He got a nasty knock on the head. ─── 他头部遭到重重一击。

45、There came the 2 P.M. knock on the door. ─── 下午两点钟来客的敲门声响了。

46、If you take both dresses, I'll knock$2 off. ─── 你如果两件衣服都要,我就少收两美元。

47、The team will now attempt to knock out both copies of the gene. ─── 他们在试图将这个基因的两个副本都去除。

48、Don't knock the diamond out of the ring. ─── 不要把钻石从戒指里敲出来。

49、To test them,Harvey would sometimes knock on the door and hide. ─── 为了考验她们,哈维有时会敲敲门再躲起来。

50、There was a loud knock on the door just now. ─── 刚才有一声响亮的敲门声。

51、Call me that again and I'll knock your block off! ─── 你再那麽叫我,我就揍你!

52、I've a few letters to knock off this morning. ─── 今天上午我有几封信要赶出来。

53、Don't knock yourself out looking for them. ─── 不必费牛劲找他们了。

54、Knock it off, will you? I can't make a phone call with all this noise going on. ─── 不要讲话了,好吗?这样闹我简直无法打电话了。

55、He can knock off a fake work in an afternoon. ─── 他能在下午解决掉一件伪造的作品。

56、Presently a timid knock was heard at the door. ─── 不久,听见有人在胆怯地敲门。

57、How much did your wife's new hat knock you back? ─── 你妻子的那顶新帽子花了你多少钱?

58、No worries. We'll soon knock your CV into shape. ─── 别担心,我们马上就能让你的简历初具雏形。

59、He felt someone knock at the door. ─── 他感到有人敲了一下门。

60、You look fabulous,you'll knock 'em dead tonight. ─── 你看上去漂亮极了,今晚肯定把他们迷倒。

61、When do you usually knock off work for lunch . ─── 中午,你们一般什么时候歇工吃饭?

62、Why must you always knock my driving? ─── 你为什么总批评我的驾驶技术?

63、They were interrupted by a knock at the door. ─── 他们被敲门声打断了。

64、Knock it off! ─── 住嘴!

65、Knock it off, kids,I'm trying to work. ─── 别吵了,孩子们,我要工作。

66、"And knock them little almond trees in the back. ─── “把后院小杏仁树上的杏子打下来。

67、Can you knock up a meal for us now? ─── 你能为我们赶快做出一顿饭吗?

68、He opened the door in response to a knock. ─── 他应敲门声而开了门。

69、They had to knock the door down to get in. ─── 他们不得不破门而入。

70、There was another knock at the internal door. ─── 又传来了敲门声。

71、Can you help me to knock it into the wood? ─── 你能帮助我把它砸入这块木头里吗?

72、A big dog come running round the corner, cannon into him, and knock him over. ─── 一只大狗由街角跑来,撞上他,把他撞倒了。

73、You could knock him down in a twinkling. ─── 你可以在一秒钟里就把他打倒。

74、Don't knock the food; it's free. ─── 别挑剔食物了; 它是免费的

75、Even though they weren't expecting us, they managed to knock up a marvellous meal. ─── 他们虽然没想到我们要来,但还是设法匆匆做好一顿丰盛的饭。

76、Tell me where you've been out so late, or I'll knock your block off. ─── 告诉我你这么晚到哪儿去,不然我就要揍你一顿。

77、He got a nasty knock on the head when he fell. ─── 他跌倒时头撞得很厉害。

78、You don' t have to knock just walk in. ─── 你不必敲门--进来就是了.

79、Did you hear the knock on the window? ─── 你听见敲窗户的砰砰声了吗?

80、Keep your hands off me; or I'll knock you down. ─── 不要碰我,当心我把你打倒在地。


82、Who is it to knock at the door on earth? ─── 到底是谁在敲门?

83、Don't knock over the bowl of water. ─── 别把那碗水打翻了。

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