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09-21 投稿


liquorous 发音


英:  美:

liquorous 中文意思翻译



liquorous 相似词语短语

1、liquors up ─── 醉倒了(俚语)

2、liquors ─── n.烈酒;烧酒;洋酒(liquor的复数)

3、liquor up ─── 醉倒了(俚语)

4、liquor ─── n.酒,含酒精饮料;溶液;液体;烈酒;vi.喝酒,灌酒;vt.使喝醉

5、languorous ─── adj.怠惰的;无力的

6、limivorous ─── adj.吞食泥土的(蚯蚓等动物)

7、ichorous ─── 尖刻的

8、imporous ─── adj.无孔隙的

9、liquidus ─── n.[热]液相线;adj.液体的,液态的

liquorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A shot of hard liquor, sometimes accompanied by a beer chaser. ─── 一杯酒一杯烈酒,有时还加上点啤酒

2、Chinese Liquor Will Greatly Shuffle Cards? ─── 中国白酒又将大洗牌?

3、He decides to rob a liquor store. ─── 他决定去抢劫一家商店。

4、You are not to drink hard liquor . ─── 你不可以喝烈酒。

5、Better belly burst than good liquor be lose . ─── 情愿胀破肚皮,也比浪漫好酒为佳。

6、Drinking hard liquor too much is harmful to health. ─── 喝太多的烈性酒对身体有害。

7、To ferment(liquor,for example. ─── 发酵(如酒)

8、Mexican liquor made from fermented juices of an Agave plant. ─── 墨西哥的一种用已发酵的龙舌兰植物的汁液制成的酒。

9、She can hold her liquor well. ─── 她酒量很好。

10、To ferment(liquor, for example). ─── 发酵(如酒)

11、They were prosecuted for illicit liquor selling. ─── 他们因私卖烈酒而被起诉。

12、The application of IMPERTAL JADE in flavor Da qu Liquor production. ─── 和氏壁复合酶在浓香型白酒生产中的应用。

13、Does such untie a liquor being all right? ? ? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>生活>生活常识>这样解酒没错吧???

14、He's hitting the liquor pretty hard. ─── 他沉溺于酒精。

15、They cooked these and served them with liquor. ─── 他们把这些炒了当下酒菜。

16、Fermented liquid from which liquor is distilled. ─── 供蒸馏的已发酵的液体

17、To make, sell, or transport(alcoholic liquor) for sale illegally. ─── 偷制和卖酒酿造、贩卖或运输(酒精类液体)以非法出售

18、Men in liquor must be handled differently. ─── 对酒醉的人必须用不同的对待方法。

19、A small refrigerator, as in a hotel room, stocked with liquor and nonalcoholic beverages. ─── 小酒吧冰箱一种内贮有酒和不含酒精的饮料小型冰箱,如在宾馆的房间里

20、Do you have any liquor or cigarette? ─── 你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗?

21、Wu Liang Ye liquor has been assigned for state banquets. ─── 五粮液被指定为国宴饮料。

22、Huairou County Co of BJ Sugar Industry Tobacco Liquor Co. ─── 德利茶庄北京糖业烟酒公司怀柔公司。

23、Barsac is maybe a little bit less liquorous and more fruity than Sauternes. ─── 巴尔萨克比索甸更带有一点烈酒味,也更富有水果味。

24、Drinking liquor is not allowed. ─── 不许喝酒。

25、They'll get a chill on the liver drinking all that liquor. ─── 他们那样喝烈酒,将会使肝脏有毛病。

26、The ceiling is pasted with labels of liquor brand . ─── 天花板上贴了许多酒类商标。

27、Is a charm of the East, liquor and legendary hotels. ─── 外酒是一家具有东方魅力和传奇色彩的酒店。

28、He carries his liquor like a gentleman. ─── 他酒量很大, 没有丝毫醉意。

29、David got hooked on hard liquor as a teenager. ─── 在十几岁时就喝烈酒成瘾。

30、A charge exacted at a restaurant for every bottle of liquor served that was not bought on the premises. ─── 开瓶费餐馆对顾客在别处所购买的瓶装酒提供服务所收费用

31、His tan was pinked by a liquor flush. ─── 喝酒后他那晒黑的皮肤透出了红色。

32、One fifth of a gallon or four fifths of a quart of liquor. ─── 五分之一加仑或一夸脱酒的五分之四

33、He trafficked in illicit liquor. ─── 他做过买卖私酒的生意.

34、How many bottles of liquor do you have? ─── 你有几瓶酒?

35、Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry. ─── 不要等到此杯中生命枯干。

36、This guy just can't hold his liquor. ─── 家伙就是不会渴酒。

37、Practice of ERP System in Hetao Liquor Industry Co. Ltd. ─── ERP系统在河套酒业的实施。

38、He loosed up under the liquor. ─── 他喝了酒,无所顾忌地乱说起来。

39、Have another one. You can hold your liquor. ─── 您是海量,再来一杯。

40、A drink of liquor contained in such a cup. ─── 一壶酒装在上述杯中的饮料或酒

41、He keeps away from liquor and tobacco. ─── 他不喝酒, 不抽烟。

42、Her cheeks flamed with liquor. ─── 她的脸颊因为喝了点酒有点泛红。

43、Officer: Do you have any liquor or cigarettes? ─── 官员:你携带了任何酒类或香烟吗?

44、Do you have any cigarettes or liquor? ─── 你有烟酒类东西吗?

45、It's dangerous your drinking so much liquor. ─── 你喝那么多酒,真危险。

46、He appears to have drunk a lot of liquor. ─── 他似乎喝得醉醺醺的。

47、He bore on his shoulder a stout keg that seemed full of liquor. ─── 他肩上驮着一个似乎装满了酒的大桶。

48、Why small liquor in Hunan popular? ─── 为什么小酒在湖南流行?

49、A small measure for liquor, usually holding1 ounce. ─── 小量杯一种液体的量器,通常可盛1盎司。

50、Is There Amazing Liquor and Songs in Heaven? ─── 天堂里有没有酒歌癫狂?

51、If they don't. I should have bought it at a liquor store downtown. ─── 如果他们没有,我真应该在市区的酒店就买了的。

52、So he added salt to all the liquor! ─── 于是他给所有的酒都加了盐!

53、Do you ha vve any liquor or cigarettes? ─── 你有携带任何酒类或香烟吗?

54、A bottle, holding about two fifths of a gallon(1.5 liters), for wine or liquor. ─── 夸脱酒瓶容量大约为五分之二加轮(1.5升)的装酒或溶剂的瓶子

55、You know: people who can't handle liquor shouldn't drink it. ─── 你应该知道:不能喝酒的人就不要喝。

56、Frequently he was the worse for liquor, which made him surly. ─── 他常常喝醉酒,酒后脾气很坏。

57、He loosened up under the liquor. ─── 他喝了酒无所顾忌地乱说起来。

58、You must pack up any liquor. ─── 你必须戒酒。

59、He had liquor in him; I could see that; and besides, he always has. ─── 他当时喝酒了,我能看得出,更何况他经常喝酒。

60、Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. ─── 将五打酒瓶装在我的箱子里。

61、But she has no capacity for liquor. ─── 对不起,她酒量不行。

62、A touch of liquor added to a beverage or food. ─── 向饮料或食物中添加少量烈性酒

63、She drinks wine and beer but no liquor. ─── 她喝葡萄酒和啤酒, 但不喝烈性酒.

64、He still drank 1 liter of liquor every morning. ─── 他仍然每天早上喝一升酒。

65、Have you got any cigarettes and liquor with you? ─── 您带香烟和酒类了吗?

66、The liquor was wearing off for all of them, and they were silent. ─── 大家的酒意都已慢慢消退,谁也不作声。

67、Stop your boy from imbibing of the liquor. ─── 别让你儿子喝烈酒。

68、Sichuan Imperial Palace Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. ─── 四川故宫酒业有限公司。

69、Beer, wine or liquor: Which is best for you? ─── 啤酒、葡萄酒还是烈酒:哪一个最适合你?

70、Would you like some Chinese liquor, Harry? ─── 你来点中国白酒好吗,哈里?

71、Liquor refers to the drink >15% ABV. ─── 不过,中国好像对12度以下的酒精饮料没有限制。

72、A small bottle of liquor, shaped to fit in a pocket. ─── 13盎司一瓶的威士忌酒一小瓶酒,形状适合于放在衣服口袋里

73、You must keep a way from liquor and tobacco. ─── 你必须不沾烟酒。

74、He was going to drum up some way of making liquor. ─── 他一定要想个法子去酿些酒。

75、Do you know the brand Maotai? It is famous liquor. ─── 你知道茅台酒吗,那可是酒中名品啊!

76、An alcoholic liquor distilled from grain, such as corn, rye, or barley, and containing approximately40 to50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume. ─── 威士忌酒一种从谷类如玉米、黑麦或大麦等提炼出来含酒精液体,按容量包含约40%至50%的乙醇

77、A tall iced drink made with liquor, such as gin, and lemon or lime juice. ─── 冰镇果子酒由杜松子酒和柠檬汁或酸橙汁调制而成的一大杯冰镇酒

78、Drink liquor much afflictive how to do! ─── 喝白酒喝多了难受怎么办!

79、Many airports sell duty-free liquor. ─── 很多机场出售免税酒。

80、To muddle or stupefy, as with alcoholic liquor or infatuation. ─── 使沉醉,使愚昧使糊涂或失去知觉,象喝醉了酒或被冲昏头脑

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