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09-22 投稿


luxuriant 发音

英:[lʌɡˈʒʊriənt]  美:[lʌɡˈʒʊəriənt]

英:  美:

luxuriant 中文意思翻译



luxuriant 短语词组

1、luxuriant growth ─── 旺盛生长,繁茂生长;植物生长茂盛

2、luxuriant city ─── 繁茂的城市

3、luxuriant granulation ─── [医] 肉芽过盛

4、luxuriant vegetation ─── 草木茂盛

5、luxuriant foliage ─── 枝繁叶茂

6、luxuriant imagination ─── 丰富的想象力

luxuriant 常用词组

luxuriant growth ─── 旺盛生长,繁茂生长;植物生长茂盛

luxuriant 词性/词形变化,luxuriant变形

副词: luxuriantly |名词: luxuriance |

luxuriant 相似词语短语

1、luxuriate ─── vi.沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈

2、luxuriantly ─── adv.丰富地;繁茂地

3、luxuriances ─── n.繁茂;丰富;肥沃;华美

4、unluxuriant ─── 不利尿的

5、luxuriance ─── n.繁茂;丰富;肥沃;华美

6、luxuriating ─── vi.沉溺;繁茂;生活奢侈

7、luxuriancy ─── n.繁茂;多产

8、luxurist ─── 奢侈主义者

9、luxulianite ─── 电气石花岗岩

luxuriant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It cannot be expected that this system of farming would produce any very extraordinary or luxuriant crop. ─── 不能指望这种寄养制度会结出什么了不起或丰硕的结果。

2、This handmade insole is multilayer, 100% cotton, characterized by luxuriant colors with meaningful designs embroidered on it. ─── 具有典型文化内涵的纹饰;

3、Because the fragrance of intoxicate is not as inferior as luxuriant dress, still can foil the woman that gives grace is beautiful, let a person feel infinite and delighted. ─── 因为醉人的香味并不比华丽的服饰逊色,还能衬托出优雅的女性美,让人感到无限欢愉。

4、An analysis of its real meaning in terms of lexical and poetic meaning will justify defining it as "luxuriant outlook". ─── 两种解释到底孰优孰劣,可以从词义和诗意两个角度对“蔽芾”的真正含义加以分析,从而得出结论,即以《诗集传》为代表的“盛”义来解释“蔽芾”才为恰当。

5、He has a luxuriant imagination. ─── 他有丰富的想象力。

6、The resort is located at Yungui Mountain of Longmen and surrounded by luxuriant bamboos, with a river flowing through all year round. ─── 地处龙门县云桂山脉,万亩竹林所环绕;

7、Go up in the choice of sofa nevertheless and should not bear luxuriant European money high, chose broad and dovish contemporary money sofa however. ─── 不过在沙发的选择上并没有要高背华丽的欧洲款,而是选了宽广稳健的现代款沙发。

8、Lying crumpled amid the luxuriant foliage was a Japanese bomber, its ribbed fuselage and skull-like nose cone resembling the skeleton of some great prehistoric beast. ─── 一架日本轰炸机倾颓横卧在浓密的枝叶之间,她稜纹的机身和颅骨般的头锥宛如史前巨兽的遗骸。

9、Characterized by rich abundance; luxuriant. ─── 丰富的具有丰富特性的;繁茂的

10、To casual observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless. ─── 对于普通观察者,以及有影响力的自然科学家和地区规划者来说,亚马逊茂盛的森林是永恒的。

11、For satisfying the different patient's need, the inpatient department have luxuriant ward, which designed in homely style. ─── 为满足不同层次患者的需求,各病区设有高级套房,实行家庭式管理。

12、He likes changing the narrators to tell story, he creates luxuriant discourse implications, and he figures multifunctional characters, etc. ─── 他喜欢变换叙述者来讲故事,创造丰富的话语蕴涵,塑造多元角色的人物等。

13、In a short, white minidress, with masses of flowers in her luxuriant blonde locks, she was the absolute picture of joy and happiness. ─── 她穿着一身白色迷你短裙,浓密的金发挽成发髻,点缀着一簇鲜花。她本身就是一幅快乐和幸福的话画面。

14、Suffer effect of this strong rainfall, water level of each river river rises, hydrometric station of luxuriant name, new river ever approached flood peak water level. ─── 受这次强降雨影响,各江河水位上涨,茂名、新河水文站曾接近洪峰水位。

15、In the southwest frontiers of China there lie many luxuriant forests where live a great variety of plants and animals. ─── 在祖国西南边陲,有着许多茂密的大森林,里面有着各种各样的植物和动物。

16、A luxuriant tan bespeaks health and glamour. ─── 丰润的棕色皮肤是健康和魅力的标志。

17、Its product has simple and unadorned simple adornment line already, the woodiness that the rare wood that also quarter have luxuriant figure makes adorns line. ─── 它的产品既有朴实无华的简单装饰线条,也有刻有华丽花纹的珍贵木材制作的木质装饰线条。

18、There is a park with luxuriant foliage, steep steps, the chirps of the cicadas on Tanfeng and Huilung area where is a good place to go for a stroll. ─── 在丹凤迴龙处,有座可以做森林浴的公园,茂密的林木、陡长的阶梯、宏亮的蝉鸣、浓郁的芬多精,是座散步休閒的好去处。

19、So luxuriant wedding, it is the dream of every girl. ─── 如此华丽的婚礼,是每个女孩的梦想。

20、The saplings planted several years ago have now become a luxuriant woods. ─── 几年前栽的树苗,现在已蔚然成林。

21、Man-made stone colour and lustre is much, the exterior is luxuriant, won't suck again smeary, color is rich, become mesa of high-grade kitchen first selection. ─── 人造石色泽多,外观华丽,又不会吸油污,颜色丰富,成为高档的厨房首选台面。

22、Combined, these elements provide an idyllic haven in a luxuriant tropical garden, a pervading sense of tranquility and luxurious relaxation. ─── 这些要素结合起来,给繁茂的热带花园带来了田园诗般的避风港,和宁静和奢华休闲的普遍意义。

23、Use its design and color exaggeratively, luxuriant in added a mystery. ─── 夸张地使用其图案和颜色,华丽中增添了一份神秘。

24、In summer the house next door is hidden luxuriant foliage. ─── 夏天时,隔壁房子被繁茂的叶子所掩盖。

25、Towering over the well are two ancient gingko trees standing tall and erect with luxuriant foliage. These, the local people say, were planted by Li Bai himself. ─── 井边有两株古银杏,主干挺秀、枝叶繁茂,当地人说这是李白亲手栽种的。

26、The cafe features luxuriant crystal chandeliers, golden interior decoration, and a luxuriant, magnificent dining atmosphere. ─── 华美水晶吊灯营造出豪华瑰丽的用餐氛围。

27、In this warm spring, how does dress ability avoid hiemal overstaffed heavy, where is the style that highlights luxuriant noble again? ─── 在这个暖和的春天,怎样穿着才能避免冬季的臃肿沉重,又凸显华丽贵族的格调呢?

28、Audley Court was about three-quarters of a mile from the village, lying, as I have said, deep down in a hollow, shut in by luxuriant timber. ─── 奥德利庄院的府邸距离奥德利村大约四分之三英里,正如我已经说过的,深藏在一个山谷里,关闭在茂盛的成材的树林之中。

29、Urban projects, luxuri Apartments in Zagreb, Hotel komplex development in mid Dalmatia with total infrastructure. ─── [相关分类:旅游项目,公寓,别墅,房地产经纪人

30、His luxuriant beard was red. ─── “繁茂的;多产的;丰富的”;

31、A hour before, I had the garment unlined upper garment with luxuriant a suit, had a beautiful wagon, still have 4 creditable whip. ─── 一小时之前,我有了一身华丽的衣衫,有了一辆漂亮的马车,还有四个体面的车夫。

32、It is lucarne of corner window, elliptical arc window or French window, cant no matter, even scuttle of the top of head, organ shade can drape a luxuriant appearance for them. ─── 不论是转角窗、椭圆弧形窗还是落地窗、斜面屋顶窗,甚至头顶天窗,风琴帘都可以为它们披上一层华丽的外衣。

33、"I am really babyish, too underestimate luxuriant and beautiful. ─── “我真是幼稚,太低估菲菲了。”

34、He clothed her with the most luxuriant of rain forests and painted her soft, sandy skin a rainbow of colors. ─── 他为她穿上最华丽的雨林服装,为她柔软的沙色皮肤涂上彩虹般的颜色。

35、Ephraim, what more have I to do with idols? It is I who answer and look after you I am like a luxuriant cypress; From Me comes your fruit. ─── 以法莲必说,我与偶像还有什么关涉呢。我耶和华回答他,也必顾念他。我如青翠的松树,你的果子从我而得。

36、Thus, the structural configuration offers luxuriant headspring to architecture creation. ─── 可见,结构形态为建筑形象的创新提供了丰富的源泉。

37、Through bright windows, at every corner, might be seen gay companies in luxuriant restaurants. ─── 在每一个街角上,透过灯火通明的窗户,都可以看见豪华餐厅里那些寻欢作乐的男男女女。

38、"Buy horological cannot visit its luxuriant appearance only. " Mei Tong is right horological the judgement that one cover him. ─── “购买钟表不能只看其华丽的外表。”梅彤对钟表有一套自己的判定。

39、I do completely agree that fears are just the product of our luxuriant imagination. ─── 我确实完全同意,恐惧只是我们丰富想象力的产物。

40、Luxuriant translation is like nice-looking but phony boxing, pleasant to the eyes, useless as practice. ─── 华丽的译文就象花拳秀腿,看得顺眼,学了无用。

41、The tree has luxuriant leaf branches, it would be better if you trimmed the branches. ─── 叶枝繁茂,修剪一下会更好的。

42、Forests and fruits are luxuriant and well-known .Ginseng ,pilose antler and natural medicinal materials are available for exportation . ─── 供电服务:凡是电负荷较大或需单独设置变压器的永久或临时电力用户均可申请动力用电。

43、She likes above especially the village that piece of green grass luxuriant hillside, extends slanting toward the horizon. ─── 她尤其喜欢村庄上方那一片绿草萋萋的山坡,斜斜地伸往天际。”

44、In fact, sichuan A dam luxuriant county the person in this village, heretofore still lives in the board room that the country provides. ─── 事实上,四川阿坝茂县这个村子里的人,迄今还住在国家提供的板房里。

45、The bag that paillette adorns, form luxuriant feel with dream. ─── 亮片点缀的包包,形成华丽与梦幻感。

46、Leaves left to make a city more in the open, leaves green and luxuriant, exuberant foliage. ─── 叶子的离去,使一个城市更加的空旷,叶子郁郁葱葱,枝繁叶茂。

47、Add red sit the echo of sofa color photograph of face and sitting room, show and missish and luxuriant, very easy. ─── 加上红色的坐面与客厅的沙发颜色相呼应,显和矜持华丽,非常大方。

48、Hair that's thick and luxuriant needs regular trimming. ─── 浓密的头发需要定期修剪。

49、But even if I were to wake up one morning and discover it long and luxuriant, I would probably still get it lopped off. ─── 但是即使有一天我一觉醒来头发变得又长又多,我还是会一刀剪了它。

50、Luxuriant gem is a woman forever love most, be just as potion spirited bane, sending out blurred deep and remote light, ling Renyan is admired unceasingly. ─── 华丽的珠宝永远是女人的最爱,如同一剂烈性毒药,散发着迷离的幽光,令人艳羡不已。

51、Their heads of luxuriant hair reflected in the sunshine every tone of gold, and black, and brown. ─── 她们满头蓬松的云鬟,在日光下,掩映出各式各样的金色、黑色和褐色。

52、The snowflakes from heaven is a luxuriant exequies for our dream. ─── 天空飘落的雪花,那是为我们梦想华丽的殉葬;

53、A path of luxuriant grass, a path of thick trees, rugged and muddy as it is, to a wonder place it extends. ─── 一路芳草萋萋,一路绿树荫荫,虽羊肠,虽泥泞,但一样通往有美景的远方。

54、But even if I were to wake up one morning and discover it long and luxuriant, I would probably still get it lopped off. ─── 但是即使有一天我一觉醒来头发变得又长又多,我还是会一刀剪了它。

55、Have full, luxuriant, happy, active characteristic, make a person easily excited, excited. ─── 具有饱满、华丽、欢乐、活跃的特点,轻易使人兴奋、激动。

56、The railway is hemmed in between belts of luxuriant vegetation.All this has earned Shapotou the nickname, “Capital of the World of Deserts”. ─── 包兰铁路在茂密的植被带内轰鸣而过,所有这一切使得沙坡头赢得这样的别称,“世界沙漠之都”。

57、His tone, as his son always noted with pleasure, was that of the more luxuriant parts of New England. ─── 正如他的儿子经常愉快地指出的,他说话仍带有新英格兰那种比较富饶的部分的腔调。

58、They live in a luxurious room with a window commanding a view of luxuriant foliage. ─── 他们住在一间豪华的房间里,房间窗户朝向一片茂密的花草。

59、Farming was easy in this luxuriant soil. ─── 在这片沃土上耕种是件易事。

60、Purple loosestrife arrived early, shaking luxuriant tangled locks along the edge of the mirror whence its own face laughed back at it. ─── 紫色的珍珠菜最先登场,它沿着如镜的水面抖开浓密的丝发,露出自己的笑脸。

61、This region is clothed with luxuriant herbage in summer. ─── 在夏天,这地区覆盖著绿茸茸的牧草。

62、It cannot be expected that this system of farming would produce any very extraordinary or luxuriant crop. ─── 不能指望这种寄养制度会结出什么了不起或丰硕的结果。

63、The splashing pool and luxuriant plants and soft tropical fishy air forced Moses to take a grip on himself. ─── 喷水的池子和苍郁的植物还有那暖洋洋的带鱼腥味的空气,迫使赫索格要控制住自己。

64、In the apple orchard, smells the apple the fragrance, saw the big luxuriant apple tree, the wooden raft inserts askewly together in the earth, above is engraving deeply:... ─── 在苹果园里,闻到苹果的芳香,看到高大茂盛的苹果树,一块木排歪歪地插在土里,上面深深地刻着:...

65、Israel is a luxuriant vine; He brings forth fruit for himself. ─── 1以色列是茂盛的葡萄树,结果繁多。

66、The luxuriant design and rich construction experience make Pufan Intelligent to be one of the domestic rich strength and professional intelligent system integrators. ─── 丰富的设计及施工经验也使普帆智能成为国内技术实力雄厚的专业智能化系统集商之一。

67、She does not need to leave even with shoe and perfume, all trival and luxuriant fashionable dress are unsuited also her. ─── 她甚至不需要离跟鞋和香水,一切繁琐华丽的时装也不适宜她。

68、The attraction of this species partly in the cordate leaves, which are suffused with purple when grown in full sunlight, but green and more luxuriant when grown in shade. ─── 它的迷人之处在于心形的叶片,在阳光充足的环境下,叶片会布满紫色,若在较阴处则呈绿色至墨绿。

69、The bedding with purificatory charge for the making of sth. , bring high and luxuriant sense to household. ─── 做工精制的床上用品,给家居带来高贵华丽的感觉。

70、The cypress, rising to a height of 25 metres, looks tall and stately with luxuriant foliage and age seems only to have brought it strength and venerability. ─── 大院中的宋代巨柏,高达25米,树势雄伟,枝叶葱翠,古老苍劲。

71、A few buildings in the middle of nowhere, then the camera delves deep into exotic, luxuriant vegetation. ─── 几幢建筑首先映入眼帘,然后摄影机转向繁茂的异国植物。

72、You, verdant and luxuriant, tall and straight, grow through the temper of time: every day you greet the rising sun and bathe in the boundless croud and mist. ─── 你苍郁挺拔,在岁月的磨练中成长,每日迎着初升的旭日,沐浴着无际的云雾。

73、The centerpiece is a luxuriant arrangement of assorted garden flowers. ─── 中间部分是由不同的园林花卉构成的华丽组合

74、The condole of blackish green color is taken, the luxuriant adornment before the bosom, add the bowknot on shoe to adorn. ─── 墨绿色的吊带,胸前的华丽装饰,加上鞋子上的蝴蝶结点缀。

75、But those who believe and work righteous deeds will be in the luxuriant meads of the Gardens: they shall have, before their Lord, all that they wish for. ─── 信道而且行善的人们,将来要居住在乐园的胜地中,在他们的主那里,他们得享受他们所欲享受的;

76、Fabric that fell in luxuriant folds. ─── 富有华丽褶皱的面料。

77、We are happy flower gardener,looking them bloom 、luxuriant and green, waitting them sprout and grow up. ─── 做一个开心的花农,看着它们含苞待放,期待它们发芽生长。

78、World luxuriant Bin Jiang so discounts the markdown sale, most worries, when was with region other developers. ─── 世茂滨江如此打折甩卖,最着急的,当属同区域的其他开发商了。

79、Capitate Chan Shengzhi supports, always luxuriant piece multilayer, bud piece foliaceous. ─── 头状花序单生枝顶,总苞片多层,苞片叶状。

80、Afterwards is luxuriant to search after fly the dragon as 氐 clan leader, drive Jin 愍 the 帝 seal to ride general for the 骠 . ─── 后来杨茂搜继飞龙为氐族首领,被晋愍帝封为骠骑将军。

81、Be like the horse's hoof lotus branch of a few coral and a few white to close again insert together, color is not luxuriant appear however simple but elegant is easy. ─── 再如将几支珊瑚树枝和几朵白色的马蹄莲花合插在一起,颜色并不华丽却显得素雅大方。

82、Fabric that fell in luxuriant folds;arranged to purchase the car in equal payments. ─── 富有华丽褶皱的面料;安排分期付相同款额来买车

83、Tianshan, I am charmed the mountain, that majestic high and precipitous mountain peak, that green and luxuriant forest, once many times reappeared in my dream. ─── 天山,我神往的山,那雄壮峭拔的山峰,那郁郁葱葱的森林,都曾在我梦中多次重现。

84、Two:while Wu hua was gathering rejected materials,a gorgeously appareled man walk and luxuriant eat at the same time. ─── 二:物华在捡废品时,一个穿着华丽的人边走,边吃东西。

85、NASB: For they also built for themselves high places and sacred pillars and Asherim on every high hill and beneath every luxuriant tree. ─── 和合本:因为他们在各高冈上、各青翠树下筑坛、立柱像、和木偶。

86、She wrote an essay in a luxuriant style. ─── 她用华美的文体写了一篇散文。

87、Due to its unique location and luxuriant historical and cultural sedimentation, it has great effect to improve the landscape and urban culture in Hanyang, even to the whole city. ─── 因其特殊的地理位置和丰富的历史文化沉淀,“洗马长街”对汉阳乃至整个武汉的城市景观重塑和城市文化的的提升有着重要的影响。

88、In a luxuriant forest, some attractive small log cabin, in the room is being occupied by the joyful young Xiong whole family.... ─── 在一个茂盛的森林里,有一座漂亮的小木屋,屋子里住着快乐的小熊一家人。...

89、The limitation of small family toilet because of its space, can ask you abandon too much and luxuriant adornment, important is to emphasize its advantage sex. ─── 小户型卫生间因其空间的限制,会要求你放弃太多华丽的装饰,重要的是强调其便利性。

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