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09-22 投稿


linearly 发音

英:[ˈlɪniərli]  美:[ˈlɪniəli]

英:  美:

linearly 中文意思翻译



linearly 反义词


linearly 短语词组

1、Linearly Frequency Modulated Pulse ─── 线性频率调制脉冲

2、grow linearly ─── 线性增长

3、linearly varying load ─── 线性变化荷载, ─── 线性变化载荷

4、linearly independent vector ─── [计] 线性无关向量

5、linearly-compact module ─── 线性压缩模块

6、linearly equivalent ─── 线性等价

7、linearly polarized light ─── [化] 线式偏振光

8、linearly dependence ─── 线性相关

9、linearly separable ─── 线性可分离

10、linearly independent ─── 线性无关

11、linearly dependent set ─── 线性相关集

12、linearly elastic ─── 线性弹性的

13、linearly polarized wave ─── [电] 线性极化波

14、connect dots linearly ─── 线性连接点

15、linearly ordered set ─── [计] 线性有序集

16、linearly independence ─── 线性无关

17、linearly compact ─── 线性紧凑

18、linearly dependent ─── 线性相关

19、linearly polarized ─── [机] 线式偏振的

linearly 词性/词形变化,linearly变形

动词第三人称单数: linearizes |动词过去式: linearized |动词过去分词: linearized |动词现在分词: linearizing |名词: linearization |

linearly 同义词

linearly 常用词组

linearly independent ─── [数]线性无关的;线性独立的

linearly dependent ─── 线性相关;线性相依

linearly 相似词语短语

1、lineality ─── 直线性

2、nearly ─── adv.差不多,几乎;密切地

3、lineable ─── 成直线排列的

4、linearity ─── n.线性;线性度;直线性

5、linear ─── adj.线的,线型的;直线的,线状的;长度的

6、biyearly ─── adj.每年两次的;两年一次的;adv.两年一次地;每年两次地

7、lineal ─── adj.直系的;嫡系的;世袭的;n.(Lineal)人名;(罗、德)林内亚尔

8、collinearly ─── 共线地

9、lineally ─── adv.直系地;嫡系地

linearly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leaf blade linear to ovate, rarely subulate. ─── 叶片线形到卵形,很少钻形。

2、All parts streaked with linear white raphides. ─── 全株有条纹的具线形的白色的针晶。

3、He's making linear measurements. ─── 他正在进行长度测量。

4、By analyzing the data, the load cells used in the weigher worked linearly within 10kg. ─── 实验数据显示本研究秤重所使用荷重元在10公斤以下可以维持很好的线性。

5、As the size of a robot increases linearly, the cost and difficulty to make it increases exponentially. ─── 随着机器人规模的线性增加,它的花费和难度都成指数增加。

6、A Russian measure of linear distance equivalent to about two thirds of a mile. ─── 俄里俄国的直线距离测量,大约等于一英里的三分之二

7、A spin that tends to retard, arrest, or reverse the linear motion of an object, especially of a ball. ─── 回旋使一个做直线运动的物体减速、停滞或倒转的一种旋转,尤指一个球

8、MIMO can linearly increase the volume of the system, breaks through the traditional Shannon Limit of SISO channel. ─── MIMO可以线性地提高系统的信道容量,突破了单输入单输出信道的仙农容量极限。

9、organic content in the cattle manure prescriptions was remarkably correlated linearly with muskmelon yield. ─── 牛粪配方中有机质含量与甜瓜产量呈显著的线性相关。

10、Goal| Establish the fundamental background of linear algebra. ─── | 课程目标|绍基本线性代数的内容,强调各个主题的计算与几何观念。

11、The microbial biomass carbon is linearly correlated with carbon availability in the Calamagrostis angustifolia soil. ─── 大于10%以后就几乎没有影响了.微生物生物量碳与碳的可利用指数也存在较为显著的正相关关系.

12、Your life, refuse linear, your road, labyrinthian. ─── 你是勤快有加的女人。

13、The PZT films had piezoelectric properties without poling.The PZT films could actuate cantilever specimen linearly. ─── 在机械性质量测方面,PZT 膜可有效的驱动悬臂梁在模态下振动,且具良好的线性特性。

14、Complexity : Linear to the number of shifts. ─── 复杂度:与移动的数量成线性。

15、There was a significant linear correlation between...and... ─── ...与...有显著的线性相关性

16、The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension, usually expressed in units per inch. ─── 在一单位长度内包含的有用信息单位数。通常用每英寸多少单位表示。

17、SECRET is a new algorithm for scalable linear regression trees. ─── SECRET是一个关于可伸缩线形回归树的算法。

18、The International Linear Algebra Society. ─── 国际线性代数协会。

19、It is also shown that the tunneling time increases linearly as the width of the harrier increases. ─── 另外隧穿时间随着势垒宽度的增加而呈线性增长。

20、The threshold required scales linearly on the level of the pet. ─── 初始值会随着宠物级别变化而线性变化。

21、Application of SZK Series Linear Vibration Screen in Laowuji C.P.P. ─── SZK系列直线振动筛在老屋基选煤厂的应用。

22、Can I replicate the systems to achieve linear scaling? ─── 可以复制系统来实现线性扩展吗?

23、However, a browser can only download a graphic in JPEG format linearly, from the top row to the bottom row. ─── 但是,浏览器只能从顶行到底行线性地下载JPEG格式的图形。

24、Why S.M.P.S instead of Linear Power Supply? ─── 为什么采用开关电源代替线性电源?

25、Under the guideline , the output of streamlined seamless liners declines linearly . ─── 在该方针的指引下,流线型无缝班机的产量直线下降.

26、Today, memory capacity is one of the major bottlenecks that prevents a workload to scale linearly with the power of processors. ─── 如今,内存容量已经成为妨碍工作负载借助处理器的力量进行线性扩展的主要瓶颈之一。

27、Parameter that linearly interpolates between the vectors. ─── 在这些向量之间执行线性内插使用的参数。

28、For subsonic free stream, performance losses almost linearly increase with increasing Mach number. ─── 低马赫数亚声速外流时,性能损失随外流马赫数的增加成近似线性增加;

29、Linearly polarized light will in consequence become elliptically polarized on total reflection . ─── 因此,线偏振光径全反射后将变成椭圆偏振光。

30、Growth can be represented by a linear or log linear trend. ─── 增长可以用线性或对数线性趋势来表示。

31、Opportunity awaiting control for linear discrete system P. ─── 北京工业大学离散系统的待机控制。

32、Linear flow from low to full opening. ─── 从小到全开的线性流。

33、Leaves alternate, linear, semiterete. ─── 叶互生,线形,。

34、You've always been able to linearly add more hardware to make your application deal with more users (the definition of scalability). ─── 一直以来,人们通常增加线性量级的硬件来保证应用能够处理更多的用户请求(这也使应用可伸缩性的定义)。

35、Most structural materials are not only elastic but within limits,linearly elastic;their deformation is proportional to the load. ─── 大多数结构材料不仅有弹性,而且在一定限度内具有线性弹性;其变形与负荷成正比。

36、A linear differential transformer has three coils. ─── 一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。

37、The do not show colors linearly. ─── 不显示颜色的线性。

38、Most structural materials are not only elastic but within limits, linearly elastic; their deformation is proportional to the load. ─── 大多数结构材料不仅有弹性,而且在一定限度内具有线性弹性;其变形与负荷成正比。

39、ILAS. The International Linear Algebra Society. ─── 国际线性代数学会。

40、Ethernet and Local Talk networks use a linear bus topology. ─── 以太网和Local Talk网络使用的是总线型拓扑。

41、And other controls that display data in a linear, or flat, format. ─── 和其他以线性或平面格式显示数据的控件。

42、To achieve this aim, the topics are by necessity not structured linearly. ─── 为了实现这一目标,标题的排列不一定是线性的。

43、Students do not always progress in a linear fashion. ─── 学生不会总是顺着一条直线进步。

44、A dyadic network is a linearly parameterized network. ─── 二进网络是线性参数化网络。

45、The melting temperatures and heats of fusion decrease approximately linearly with the reciprocals of cluster radii. ─── 团簇的熔点和熔化焓与团簇半径的倒数呈线性关系。

46、The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension. ─── 信息密度在一个线性维度内有用的信息单元的个数。

47、Uses linear interpolation to create a color value. ─── 创建两种颜色间的线性插值颜色;

48、It takes time to think because thinking is linear. ─── 因为思考是线性的,它需要时间。

49、Under the guideline, the output of streamlined seamless liners declines linearly. ─── 在该方针的指引下,流线型无缝班机的产量直线下降。

50、Our left hemisphere thinks linearly and methodically. ─── 不过我又想,这样不是很妙吗?

51、In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective. ─── 他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。

52、From the videos you sent, I can see that many of your members fight very linearly without zoning footwork. ─── 从你给我看的录象来看,我发现参加你们比赛的很多人的步法只会直来直去,而无区域性步法变化。

53、The ex periments show that the concentration of wax crystalloid increased linearly wit h the temperature decreasing. ─── 在此基础上,分析了声背散射信号与原油中蜡晶析出的关系。结果表明,随着温度的降低,蜡晶浓度线性增加。

54、Linear trend for factor levels. ─── 分组因素水平间的线性趋势检验。

55、It was found that the sonochemical yield is linearly related to sound intensity and irradiation time. ─── 但是,直到目前,人们对空化泡数量与声化学产额之间定量关系的描述还很缺乏。

56、The results indicate that the relation between aromaticity and atomic retio of C/ H are linearly dependent. ─── 南极样干酪根的芳香度与C/原子比呈线性关系。

57、To put or project in linear form. ─── 使具有线状或使成线状

58、Every function whose derivative is linear is a quadratic function. ─── 任意一个导数为线性函数的函数都是二次函数。

59、The dispersions of malts and barleys were linearly related with the fractal dimensions. ─── 分维数差值越大,库尔巴哈值越大。

60、Which linear dimensions does have a circle? ─── 圆有哪些线性尺寸?

61、However, a browser can only download a graphic in JPEG format linearly, from the top row to the bottom row. ─── 但是,浏览器只能从顶行到底行线性地下载JPEG格式的图形。

62、SCE),the peak current is linearly proportional to its concentration in the range from 4. ─── 处有一灵敏的二阶导数还原峰,峰电流与刺芒柄花素浓度在4。

63、Complexity : Linear to the elements in the subtree. ─── 复杂度:与子树的元素数量成线性。

64、Width is a linear dimension, too. ─── 宽也是一种线性尺寸。

65、A unit of type width based on the number of times a character can be set in one linear inch. ─── 印字宽度的单位,以一英寸直线距离上能安置的字符数计。

66、It is shown that the bearing capacity of belied pier almost increases linearly with the pier end diameter. ─── 可以发现,随着扩底直径的增加,扩底墩承载力明显提高,基本成线性关系;

67、Leaves linear to lanceolate, thin and soft. ─── 叶线形到披针形,薄和柔软。

68、Cauchy violation “3C12-C11-2P ” increases linearly with pressure, and “C13-C44-2P ” is insensitive to pressure. ─── Cauchy扰动3C12-C11-2P 随着压力的增加而线性增加,而扰动 C13-C44-2P受压力的影响并不大。

69、Epicalyx lobes 4, linear, hairy. ─── 副萼裂片4,线,有毛。

70、functions depend linearly on each of them. ─── 函数与这些点呈线性关系。

71、A specified arrangement used in ordering. An order need not be linear. ─── 一种在排序中使用的特定排列。排列的次序不必是线性的。

72、The viscous force caused by fine caly particles and the reduced dispersive force are linearly addible. ─── 分析试验资料结果表明:由细的粘土颗粒引起的粘性力与由粗颗粒引起的离散力是可以线性叠加的。

73、Such a polarization-gated excitation scheme creates an intense linearly polarized high-gradient evanescent field for electron acceleration. ─── 这种偏振门控激发机制产生强烈的线偏振光高梯度电子加速消逝场。

74、The equations generated, however, are not linear. ─── 但所形成的方程不是线性的。

75、The amount of Cyt c and MnO2 nanosheet in the bilayer increased linearly with the number of the bilayer. ─── 交流阻抗测试表明组装过程中各层Cyt c与MnO2纳米片的量随着层数的增加均匀增长。

76、Every basis of a linear space contains the same number of vectors. ─── 一线性空间的每一基底包含同样数目的向量。

77、The speed with which your microcomputer executes programs will vary linearly with the speed of your clock signal. ─── 你的微型计算机执行程序的速度将与你的时钟信号的速度成线性关系。

78、And the logarithm of head breadth (including length of prothorax, antenna and body) varies linearly with in... ─── 各实测值与理论值的吻合度均较高,其中以头壳的吻合程度最好。

79、The speed with which your microcomputer executes programs will vary linearly with the speed of your clock signal. ─── 你的微型计算机执行程序的速度将与你的时钟信号的速度成线性关系。

80、A linear type element containing all printable symbols. ─── 包含所有可打印符号的一种条形打印构件。

81、They increased linearly with increasing birth weight and gestational age. ─── 它们均随著出生体重和怀孕周数的增加而增加。

82、Thurs, Linear programming take home exam. ─── 从开学到现在一直跟不上。

83、We describe a very rare case of linear BCC of the scrotum. ─── 在,报告一罕见之阴囊线状基底细胞癌个案。

84、The square root and the cubic root of the dielectric constants are linearly related to the volume ratios. ─── 介电常量的二次及三次方根与密度成线性关系。

85、"But as you scale the capacity ofthe SSD up, the cost scales linearly. ─── “但是当你按比例增加SSD的容量的时候,成本线性上升。

86、A series of small linearly spaced holes or cuts on a form to facilitate tearing along a desired line. ─── 在表格纸上,为便于沿指定线撕开而设计的一连串以小间隔排列成线状的穿孔或缺口。

87、In benzene or ethyl acetate solution rates increase linearly with methyl methacrylate concentration. ─── 在苯或乙酸乙酯溶液中其衰减速度随甲基丙烯酸甲脂浓度呈直线地增大。

88、The reflected light is weak and completely linearly polarized. ─── 反射光较弱,且是完全线偏振的。

89、Classical Physics and Linear Maths. ─── 古典物理学,线性数学。

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