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09-20 投稿


liberalist 发音

英:[['lɪbərəlɪst]]  美:[['lɪbərəlɪst]]

英:  美:

liberalist 中文意思翻译



liberalist 短语词组

1、liberalist website ─── 自由主义者网站

2、liberalist and devil ─── 自由主义者与魔鬼

liberalist 词性/词形变化,liberalist变形

形容词: liberalistic |名词: liberalist |

liberalist 相似词语短语

1、literalist ─── n.拘泥于字面解释的人;直译者

2、liberalistic ─── adj.自由主义的

3、liberalises ─── 使自由化

4、liberalise ─── 使自由化

5、liberalised ─── 使自由化

6、liberality ─── n.慷慨,大方;心胸宽阔,胸怀广阔

7、libelist ─── 诽谤者

8、liberalism ─── n.自由主义;开明的思想或见解

9、liberaliser ─── 自由化

liberalist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、liberalist adj. ─── 自由主义的;

2、the new liberalist economics ─── 新自由主义经济学

3、Mill is a utilitarian and he is also a liberalist. ─── 密尔既是一个功利主义者,更是一个自由主义者。

4、Liberalist constitutional democrats in the history of Western ideology took the two as absolutely antagonistic,and thus found themselves lost in a thinking pattern of binary opposition. ─── 西方思想史上的自由主义宪政论者把二者的对立绝对化,由此陷入二元对立的思维范式。

5、As a liberalist, he also maintains that China should set up democracy to train people to raise their basic quality. ─── 同时,作为自由主义者,胡适主张建立民主政治制度以训练国民提高其素质。

6、margo liber unguis ─── 甲游离缘

7、I may be close to a liberalist and a cultural feminist. ─── 我可能很接近于一个自由主义者和一个文化女性主义者。

8、liberalist intellectual ─── 自由主义知识分子

9、LIBER International Book Trade Fair ─── 马德里国际书展

10、The second section of this paper focuses on whether Hobbes is a liberalist in Leviathan. ─── 本文第二部分主要探讨了《利维坦》中的霍布斯是否是一个自由主义者。

11、liberalist democracy ─── 自由主义民主

12、Review on the Viewpoint of Western Liberalist Fairness ─── 西方自由主义公平观评述

13、Political reform provides the bases for raising the level of the people's power,wisdom and mores,and constitutes an effective approach to develop liberalist economy. ─── 变法是发展自由主义经济的基础,提高民力、民智、民德,是发展自由主义经济的途径。

14、LIBER; League of Friends of Paul; ─── 圣保罗之友联盟;

15、This transformation is a revolutionary thinking adjustment of Chinese liberalist. ─── 这一演变,对于思考科学精神与政治现代化的关系不无启示。

16、Honorius, according to the Liber Pontificalis, came from Campania and was the son of the consul Petronius.He became pope on October 27, 625, two days after the death of his predecessor, Boniface V. ─── 关于霍诺留斯就职的日期有两种说法,一种是11月3日,另一种是10月27日。

17、Effect of hirudinoid extract on intracellular liber calcium ion of retinal pigment epithelium ─── 水蛭提取液对视网膜色素上皮细胞内游离钙离子的影响

18、Keywords non-woven material;fiber formingl;new liber; ─── 非织造材料;纤维成型;新纤维;

19、new liberalist thoughts ─── 新自由主义思潮

20、Caloneis liber ─── n. 离生美壁藻

21、As the transitional personality of modern China’s liberalist, Hu Shi affected the thoughts of modern Chinese political culture even livelong society history deeply and widely. ─── 胡适作为近代中国自由主义思想承前启后的关键性人物,对近代中国政治文化思潮乃至整个社会历史均产生了广泛而深远的影响。

22、Liber Pontificalis ─── 教宗史书

23、Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura quae legis hic. aliter non fit, Avite, liber. ─── 好东西,一些平凡的东西,更多糟糕的东西,你都在这儿读到。若非这样,阿维陀,书就造不成了。

24、However, the strategies of the United States, Japan and Russiatowards ASEAN are defined by either realist or liberalist models. ─── 但是美、日、俄对东盟战略带有现实主义的霸权选择和自由主义的制度选择特征。

25、Kant's Liberalist Thoughts on Rights ─── 康德的自由主义权利思想

26、The Chief Concepts of China's Traditional Politics and the Western Liberalist Politics: A Comparison ─── 论中国传统政治的主要观念与西方自由主义政治观念的比较分析

27、The composition of gender movement is liberalist intellectuals, and their main concern is on the gender equality of law (ex the inheritance of wealth)and political opportunities. ─── 性别运动的主导力量是都会的自由主义知识菁英,他们关注的主要是两性在法律(例如财产的继承)、参政机会上的平等。

28、Liang Qichao and China's Liberalist Press Thought ─── 梁启超与中国的自由主义新闻思潮

29、but our shirts are our liber, or true bark, which cannot be removed without girdling and so destroying the man. ─── 我们的衬衣可是我们的韧皮,或者说,真正的树皮,剥下来的话,不能不连皮带肉,伤及身体的。

30、This has fully manifested that the new liberalist economics has its own one-sidedness and individualistic value orientation. ─── 充分体现了新自由主义经济学的片面性和个人主义价值取向。

31、Ying touch my heart totally and I understand his sufferings and anxieties, as an early liberalist . Unlike Mr. ─── 作为一个早期的自由主义者,我非常能够理解林先生心中的那份煎熬和彷徨。

32、old liberalist ─── 老自由主义者,旧自由主义者

33、Liberalist constitutional democrats in the history of Western ideology took the two as absolutely antagonistic, and thus found themselves lost in a thinking pattern of binary opposition. ─── 西方思想史上的自由主义宪政论者把二者的对立绝对化,由此陷入二元对立的思维范式。

34、There existed overlapping and complementarity, and opposition and argument between democratic literature, left-wing literature and liberalist literature. ─── 它与左翼文学和自由主义文学既有交叉、互补,也有对立、论争。

35、In facets of LI Ze-hou's thought Confucianism is its foundation color and basic level.He can be more precisely described as a neo-Confucianist rather than Neo-Kantist or liberalist. ─── 在李泽厚思想的多种面相中,儒学是其底色和基本面,与其说他是新康德主义者、自由主义者等等,不如视为新儒家更为准确和实在。

36、Liber S.r.l.-Logos Group,ITALY ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊详细介绍

37、margo liber ovarii ─── 卵巢游离缘

38、The bourgeois have got the liberty which they want,while the average people not.That the positive action of the government has been put forward again result in abruption in the liberalist. ─── 资产阶级获得了所需的权利,但社会的普通大众却没有,因而国家的积极作用被提上了议程。

39、calyx liber ─── 离生萼

40、liberalist economics ─── 自由主义经济学

41、Though economics faced serious challenges from American New Economy and will likely change greatly,the author argues that the trend is still directing to liberalist economics. ─── 而新自由主义经济学造就了美国“新经济”,因而构成了美国“新经济”的理论基础。

42、De oppresso liber !!!!! ─── 愿上帝保佑美国!

43、Caloneis liber f. sinica ─── n. 离生美壁藻中华变型

44、Title: Another Failure of the Neo- Liberalist Economic Policy? ─── 自由主义经济政策的再次失败?。

45、Though he did not necessarily see eye to eye with his contemporary liberalist writers in terms of literary viewpoint, the former andthe latter however shared much in common in their spiritual pursuit. ─── 尽管胡适的文学主张并不同于自由主义文学家,但共同秉持的自由主义却使他们在精神追求上显示出很大程度的一致性。

46、Chapter one provided an overview of the collective security theory from idealist, realist, and liberalist prospects; ─── 第一节主要集体安全的概念以及主流国际关系理论对集体安全的研究。

47、Liber, -i, m Italian god of fertility. ─── 注意这个Liber中的i是长音。

48、President Hoover took traditional Liberalist measures in an effort to prevent the crisis, which was not only in vain, but also deepen it. ─── 胡佛总统采取传统的自由主义措施挽救危机,不仅没有拯救经济,反而使危机进一步加深。

49、Liber scriptus proferetur, ─── 展开巨册案卷,

50、GronroosC.Marketing in service companies.Malmo liber,1883. ─── 陈小春主编,旅行社管理学,中国旅游出版社,2003年4月第1版.

51、liberalist state doctrine ─── 自由主义国家学说

52、liberalist scholars ─── 自由主义学人

53、Secondly, the nature of equality inherent in law enables it to develop into an important tool for the guarantee of freedom.This possibility has been turned into reality in the liberalist tradition. ─── 其次,法律本身所具有的平等的性质也使它有可能被发展为一种对自由进行保障的重要工具,这种可能性在自由主义思想中变成了现实。

54、The thought that persistent liberalist Hayek left for us is abundant , numerous and jumbled and profound. ─── 执着的自由主义者哈耶克留给我们的思想是丰富、庞杂而精深的。

55、Third, Mr.ZHOU adhered to freedom and toleration firmly, for he was a liberalist, at the same time, sublating the theory of Nietzsche. ─── 由于对自由主义的坚定信念并加以对尼采学说的扬弃,周作人坚持自由与宽容;

56、passive liberalist ─── 消极自由主义

57、His novel theory has clear characteristics of liberty and innovation, insisting on liberalist viewpoint of literature, some useful exploration on the literary forms of novels. ─── 此外,其小说理论标举自由与创新之旗帜,坚持自由主义文学观,并对小说的文体形式进行有益探索。

58、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al. ─── 她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。

59、Therefore, political compromise is liberalist philosophy in their political life. ─── 因此政治妥协对民主政治的形成产生了深刻影响,是民主政治的“催化剂”。

60、Aim at this question, there have appeared diversified schools of jurisprudence which are assumed to be based on liberalist tradition, and are striving to offer countermeasures. ─── 针对这一重大的社会问题,在政治法律思想领域出现了许多致力于解决美国社会面临的各种弊端而提供对策的法哲学流派。

61、The presence of those inadequacies is the key reason for the fact that the republicanist tradition finally gave way to the liberalist interpretation of freedom in the modern times. ─── 这种缺陷的存在是共和主义传统的自由观念终于在近代让位于自由主义对自由的理解的一个关键性的原因。

62、Navicula liber f. sinica ─── n. 离生舟形藻中国变型

63、Friderich.Von A Hayek, a classic liberalist, has been seeking for freedom all his life.Instead of basing his theory of freedom on any moral rights, he claims for "Freedom under the Law". ─── 自由主义者哈耶克一生追求自由,他不是将自由建立于道德权利理论上而是追寻“法治下的自由”。

64、Mayor Cuddihy, who has given up hope of retrieving another book in the collection that was last seen in 1352, said he felt time was running out for getting back the Liber Secundus. ─── 该书库还有一本书,人们最后一次看见它是在1352年,对于找回此书克德黑市长已经不抱希望。

65、Phagus liber ─── 独立噬菌体, 家蝇葡萄球菌噬菌体

66、Keywords leech extract;retinal pigment epithelium;RPE;intracellular liber calcium ion; ─── 水蛭;视网膜色素上皮细胞;细胞内游离钙离子;

67、Yan Fu's Liberalist Thought and Its Modern Significance ─── 论严复的自由主义思想及其近代意义

68、secondary liber ─── 次生韧皮部

69、The Latin saying liber ex libro expresses this idea, explaining that a book holds insights found in other books. ─── 拉丁语有这样一句谚语:“liber ex libro”,表达了这样一种思想:一本书所持有的观点是从其他书中获得的。

70、Lateral lax liberalist levy lapsed longevity; ─── 旁边的松的自由主义者强求丧失的长命。

71、Argument: The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president. ─── 另一个看都没有看, 义无返顾地选择了这个issue, 因为这一个总有点映象啊。

72、the liberalist bourgeoisie ─── 自由资产阶级

73、pnagus liber ─── [医] 独立噬菌体, 家蝇葡萄球菌噬菌体

74、A world-renowned thinker and philosopher, Isaiah Berlin has in recent years received great attention in China for his liberalist thinking. ─── 以赛亚·伯林被奉为伟大的思想家、哲学家,其自由主义思想近年来在国内理论界受到极大关注。

75、The term "Liberalist Bourgeoisie" is interrelated with the theory of wide development of capitalism and the policy of uniting the intermediate forces. ─── “自由资产阶级”的概念与“广大发展资本主义”的思想及联合中间势力的政策密切相关。

76、The examination system of the optical liber sensor has been widely used in the large building. ─── 光纤传感检测系统在大型建筑物安全监测中已经得到了广泛的应用。

77、Another Failure of the Neo-Liberalist Economic Policy? -Comments on the "Greater Middle East Economic Initiatives" ─── 新自由主义经济政策的再次失败?--浅评美国“大中东经济计划”

78、(Homo liber, qui inter ignaros vivit, eorum, quantum potest, beneficia declinare studet. ─── 一个生活在无知的人群中的自由人将尽可能努力避免他们的恩惠。

79、The difference between libel and slander is that liber is printed while slander is spoken. ─── 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

80、For instance, in both Islamic and Western thought, equity is more important than equality;one Western liberalist argument against communism is based on this idea. ─── 举例而言,伊斯兰思想和西方思想都认为,公平比平等更重要,西方自由主义者反对共产主义正是基于这一观念。

81、First Signs of Loneliness: Debut and Echo --On Yan Fu and Chinese Modern Liberalist Idelogy ─── 寂寞的先声:开端与回响--论严复与中国近代自由主义思想

82、margo liber ─── 游离缘独立缘

83、A Liberalist Examination of Nationalism ─── 对民族主义的一种自由主义考察

84、Trend of Liberalist Thought in the History of Modern Chinese Literature ─── 论中国现代文学史上的自由主义思潮

85、Criticism of Isaiah Berlin's Liberalist Constitutionalism ─── 以赛亚·伯林自由主义宪政思想批判

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