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liberalism 发音

英:['lɪbərəlɪzəm]  美:['lɪbərəlɪzəm]

英:  美:

liberalism 中文意思翻译



liberalism 网络释义

n. 自由主义;开明的思想或见解

liberalism 短语词组

1、free market liberalism ─── 自由市场 ─── 自由主义

2、johnsonian liberalism ─── 约翰逊自由主义

3、dynastic liberalism ─── 王朝自由主义

4、libertarianism liberalism ─── 自由主义 ─── 自由主义

5、liberalism and social action ─── 自由主义与社会行动

6、the limits of liberalism ─── 自由主义的局限

7、neo-liberalism ─── 新自由主义

8、liberalism and transformation ─── 自由主义与转型

liberalism 词性/词形变化,liberalism变形

形容词: liberalistic |名词: liberalist |

liberalism 相似词语短语

1、liberaliser ─── 自由化

2、liberalises ─── 使自由化

3、illiberalism ─── n.反自由主义;非自由主义

4、liberalize ─── vt.使自由化;宽大;vi.自由化

5、literalism ─── n.拘泥于字句;直译主义;彻底写实主义

6、liberalise ─── 使自由化

7、liberalised ─── 使自由化

8、liberality ─── n.慷慨,大方;心胸宽阔,胸怀广阔

9、liberalist ─── n.自由主义者;adj.自由主义的

liberalism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is a false liberalism that interprets itself into the Government operation of commercial business. ─── 如果把政府经营商业说成是自由开放主义,那是假自由开放。

2、"Economic Man" idea is a premiss of the mostly schools of the west countries to make their point, such as Classical Liberalism, Utilitarianism and New Liberalism. ─── “经济人”思想是西方国家大多学派如古典自由主义、功利主义和新自由主义等的立论前提。

3、How do you reconcile this choice with liberalism? ─── 你如何调和这个选择与自由主义?

4、This is a shift from previous absolutism to relativism, from monism to pluralism, from dogmatism to liberalism. ─── 它从以往提倡的绝对论转向相对论、从一元论转向多元论、从独断论转向自由论。

5、For a hundred and fifty years liberalism has found its true spirit in the American system, not in the European systems. ─── 一百五十年以来,自由主义在美国的制度,而不是在欧洲的各种制度中找到了它的真谛。

6、At the end of the 19th century, Ting Wen-chiang was edified not only by the Confucian culture, but also by the western pragmatism, liberalism and scientific thoughts. ─── 19世纪末,丁文江既受到传统儒家文化的熏陶,又深受当时西方的实证主义、自由主义和科学思潮的洗礼。

7、"He came to personify a classic 20th century style of American liberalism that grew out of his Roman Catholic sense of duty. ─── “他最终成为20世纪美国自由主义经典风格的化身,而那要归功于他成长过程中所形成的罗马天主教的责任感。”

8、An opponent of progress or liberalism;an extreme conservative. ─── 保守分子,反动派一个反对社会进步和自由主义的人;极端保守者

9、Now it's liberalism for themselves, and autocracy for everyone else. ─── 对自己是自由主义,对别人是专职主义的垃圾。

10、Opposed to liberalism ----not allowed to choose, I will bring you one you want. ─── 反对自由主义---不让挑,买哪支拿哪支。

11、In British history, Palmerston acted as a bridge form defense molding liberalism to modified liberalism. ─── 在英国自由主义发展史上,帕麦斯顿是守成型自由主义与改良型自由主义之间的桥梁。

12、Conservatism adhered to the principle of tradition, order and stability and opposed the liberalism and nationalism. ─── 保守主义则以传统、秩序和稳定为原则,展开了与自由主义、民族主义等要求改变现状者的对抗。

13、Modern Wester society has a high degree of radical liberalism, which I cannot totally agree with. ─── 其实,她从没有我需要照顾的地方,她比我大,也许更本不屑于我的一厢情愿的付出。

14、Socialism is one important line of political thinking in Europe, as well as liberalism and conservatism. ─── 与自由主义和保守主义一样,社会主义也属于欧洲政治思想体系中的重要一支。

15、Thus the Political liberalism accomplishes a mission that lays a stable foundation of the modern democratic society. ─── “重叠共识”的理论运思无疑对利益日趋多元化的中国社会具有深远的启发意义。

16、As world economy goes global,some Western countries seek to control the developing countries by seeping new liberalism. ─── 尤其在经济全球化的今天,西方借助新自由主义对发展中国家进行渗透,企图进一步控制发展中国家。

17、They admire bourgeois liberalism and are against the leadership of the Party. ─── 他们欣赏资产阶级自由主义,反对党的领导。

18、Sen. Paul Wellstone, a Minnesota true believer in good old liberalism, has a base. They don't need polls. ─── 参议员保罗 - 韦尔斯通,明尼苏达州一位坚定地信仰真正的老自由主义者,也有这样的支柱,他们都不需要选票。

19、A politician who beats the drum for liberalism. ─── 一个竭力鼓吹自由主义的政治家

20、Academic liberalism has four dimensions of economic,political,social ethics and philosophical doctrines. ─── 学理上的自由主义 ,主要有经济学说、政治学说、社会伦理学说和哲学学说四个维度。

21、Mr Sarkozy may simply be pandering to popular distaste but this does seem to reflect a limited sympathy for economic liberalism. ─── 也许萨科齐只是想迎合大众的蔑视心态,但这也反映出他信奉自由经济的狭隘倾向。

22、He exemplify the new liberalism. ─── 他反映了新自由主义的观点。

23、the difference between conservatism and liberalism? ─── 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

24、The author doesn't equate liberalism and conservatism. ─── 该作者没有将自由主义等同于保守主义。

25、If liberalism had not hindered them, they would, so they believe, have bloodily nipped the revolutionary movements in the bud. ─── 假如没有自由主义的阻碍,他们早就把革命运动的萌芽淹没在血泊之中了。

26、The paper is a reflection on the four views currently prevalent in the West concerning citizen education: liberalism,republicanism,communalism,and pluralism. ─── 公民教育是目前国内外政治学领域以及教育学领域广泛关注的问题。

27、The liberalism of Mill was influenced by earlier utilitarianism,which he constantly amended afterwards. ─── 密尔的自由主义受早期功利主义的影响,并对其进行了不断地修正。

28、Renato Cristi, Carl Schmitt and Authoritarian Liberalism: Strong State, Free Economy (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1998). ─── 刘小枫施米特故事的右派讲法:权威自由主义?

29、If you want to defend liberalism, then defend it, but why conflate your love for certain values with love for a certain country? ─── 如果你想捍卫自由主义,那你就捍卫吧,你为什么要把对某种价值观的热爱和对某个国家的热爱混为一谈?

30、Opposition to progress or liberalism;extreme conservatism. ─── 保守对社会进步或自由主义的反对;极端保守主义

31、Soft-headed liberalism; a cool-headed fighter pilot. ─── 不切实际的自由主义; 头脑冷静的战斗机驾驶员

32、Through the contestation on freedom and democracy between liberalism and "new left" ,we should insist on Marx's theory of freedom . ─── 二是自由主义和“新左派”的自由与民主之争使我们更要坚持马克思自由观

33、Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism? ─── 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

34、From the view of cultural analysis, liberalism can be regarded as a set of" grammar of culture", a special way of dealing with the basic issues of civilization. ─── 从文化分析的角度,自由主义可以视为一套“文化文法”,是对文明的基本问题的特殊处理方式。

35、Scholars always study one part of his political thoughts ,but a few of them study his political thought of liberalism as a whole with utilitarianism . ─── 学者们对密尔自由主义政治思想的研究通常是就某一方面来进行,很少把它作为一个整体来研究。

36、Inter-war Czechoslovakia was essentially a fraud, she argues, both in its composition and its reputation for liberalism. ─── 她认为,实际上,一战后二战前,捷克斯洛伐克在对待内部民族结构和标榜自由主义的问题上是不诚实的。

37、They stood firmly but on their own utilitarian ground for all the principles of liberalism in law and government. ─── 功利主义者在法律和政府的问题上坚定支持自由主义的原则,并从功利主义的立场上捍卫这些原则。

38、They seem to be a typical mixture of western liberalism economy and Chinese centralization of state power. ─── 在我看来这是典型的西方自由主义经济和中国集权政治的产品。

39、Communitariarism cannot resolute the crisis Liberalism faces, and neither is able to dismiss the trouble people are meeting in the process of the globalization. ─── 共同体主义并不能解决自由主义面临的危机,二者都无法解除当今全球化进程中人们遭遇的困境。

40、The idealistic origin of Dworkin’s Theory of Legal Principle is the criticism of positivism and the continuation of liberalism. ─── 其理论的思想来源于对法律实证主义的批判和对自由主义的延续。

41、He was concerned over growing liberalism in the church. ─── 他对教会中日益增强的自由主义倾向心存忧虑。

42、But he doesn' t carry the principles of liberalism through to the end, instead, he makes the conclusion of totalitarianism, which killed the sprit of liberalism. ─── 但他并没有将自由主义原则贯彻到底,而是以专制集权主义的政治设计扼杀了自由主义精神。

43、Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura quae legis hic. aliter non fit, Avite, liber. ─── 好东西,一些平凡的东西,更多糟糕的东西,你都在这儿读到。若非这样,阿维陀,书就造不成了。

44、It is necessary to enhance the Party spirit for raising the consciousness of resisting liberalism. ─── 因此,加强党性锻炼,提高抵御自由主义侵蚀的自觉性,确有必要。

45、The neo-liberalism inherits the key value concept of liberalism, strives to avert state sovereignty and highly advocates global rule. ─── 全球化语境下的新自由主义传承自由主义的核心价值理念,是力图消弭民族国家主权、极力推崇全球统治的话语体系。

46、Allen E. Buchanan, Marx and justice: the radical critique of liberalism, Publication info: London: Methuen, 1982. ─── 《马克思恩格斯全集》第25卷,人民出版社1972年版.

47、The GATS internationalizes for the service trade, the liberalism and legalizations lay the foundation. ─── GATS为服务贸易国际化、 自由化及法制化奠定了基础。

48、A major objective (of political liberalism) is the protection of the economic weak. ─── 主要的目标(政治自由主义的)是对经济疲软的保护。

49、So, on this basis, it was indifferent between "positive liberalism and negative liberalism", also between "conservation and radicalness". ─── 以中国文化为本位,便无所谓“积极的自由主义”或“消极的自由主义”,亦无所谓保守或激进。

50、Thus Russia and China could form an axis of autocracies, united by their dislike of political liberalism. ─── 因此,对政治自由主义的共同反感,可能会让俄罗斯与中国结合在一起,组成威权政体轴心。

51、Chinese nationalism, the existence of three roads to choose, liberalism and nationalism is the integration of the most desirable direction. ─── 中国的民族主义存在三条道路选择,其中自由主义和民族主义的融合是最为可取的发展方向。

52、See John Dewey, Liberalism and Social Action, The Later Works of John Dewey, Vol.11, p34. ─── {16}悉尼?克为《杜威全集》(期著作)九卷《民主主义与教育》写的导言,载约翰?威:《民主主义与教育》“附录”,王承绪译,人民教育出版社1990年版,第389页。

53、As the legitimate bourgeois culture, the liberalism was considered that it be the best embodiment of the western unreligious civilization. ─── 作为正统的资产阶级文化,自由主义被认为是西方文明世俗形式的最高体现。

54、His thinking is a curious melange of leftism, dirigisme and liberalism whose Cartesian logic sometimes seemed crystalline only to himself. ─── 他的思想很古怪,融合左翼,政府对国民经济的干预主义及自由主义,他的笛卡尔逻辑有时似乎只对他自己透明。

55、For the difficult situation faced by the western liberalism and democratic politics, traditional Chinese Confucianism contains solutions similar to those of Zander. ─── 对西方的自由主义与民主政治所面临的困境,中国儒家传统中含有许多与桑德尔所开药方相通的一致之处。

56、Compare the roles played by the middle class in the development of liberalism in any two European countries in the 19th century. ─── 就19世纪任何两个欧洲国家,比较该两国的中产阶级在自由主义方面所扮演的角色。

57、It is a succinct and eloquent defense of the basic philosophical principles of liberalism. ─── 它还用简明、流畅的笔触阐述了自由主义的基本哲学观点。

58、Hayek believed that the crisis of liberalism was not the internal paradox between monism and pluralism, but the crisis that False Liberalism challenge True Liberalism. ─── 他认为,自由主义的危机不是自由主义内在的一元价值与多元论的危机,而是伪自由主义对真自由主义的挑战的危机。

59、They seem to be a typical mixture of western liberalism economy and Chinese centralization of state power. ─── 在我看来这是典型的西方自由主义经济和中国集权政治的产品。

60、Key words: Jurisprudence of the New Liberalism; Limiting Criminal Law; Decrimilization; Dispunishmentlization. ─── 关键词:刑法谦抑性,新自由主义法学,非犯罪化,轻刑化。

61、Ironist is an opposition of the traditional metaphysician, but they are not always oppose liberalism. ─── 反讽主义者与传统的形而上学家是对立的,但并不一定反自由主义。

62、After the middle of 20th century, participatory democracy and elitist democracy, Liberalism and Communitarianism have become the discussed issues. ─── 二十世纪中叶后,参与式民主与精英民主、自由主义与社群主义则成为国家与社会间的主要论题。

63、Conservatism is fundamentally speaking,an integai part of the great tradition of liberalism. ─── 保守主义在根本上是人类自由主义大传统的一部分。

64、The special situation made it easily understood that demonstrating capitalist system reasonable and communist system reasonless was basic content of liberalism. ─── 冷战形势使自由主义思想以论证资本主义制度的合理性,反对共产主义制度和马克思主义为基本内容。

65、So it is necessary to portray his profound ideas, philosophy and feelings from the view of huminaty, liberalism and spirit of forgiveness. ─── 因此有必要从其“人本主义思想”、自由与宽容理念”及“经验主义认识论”等方面,对其自由主义思想进行细致的廓清。

66、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al. ─── 她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。

67、Abstract:“Problem of stability” has played an important role in John Rawls's theories as well as the main reason of his political liberalism shift. ─── 内容提要:稳定性问题,在罗尔斯前后期理论中均扮演重要角色,亦是他的政治自由主义转向的主要原因。

68、Nonetheless, for many observers the retreat of Anglo-Saxon liberalism is one of the most telling parts of the new normal. ─── 不管怎么说,对许多观察家来说,英美式自由主义的退败最能说明新常态市场的到来。

69、Mr Cameron himself casts his views on Europe as a function of his liberalism, rather than as a symptom of little-Englander parochialism. ─── 卡梅隆将欧洲视为自由主义的产物,而不是小英格兰主义者狭隘主义的表现。

70、To combat liberalism is a long-term task, and it exists even in the Party to no small extent. ─── 反对自由主义是长期的,党内自由主义也还不少。

71、They approve of Marxism, but are not prepared to practise it or to practise it in full;they are not prepared to replace their liberalism by Marxism. ─── 他们赞成马克思主义,但是不准备实行之,或不准备完全实行之,不准备拿马克思主义代替自己的自由主义。

72、Practice shows that something like classic liberalism or classic conservatism is incompatible with the Chinese condition, thus it was deserted. ─── 实践表明,类似古典自由主义、古典保守主义等都与中国的国情不相容,因此被中国所抛弃。

73、Argument: The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president. ─── 另一个看都没有看, 义无返顾地选择了这个issue, 因为这一个总有点映象啊。

74、The May4 th Movement of1919 was expedited by the radicalism and the liberalism thought tides. ─── 五四运动是由激进主义和自由主义两大思潮催生的。

75、The examination system of the optical liber sensor has been widely used in the large building. ─── 光纤传感检测系统在大型建筑物安全监测中已经得到了广泛的应用。

76、In an ambitious, 20-minute address, Mr.Obama sought to obliterate the divisions of conservatism and liberalism and remake American politics. ─── 在20分钟热情洋溢的演讲中,奥巴马希望消除保守主义和自由主义的分歧,重塑美国的政治。

77、Socialism, liberalism, call it what you will, always has great plans for the masses that just never seem to work. ─── 社会主义,自由主义,随便叫什么啦,都会制造出一大堆麻烦,从没真正解决过。

78、About Palmerston and his liberalism political practice, our country few academics referred, more research was about Palmerston"s foreign policies. ─── 关于帕麦斯顿政府的自由主义政治实践,国内学术界少有问津,研究较多的是帕麦斯顿的外交政策。

79、But his liberalism had not been understood by the most people that he is still lonely. ─── 但他的自由主义还未被多数人所了解,他依然是一个孤独者。

80、For white ethnic voters in the North, and whites generally in the South, this new liberalism made little sense. ─── 对于北方的白种人异教徒的选民和南方普通白种人来说,这种新的自由主义具有一定的意义。

81、The conclusion can be summarized that Neo-liberalism, as an economic system or an economic development model, is only a direct factor. ─── 结论为:新自由主义作为资本主义的一种治理机制和经济运行模式是导致美国金融危机爆发的体制原因。

82、"If he wanted to live on in history, he had to turn to liberalism, " he said. ─── “如果想青史留名,他就不得不转而选择自由主义,”他说。

83、ABide by Party discipline; do not pursue liberalism. ─── 坚持党的纪律,反对自由主义

84、Therefore, Ronald Dworkin’s theory based on attention right, he began to attention personal right and vindicate liberalism. ─── 因此,德沃金理论以关注权利的对抗为起点,开始为关注个人权利的传统自由主义思想做辩护。

85、In the first half of 19th century, the thoughts of liberalism, nationalism and conservatism influenced the social development of Germany. ─── 19世纪上半期,自由主义、民族主义、保守主义等三大思潮影响着德国社会的发展。

86、The commander asked all officers to abandon the idea of liberalism. ─── 司令员要求各级指战员不能有自由主义思想。

87、But Martin Luther also proved that religious reforms did not by any means require the support of a spirit of liberalism. ─── 但马丁·路德证明了宗教改革从未依赖于自由主义精神的支持。

88、Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative. ─── 反应的,反动的,保守的以反应为特征的,特点指反对社会进步或自由主义的;极端保守的

89、IN A SENSE, my dilemma with Mr.Keyes mirrors the broader dilemma that liberalism has faced in answering the religious right. ─── 在某种意义上,我面对凯斯先生处于进退两难的局面,反映了自由主义面对回答宗教权利时更加广泛的进退两难的局面。

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