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09-21 投稿


matinee 发音

英:[ˌmætnˈeɪ]  美:[ˈmætɪneɪ]

英:  美:

matinee 中文意思翻译



matinee 网络释义

n. 白天举行的音乐会;妇女便装之一种

matinee 短语词组

1、matinee mouse ─── 日场鼠标

2、matinee movie ─── 日场电影

3、matinee idol n. ─── 受女戏迷喜爱的男演员

4、matinee performance ─── 日场演出

5、matinee show ─── 日场演出

matinee 词性/词形变化,matinee变形


matinee 相似词语短语

1、matinees ─── n.(戏剧、电影的)午后场

2、maties ─── adj.平易近人的,友好的;亲密的(等于matey);n.朋友,伙伴(通常用作呼语);n.(Maty)(美、墨、法、以色列)马蒂(人名)

3、mutineer ─── n.反抗者;叛变者

4、matier ─── 食物

5、matin ─── n.(英国国教)晨祷;(天主教)早课;晨歌;adj.早晨的;晨祷的;n.(Matin)人名;(西、塞、孟)马丁;(俄)马京

6、gratinee ─── 格拉蒂尼

7、matinées ─── 早上

8、matiness ─── n.友好,和善

9、matinée ─── n.(电影或戏剧的)下午场

matinee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Er,is there a matinee on Saturday? ─── 呃,星期六有日场吗?

2、Every fine lady must be in the crowd on Broadway in the afternoon, in the theatre at the matinee, in the coaches and dining-halls at night. ─── 每一个贵妇人都必定是下午在百老汇大街的人群中,看日戏时在剧院内,晚上在马车上和餐厅里。

3、In the matinee of a day-night doubleheader, the rival Boston Red Sox never had a chance. ─── 在这场双重赛的日场球赛里,强敌波士顿红袜队完全没有机会赢球。

4、There is the matin song of birds. ─── 可以听见百鸟啁啾唱起了晨歌。

5、"I've been to the matinee this afternoon." ─── "我今天下午去看过戏了。”

6、Matin D. Davis, Computability, Complexity, and Languages, Academic Press, 1983. ─── 《可计算性、复杂性和语言》,清华大学出版社,北京,1989。

7、Feberary America celebrates the birth of one of the greatest men ever born, Matin Luther King Jr. ─── 二月美国在纪念一位伟大的人的诞辰---马丁路德金。

8、This year, we cut the lag time down to just two months: We booked theater tickets, dropped the boys at my in-laws', and headed into the city for lunch and a matinee. ─── 今年,我们缩短了一些准备时间,大概2个月时:我们预定了戏票,把孩子们交给婆婆照料,然后就直奔城里吃了个午饭,欣赏了一场午后的演出。

9、Woman: What do you say, shall we meet for tea and then take in a matinee? ─── 女士:我们先去茶馆喝杯茶,然后再去听音乐会,怎么样?

10、matin bells and vesper drums ─── 晨钟暮鼓

11、"According to Buddhist rituals, there should be matin bells and vesper drums. But why in China are bells also tolled in the night?" ─── “佛事中向来规定暮鼓晨钟,为何中国寺院夜晚也敲钟?”

12、Matin Knosp ─── 克诺斯普

13、R ozenblit A, Matin ML, Veith FJ, et al. Endovascular re-pair of abdominal aortic aneurysms: value of post-operative follow-up with helical CT. AJR, 1995, 165: 1473. ─── 景在平,赵君,朱文江,等.螺旋CT在腔内隔绝术治疗腹主动脉瘤术前评估中的价值.中华放射学杂志,1998,12:841.

14、After school we escorted our teacher downtown in a body to a special matinee ─── 放学后,大家又一起簇拥着老师到镇中心观看日场电影。

15、student matinee ─── 学生日场

16、Be there any chance of get ticket for today's matinee? ─── 有可能买到今天日场的票子吗?

17、There gathered, before the matinee and afterwards, not only all the pretty women who love a showy parade, but the men who love to gaze upon and admire them. ─── 在日戏开场前和散场后,这里不仅聚集着那些爱卖弄风姿的漂亮女人,还有那些爱看女人、爱欣赏女人的男人。

18、And I will take you to see a matinee ─── 我可以带你去看一场露天音乐会

19、e.g Hier matin, il faisait beau. ─── 昨天上午天气不错。

20、I loved to see him pull up to the theater in his convertible to pick me up after a matinee, his smile flashing. ─── 我在他的敞篷车爱看他拔对剧院在午后的演出以后接我, 他的微笑闪动。

21、Soon after, he acquired success as a matinee stage idol, performing in various works including Shakespeare. ─── 不久,做为妇女崇拜的舞台偶像获得成功,主要饰演包括莎剧在内的各种作品。

22、This article is an on-the-spot review and primary acquaintance to Fung Ying Seen Koon Matin and the music used. ─── 本文即是对蓬瀛仙馆道教早课仪式与用乐情况的实地考察和初步认识。

23、I don't know if you remember that at all, but Robert Goulet was quite the matinee idol. ─── 我不清楚你是否知道这些,不过罗伯特·古利特确实很受女性的喜爱。

24、Secondly, in light to Matin Heidegger’s hermeneutic view of “keep silence” theory, the conception can be apprehended as the real essence of beauty. ─── 其次,根据海德格尔在解释学上提出的“保持沉默”理论,将意境理解为美的本真状态。

25、(2)At 3rd day after birth,the pyknotic chro matin in nucleus and progressive degeneration in plasmic structures were observe d. ─── 凋亡细胞数从生后1天到生后第3周有增加的趋势,于生后第3周出现峰值,之后降低。

26、By the way,will it be an evening performance or a matinee? ─── 我想问一问,是夜场还是日场?

27、We have nothing at all leave for today's matinee. ─── 今天日场的票全售完了。

28、In fact i be not interested in matinee show . ─── 事实上, 我对日场并不感兴趣。

29、Could I get better seats at a matinee? ─── 日场有没有较好的座位?

30、Let's go see matinee movies and save a few bucks. ─── 我们去看早场的电影省几块钱吧。

31、"Let's go to the matinee this afternoon," said Mrs. Vance, who had stepped across into Carrie's flat one morning, still arrayed in a soft pink dressing-gown, which she had donned upon rising. ─── “我们今天下午去看场戏吧,"一天早晨,万斯太太走进嘉莉家说,身上还穿着起床时穿的一件柔软的粉色晨衣。

32、I'd like two tickets for the Saturday matinee. ─── 我要两张星期六日场的票。

33、It's well to choose a hotel near a cinema, because if you have a tendency to oversleep the bells will wake you up in time for the matinee. ─── 挑一家紧挨着电影院的旅馆就好了,因为你若容易睡过头,日场电影的开映铃声会唤醒你。

34、Is there any chance of getting tickets for today 's matinee ? ─── 有可能买到今天日场的票子吗

35、Reng Matin ─── 人头马酒

36、matin sleep ─── 晨眠

37、We've sold out for today's matinee, but there's an evening performance. ─── 日场已客满,但有夜场的。

38、Les croissants chauds du matin! ─── 以下是课文中的一句话: Ah!

39、Next day, they went ahead with the scheduled afternoon matinee with about a third of those who had actually bought tickets in attendance. ─── 第二天,他们毫不迟疑的继续着既定计划的下午演奏会,售出的票中三分之一的观众出席了这场音乐会。

40、Nancy: A matinee means an afternoon show. Plays usually have matinees on Sundays, Wednesdays, and maybe Saturdays, while movies might have one every day. ─── 是指下午的演出或放映。通常在周日、周三或者周六有戏剧下午场的演出,而电影下午场的放映可能每天都有。

41、I'd like to reserve four tickets for Saturday's matinee. ─── 我要预订4张星期六日场的票。

42、I’v been appointed chairman of the decorations for a matinee dance in May. ─── 我已经被指定为5月份举行的日间舞会的装饰品筹备主任。

43、You can also take kids to neighboring town’s high school plays and musicals for a fun matinee. ─── 你同样带孩子去参加邻城高中演出、音乐会等日剧活动。

44、Olivia: Wonderful! By the way, will it be an evening performance or a matinee? ─── 奥利维亚:棒极了!我想问一问,是夜场还是日场!

45、On Saturday Harry and the Potters will headline an all-ages matinee at the Middle East, a bona fide rock club. [more... ─── 本周六哈利和波特一家将大标题告示一场适合各年龄观众的日场演出于“中东”,一间正派的摇滚乐酒吧。

46、In 2006-2007, the company staged four full-length productions as well as a varied repertory program and a free ‘community matinee’ among the performance selections. ─── 2006年至2007年,圣何塞制作了四部大型的芭蕾舞作品并把她们搬上舞台。

47、Between the acts she studied the galaxy of matinee attendants in front rows and boxes, and conceived a new idea of the possibilities of New York. ─── 在转场的时候,她打量着在前排座位上和包厢里看戏的那些光彩照人的观众,对纽约潜在的种种机会,有了一种新的认识。

48、"Come down and meet me to morrow," he said, "and we'll go to the matinee. ─── “明天到市中心来见我,好吗? "他说,"我们一起去看下午场的戏。

49、We're sold out for the evening performance, but there's a matinee. ─── 夜场已经客满,不过还有一场日

50、go to a matinee ─── 去看日戏

51、When you're having a slow day so you slip out for a matinee at the movies, remind yourself how terrific it is to set your own hours. ─── 如果哪天比较清闲,溜到电影院看个白天场,提醒自己:可以自己安排时间,这是多么了不起。

52、Take the time on a Sunday afternoon and catch a 2:30 matinee for only $3.75 or catch a midnight classic! ─── 利用星期天的时间,只需要花3.75$,就可以赶一场下午2:30的音乐会或午夜的精典!

53、Matin shoes are running big because you are supposed to wear cotton socks inside them. ─── 唯一美中不足的是略有点大了,我6号的脚,买了4号的。

54、O: Wonderful! By the way, will it be an evening performance or a matinee? ─── 棒极啦!我想问一问,是夜场还是日场?

55、In fact I am not interested in matinee show. ─── 事实上,我对日场并不感兴趣。

56、We are sell out for the evening performance, but there's a matinee. ─── 夜场已经客满,不过还有一场日场。

57、Nancy: A matinee means an afternoon show. Plays usually have matinees on Sundays, Wednesdays, and maybe Saturdays, while movies might have one every day. ─── 是指下午的演出或放映。通常在周日、三或者周六有戏剧下午场的演出,而电影下午场的放映可能每天都有。

58、additional matinee performance ─── 加演日场

59、I want two tickets for today rs matinee. ─── 我要两张今天日场的票。

60、In ordinary days, its matin bells and vesper drums connote favorable weather and products abound and the people live in plenty. ─── 平时,晨钟暮鼓,昭示风调雨顺,物阜民丰。

61、coat matinee, not knitted or crocheted ─── 晨衣,非针织或钩编

62、B: Not unless you want the matinee. ─── b:没有,除非你要日场。

63、One thing of note did occur however - she was introduced to her matinee idol, Laurence Olivier, at the trendy Savoy Grill in London. ─── 但无论如何,确实发生了一件有意义的事??在伦敦著名的“萨沃依”餐厅,她被介绍给了所喜爱的男演员劳伦斯?奥利弗。

64、matinee idol ─── n. 受女戏迷喜爱的男演员, 戏剧偶像

65、I loved to see him pull up to the theater in his convertible to pick me up after a matinee, his smile flashing. ─── 我在他的敞篷车爱看他拔对剧院在午后的演出以后接我,他的微笑闪动。

66、3.As a result, Proctor will be unavailable to the Yankees until a Thursday matinee in Chicago, but he will be reinstated in time for important series against the New York Mets and the Boston Red Sox. ─── 因此普洛克特将无法参加本周四对白袜的客场比赛,但应可赶得上洋基对大都会及红袜的系列赛。

67、A matinee, a Pinter play, ─── 一天就一掷千金。

68、Rudolph Valentino was the matinee idol of his day. ─── 鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺是他那个时代使女性倾倒的男明星。

69、Mercredi matin, ca ira? ─── 周三上午可以吗?

70、Je ne me sens pas bien ce matin. ─── 今天早上我感觉不太舒服。

71、Paul me dit,J'ai vu M.Duval matin. ─── 侃尔对我说:“我早上看见杜瓦尔先生了。”

72、Li Let's do play, a matinee preferably. ─── 咱们去看一场话剧。最好是白天场的。

73、Leicester Square is still the perfect place to catch an afternoon matinee followed by a cappucino. ─── 莱斯特广场仍然是追赶下午音乐会后来一杯卡布奇诺的理想场所。

74、Leung's relaxed charm and matinee-idol looks make it easy to overlook the complexity of his performances. ─── 梁朝伟那轻松的迷人魅力与电影偶像的美貌使他对复杂角色的刻画得心应手。

75、Hardly had the cursing and indignant carter had time to utter with proper energy the sacramental word, Matin (the jade), backed up with a pitiless cut of the whip, when the jade fell, never to rise again. ─── 一面咒骂、一面生气的车夫举起鞭子,对准目标,狠狠一鞭下去,同时嘴里骂着“贱畜牲”时,那匹老马已倒在地上永不再起了。

76、57. Nancy: Sometimes theatres show children's plays during the holidays, and they have matinees every day. If you go to a movie matinee, it's usually cheaper. ─── 有时候剧场会在假期间上演儿童剧目。这时每天都会安排下午场的演出。通常下午场的票价相对比较便宜。

77、Jane at the box office) I have tickets reserved for today a matinee. ─── (简在售票处)预订了今天日场的票。

78、Not long after this Mrs. Hurstwood came with a similar proposition, only it was to a matinee this time. ─── "隔了不久,赫斯渥太太提出了一个类似的要求,不过这次是看下午场的戏。

79、(Jane at the box office) I have tickets reserved for today a matinee. ─── (简在售票处)我预订了今天日场的票。

80、matinee coat ─── n. 婴儿的小外套

81、An eclectic group of guests including a countess, a WWI hero, a matinee idol and an American film producer are invited by Sir William McCordle and his wife, lady Sylvia, to Gosford Park. ─── 坐上客非富则贵,有伯爵、战争英雄、歌星和电影监制等,楼下却是疲于奔命的仆人。

82、B:Yes, sir. We have a matinee every Wednesday and Saturday. ─── 是的,先生,我们每星期三和星期六都有一场日场。

83、Dressing, after the matinee on Wednesday, a knock came at her dressing-room door. ─── 星期三,演完日戏之后,她正在换装,听到有人敲她的化妆室的门。

84、We are sold out for the evening performance, but there is a matinee. ─── 我们晚上演出的票已经售完,但是日场演出还没有。

85、I have tickets reserved for today a matinee. ─── 我预订了今天日场演出的票。

86、On lui a fait une operation ce matin. ─── 今天早上给他做了一次手术。

87、By the way, will it be an evening performance or a matinee? ─── 奥:我想问一问,是夜场还是日场!

88、matinee jacket ─── 婴儿穿的短外套

89、Are we going to the matinee or the evening performance ? ─── 我们去看日场还是夜场?

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