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09-20 投稿


milepost 发音

英:[ˈmaɪlpəʊst]  美:[ˈmaɪlpoʊst]

英:  美:

milepost 中文意思翻译



milepost 词性/词形变化,milepost变形


milepost 相似词语短语

1、millepore ─── 千窝珊瑚;千孔虫

2、dispost ─── 可获得的

3、Freepost ─── n.免费邮递;邮资总付

4、vide post ─── adv.见后,参见后面

5、mileposts ─── n.里程碑;里程标志

6、airpost ─── n.航空邮件,航空信

7、guidepost ─── n.路牌,路标

8、gatepost ─── n.门柱

9、milktoast ─── 胆小者;意志薄弱的人

milepost 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、These organic features gave scientists a milepost to gauge the distance of these galaxies. ─── 享誉世界的红外线轨道望远镜“斯匹哲”灵敏的检测器帮助他们断定了这种物质。

2、Visit this in be opposite, imprint the sense that two national capital have milepost type. ─── 此次访问对中印两国都具有里程碑式的意义。

3、Although encountered global financial crisis, but retail industry still created our country network 2008 the achievement of milepost type, make field of our country economy a dazzling window. ─── 尽管遇到了全球性的金融危机,但2008年我国网络零售行业仍然创造了里程碑式的成绩,成为我国经济领域一个耀眼的亮点。

4、This is the epoch-making milepost in course of development of Chinese auto industry undoubtedly, what it will greet Chinese auto industry is comprehensive and arisen. ─── 这无疑是中国汽车工业发展历程中划时代的里程碑,它将迎来中国汽车工业的全面兴起。

5、This brand-new flexible concept it may be said is ambry workmanship history the milepost that go up, besides the life that prolongs ambry, it is to give ambry to be ensured with firm safety more. ─── 这个全新的柔性理念可谓是橱柜制造工艺史上的里程碑,除了延长橱柜的寿命,更是给橱柜以稳固的安全保障。

6、Whitworth founded many milepost inside the industry, also be an industry inside the first introduces CRM, with be being reflected better " the safeguard over nutrition " enterprise. ─── 惠氏在行业内创建了多个里程碑,也是行业内第一家引入CRM,以更好地体现“营养之上的保障”的企业。

7、This is a on phylogeny of the Chinese nation new milepost. ─── 这是中华民族发展史上的一个新的里程碑。

8、" Witness: " About halfway between milepost 498 and milepost 500. ─── 目击者:“在498与500标志杆中间。”点击按钮听录音!

9、a milepost to this one reply. ─── 这一篇的回复又是一个里程碑。

10、Remember how a walking trip always seems shorter if we concentrate , not on the total distance to our destination , but just the distance to the next milepost . ─── 记住,在一次徒步旅行中,假使我们不去想最终目的地还有多远,而只想著下一个里程碑还有多远,就总会觉得路程似乎短些。

11、This is change historicly, it is on gem poineering phylogeny another milepost, also be a new higher starting point. ─── 这是一个历史性的变革,是宝石创业发展史上又一座里程碑,也是一个新的更高的起点。

12、Below Amphitryon China and the effort of all member, shanghai conference fetched a series of significant gain, become APEC process is medium 1996 since Manila conference new milepost. ─── 在东道主中国及全体成员的努力下 ,上海会议取得了一系列重要成果 ,成为 1996年马尼拉会议以来APEC进程中的一座新里程碑。

13、Now have been 300 million much netizen, we had caught number of the person that smoke, when to hope can also can come over scale, that has the thing of milepost meaning very much really. ─── 现在已经是3亿多网民,我们已经赶上吸烟者数字,什么时候希望能够把比例也能够倒过来,那真是一个很具有里程碑意义的事情。

14、This order of 80 first ACTROS, it is to run quickly commercial vehicle is in China a milepost on the market. ─── 此番首批80辆ACTROS的订单,是奔驰商用车在中国市场上的一座里程碑。

15、A variety of evidence make clear, electronic business affairs or a fault on the right side, become milepost of all-pervading of trend the whole people. ─── 种种迹象表明,电子商务或将因祸得福,成为走向全民普及的里程碑。

16、It may be said was 2005 the event that milepost sense has in Chinese medium course of study and medical course of study. ─── 可谓是2005年中国传媒业和医药业中具有里程碑意义的事件。

17、China joins World Trade Organization is the milepost with new concern of bilateral classics trade. ─── 中国加入世界贸易组织是双边经贸关系新的里程碑。

18、In aether net technology, fast aether net is a milepost, establish aether net technology is in the regnant position of the desktop. ─── 在以太网技术中,快速以太网是一个里程碑,确立了以太网技术在桌面的统治地位。

19、This particular to Ying Bei investment is first since ARM enters Chinese market 5 years oneself joint-stock company, have milepost sense. ─── 此次对英蓓特的投资是ARM自进入中国市场五年以来的首个合伙公司,存在里程碑意义。”

20、Outpatient service of epileptic specialized subject produces below this one circumstance, it is a milepost in epileptic cure. ─── 癫痫专科门诊就是在这一情况下产生的,是癫痫治疗中的一个里程碑。

21、Next, it is broad farmer milepost of valedictory of tradition of Xiang Shiju bungalow. ─── 其次,它是广大农民向世居平房传统离别的里程碑。

22、This milepost also shows we carry upright SAS solution and the value that ensure each other operates a gender likewise. ─── 这个里程碑同样也剖明咱们端到端SAS解决方案和确保互操作性的主要性。

23、China " nautical day " establish, it is China nautical history go up the major issue that has milepost sense, also will be engrave of for generations of Chinese nautical person. ─── 中国“航海日”的设立,是中国航海史上具有里程碑意义的大事,也将为中国航海人世代铭记。

24、Beijing Olympic Games will be the Olympic Games that new media of the first time on the history participates in hookup, this has the sense of milepost type undoubtedly to whole Internet industry. ─── 北京奥运会将是历史上第一次新媒体参与转播的奥运会,这对于整个互联网行业来说无疑具有里程碑式的意义。

25、China is sufficient assist new " palm door " Na Yong expresses: "The collaboration that league matches and sina net exceed in has the sense of milepost type. ─── 中国足协新“掌门”南勇表示:“中超联赛和新浪网的合作具备里程碑式的意义。

26、In fact, although be in the milepost hour of its career, when for instance the company appears on the market, asian interactive medium also is an exceeding and low-key company. ─── 事实上,即使在其事业的里程碑时刻,比如公司上市时,亚洲互动传媒也是一家极度低调的公司。

27、Today, brand-new east stand erect of a milepost is building continent area just like even new developed area, present a full lease of life. ─── 今天,崭新的东洲区宛如一个里程碑屹立在搭连新区,呈现出盎然生机。

28、Website of after-thought graph article, had produced same thing actually, delegate video already the mainstream was changed, it is an apparent milepost. ─── 回想图文网站,其实发生过同样的事情,代表视频已经主流化了,是一个很明显的里程碑。

29、Be proud of Lowes roll out, make the integral level of course of study of domestic plastics hairdressing and international level keep balance, have the great sense of milepost type. ─── 傲洛斯的推出,使国内整形美容业的整体水平与国际水准持平,具有里程碑式的重大意义。

30、This is to have the history of milepost meaning to be crossed greatly jump. ─── 这是具有里程碑 意义的历史大跨跃。

31、The court decision that this has milepost sense came back to get namely the welcome of global media, also sufferred Internet at the same time the criticism of numerous rich guest. ─── 这一具有里程碑意义的判决旋即受到了全球媒体的欢迎,同时也遭到了互联网众多博客的批评。

32、(2) using the indication of milepost for work-road may cause misunderstanding in urban areas; ─── (2)利用里程数区间标示施工路段,于市区时易造成用路人之错误解读;

33、He Jinghua also expresses, join Xin Yijia this to will become the most crucial milepost in him profession career. ─── 何经华也表示,此次加入新一佳将会成为自己职业生涯中最关键的里程碑。

34、This has great sense to the development of the party and socialistic modernization, it is a new milepost. ─── 这对党的发展和社会主义现代化建设具有重大的意义 ,是一个新的里程碑。

35、Have very important sense this to group of ZCOM He Ruili not only together, having the stimulative effect of milepost type more to industry of interactive electron magazine. ─── 此次联手不仅对ZCOM和瑞丽集团具有非常重要的意义,对于互动电子杂志行业更有着里程碑式的促进作用。

36、These high-tech companies and government execute the law the collaboration of mechanism, be called to be the operation that has milepost sense by American media. ─── 这些高科技公司与政府执法机关的合作,被美国媒体称为是一次具有里程碑意义的行动。

37、Its milepost the mark of type is with output of world first steel, establish the position of big country of iron and steel. ─── 其里程碑式的标志就是以世界第一的钢产量,确立了钢铁大国的地位。

38、The market only a card, chaos to licensing, hollow card analysis ability, known as the single operation of a milepost. ─── 市面唯一一款散牌、乱牌、中空牌分析能力,业内称为单人操作的一个里程碑。

39、A lot of trends of game industry let became milepost one year of type 2007, and 2008 is these trends a year when increase or blossom and bear fruit. ─── 游戏行业的许多趋势让2007年成为里程碑式的一年,而2008年则是这些趋势增强或开花结果的一年。

40、June 2006, dunhuang net completed the 2nd event that has milepost sense: Forehead of flow of platform only month exceeds 1 million dollar. ─── 2006年6月,敦煌网完成了第二个具有里程碑意义的事件:平台单月流动额超过100万美元。

41、Remember how a walking trip always seems shorter if we concentrate not on the total distance of our destination but the distance to the next milepost. ─── 如果不注意目的地有多远,而是注意下个路碑有多近,徒步旅行似乎总是觉得距离太短.

42、This is the major event that career of our country irrigation works has milepost sense. ─── 这是我国水利事业一件具有里程碑意义的重大事件。

43、Milepost Attorney to witness: "And where was the location of the accident? " ─── 标志杆律师问目击者:“事故现场在哪里。”

44、Witness: 'About halfway between milepost 498 and milepost 500. ─── 律师问目击者:“事故现场在哪里。”

45、In aether net technology, fast aether net is a milepost, establish aether net technology is in the regnant position of the desktop. ─── 在以太网技术中,快速以太网是一个里程碑,确立了以太网技术在桌面的统治地位。

46、An objective is: a specific measurable result expected within a particular time period, consistent with a goal and strategy, a clear “milepost” along the strategically chosen path to the goal. ─── 区分在企业竞争战略中,使命与目标的区别。只要按照定义答出区别即可。。。。。。(以上是部分真题及解析)

47、division of labor of hand and foot, it is a milepost of human evolution. ─── 手与脚的分工,是人类进化的一个里程碑。

48、Right 2002 for cement industry of China, it is a milepost, we created the history, creation brilliant. ─── 2002年对中国的水泥工业来说,是个里程碑,我们创造了历史、创造了辉煌。

49、The large project of the world is the crystallization of every times wisdom, the milepost that science and technology develops, what the history progresses is indicative. ─── 世界的大型工程是每个时代聪明的结晶,科学技术发展的里程碑,历史进步的象征。

50、This is the milepost of human space exploration. ─── 这是人类探索太空的里程碑。

51、This particular to Ying Bei investment is first since ARM enters Chinese market 5 years oneself joint-stock company, have milepost sense. ─── 此次对英蓓特的投资是ARM自进入中国市场五年以来的首个合伙公司,存在里程碑意义。

52、This is the great victory of socialistic system, it is a new milepost. ─── 这是社会主义制度的伟大胜利,是中华民族发展史上一个新的里程碑。

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