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09-20 投稿


modular 发音

英:[ˈmɑːdʒələr]  美:[ˈmɒdjələ(r)]

英:  美:

modular 中文意思翻译



modular 词性/词形变化,modular变形

副词: modularly |名词: modularity |

modular 常用词组

modular design ─── 积木化设计;标准设计

modular structure ─── 模块结构

modular system ─── 模块化系统;积木式系统

modular 短语词组

1、modular architecture ─── [计] 积木结构, 模块结构

2、modular computer ─── [计] 模块化计算机

3、modular accounting system ─── [计] 模块式计算系统, 模块式记帐系统

4、modular concurrent program ─── [计] 模块化并行程序

5、modular decomposition ─── [计] 模块分解

6、model modular computer ─── [计] 宏模块化计算机

7、modular construction ─── [计] 积木式结构

8、hybrid modular redundancy ─── [计] 混合模块冗余度

9、modular arithmetic ─── [计] 模算术, 模运算

10、modular design method ─── [计] 模块设计法, 定型设计法 ─── [经] 定型设计法

11、highly-modular operating system ─── [计] 高度模块化操作系统

12、modular design ─── [计] 积木式设计

13、modular circuit ─── [电] 模组电路

14、modular algebra ─── [计] 模数代数 ─── [经] 模数代数

15、modular concept ─── [计] 模块概念, 组合式概念

16、modular control ─── [计] 模块控制

17、modular converter ─── [计] 模块化转换器

18、modular C ─── [计] 模块化C语言

19、modular assembly ─── [计] 微型组件装置, 模块式组装

modular 相似词语短语

1、morular ─── 桑椹胚的;桑葚胚的

2、modulate ─── vt.调节;(信号)调制;调整;vi.调制;转调

3、nodular ─── adj.结节状的;有结节的

4、modulator ─── n.[电子]调幅器,[电子][通信]调制器;调节人

5、lobular ─── adj.有小叶的;有小裂片的

6、copular ─── adj.系动词的;连接的

7、modiolar ─── 蜗轴状

8、modularly ─── 模块化;组件式地

9、jocular ─── adj.爱开玩笑的;打趣的;滑稽的

modular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A RISC microprocessor is developed by using modular design method and VHDL language based on FPGA and EDA technology. ─── 基于FPGA和电子设计自动化技术. 采用模块化设计的方法和VHDL语言,设计一个基于FPGA的RISC微处理器。

2、Major Topics: Striate Cortex Receptive Field Organization, Cytoarchitecture, Modular Organization, Imaging. ─── 主要题目:纹状皮质接收区组成,细胞结构,模型组成,成像

3、A Modular Cell RCS can be associated with up to 12 DS0s (one per Modular Cell CDM digital module). ─── 一个模块小区 RCS 最多可以可 12 个 DS0 相关(每个模块小区 CDM 数字模块一个)。

4、The development and run-time architecture was purposely created in a modular design to support third-party extension and integration opportunities. ─── 在模块设计中特意创建了开发和运行时体系架构,以支持可能采用的第三方扩展和集成。

5、Modular, adaptable silos, suitable for industrial storage capacities for all bulk products. DOHOGNE... ─── 分类标题:金属粮仓|金属储存器...

6、MALD is a state-of-the-art, low-cost flight vehicle that is modular, air-launched and programmable. ─── MALD是目前最新的低成本飞行装置,具有模块化、空中发射和可编程的特点。

7、The modular structure of the range allows components to be combined flexibly. ─── 产品的模块化结构使元件可以灵活组装。

8、It is an ideal production modular to weave tie silk withelectronic jacquard device,which is highly technical. ─── 利用电子提花机制织真丝领带绸,技术含量高,是理想的领带绸生产模式。

9、Harper's modular theory,the bifurcation ratios of Pinus massoniana were studied. ─── Harper的构件理论 ,对 1- 2 0a的人工马尾松林苗木的分枝率动态进行了研究 .

10、Rascal - Rascal, the Advanced Scientific CALculator, is a platform-independent modular calculator. ─── 一个高级科学计算器,是一个独立于平台的模块化的计算器。

11、Using a modular system, ADP provides support for most HTML constructs. ─── 使用一个模块系统,ADP为大多数HTML构造提供支持。

12、If the router is modular it may be possible to upgrade to a native ISDN interface, providing it has an available slot. ─── 但如果这路由器是模组化的,且有空置的槽位,它便可能被升级成拥有原装的ISDN介面了。

13、Use the modular safety relay PNOZpower to monitor E-STOP, safety gates and light barriers. ─── 使用模块化安全继电器PNOZpower监控急停、安全开关和光栅。

14、The Eclipse plug-in architecture and its Plug-in Development Environment provide powerful tools for building complex modular software products. ─── Eclipse插件结构与其插件开发环境为构建复杂的标准组件的软件产品提供了强大的工具。

15、The human language system is likely to be "modular", in the sense of being constituted out of a number of separate but interacting components. ─── 人类语言系统可能是“模块化”的,因为它由一些相互独立并且相互作用的部分组成。

16、Similarly, creative comments consisted of a set of modular copyright licenses for artistic works. ─── 同样,创造性评论是由艺术作品的组合式版权许可证组成的。

17、It is not only the frames themselves being modular and thus expandable, it's also the system's architecture itself. ─── 不仅那些矩阵主机本身是模块化可扩展的,就连系统本身的构造都是模块化的。

18、The AWOS is a modular system utilizing a central processor which receives input from multiple sensors. ─── AWOS是一个模块系统,有一台中央处理器可以从多个传感器上获取数据,然后进行处理。

19、The SV can be a modular enhancement or a separate weapon. ─── SV型既能够成其为一个加强型模组,亦可作为一件独立的武器。

20、Automatic closed-loop control is realized via smart modular C4 control system. ─── 先进的C4模块化智能控制系统实现整条生产线的自动闭环控制。

21、LRM modular is a new design method of avionics system and it is the trend of avionics system package. ─── LRM模块是航空电子系统结构设计的新方向。

22、The ALS 306 is the first product to be launched as part of Avery Dennison’s new range of modular labelers. ─── 在肌萎缩侧索硬化306是第一款产品推出的一部分,艾利丹尼森的一系列新的模块贴标机。

23、Adopting modular design, collocate indicator lights on the panel and module for various working status, easy to make hitch- diagnosing . ─── 采用模块化设计,面板及各模块上均有各种工作状态指示灯,故障现象一目瞭然。

24、Therefore, if the designer hasn't taken this modular template into consideration, the layout and design might be a little messed up. ─── 因此,如果设计者不考虑这些模块模板的问题,那么布局和设计会很混乱。

25、They ended up buying a modular home on a two-acre lot. ─── 他们最终买了一所占地两英亩的组合式房屋。

26、Second, Bash's support for functions allowed the ebuild system to have modular, easy-to-understand code. ─── 第二,Bash对函数的支持允许ebuild系统使用模块化、易于理解的代码。

27、Single access cover and modular check construction for ease of maintenance. ─── 单个检修盖和模块化止回阀结构,易于维护。

28、The main work includes: (1) The proof of the termination of modular monadic slicing algorithm. ─── 在现有理论的基础上,利用指称技术及不动点理论给出终止性证明。

29、In fact, the MO-4 shares many of the parts and ancillaries found on the FA-4 modular UV-flexo press. ─── 事实上,莫- 4的股票许多部件和辅助发现足总杯4模块化紫外柔印新闻。

30、Moving away from monolithic systems, where everything runs together, StrongBox is a fully modular Linux distribution. ─── StrongBox是一个完全模块化的Linux发行版本,不再有运行所有程序的统一的系统。

31、A modular and open control system was proposed for the modular and reconfigurable characterized NC workbench. ─── 为使数控工作台具有模块化、可重组的特点,对其控制系统也提出了模块化、开放式的要求。

32、The gauges are designed on the basis of a modular construction system and ensure a high level of functional safety and a long service life. ─── 压力表的设计基于模块化的构建系统,能保证高度的功能安全和长使用寿命。

33、WOMA's modular high-pressure gun system allows the individual selection for any task. ─── WOMA公司模块式高压喷射枪系统可以为所有操作提供特别选择。

34、GEA Btt Changshu also uses local yard facilities for storage and modular erection. ─── GEA巴蒂尼奥常熟同时利用当地设备场地做模块安装。

35、ETL logic modules: ETL modular design order usually determines the ETL step execution order within an ETL process. ─── ETL逻辑模块:ETL模块设计次序通常决定了ETL过程中ETL步骤的执行次序。

36、Modular hollow cavities of large panel with very many advantages make it a very unique modern building material . ─── 具有非常多优点的大型墙板的模制空腔使之成为非常独特的现代建筑材料。

37、The use of C# Developing applications, code refining, modular. ─── 使用C#开发应用程序,代码精炼,模块化。

38、Beijing Beifang Hong-Qi Modular Machine Tool Works. ─── 北京北方红旗组合机床厂。

39、Back to the mac.The iMacs are an all-in-one machine, but are based on modular technology. ─── 再说苹果吧,苹果机基于模数化技术的一体化的电脑。

40、In a complex modular system, you might have dozens of sheets, each dedicated to a specific task. ─── 在一个复杂的模块化系统中,可能需要很多表,每一个都有特定的任务。

41、The bedroom/service half of the house is modular timber cassette construction, the living half a generic curtain wall glazing system. ─── 卧室/服务一半的房子是模块化木材盒式建筑,生活半通用幕墙玻璃系统。

42、Modular robot has been one of the pop subjects in the field of robotic mechanical design since 1980s. ─── 80年代以来,模块化机器人一直是机器人结构设计领域的热门课题之一。

43、But modular and prefabricated buildings elsewhere are, for the most part, low-rise. ─── 但其他地方的模块化和预制建筑大多是低层建筑。

44、The bracket has a pair of mounting portions for securing to an outlet box and a modular receiving portion for receiving a modular connector. ─── 托架有一对用以固定到接口盒的安装部分和用以接收模块连接器的模块接收部分。

45、The included EffecTV effects manipulate the pixels directly, but we will use existing code and a modular approach to reuse what others have done. ─── EffecTV包含的效果直接操作像素,但是我们将使用现有代码和模块化方式,以便重用别人的成果。

46、One way of getting around this problem is to arrange XML scripts and Java programs in modular formats. ─── 一种避免该问题的方法是将XML脚本和Java程序安排成组合形式。

47、A software blade is a security building block that is independent, modular and centrally managed. ─── 一个软件刀片是一个安全构建块,是独立的,模块化的和被集中管理的。

48、And sixth, these modular genes seem to be involved in the crucial job of linking nerve cells together through junctions called synapses. ─── 其六,这些模块化的基因似乎涉及了一项重要任务——通过被称作神经突触的区域将神经细胞连接起来。

49、Many elements combine in Servlet filters to make them unique, powerful, and modular Web components. ─── Servlet过滤器中结合了许多元素,从而使得过滤器成为独特、强大和模块化的Web组件。


51、Manufacture and erection of huts and modular compounds, prefabricated hangars, enclosures and... ─── 分类标题:构件式建筑物|工业化预制结构...

52、A Web Part is a modular unit of information that forms the basic building block of a Web Part Page. ─── Web部件是构成Web部件页的基本构造块的信息模块单元。

53、Modular: hardware system capable of being expanded by adding on compatible devices. ─── 单元组合的:可添加兼容装置而扩充的硬件系统。

54、Using include files can result in a more logical and modular structure to configuration files. ─── 使用包含文件可以使配置文件具有更加逻辑化和模块化的结构。

55、East Midlands, UK-based Advance Labels has installed its first modular label press, a Mark Andy Scout. ─── 东中部,总部设在英国的进展标签已安装了第一次新闻模块化标签,一个麦安迪童军。

56、When you create a new site from a site template, Web Parts (Web Part: A modular unit of information that consists of a title bar, a frame, and content. ─── 在从网站模板创建新网站时,Web部件(Web部件:由标题栏、框架和内容组成的信息模块单元。

57、After experiments are designed and implemented on a 6-SPS modular PKMs, the result is compared with theory model. ─── 使用6-SPS构型的模块化并联机器进行实验,并与理论计算的结果进行比较。

58、It was from the Mac Group. They were trying to create tablet computers that were modular, and that could be used as full-blown Mac systems. ─── 它们正在设计模块化的平板电脑,希望它可以成为成熟的Mac系统。

59、In particular, modular structure design of HCSB could enhance the reliability and safety of blanket structure. ─── 包层结构的设计特点是,采用模块化的设计方案,从而提高了包层的可靠性和安全性。

60、Products are displayed on 12 modular units that take their inspiration from tiered stadium seating. ─── 产品上显示12单元,考虑他们的灵感来自分层体育场座位。

61、This paper presents an approach to extend the modular monadic slicing for handling pointers. ─── (3)含指针程序的模块单子切片。

62、Gentoo package management is designed to be modular, portable, easy to maintain, flexible, and optimized for the user's machine. ─── 的Gentoo的包管理是专为模块化,轻便,易于维护,灵活,适合用户的机器。

63、The static characteristics of the modular platform of SCS series vehicle scale were analyzed with ANSYS software. ─── 利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对SCS系列汽车衡秤台的静态特性进行分析。

64、X11R6.9 is the last version of the monolithic tree, while X11R7 is the first version based on the new modular tree. ─── X11R6.9是单体树的最后一个版本,而X11R7是基于新的模块化树的第一个版本。

65、The most important in modular design for bentwood furniture is dealing with constriction of beat parts. ─── 在曲木家具的模块化设计中,最重要的内容是要处理好弯曲零部件的构成方法。

66、CLASSIC ERM System adopts a modular design. ─── 典范企业管理系统。

67、One way to step up from the old paper paradigm is to use modular design. ─── 从老的纸面样本逐步提高的一种方式是使用模块化设计。

68、Around the world, prefabricated and modular buildings are gaining in popularity. ─── 在世界各地,预制和模块化的建筑越来越受欢迎。

69、In cryptography, we also need to discuss modular logarithm. ─── 在密码学中,我们也需要讨论模对数。

70、Modular Hardware system capable of being expanded by adding on compatible devices. ─── 单元组合的可添加兼容装置而扩充的硬件系统。

71、Lists can also be displayed in Web Parts (Web Part: A modular unit of information that consists of a title bar, a frame, and content. ─── 列表还可以显示在网站页面上的Web部件(Web部件:由标题栏、框架和内容组成的信息模块单元。

72、ASP.NET Web Parts enable you to build Web pages with modular layouts in which users can modify the appearance and content to suit their preferences. ─── ASP.NET Web部件使您可以生成具有模块化布局的网页,以便用户可以根据他们的喜好修改网页的外观和内容。

73、We ensure compatibility and replaceability though by using a modular and system approach. ─── 但我们还是运用了模块化和系统化的方法保证了产品的兼容性和可替换性。

74、The AMEX algorithm also features a modular structure which is well suitable for the parallel VLSI implementation. ─── AMEX算法具有高度的模块化结构,十分适合于VLSI实现。

75、Java: Modular object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995 specifically for the Internet. ─── Java语言:升阳微系统在1995年专为网际网络发展的模块化对象导向程序语言。

76、Removable body panels, a modular chassis and a package of spares simplify service and maintenance. ─── 可移动的车身面板,一个模块化底盘和备件包简化服务和维护。

77、Products used seriation, modular design concept, to make it more with a wide range of adaptability. ─── 产品采用了系列化、模块化设计理念,使其更具有了广泛的适应性。

78、Artist is a highly modular concept feeding modern intercom demands. ─── Artist采用了适应现代内通需求的高度模块化理念。

79、In 1974 it began to produce the serial plate valves from Dalian Modular Machine Tool Research Institule. ─── 1974年开始生产大连组合机床研究所系列的板式阀。

80、We highly recommend Direct Drive Modular Mounter GXH-1S for the pursuit of total productivity. ─── 为了追求更高的整体生产性,我们向您推介直接驱动模块贴片机GXH-1S.

81、We can according the customer request, design and product the transmission modular. ─── 中宝石油机械制造有限公司,可根据用户需要,设计制造各种钻机的传动模块。

82、The Part class defines properties that are common to all part controls and enable them to have a modular and consistent appearance on a Web page. ─── Part类定义所有部件控件共有的属性,并使这些控件在网页上具有整齐划一的外观。

83、DITA is an architecture for creating and delivering topic-based, modular technical information. ─── DITA是创建和交付基于主题的、模块化的技术信息的体系结构。

84、The modular growth of a system. ─── 一个系统的模块式地增长。

85、Web Parts Web Parts are modular units of information that consist of a title bar, a frame, and content. ─── Web部件Web部件是由标题栏、框架和内容构成的模块式信息单元。

86、In a modular design, there is one sheet for data and another worksheet for each type of analysis. ─── 在模块化设计中,数据有一个表,每种类型的分析有另一个工作表。

87、In the structure, AMM presents the modular,the integration, the network, virtual and the ecological tendency. ─── 在结构上,AMM呈现单元化、集成化、网络化、虚拟化与生态化的趋势。

88、In structured analysis, the study of shapes and forms, herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations. ─── 在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。

89、To solve this problem, the paper proposes a new method for disassembly modeling based on modular design. ─── 为解决该问题,提出了一种基于模块化设计思想的拆卸建模方法。







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