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09-21 投稿


longboat 发音

英:[ˈlɒŋbəʊt]  美:[ˈlɔːŋboʊt]

英:  美:

longboat 中文意思翻译



longboat 短语词组

1、Tom Longboat ─── 朗伯特

2、longboat key ─── 长船钥匙

3、longboat goldearl ─── 长船金厄尔

4、longboat key city ─── 龙舟重点城市

5、longboat key beach florida ─── 佛罗里达州longboat key beach

6、longboat chicken ─── 龙舟鸡

longboat 词性/词形变化,longboat变形


longboat 相似词语短语

1、long-lost ─── 久违的

2、long bone ─── [解剖]长骨

3、long-coats ─── 长外套

4、longbowman ─── n.大弓手,使用大弓的人

5、longbows ─── n.长弓;大弓

6、longboards ─── 长板

7、longbow ─── n.长弓;大弓

8、longboats ─── n.帆船附载的大艇

9、longboard ─── n.冲浪板,长板

longboat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Okay Gary wasn't his real name but I think it fits. ─── 吧加里是不是他的真名,但我认为它适合。

2、Watch the sun rise amidst mysterious mountain mist before taking a longboat ride up the Mekong River. ─── 您还可在房内用餐,享受更加亲密的氛围。

3、His company, Longboat Investments, leased the land for $20, 000 a year, in Australian dollars. ─── 他的公司,Longboat投资公司每年斥资两万澳元租这块地。

4、a life-size reconstruction of a Viking longboat ─── 北欧海盗船原物大小的模型

5、Abandon ship. Into the longboat. ─── 弃船,上小艇.

6、Things grew worse for the embattled survivors in the longboat carrying Captain and Mrs. Fraser. ─── 在载着船长和弗雷泽夫人的大艇中,形势对处于困境中的幸存者来说越来越严重。

7、From the port one can ride on a replica of a Viking longboat and even help row it back to the dock, a delightful workout in the cool breeze ─── 人们可以从港口搭乘仿造的北欧海盗式大船,还可以乘着习习凉风,划着船返回码头,真是一项令人愉快的户外锻炼。

8、Strange thing to come upon a longboat so far out in open water. ─── 公海上突然出现一艘救生艇真是一件怪事.

9、New York City; Aspen, Colorado; and Longboat Key, Florida) and on dates having nothing to do with wine production. ─── 酒节的内容包括几小时的讲座、论会及有组织的"品味猜酒"活动。

10、We set out on his flame-colored longboat at 7:30 a. m. ─── 我们在早上7点半时,乘坐着他那艘刷成火焰色的大艇出发。

11、From the port one can ride on a replica of a Viking longboat and even help row it back to the dock, a delightful workout in the cool breeze ─── 人们可以从港口搭乘仿造的北欧海盗式大船,还可以乘着习习凉风,划着船返回码头,真是一项令人愉快的户外锻炼。

12、Two women were vacationing in Longboat Key while they were floating on the rubber boat along the shore, a water scooter crashed into them and kill them. ─── 两名妇女在长艇岛度假,她们坐在岸边的橡皮艇上,一辆水上摩托车撞了她们,把她们撞死了。

13、You can rent bicycles and a longboat at the hotel. ─── 酒店四周环境优美,有许多森林和沙丘。酒店提供免费停车场。

14、Abandon ship. Into the longboat. ─── 弃船,上小艇。

15、and Longboat Key, Florida) and on dates having nothing to do with wine production. ─── 酒节的内容包括几小时的讲座、讨论会及有组织的"品味猜酒"活动。

16、Through their mass the Snow Prince did ride, and as a longboat slices the icy waters of the Fjalding he parted the ranks of his kin. ─── 雪王子果真从他们中间骑马而过,像Fjalding湖冰冷的水中乘风破浪的船一样,他脱离了族人的阵地。

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