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09-20 投稿


ensues 发音

英:[ɪnˈsjuːz]  美:[ɪnˈsuːz]

英:  美:

ensues 中文意思翻译



ensues 词性/词形变化,ensues变形

动词过去分词: ensued |动词过去式: ensued |动词第三人称单数: ensues |动词现在分词: ensuing |

ensues 短语词组

1、hilarity ensues ─── 希拉里蒂·恩斯

2、ensues from vt. ─── 随着发生(接着……发生,由……而产生,因而发生)

ensues 相似词语短语

1、enskies ─── vt.使耸入天空;把…置于很高地位;把…捧上天;vi.悬空;位于很高处

2、ensue ─── v.接着发生,因而发生;追求

3、ensouls ─── vt.赋与灵魂;使牢记在心

4、endues ─── vt.授予,赋予;穿上

5、censures ─── v.严厉斥责,正式谴责;n.斥责,谴责

6、ensiles ─── v.在地窖里贮存(青饲料);青贮(草或其他作物)作饲料

7、censuses ─── n.人口普查,人口调查;(官方的)统计,调查;vt.实施统计调查

8、ensued ─── v.接着发生,因而发生;追求

9、ensures ─── v.保证,确定(原形为ensure)

ensues 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ensu re ─── 确保

2、If he dribbles and has to look up for too long, a bad play usually ensues. ─── 如果他带球和寻找投篮时机时间过长,那麽糟糕的表现就会因此而经常发生。

3、A snowball fight ensues in a street in Crotone, in Calabria, southern Italy. ─── 人们在意大利南部卡拉布里亚的克罗登街道打起了雪球仗。

4、Again, there ensues a loud and savage battle in the alley and again the Manc emerges unscathed, taunting the Liverpudlians."Pah, one United fan is as good as twenty Scousers. ─── 街区里又一次发生了吵闹、凶狠的打斗,可是曼彻斯特人还是完好无事地出现了,嘲笑说:"呸,一个曼联球迷比20个利物浦人还厉害。"

5、When Thomas the Tank Engine decides to bypass his usual stops and speed directly to the end of the line, havoc ensues. ─── 乘客们上上下下,这回汤玛士和他的朋友们要载著各位经历哪些好玩有趣的事呢?和火车们边玩边学,陪大小朋友们成长、学习待人处事!

6、During the heated argument that ensues between Ron and Ginny , Harry sides with Ron in his mind wanting the relationship stopped. ─── 在接下来发生的罗恩和金妮激烈的争吵中,哈利在心里站在罗恩一边,希望金妮和迪安的交往中止。

7、She convinces him to accompany her on a road trip from London to Scotland and hilarity (or drama, perhaps) ensues. ─── 她说服他陪她去从伦敦到苏格兰的公路驾车旅行,美好的故事(或者戏剧)因此而开始。

8、The atmosphere, therefore, is heated by contact with the surface and vertical motion thereby ensues. ─── 因此,大气由于与地面接触而被加热,并因此引起垂直运动。

9、In that scenario, as demand for oil continues to grow despite dwindling supplies, and as the search for substitutes proves fruitless, economic catastrophe ensues. ─── 那样的话,由需求增加产量减少而导致的石油供不应求以及无合适的可替代能源,将引发严重的经济危机。

10、An implicit struggle for survival ensues. ─── 生存竞争产生。

11、Huge financial losses in the United States spark fears in Europe.A credit crisis ensues. ─── 美国的庞大金融损失引起欧洲恐惧,随即发生信用危机。

12、A bloody battle ensues as the Ubians manage to kill and scatter the wagon guards, but not before Appius escapes on horseback into the woods. ─── 尤比安骑兵冲上来将牛车守卫们杀死冲散,阿庇尤斯在骑马逃跑时也被杀死。

13、Their success attracts more settlers, and an unruly bonanza ensues; ─── 他们的成功吸引了后来者,以及一阵毫无约束的淘金热;

14、Once these movements stop, it means that the life activities ceaseand death ensues. ─── 一旦这些运动停止了,便意味这生命活动的终止和死亡的发生。

15、A seemingly mutual obsession ensues, but gradually spirals downward into a web of desire and misperception. ─── 他们似真似假的互相缠绵情境一幕又一幕地出现,但事实却是慢慢卷入一个充满欲望及歪念的情网。

16、The more intense the source the more rapid the coagulation ensues ─── 源越强,随后发生的凝聚越迅速。

17、When the preceding streptococcic infection is recognized, a latent period of roughly 1 to 3 weeks ensues between its onset and the appearance of symptoms of nephritis. ─── 前驱链球菌感染被察觉后,从链球菌感染到肾炎症状出现,大概还有一个一至三周的潜伏期。

18、This is minimal change disease (MCD) which is characterized by effacement of the epithelial cell (podocyte) foot processes and loss of the normal charge barrier such that albumin selectively leaks out and proteinuria ensues. ─── 微小病变性肾小球肾炎,特点是:脏层上皮细胞(足细胞)的足突消失,正常的离子屏障丧失,表现为选择性白蛋白漏出,接着出现蛋白尿。

19、If the fresh skin of an animal, cleaned and divested of all hair, fat, and other extraneous matter, be immersed in a dilute solution of tannic acid, a chemical combination ensues; ─── 除了紧张而艰苦的正规训练外,新生还要时常忍受高年级生的欺侮,而且不能有丝毫反抗。

20、The vicious cycle of fame ensues with quick succession starting with fascination, followed by adoration and ending with becoming the butt of jokes. ─── 开始人们对她的吸引,接着是崇拜,最后她成为了人们的笑柄组成了迅速成名的恶性循环。

21、When the man stubbornly refuses, a scuffle ensues and the man runs away. ─── 当男子顽固地拒绝,随之而打斗,该名男子逃跑。

22、As a result, communication is impaired, connection is deteriorated and conflict ensues. ─── 结果,交流就被削弱了,关系恶化,冲突也产生了。

23、Love is unbelievable in most of time. It make a man weak and helpless. and the pain ensues. ─── 大部分时间无法相信爱情.它会让人变得软弱无助.于是疼痛便应运而生.

24、Whenever two or more egos come together, drama of one kind or another ensues. ─── 任何时候有两个或多个”自我“们来到一起,那么就会续起某一个类别的戏剧。

25、” During the heated argument that ensues between Ron and Ginny, Harry sides with Ron in his mind wanting the relationship stopped. ─── 在接下来发生的罗恩和金妮激烈的争吵中,哈利在心里站在罗恩一边,希望金妮和迪安的交往中止。

26、Relations between Chelsea and Barca are less than cosy following their spats in recent years, so it should be entertaining viewing that ensues at Stamford Bridge and Camp Nou respectively. ─── 最近几年来,每每切尔西和巴萨的较量,总是充满波澜,所以本次的斯坦福桥和诺看普聚首,非常值得期待。

27、Patients can remain relatively asymptomatic until the stenosis reaches a critical point when congestive heart failure rapidly ensues. ─── 病人无明显症状,这种状况可持续至狭窄发展到充血性心力衰竭的时候。

28、When pulmonary capillary pressure is markedly elevated, pulmonary edema ensues. ─── 当肺毛细血管压力明显升高时,就出现肺水肿。

29、The orgy culminates when the nanoprocessors are loaded into one unlucky woman who is promptly incinerated by the heat of the nano-orgy that ensues in her bloodstream. ─── 当奈米处理器被载入一名不幸的女子体内,达到最高量时,这名女子立刻因为奈米液在血液内所导致的高热而化为灰烬。

30、Now, if fighting off the attack is possible, then a different set of staged defenses ensues. ─── 现在,如果击退进攻是可能的,那么就会采取另一组防御动作。

31、Approach him on the platform and there will be a quick cut scene before battle ensues. ─── 接近他所站立的平台,会触发战斗前的一段简短过场。

32、Competition between cell populations ensues, as a single mutated cell expands into a clone. ─── 之间的竞争细胞群随后,作为一个单一的突变细胞扩展成一个克隆。

33、Centaurus Starships voyage from Atma in search of habitable planets around foreign stars. The expansion of Centaurus civilization beyond the system of New Delta ensues. ─── 半人马恒星飞船从阿玛出发航行,寻找围绕着外来星球的适宜人类居住的行星。在新德尔塔系统后面的半人马星座文化的繁荣接踵而至。

34、Young hero Tian Yan saved young girl Zhong Feng when she was bullied by gangster and escorted her back home and a lot of fighting ensues. ─── 少年英雄天雁遇上少女中凤被恶霸凌威欺负,天雁拔刀相助,护送中凤回云家庄。

35、Their success attracts more settlers, and an unruly bonanza ensues; finally the policemen, lawyers and tax collectors show up. ─── 他们的成功吸引了更多殖民者的到来,接着一个不受管制的富矿带被发掘了;最终警察、律师与税收人接连出现了。

36、For the millions struggling with poverty, a vicious circle ensues. ─── 对于仍在与贫困抗争的数百万人而言,这就形成了一个恶性循环。

37、In the circumstances, the impact that ensues has cut down the job opportunity for the Master Carpenter, resulting in loss of these professionals and fall of the technological craft thereof. ─── 在面临此问题冲击下的大木匠师,工作机会减少与人才流失,传统工艺技术也日趋没落。

38、in a crowded theatre and feel vindicated when panic ensues. ─── ,慌乱随之而起,他也只能感觉是百口莫辩了。

39、the relative low percentage of biodegradation substance influences the assimilation of bacillus, and bacillus denitrification through assimilation ensues from bacillus-accelerated nitrification. ─── 芽孢杆菌同化作用能够利用氨氮和硝酸盐氮;可生物降解部分的相对偏低会影响芽孢杆菌的同化作用;

40、What ensues is not likely to be fun for its blind master. ─── 继而发生的事对盲主人来说恐怕就不会有趣了。

41、Stunned silence ensues. ─── 迷茫中的沉默。

42、Absolute detachment, broken by sporadic and spasmodic laughter, ensues and, as in extrapyromidal affections, salivation and excessive sweating ─── 绝对的沉默,为阵阵抽疯般的发笑所打破,接着发生的,就象锥体束外病一样,分泌唾液过多,出汗过多。

43、Fierce rivalry ensues, as the English players often combine against the Africans and the rest. ─── 和强壮的英国球员相比,非洲球员经常被拿来作比较。

44、When those two friends meet, a battle of wits ensues. ─── 那两个朋友一旦相遇,一场智斗总是随之发生。

45、When I go on holiday and subject myself to a self-imposed internet ban, I'm sure it takes me several days to overcome the information withdrawal that ensues. ─── 当我休假时,我很容易去网吧,我肯定要花几天时间来克服无法吸收接下来发生的事情的困难。

46、A long and painful pause ensues. ─── 接着是长时间的难堪的沉默。

47、A family move to a small village and a bit of a storm ensues when the mum falls into a lesbian relationship with a villager. ─── 一个刚搬到小村庄的家庭和接连而来的因为妈妈陷入一段与当地人的同性恋而带来的风暴。

48、Fierce rivalry ensues, as the English players often combine against the Africans and the rest. Kalou considers it only natural that he joins forces with players from a similar culture. ─── 如今整个球队的团队精神空前高涨,但在训练场上,当教练进行分组对抗赛时,球员们会暂时把友谊放在一边,全身心的投入竞争。

49、Chaos ensues as the patrons of the establishment band together to fight for their lives. ─── 当艺术馆的保护人员联合起来去为生死而战时,混乱接踵而至。

50、When Japanese troops invade the city, a mass exodus ensues!Alone and afraid, Sophia clings to the only hope left to her - finding her missing daughter! ─── 不过,积逊跟苏菲亚之间却一直保持距离,直至日军侵华,二人的生活才起了彻底的变化。

51、The chase between Earth, Quintessa and Junk ensues. ─── 正邪两派开始一场星际猫鼠游戏。

52、If this thread already has the lock, a deadlock ensues. ─── 如果线程已经得到锁,会发生死锁。

53、On the page that ensues, Click the "Export Entries from

54、The atmosphere, therefore, is heated by contact with the surface and vertical motion thereby ensues. ─── 因此,大气由于与地面接触而被加热,并因此引起垂直运动。

55、An awkward several-minute pause ensues. ─── 几分钟的尴尬的等待过去了。

56、And since pleasure is our first and native good, for that reason we do not choose every pleasure whatever, but often pass over many pleasures when a greater annoyance ensues from them. ─── 由于快乐是我们首要的和自然的爱好,因此我们不追逐一切快乐,很多快乐可能产生更大的烦恼,我们放弃这些快乐。

57、As the conflict ensues, the Mayor warns his brother that he should "acquiesce in subordinating himself to the community". ─── 随著冲突接踵而来,市长警告他的弟弟,著他应该让自己服从大部份人的想法。

58、Many organizations find it essential to develop milestones that will help them check their progress and determine whether they're on track as implementation ensues. ─── 很多组织发现建立进度标记能够帮助他们检查进展和审查计划的实施是否按照制定的轨迹在运行。

59、Aim for smaller when it makes sense, and enjoy the wonder that ensues. ─── 时候以“小”为目标,你可以享受随之而来的奇异感受。

60、What a lovely ballet ensues. ─── 接下来,多么可爱的芭蕾出场了。

61、Eventually the economy reaches its full capacity, and, with little free capital and no new demand, the process reverses itself and contraction ensues. ─── 最终经济总会到达它容量的极致,这时候很少自由资本,没有新的需求,因此程序又颠倒过来,结果产生紧缩。

62、Kei then tries to compete with Miyako for Hiro's affection and a love triangle ensues. ─── 两人再次在学校见面后,宫村宫子对广野纮开始产生兴趣,而开始纠缠在广野纮身边。

63、Unsaturated bonds are thus reconfigured, molecular architecture is disrupted, and breakage of the envelope ensues. ─── 以上病毒物质的不饱和键因此便要重整结构,分子构造也就受到破坏,接著便发生包膜断裂。

64、The complementary cascade builds until vascular collapse ensues, along with organ failure, thrombosis ischemia, free-radical damage, and death. ─── 这一互补的过程直到血管闭塞才会停止,同时还伴有器官衰竭、血栓性缺血、自由基损伤甚至死亡。

65、A struggle for survival ensues (inference). ─── 生存斗争因而发生(推理)。

66、When night passes into day, and day into night, a state of relative calmness ensues. ─── 当夜转为昼,或者昼转为夜的时候,一种与平静相关的状态会随之而生。

67、Ageing and the mortality that ensues are sustainable for the species only if age is reset in newborns. ─── 芽殖酵母是衰老研究的一个重要模型。

68、If that chair is occupied, a three-way conversation about the book ensues. ─── 倘若有人坐,则三方会谈由此而生。

69、For some, the shopping frenzy that ensues on the Friday after Thanksgiving is an obnoxious and distasteful display of unrestrained consumption. ─── 翻译:就其他而言,那天和爱为交易狩猎的志趣相同的朋友和家庭成员表现会接的有趣年度传统。

70、This spontaneously heals, and secondary syphilis ensues, lasting for a couple of months, characterized by a rash. ─── 自愈后发生二期梅毒,持续两个月,其特征性病变是梅毒疹,随后进入静止期。

71、A male escort unknowingly starts dating the daughter of one of his 'clients.' Mayhem ensues. ─── 一老兄不知不觉的开始与客户的女儿约会,有意破坏便接踵而至。

72、Oslash; A civil war ensues, only ended when Guardian Prime fells Magmaton in single combat. The Prime is left dying from a slow acting techno-poison. ─── 内战起,捍天尊阵前单挑,一举战败帝释天,战乱遂平。后捍天尊死于锐毒(一种慢性电子病毒)。

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