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09-21 投稿


slimes 发音

英:[slaɪmz]  美:[slaɪmz]

英:  美:

slimes 中文意思翻译



slimes 同义词

lank | slenderize | lose weight | slender | svelte | diet | trim | slight | lean | faint | remote | slim down | melt off | peaked | poor | reduce | unlikely |thin

slimes 短语词组

1、consolidation of slimes ─── 煤泥固结

2、electrolytic slimes ─── 电解煤泥

3、dervishes slimes ─── 粘液苦行僧

4、deposited slimes ─── 沉积的煤泥

5、digestion slimes ─── 消化粘液

6、chappy slimes ─── 龟裂粘液

7、parakeet slimes ─── 鹦鹉粘液

slimes 反义词


slimes 词性/词形变化,slimes变形

动词过去式: slimed |动词过去分词: slimed |动词第三人称单数: slimes |动词现在分词: sliming |

slimes 相似词语短语

1、glimes ─── n.半明冰,雨雾淞

2、limes ─── n.边界;界限;n.(Limes)人名;(法)利姆

3、slims ─── n.细腿紧身裤;v.减轻体重(slim的三单形式)

4、slices ─── n.切片,切割(slice的复数形式);v.切成薄片(slice的三单形式)

5、slime ─── n.黏液;烂泥;vt.涂泥;vi.变粘滑

6、climes ─── n.气候;地方

7、slies ─── 斯莱斯

8、slimed ─── adj.被黏液覆盖的,似黏液的;v.用黏液覆盖;(公开地)诽谤,诋毁(slime的过去式和过去分词)

9、slides ─── v.滑;下跌(slide的三单形式);徐徐而行;n.[电影]幻灯片(slide的复数);滑动

slimes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However,the riverbed sludge plays a catalytic role on coal slime pyrolysis. ─── 但是,污泥对煤泥水的热解起到一定的催化作用。

2、Hydrometallurgical process of recovery lead from lead anode slime in recent ten years is reviewed briefly. ─── 对近10多年来铅阳极泥湿法提铅处理工艺作了浅述。

3、This paper describes the operating practice for comprehensively recovering valuable metals from lead anode slime residue left after recovery of gold and silver. ─── 叙述了从铅阳极泥回收金银后的渣料中综合回收有价金属的生产实践。

4、Slimes now float in water. ─── 史莱姆现在浮在水面上。

5、The results showed that more than 70% of the slimes were aluminium silicates which contained feldspar, clay, silty, calcium salt, etc. ─── 结果表明,盐湖矿泥中70%以上为以长石、粘土和粉砂等为主的硅铝酸盐;

6、What do you get when you put polluted water, fossil-fuel exhaust, sunlight and heat-loving green slime into a metal box? ─── 如果把污染的水、化石燃料的废气、阳光、嗜热的绿色黏液统统放进一个金属箱里,会得到什麽东西呢?

7、The raw coal in Malan coal preparation plant is easily slimed. This paper presents the theoretical study,the experiment results and the practice achievements in preparing slime coal. ─── 主要介绍了马兰矿选煤厂入选泥化煤时所做的理论研究、试验和取得的成绩。

8、If there is algae growing in the water, there is probably slime throughout the system, which can be removed by increasing the ozone output. ─── 如果有在水增加的藻类,在系统各处或许有烂泥, 能被藉由增加新鲜的空气输出移动。

9、It is installed in the pressure, suck or return pipeline of hydraulic system to filter solid particle and slimes in medium and effectively control cleanliness. ─── 安装于液压系统压力管路或吸油、回油管路中,滤除工作介质中的固体颗粒及胶状物质,有效控制工作介质的污染度。

10、The efficiency of coal flotation at Dongqu Coal Preparation Plant was low due to inferior floatability of coal slime and insufficient flotation facility. ─── 东曲矿选煤厂因入浮煤泥可浮性差、浮选设备能力不足,使浮选作业效率低;

11、Introduced the advantages of coarse slime recovery reformation system by using classifying hydrocyclone. ─── 介绍了应用分级旋流器对精煤泥回收系统进行改造的优点。

12、A coal slime test was carried out by use of diesel oil emulsified by new type of emulsifying reagent developed independently. ─── 利用一种自主开发的新型乳化剂将柴油乳化后作为捕收剂进行煤泥浮选试验。

13、Yea, so what role do you think slime will play in the game? ─── 当然,那么你们觉得粘液在比赛中起到的是什么作用呢?

14、XIN Hong-bo,WANG Yu-qing.Earthquake safety of Chinese tailings dam(9):cyclic deformation and strength of dashihe slimes[J].Industrial Construction,1995,(2):38-42. ─── [8]辛鸿博,王余庆.中国尾矿坝地震安全度(9):大石河尾矿粘性土的动力变形和强度特征[J].工业建筑,1995,(2):38-42.

15、The technical modification on copper anode slime treating system in Guixi Smelter,Jiangxi Copper Ltd., and its effectiveness achieved in production is introduces. ─── 介绍江西铜业股份有限公司贵溪冶炼厂(以下简称贵冶)铜阳极泥处理系统改造及其效果。

16、Slimes sand Ghasts now actually spawn! ─── 泥和地精现在实际上产卵!

17、This paper introduces the problems of copper anode slime treatment process and their influence on operation in Jinchang smeltery. ─── 介绍了云南铜业股份公司选冶联合工艺处理铜阳极泥的生产现状及存在的问题,提出了改进和优化措施。

18、Pattern Formation and Slime Molds. ─── 22模式形成与黏菌。

19、In hydroseeding, my main responsibility is to guide 200 feet of heavy, serpentine hose while the boss sprays the slime. ─── 在播种的时候,我的主要工作是在老板向地上喷洒种子和黏胶混合物的时候,拖着200英尺长的沉重的蛇形管。

20、Carol: What you have done is so low and despicable that even your apprentice slime ball here agrees with me. ─── 卡罗尔:你干的这事,实在是卑鄙、下流,连你这个傻瓜徒弟都同意我的看法。

21、Befriender:Most ghosts turned into good guys with Pink Slime. ─── 大多数鬼变成好人与粉红泥。

22、Similarly, slime build-up should be avoided as microbiologically induced corrosion can occur leading to rapid attack. ─── 同样,粘性物质的粘结堆积也应该避免,因为微生物导致的腐蚀会迅速产生。

23、And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. ─── 因此,我准备从认识神、遇见神的角度,谈谈我的想法。

24、Within seconds, the square was covered in a sheen of red slime and clouds of tomato-colored mist as people threw, tossed, pitched and aimed the vegetables at everyone and everything. ─── 仅仅几秒钟的时间,所有的人都用西红柿瞄准身边的每一个人或建筑,或扔或砸或抛,地上红色的粘土辉映着西红柿汁形成的红雾,顷刻间就给广场染上了一层红晕。

25、From amid a tuft of cotton grass which bore it up out of the slime some dark thing was projecting. ─── 在我们走着的时候,那些泥一直死死地拖住我们的脚跟。

26、And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. ─── 3他们彼此商量说,来吧,我们要作砖,把砖烧透了。他们就拿砖当石头,又拿石漆当灰泥。

27、If researchers could construct a computer model of the slime mold's behavior, says Fricker, it might help engineers design better transportation networks. ─── 弗里克说,如果科学家能建立黏菌行为的电脑模型,就能帮工程师设计更好的运输网络。

28、KJV] And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink. ─── [新译]直到她不能把他再藏了,就拿一个蒲草箱来,涂上沥青和石漆;把孩子放在里面,把箱子放在河边的芦苇丛中。

29、NIV] you would plunge me into a slime pit so that even my clothes would detest me. ─── [和合]你还要扔我在坑里,我的衣服都憎36恶我。

30、The experiment study the pyrolysis behaviors of coal slime and riverbed sludge using the method of liner warming. ─── 实验采用线型升温的方法对煤泥水与河湖底泥共热解制氢特性进行了研究。

31、Strange Happenings[Monsters seem to be increasing everywhere. Something's definitely wrong. . . Let's slay 15 Angry Slimes to calm the town] ─── 奇怪的事件增加[怪物似乎无处不在。肯定有些东西不对劲。让我们杀15只愤怒的小鸡,使小镇平静吧]

32、On the land, insects like termites have tame bacteria living in their gut to digest wood, and slime moulds can engulf bacteria whole. ─── 在陆地上,昆虫,如白蚁,利用寄生于其内脏的细菌消化木头,而粘液霉则可以吞噬整个细菌。

33、Pointing beams of light at different parts of the slime mould means that different legs move. ─── 对粘菌不同部位打下光束,使不同的脚移动。

34、Practices showed that desliming can not only reduce slime content, but also increase concentrate grade greatly. ─── 实践表明,通过脱泥,不但能减少精矿中的含泥量,而且精矿品位有较大幅度的提高。

35、A new technology on antimony removal from antimony-rich lead anode slime by vacuum evaporation was developed in this paper. ─── 介绍了一种在真空气氛下,高锑铅阳极泥还原除锑新工艺。

36、It is installed in the low pressure of hydraulic system to filter solid particle and slimes in medium and effectively control cleanliness. ─── 安装于液压系统压力管路中,尤其适用于空压机油路中,滤除工作介质中的固体颗粒及胶状物质,有效控制工作介质的污染度。

37、Gee, a slime bag like that in the same room with me! Yuck! ─── 哎呀,那种无赖竟和我同处一室!好恶心啊!

38、KJV] And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. ─── [新译]他们彼此说:“来,我们做砖,把砖烧透吧!”他们就把砖当作石头,又把石漆当作灰泥。

39、Their skin produce a slime that help to keep it moist. ─── 它们的皮肤产生一种黏液,帮助保持皮肤润湿。

40、On the basis of the new process, the commercial test of the slime system merging into the underflow flotation system came off all right. ─── 在此基础上将矿泥系统并入粗粒浮选的工业试验也取得成功。

41、He got coated from head to foot with slime. ─── 他弄得从头到脚都是泥。

42、The paracrys-talline slime layer become thicker and clearer after fixed with anti-rickettsial serum and stained with ruthenium red. The slime layer disappeared after the extraction of rickettsiae with ether. ─── 在固定液中加入相应的免疫血清用钌红细胞化学染色,在立克次体表面可见有肥厚的纤维状物(亚晶格状表面层)围绕的粘液层,经乙醚提取的立克次体标本粘液层消失,而用泛影(?)

43、This paper introduces mainly to a process of treating Sb-rich lead anode slime by vacumm volatilization.The factors influencing volatilization rate of antimony are probed in. ─── 主要介绍了利用真空挥发对高锑铅阳极泥进行处理的新工艺试验研究结果,并对影响挥发率的各种因素进行了讨论。

44、One group experiment of measuring subsiding speed of slime water was conducted and the result can be provided as a basis for photosensitive component used measuring online. ─── 对一组检测装置进行了试验研究,为光敏元件用于在线检测煤泥水沉降速度提供了有力的依据。

45、This paper introduces the problems of copper anode slime treatment process and their influence on operation in Jinchang smeltery.The improvement practice and effects achieved are described as well. ─── 分析了金昌冶炼厂铜阳极泥处理工艺存在的问题及对生产的影响,介绍了所采取的改进措施及工艺改进后取得的效果。

46、MRT can also be applied for the refining of slimes containing precious metals. ─── MRT也可以用于精炼含贵金属的阳极泥。

47、Strong winds whip the slime up into foam. ─── 强风把泥迅速搅拌成了泡沫。

48、It is installed in the high-pressure hydraulic system to filter solid particle and slimes in medium and effectively control cleanliness. ─── 安装于液压系统压力管路中,滤除工作介质中的固体颗粒及胶状物质,有效控制工作介质的污染度。

49、The paper relates the process flow to recover gold from copper anode slime,and points out the main factors influencing gold recovery rate. ─── 介绍了从铜阳极泥中回收金的工艺流程,指出了影响金回收率的主要因素。

50、Slimes no longer chase the player in water when they are not in aggressive mode. ─── 泥不再追逐的球员在水中时,他们没有在攻击模式。

51、Tailings slime pulp can be rapidly and directly flocculated and thickened in a vertical sand bin without building a thickening tank. ─── 在不另建浓密池的情况下,利用立式砂仓直接进行尾泥浆快速絮凝浓缩。

52、Most of slimes fill among the crystal particles of salt minerals or exist in micro-film structure. ─── 矿泥多充填包裹于盐类矿物粒晶间,或单独以微薄片层结构分布;

53、A difficultly-treated problem of fine ore slime was encountered during practice of the process. ─── 在工艺实践过程中,遇到了微细矿泥难处理的问题。

54、Guo D, Zhang X M, Wu D W.Understanding of the effect mechanism of Ca2+ on flotation and coagulation of slimes[J].Journal of China Coal Society, 2003,28(4):433-436. ─── [3]郭德,张秀梅,吴大为.对Ca2+影响煤泥浮选和凝聚作用机理的认识[J].煤炭学报,2003,28(4):433-436.

55、During summer control of slime and algae may be required. ─── 在夏天还要求控制污泥和藻类。

56、A multinucleate mass of cytoplasm formed by the aggregation of a number of amoeboid cells, as that characteristic of the vegetative phase of the slime molds. ─── 原质团由大量变形虫细胞聚集形成的细胞质的多核团,与粘菌的无性繁殖阶段的特性类似

57、Gen 11:3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. ─── 创11:3他们彼此商量说,来吧,我们要作砖,把砖烧透了。他们就拿砖当石头,又拿石漆当灰泥。

58、Some slime stole it. It wasn't a trophy, it was an urn. It contained my wife's ashes- besides this bar, it was the most important thing in my life. ─── {145}{}{哪些个杂碎偷走了它。那并不是个玩意儿,那是个骨灰盒。我老婆住在里面-了这个酒吧那是我生命中最重要的东西了。

59、But on other occasions she'll wander into the house, wet and dripping slime and plonk herself on the couple's bed. ─── 到了晚上,吃饱喝足后的杰西卡就会到河?禸?淤泥浴”,但是有时她也会带著一身的泥走进房间,躺倒在托尼夫妇的床上。

60、Downstream, in the nearby village of Houlong, Zheng Jiayao says he and his neighbors noticed fewer fish and shrimp and a strange smell coming from the green slime sometimes coating the water. ─── 在河流下游,家住后龙村的郑家耀说他和邻居们发现河里的鱼和虾越来越少,河面上绿色的油层发出阵阵异味,有时还能将整个水面覆盖。

61、It is installed in the hydraulic pressure system to filter solid particle and slimes in medium and effectively control cleanliness. ─── 安装于液压系统压力管路中,滤除工作介质中的固体颗粒及胶状物质,有效控制工人介质的污染度。

62、Don't cry because it came to an end, slime because it happened! ─── 不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的发生而笑!

63、Her face was aglow and her blue eyes sparkled like the sea until of course, she tripped and fell face first into a ditch of mud, spraying her dress and hair with oozing slime. ─── 她的脸是发红的而且她的蓝色眼睛像海洋闪耀直到当然,她首先进入泥的一条沟渠之内跌倒而且跌落脸,用渗出烂泥喷雾她的洋装和头发。

64、In the hydrometallurgical process of anode slime,usually oxalic acid is used as reducing agent to precipitate gold from chlorination solution owing to its good selectivity and quick reduction. ─── 在阳极泥湿法处理流程中,草酸由于还原选择性好,速度快,而被许多生产厂家用作从氯化分金液中还原金。

65、Principle and practice for application of extractive technology in extracting gold from copper anode slime are described. ─── 介绍萃取技术在铜阴极泥提金中的应用原理和实践。

66、But in return you dragged the entire race into the slime! ─── 可是你反过来将整个民族拖进了泥坑!

67、Strange slimes, those puddles. ─── 奇怪的泥水坑,那些。

68、And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. ─── 创11:3他们彼此商量说、来罢、我们要作砖、把砖烧透了。他们就拿砖当石头、又拿石漆当灰泥。

69、Retention aid, Defoamer, Deposit Controller, Felt Controller, Preservative, Slime Controller, System Cleaner. ─── 助留剂、消泡剂、网部树脂控制剂、毛布树脂控制剂、防腐剂、粘泥控制剂、清洗剂。

70、And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. ─── 他们彼此商量说,来吧,我们要作砖,把砖烧透了。他们就拿砖当石头,又拿石漆当灰泥。

71、If you want to design a railway system, you could do worse than hire a slime mold. ─── 如果你想设计一个铁路系统,让黏菌来帮忙不是馊主意。

72、The characteristics and format of tellurium in copper anode slime is introduced.The recovering methods of tellurium from copper anode slime have also been expatiated. ─── 介绍碲元素在铜阳极泥中存在的形式,重点阐述从铜阳极泥中回收碲的方法。

73、You would plunge me into a slime pit so that even my clothes would detest me. ─── 你还要扔我在坑里,我的衣服都憎恶我。

74、Particulate activated carbon prepared with coal slime as basic material with coal tar and asphalt as binder, giving a product quality of: strength of 91%, iodine value of 955 mg/g and specific surface of 960 m 2/g. ─── 以选煤厂煤泥为基础原料 ,用煤焦油、沥青作为粘结剂 ,研制出质量较好的颗粒活性炭 ,强度达 91%,吸碘值为 955mg/g,比表面积为 96 0 m2 /g

75、Well, it's slime or bedtime, fusspot.Now what's it gonna be? ─── |那么 烂泥还是睡觉 我的乖女儿 该干什么了?

76、Sam imagined green, sticky slime. ─── 山姆把它想象成那种绿色的粘稠液体。

77、The body rots, melts into slime. ─── 尸体腐烂,分解在烂泥里。

78、All the slime of RC1800 type product shall be subject to desliming in the sieve bend and swirler before access to the FC1200 slime centrifugal or high frequency sieve for dehydration. ─── RC1800产品的所有泥分,在进入FC1200煤泥离心机或高频筛进行脱水前其产品需要在弧形筛或旋流器中进行脱泥。

79、Carol: Nothing is right. He's just slime like every other male that ever walked the face of the earth. ─── 卡罗尔:他是没干什么,但他就像地球上古往今来的一切男人一样,让人讨厌。

80、Carol: You snake! You scuzzwad! You slimy sniggley slime bucket! ─── 卡罗尔:你这毒蛇,你这小子,你这又蠢又坏的小笨蛋!

81、Last summer, Jobs called a New York Times columnist a "slime bucket" for having the audacity to inquire about his health. ─── 上个夏季,乔布斯因为纽约时报专栏作家鲁莽地询问他的健康而把后者称为“烂泥桶”。

82、Scale adheres to a biological layer, often called slime. ─── 刻度黏附在生物学的层,时常叫做了烂泥。

83、This paper describes the principle and practice for application of extractive technology in extracting gold from lead anode slime. ─── 介绍萃取技术在铅阳极泥湿法工艺中提取金的应用原理和实践。

84、The corridor beyond the door led into a labyrinth of slime, chitinous columns and strange, smallish pods. ─── / 超过门的走廊进入一个烂泥的迷宫,壳质的专栏和奇怪又有点小的荚 之内引导。

85、A multinucleate mass of cytoplasm formed by the aggregation of a number of amoeboid cells,as that characteristic of the vegetative phase of the slime molds. ─── 原质团由大量变形虫细胞聚集形成的细胞质的多核团,与粘菌的无性繁殖阶段的特性类似。

86、In slime molds, a projection of the body used for locomotion. ─── 伪足:2.粘菌体表所形成的辐射状突起,与其运动有关。

87、Therefore, the flotation recovery should be taken into account for the slime. ─── 因而考虑对细泥部分采用浮选回收。

88、Cooling systems properly treated with ozone will have no slime layer for scale particles to adhere. ─── 冷却系统适当地由于新鲜的空气治疗将会为刻度粒子没有烂泥层附着。

89、In coal jigging washing process,coal is washed in suspension composed of coal slime and water. ─── 在跳汰生产工艺中,煤炭是在由煤泥和水组成的悬浮液中进行分选的。

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