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09-20 投稿


regalia 发音

英:[rɪˈɡeɪliə]  美:[rɪˈɡeɪliə]

英:  美:

regalia 中文意思翻译




regalia 短语词组

1、preceptory regalia ─── 戒律

2、in full regalia ─── 威风凛凛地, 全副武装地

3、jura regalia ─── [法] 王权

regalia 词性/词形变化,regalia变形

动词过去式: regaled |动词过去分词: regaled |名词: regalement |动词第三人称单数: regales |动词现在分词: regaling |

regalia 相似词语短语

1、regain ─── vt.恢复;重新获得;收回;vi.上涨;n.收复;取回

2、regality ─── n.王国;王位;王权

3、regalism ─── n.王权至上论;帝王教权论

4、regalian ─── adj.与帝王相关的;君主的

5、realia ─── n.实观教具;教学用品

6、regaling ─── vt.取悦;盛情款待;vi.参加宴会;享用;享受;n.款待

7、regale ─── vt.取悦;盛情款待;vi.参加宴会;享用;享受;n.款待

8、regalist ─── n.王权至上主义者;君主主义者

9、regal ─── adj.帝王的;王室的;豪华的;庄严的;n.(Regal)人名;(英、西、捷)雷加尔

regalia 习惯用语

1、in full regalia ─── 穿着全副盛装(特指某一职位所应穿戴的服饰、勋章等), 威风凛凛

regalia 特殊用法

1、major regalia ─── 主要私产权

2、minor regalia ─── 次要私产权

regalia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、SONG:Ceremonial regalia maid ─── 掌仗

2、Venue: Regalia Resort &Spa,2 Ligongdi, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province,P.R. China 215021 ─── 地点:苏州御庭精品酒店(李公堤店),苏州工业园区,李公堤2号

3、in full regalia ─── 穿着全副盛装威风凛凛

4、I saw several "Chiefs" while I was there, but one stood out among the others as he wore the finest full regalia of a Plains Indian. ─── 我在那里的时候,见到几位“首领”,但是其中有一个特别突出,穿着最好的大平原印第安人的华丽服饰。

5、Marty Regalia, the chief economist for the U. ─── 经过很多人的研究,发现我前面讲的故事呢,都是错的。

6、Working in what had been the Rothschild mansion, chauffeured about in a limousine, always meticulously outfitted in full SS regalia, he carried himself with a conqueror's hauteur. ─── 他在罗斯切尔德,,译者注:欧洲著名豪族,,大楼里工作,有专门的司机开豪华大轿车,经常一丝不苟地把所有徽章都别满党卫队制服,全身上下洋溢着征服者的傲慢。

7、YUAN: Court of the Imperial Regalia (a central government agency responsible for arms, armor, saddlery, insignia, etc.) ─── 卫尉院

8、The traditional Ndebele regalia is a sight to see; consisting of heavily beaded anklets and bracelets, it has proved an inspiration for some of South Africa's top fashion designers. ─── 传统的恩德贝莱王位标志值得一看,它包括镶嵌沉重珠子的脚镯和手镯,它为一些南非顶尖时尚设计师提供了灵感。

9、Wearing the mayoral regalia,(ie the mayor's chain of office,etc. ─── 戴着市长的职务标志(官职链等).

10、The Norwegian diving platform "Regalia" at the scene of the sunken Kursk submarine in the Arctic Barents Sea on Sunday. ─── 挪威籍的瑞加利亚号潜水平台周日架设在库尔斯克号潜艇所沉没的北冰洋巴伦支海中。

11、a mayor's regalia ─── 市长的官服

12、a portrait of the queen in full regalia ─── 身着华冠丽服的女王肖像

13、Dressed in full military regalia, the general was seated in his jeep, appearing smaller than I had expected. ─── 这个司令穿着一身军事行头,坐在吉普车里,看上去比我想象中的还要矮小。

14、the regalia of the church ─── 教会的特权

15、The "Chiefs" dressed in the traditional attire of Plains Indians, not in Cherokee regalia. ─── “首领们”没有穿彻罗基华丽的服饰,而是穿着大平原印第安人的传统服装。

16、minor regalia ─── 次要私产权

17、Lost Regalia of the North: The Toppled Thrones ─── 北地失落的王权

18、There follows a startling near-close-up of a stunned Miyoe staring into the camera in full geisha regalia, her immaculate white make-up broken by a bloody stain around her lips. ─── 随之而来的是一个令人震惊的近距离特写,着艺妓全套盛装、处于惊愕之中的荣子凝视着镜头,她那完美的白色妆饰被唇边的一缕血迹破坏。

19、A Study of Regalia Used by Guards of Honour in the Lubo Illustrations in the Northern Dynasties Murals at Wanzhang in Cixian County ─── 磁县湾漳北朝壁画墓卤簿图若干仪仗考

20、The excavators provide a detailed description of the lubo illustrations in their excavation report, but they do not provide a rigorous examination of the items of regalia arid so cannot fully back up their hypothesis. ─── 对于其中的卤簿图,发掘者在《磁县湾漳北朝壁画墓》中作了很详细的描绘,只是未及进一步的定名研究,因此它的意义尚未能充分彰显出来。

21、I saw several "Chiefs" while I was there, but one stood out among the others as he wore the finest full regalia of a Plains Indian. ─── 我在那里的时候,见到几位"首领",但是其中有一个特别突出,穿着最好的大平原印第安人的华丽服饰。

22、I saw severalChiefs while I was there, but one stood out among the others as he wore the finest full regalia of a Plains Indian. ─── 我在那里的时候,见到几位“首领”,其中有一个特别突出,因为他穿着大平原印第安人最好的全套华丽服饰。

23、The Master heard of this and said, "With the sky and the earth for my coffin; the sun and moon and stars for my burial regalia; ─── 大师得知这个消息后说:"天地将是我的灵柩,日月星辰会是我埋葬的记号."

24、Furthermore, it is disrespectful to teach our beliefs without wearing His chosen outfit, which of course is full pirate regalia. ─── 此外,在教授这一理论时如果不穿着他所选定的服饰,即全套海盗服,那将无疑是失礼的。

25、Tempest Regalia 2 pieces: Increases the duration of your Evocation ability by 2 sec. 4 pieces: Increases the damage of your Fireball, Frostbolt, and Arcane Missiles abilities by 5%. ─── 风暴神服2件:唤醒的持续时间增加2秒4件:火球、冰箭和奥术飞弹的伤害提高5%

26、The servant at his side holds a wood handle axe, which was a symbol of regalia in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). ─── 旁有锦衣卫随侍,手持斧钺,以木为之,是明代卤簿仪杖常见器用之一。

27、Chiefs" dressed in the traditional attire of Plains Indians, not in Cherokee regalia. ─── 首领们”没有穿彻罗基华丽的服饰,而是穿着大平原印第安人的传统服装。

28、Confucian raised the political order cored with regalia to human nature. Whether theorder can be internalized becomes the precondition for the reasonableness of the existence of human being. ─── 儒家将以王权为核心的政治秩序提升为人本质,能否内化这一秩序就成为人获得存在合理性的前提。

29、None But White men employed here, Regalia Company, manufacturers of Havana Cigars ─── 一幅排华图画:哈瓦那优质雪茄烟制造公司:这里招工只限白人

30、5 DYN-SONG,YUAN,MING:Imperial Regalia Service ─── 仪鸾局

31、Dreamwalker's Regalia 2 piece bonus has been changed to reduce the mana cost of Lifebloom. ─── 梦游者圣装:2件套装属性改为:降低生命绽放的法力消耗。(原为降低回春术的法力消耗)

32、Over the years, Regalia has developed unique expertise in serviced residence operations, property investments and consulting services, targeted mainly at the expatriate community. ─── 成立于1996年的御庭房地产管理有限公司(御庭)是香港中兴集团旗下的子公司。

33、It contains an extensive collection of Russian Imperial regalia and Faberge jewelry. ─── 拥有丰富的俄国王室礼服及费伯奇珠宝的收藏。

34、By the count of ten the blossom had congealed into a great flying creature, the form of a hell-maiden in full regalia. ─── 又数了十下,那个骨朵已经变成了一个巨大的飞行生物,最高阶地狱娘子的具现。

35、The author examines the illustrated regalia in the light of textual records and reveals that these Items conform to ritual prescriptions. ─── 本文以此卤簿图与文献记载相对照,发现二者多有契合无间之例,如相风罼单罕、掆鼓等,且其中不少可以见出渊源与流变。

36、My Mom finally graduated. This is me with her regalia cap. ─── 我的妈妈终于毕业了,让我戴戴她的博士帽吧!

37、Headmaster was dressed, as he nearly always was, in his full academic regalia. ─── 校长和几乎往常一样,穿着一整套的学院盛装。

38、That's why, with 3.2, Coliseum bosses all drop one of three universal armor tokens -- the Regalia of the Grand Protector, Vanquisher, or Conqueror. ─── 这就是为什么,3.2,体育馆的老板都下降三个普遍装甲令牌-的雷加利亚大保护者,胜利者,或者征服者。

39、He was honored with a huge funeral cortege, with all members present in full funeral regalia. ─── 他被尊重的放在一个巨大无比的葬礼队伍中,所有随行的人都身着丧服。

40、Fearful residents are being forced to display ZANU-PF regalia and attend “re-education” meetings, often deep into the night. ─── 恐惧的居民被迫佩戴ZANU-PF的徽章,并且要参加“再教育”集会,通常都要搞到深夜。

41、wearing the mayoral regalia,(ie the mayor's chain of office,etc) ─── 戴着市长的职务标志(官职链等).

42、(1) mount the stage in full regalia (2) go on political stage (contempt) ─── 粉墨登场

43、Deluxe Twin Suite Regalia Serviced Residence Shanghai Reservation ─── 豪华双人套房,上海御庭国际公寓预订

44、jura regalia ─── [法] 王权

45、in party regalia ─── 穿着赴会的华服

46、TANG-SONG, MING: manager of ceremonial regalia ─── 典仗

47、Thunderheart Regalia 2 pieces: Increases the duration of your Moonfire ability by 3 sec. 4 pieces: Increases the critical strike chance of your Starfire ability by 5%. ─── 雷霆之心神服2件:月火的持续时间增加3秒4件:星火的致命一击几率提高5%

48、Cleon had been Emperor for just over ten years and there were times at state occasions when, dressed in the necessary robes and regalia, he could manage to look stately. ─── 利昂当皇帝刚好十年了。在几次正式场合,他穿戴着必备的皇袍和王冠,试图让自己看起来很庄严。

49、The first percussion instruments may well have been components of dancing regalia, not unlike Aztec chachayotes. ─── 最早的打击乐器很可能是舞蹈服饰配件,与阿兹特克的绑腿相差不远。

50、the sun and moon and stars for my burial regalia; ─── 太阳、月亮还有星星是我的陪葬;

51、TOM joined the new order of Cadets of Temperance, being attracted by the showy character of their "regalia. ─── 汤姆被少年节制会的漂亮“绶带”吸引住了,就加入了该新组织。

52、The Master heard of this and said, "With the sky and the earth for my coffin;the sun and moon and stars for my burial regalia; ─── 大师知晓后说,“用天地为棺,日月星辰作为埋葬标记,一切事物都护送我去那庄严的地方。

53、SONG:Imperial regalia commissioner for ceremonies (at the imperial mausoleums south of the dynastic capital) ─── 仪仗使

54、The jewels of a Christian are his afflictions.The regalia of the kings whom God hath anointed are their troubles, their sorrows, and their griefs. ─── 就像门徒们深以为主耶稣受逼迫为荣,并相信耶稣也与他们同行在火窑中,他们心不孤单。

55、My Mom finally graduated. This is me with her regalia cap. ─── 我的妈妈终于毕业了,让我戴戴她的博士帽吧!

56、They tramped gayly along, over decaying logs, through tangled underbrush, among solemn monarchs of the forest, hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape-vines. ─── 他们信步走去,一路跨朽木,涉杂林,穿过高大的树木林,这些大树披垂着一根根葡萄藤,好像王冠上垂下来的流苏。

57、Deluxe Single Suite Regalia Serviced Residence Shanghai Reservation ─── 豪华单人套房,上海御庭国际公寓预订

58、The golden pack of king sides of regalia singal, ─── 印着皇冠的金色包装,

59、By the count of ten the blossom had congealed into a great flying creature, the form of a hell-maiden in full regalia. ─── 又数了十下,那个骨朵已经变成了一个巨大的飞行生物,最高阶地狱娘子的具现。

60、Meggie was so against a fuss she even refused to wear bridal regalia ─── 麦琪大力反对铺张,甚至拒绝穿华丽的新婚礼服。

61、Every professor was wearing the regalia of his graduate school. ─── 每一位教授都穿着他所毕业的研究生院的礼服。

62、I drew him in his SS regalia. ─── 我把他画成党卫队员样子。

63、major regalia ─── 主要私产权

64、27. hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape-vines. ─── 这些大树披垂着一根根葡萄藤,好像王冠上垂下来的流苏。

65、Finally, personal ornaments in bronze or gold, made into earrings,armlets, and other ornamental regalia, serve as indicators of status and wealth. ─── 最后,个人装饰物如青铜或者金的耳环,臂环和其他装饰性的徽章是用以显示财富和地位的。

66、1. SUI: swordsman in attendance 2. TANG-SONG, MING: directress of ceremonial regalia 3. MING: swordsman ─── 司仗

67、Love Paradise In Regalia Bay ─── 富豪海湾非凡情缘

68、the king in full regalia ─── 王袍加身的君王

69、One of the Magi, the grey and wise Melchior, in his robe of ermine, has laid down his regalia, the crowned turban and sceptre, and kneels humbly and bare-headed before the new-born King. ─── 一个在他的貂皮袍的贤士,灰色和明智梅尔基奥尔,已经放下服饰,头巾的加冕和权杖,并谦虚地和裸跪前新生的国王为首。

70、1.N-S DIV-SUI: Court of the Palace Garrison 2. TANG-SONG: Court of the Imperial Regalia ─── 卫尉寺

71、A peacock, perhaps competing with the surrounding flora, struts in full regalia amid the roses and manicured hedges of an English garden. ─── 在一个修剪精美的英国花园里,一只孔雀在玫瑰从中盛屏绽放,可能在与周围的花媲美。

72、Carved into the Valley of the Kings, Tut's tomb hid his mummy and funerary regalia until archaeologist Howard Carter revealed its contents to world acclaim in 1922. ─── 图坦卡蒙的陵墓位于帝王谷,其陵墓里藏着他的木乃伊以及陪葬品。直到1922年考古学家霍华德卡特发现了该陵墓,并公众于世。

73、The Chiefs dress in the traditional attire of Plains Indians, not in Cherokee regalia. ─── 首领们没有穿彻罗基华丽的服饰。而是穿着大平原印第安人的传统服装。

74、SONG:storehouse for court ritual regalia ─── 朝服法物库

75、A model sports full Queen Amidala regalia. ─── 一个模特完整地夸示阿米达拉女王的王权。

76、Unveiling the regalia that has captivated humans (and hens) for thousands of years, an Indian peacock displays his colorful train at an Australian reserve. ─── 意译:生活的色彩:蓝色。孔雀开屏的揭幕是王权标志已经吸引人类(和雌性孔雀)达到数千年,一只印度孔雀展示他的华丽的尾部在澳大利亚人保存。

77、A peacock, perhaps competing with the surrounding flora, struts in full regalia amid the roses and manicured hedges of an English garden. ─── 在一个修剪精美的英国花园里,一只孔雀在玫瑰从中盛屏绽放,可能在与周围的花媲美。

78、5 DYN-SONG,YUAN,MING:Imperial Regalia Office ─── 仪鸾司

79、SONG: Superintendency of Court Clothing and Regalia ─── 提点朝服法物库所

80、Though not absolutely necessary, the robes and regalia make it easier to go into the spirit world and offer protection while there. ─── 虽然不是绝对必要,但毫无疑问,选择具有针对性的衣饰和法器使你更易于与异界联通,同时提供一定的安全保障。

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