mountaineer 发音
英:[maʊntɪ'nɪə] 美:[,maʊntn'ɪr]
英: 美:
mountaineer 中文意思翻译
mountaineer 网络释义
n. 登山家,登山运动员;山地人vi. 登山
mountaineer 词性/词形变化,mountaineer变形
现在分词:mountaineering 名词复数形式:mountaineers 过去式:mountaineered 过去分词:mountaineered 第三人称单数:mountaineers
mountaineer 短语词组
1、the mountaineer ─── 登山运动员
mountaineer 相似词语短语
1、to mountaineer ─── 给登山者
2、mountain beaver ─── 山狸
3、mountain men ─── 山(地)人;山区居民
4、container ─── n.集装箱;容器
5、mountained ─── 多山的
6、mountaineering ─── n.登山;登山运动;爬山;v.登山(mountaineer的ing形式)
7、mountaineered ─── n.登山家,登山运动员;山地人;vi.登山
8、mountain dew ─── 私酿的威士忌酒
9、mountaineers ─── n.登山家,登山运动员;山地人;vi.登山
mountaineer 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Snow fall all night on the mountain. ─── 山里下了整整一夜的雪。
2、One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss. ─── 在这座山上一失足便会跌入万丈深渊。
3、A spur of a mountain range or hills. ─── 山的支脉一列山或丘的横岭
4、I fear for the safety of those mountain climber in this sudden bad weather. ─── 在这突如其来的坏天气里我真担心那些登山队员们的安全。
5、The study of the physical geography of mountains and mountain ranges. ─── 山志学,山岳形态学一门研究山脉及山山脉地区的自然地理学
6、A car clipped down the slope of the mountain. ─── 一辆汽车沿著山坡疾驰而下。
7、The securing of a rope on a rock or other projection during mountain climbing. ─── 固定保护绳登山中在岩石或凸出处系住的绳子
8、Grigory Perelman is the mountaineer who reached this pinnacle of the 3-dimensional world. ─── 雷尔曼正式这位登山家,他到达了这个三维世界的顶峰。
9、Strong winds are a hindrance to mountain climbers. ─── 大风对登山者是一大妨碍。
10、Everest is the highest mountain in the world. ─── 埃佛勒斯(即珠穆朗玛)峰是世界上最高的山。
11、So long as we pull together, there's no mountain top we can't conquer. ─── 只要咱们一条心,就没有攀登不上的高峰。
12、The guide led us to the top of the mountain. ─── 向导把我们一直带到山顶。
13、They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions. ─── 他们在恶劣的天气条件下登上了山的顶峰。
14、In the small mountain village, when it's time to cook, smoke could be seen curling up from chimneys. ─── 在这小山村里,每到做饭时,就能见到一缕缕烟雾从烟囱里升起。
15、It was a mad idea to climb the mountain in this bad weather. ─── 在这种坏天气去爬山真是愚蠢。
16、He went to his mountain retreat for the weekend. ─── 他去山中的休养所过周末。
17、The mountain track is negotiable, but only with difficulty. ─── 山上的小路可以通行,只是难走。
18、Never make a mountain of a molehill. ─── [谚]切勿小题大做。
19、Very famous , very accomplished Italian mountaineer , Reinhold Messner, tried it in 1995, and he was rescued after a week . ─── 而享誉盛名,富有成就的意大利登山家,雷纳德·梅斯纳尔在1995年作出了尝试,但他却在一周后被救起。
20、He came from an obscure mountain village. ─── 他来自一个偏僻的山村。
21、What a fantastic mountain scene! ─── 多么迷人的山景!
22、Yet the economic viability of the Mountaineer plant's new technology, known as carbon capture and sequestration, remains uncertain. ─── 但“登山者”发电厂采用的这项新技术的经济前景仍不明朗。
23、You can't go mountain climbing by yourself. ─── 你不能自己去登山。
24、It took all he could do to keep his cart from going over in the tortuous mountain trails. ─── 他竭尽全力才算保住大车,没有在曲曲弯弯的山路上翻倒。
25、The mountain side is scored by torrents. ─── 山坡留有被急流冲刷的痕迹。
26、The mountain was covered with a mantle of snow. ─── 山上覆盖着一层雪。
27、A very high mountain overlook the town. ─── 一座高高的山俯瞰着城镇。
28、You should have known better than to go mountain climbing alone. ─── 你本来不该笨得单独去爬山。
29、If you climb mountain in fog, you are asking for it. ─── 如果你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。
30、They were in a state of exhaustion after climbing the mountain. ─── 他们爬山以後筋疲力尽了。
31、Heinrich Harrer, mountaineer and explorer, died on January 7th, aged 93. ─── 海因里希·哈勒,登山家和探险家,2006年1月7日逝世,享年93岁。
32、A cavern was found by a traveler under the mountain. ─── 一名游客在山下发现了一个大洞穴。
33、A steep hollow, often containing a small lake, occurring at the upper end of a mountain valley. ─── 圆形山谷一种出现在山脉谷地上端的陡峭山谷,常有小湖泊
34、The mountain peaks are covered with snow all year. ─── 山顶上终年积雪。
35、He walked along the mountain ridge. ─── 他顺着山脊走。
36、He was pretending to climb a mountain. ─── 他假装在爬山。
37、I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain. ─── 当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。
38、There's nothing to touch mountain air for giving you an appetite. ─── 再也没有比山间清新的空气更能促进食欲的了。
39、He stumbled on the rough and rugged mountain path. ─── 他在崎岖不平的山路上磕磕绊绊地行走。
40、An area of land formed or lying at the foot of a mountain or mountain range. ─── 山麓地区,山脚地区形成或位于山脚下或山区的陆地地区
41、A pass between two mountain peaks or a gap in a ridge. ─── 山口,隘口两个山峰间的通路或者山脊上的裂口
42、Kenton Cool, a British mountaineer with an utterly amazing name, claims to be the first man to have tweeted from Mt Everest. ─── 肯顿·库尔,这个有着很酷名字的英国登山者,宣称自己是第一个从珠穆朗玛峰发Twitter的人。
43、The descent down the mountain took nearly two hours. ─── 下山差不多花了两个小时。
44、They lived in a remote mountain village. ─── 他们住在一个偏僻的山村。
45、His echoing cry woke the mountain valley. ─── 他叫喊的回声震荡著山谷。
46、What a funny, bashful mountaineer!" Mr. Sesemann remarked to himself, thinking that the appearance of a stranger had upset this simple son of the Alps. ─── 真是个有趣害羞的山地人。”赛赛曼先生自言自语地说,他想,一个陌生人的出现,竟然把这个高山牧场单纯的孩子吓成这个样子。
47、A mountain or hill. Used especially as part of a proper name. ─── 山山峰或丘陵,尤其用在山名的正式名字中
48、There was a shortage of oxygen at the top of the mountain. ─── 山顶上缺氧。
49、He nearly died of exposure on the cold mountain. ─── 他在寒冷的高山上差一点没有冻死。
50、Night was already pressing in as they reached the old mountain town. ─── 当他们到达山中古老的小镇的时候,夜幕正在降临。
51、The clouds raked the mountain summits. ─── 云朵掠过山峰。
52、In the summer tourists invade the mountain village. ─── 夏天游客成群结队地到这个山村来。
53、He's a mountain climber. he needs good boots. ─── 他是一位登山运动员。他需要好靴子。
54、A mountaineer must learn to stand the gaff. ─── 一个登山运动员必须学会吃苦。
55、He likes savage mountain scenery. ─── 他喜欢荒山的景色。
56、The road hugs the side of the mountain. ─── 公路紧挨山边。
57、The rebels have withdrawn to their mountain fastness for the winter. ─── 叛军撤至他们的山寨过冬。
58、I was completely breathless when I got to the top of the mountain. ─── 当我到达山顶上时,我已经上气不接下气了。
59、They erected their tent at the foot of the mountain. ─── 他们在山脚下支起了帐篷。
60、Many people find it a dangerous thing to go mountain climbing alone. ─── 很多人觉得单独去爬山是危险的事。
61、There are rows of tents at the foot of the mountain. ─── 山脚下有几排帐篷。
62、The mountain path descends to the lake. ─── 山路下斜通向湖边。
63、A large mountain mass or compact group of connected mountains forming an independent portion of a range. ─── 山丘组成山脉的一部分独立的大的山体或连接起来的山体密集群
64、Winter is the best time for hunting in mountain areas. ─── 冬季是山区狩猎的最佳时间。
65、A spur of rock stuck out from the mountain. ─── 山背上突起一个石脊。
66、They climbed up the mountain through a defile. ─── 他们通过一条小路爬到山上。
67、Feeling his way along the rocks, the mountaineer reached the peak of the hill. ─── 登山者沿着石头一路前行,到达了山顶。
68、Many people don't think it is dangerous to go mountain climbing. ─── 很多人认为爬山并不危险。
69、The power station backs on to a high mountain. ─── 发电站背靠着大山。
70、He started climbing at a young age, inspired by the books collected by his father, a keen amateur mountaineer. ─── 他父亲是一名狂热的业余登山运动员,收藏了一些书,这些书激励着拉法耶,使他年纪轻轻就开始登山。
71、A barracks was built at the foot of the mountain. ─── 山脚下建了一座营房。
72、The party take packed lunch when they set off on their walk in the mountain. ─── 当这队人出发步行去山里时,他们带着盒饭。
73、The mountain route is practicable only in summer. ─── 只有在夏季那条山路才可以通行。
74、She has a mountain of dirty clothes to wash. ─── 她有一大堆脏衣服要洗。
75、And therefore almost every mountaineer has with him or her a device which converts mechanical energy into electricity. ─── 因此几乎所有登山者,都会携带一种,能把机械能转化为电的装置。
76、All the supplies for the attempt on the next part of the mountain have to be dragged up by the climbers. ─── 征服下一部分山的一切供给只好由登山队员们自己拉上去了。
77、An experienced Tibetan climber was chosen to lead the others up the mountain. ─── 一位经验丰富的藏族登山者被挑选出来带领其他人登山。
78、Having taken a bath in the raw in a cold mountain stream, we went to a village. ─── 在冰冷的山间小溪胡乱洗个澡之后,我们就向一座村庄走去。
79、You can see the summit of the mountain ten miles away. ─── 你在十英里之外就能看到这山的山顶。
80、A mountaineer wife sat on the porch, resting comfortably. ─── 一个山民的老婆在门廊上舒舒服服地坐着休息。
81、They climbed the mountain by easy stages. ─── 他们走走歇歇地爬上山。
82、They made a successful ascent of the mountain. ─── 他们成功地登上了山。
83、It's a long hard slog up the mountain. ─── 上山的这段路很难走。
84、The mountain wind took off as much as three inches of snow overnight. ─── 山风一夜间刮走了足足三英寸厚的积雪。
85、It would be madness to try to climb the mountain in such a snowstorm. ─── 想在这样大的暴风雪中去爬山简直是疯狂。
86、He is the first peasant in this mountain village to go to university. ─── 在这个山村中,他是第一个上大学的农民。
87、He looks down from the top of the mountain to the valley far below. ─── 他从山顶向下眺望下面幽深的山谷。
88、Do you know what is meant by mountain time? ─── 你知道山区时间是什么意思吗?
89、They climbed the steep mountain inch by inch. ─── 他们一点一点地攀上那座陡峭的山。
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