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09-20 投稿


maturate 发音

英:['mætjʊreɪt]  美:['mætʃʊ,ret]

英:  美:

maturate 中文意思翻译



maturate 网络释义

vt. 成熟;化脓;使化脓vi. 成熟;化脓

maturate 词性/词形变化,maturate变形

形容词: maturative |动词过去式: maturated |动词过去分词: maturated |动词现在分词: maturating |动词第三人称单数: maturates |

maturate 相似词语短语

1、maturable ─── 成熟的

2、maturates ─── v.化脓;(使)成熟

3、micturate ─── vi.排尿

4、masterate ─── n.硕士身份;硕士学位

5、saturated ─── adj.饱和的;渗透的;深颜色的;v.使渗透,使饱和(saturate的过去式)

6、maturative ─── adj.使化脓的;有助于成熟的;n.化脓剂

7、saturate ─── vt.浸透,使湿透;使饱和,使充满;adj.浸透的,饱和的;深颜色的

8、matterate ─── 床垫

9、maturated ─── v.化脓;(使)成熟

maturate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3. The color of the sky, it represents the on going training, the trainees skill is becoming maturate step by step, like the tree growing towards the sky. ─── 天空的颜色,代表随着不断的训练,练习者的跆拳道技术逐渐成熟.就像大树一直向着天空生长.收藏指正

2、At the end of 20 century, Ofsted amended the Framework of inspecting schools frequently and made it matur and perfect. ─── 而且从上世纪末开始,英格兰教育标准局频繁修订学校督导大纲,英格兰学校督导制度也因此逐步走向成熟和完善。

3、Negtive selection plays a very important role in maturate of T cell. ─── 阴性选择是幼稚T细胞在分化发育过程中一个非常重要的步骤。

4、FTIR Analysis of Hydrogen Bond in Middle Maturate Coals ─── 中等变质程度煤中羟基的红外光谱分析

5、afterwards, to optimize and maturate an in-depth marketing network for the Chinese market and establish a strategic cooperation mechanism for international capital as soon as possible. ─── 随后,尽快健全成熟的中国市场纵深营销网络,建立国际资本战略合作机制。

6、Green_Rock_Alpine_Club Schede tecniche, raccolte fotografiche ed esperienze alpinistiche maturate tra le Alpi dei soci. ─── 浙江瑞泰电力电子有限公司从事供电系统电压无功自动控制,电能质量监测。

7、The paper has expounded components and several types of coal bed gas and analys ed the influences of microlithotype, matur ity, reservoir pressure and so fort... ─── 对分析煤盆地间、钻孔间以及煤层间煤层气成分的变化具有重要意义。

8、schistosome can maturate and oviposit in Apodemus agrarius infected the parasite primarily. ─── 感染日本血吸虫的姬鼠,虫体能发育成熟,并从粪中排出虫卵;

9、Conclusion Retarded maturate is found among the children with behavior problems. ─── 结论行为问题儿童有脑功能成熟延迟的现象。

10、Babyhood and maturate were the most unseemliness and derelict of duty to a person. ─── 三十岁之前就过早地固定在一个职业上终此一生也许才是最大的不幸。

11、Nude oocytes and half nude oocytes hardly maturate and cleavage. ─── 裸卵和半裸卵几乎不能够成熟和卵裂。

12、It cost me two years to maturate this artistic creation, including the colors, the strokes, and the technique of expression_r, which puzzled my brain quite a lot. ─── 这一创作过程历时近两年才逐渐走向成熟,其中,伴随着对表现其在色彩及表现手法、用笔等方面着实伤了不少脑筋。

13、Children are the seeds of dreams. Our love and devotion will provide them a warm, healthy, and moisturized field, where our children willslowly sprout, and gradually maturate. ─── 孩子们是一颗颗梦幻的种子,我们的爱与付出将为他们提供一片暖和、湿润、肥沃的土地,让他们慢慢发芽,走向充盈和茁壮。

14、For a husband, he must be maturate, responsible, enterprising(not workaholic) and knows what he wants in the future. ─── 从另外一个角度来说,真正有这样的一个女人摆在你面前,你也不一定觉得她合时,所以人们都是在努力寻找最适合自己的另一半,而不是找世界上最优秀的那个男人或者女人。

15、The maturate tracheas are seen clearly on the root transverse section of the plant under the 0.2mg/L IBA treatment and the 0.5mg/L IBA treatment through three month; ─── 2mg/L的吲哚丁酸处理植株3个月后,在其根系横切面上能够看到清晰的发育成熟的导管。

16、stop dissimulating to be maturate . ─── 别再掩饰了,成熟点

17、I am hones,I do not people to lie,please understand,be yourself,want some one who can comunicate with in matur way.be able to travel. ─── 我是个诚实的人,不喜欢别人撒谎,请理解,做你自己,想找一个能成熟交流的人,愿意旅行.

18、As the infrared detection and homing technology maturate daily,the study on infrared characterization of ship becomes more and more important. ─── 随着红外探测与制导技术的飞速发展,对于舰船红外特征的研究具有越来越重要的军事意义。

19、Children are the seeds of dreams. Our love and devotion will provide them a warm, healthy, and moisturized field, where our children will slowly sprout, and gradually maturate . ─── 孩子们是一颗颗梦幻的种子,我们的爱与付出将为他们提供一片温暖、润、沃的土地,让他们慢慢发芽,走向充盈和茁壮。

20、The key is if the consciousness was maturate; ─── 关键在于意识的成熟与否;

21、are able to differentate and maturate after exposure to RA for a period of time. ─── 成熟。

22、The key is if the consciousness was maturate; ─── 关键在于意识的成熟与否;

23、The color of the sky, it represents the on going training, the trainees skill is becoming maturate step by step, like the tree growing towards the sky. ─── 天空的颜色,代表随着不断的训练,练习者的跆拳道技术逐渐成熟.就像大树一直向着天空生长.

24、Memory is real, because it can prove your growth and maturate. ─── 回忆是真实的,因为它见证你的成长与成熟。

25、Nude oocytes and half nude oocytes hardly maturate and cleavage. ─── 裸卵和半裸卵几乎不能够成熟和卵裂。

26、It is the spirit that inspired Microsoft from ignorant becoming maturate a session of a session. ─── 正是这种精神鼓舞着一届又一届的微软人从懵懂走向成熟。

27、Did not afraid of babyhood when someone talk of you.that was another way to proved that, you were youngling and throb as of old. maturate was a trouble word, and have too much execution. ─── 三十岁以前就尝试到失业的滋味当然是一件不幸的事情,但不一定是坏事。

28、Talk About the Technique on planting about Rice and Potapo Yu Chengli The Main Technique on Accelerate Rice Maturate Early ─── 促进水稻早熟的关键技术措施

29、Children are the seeds of dreams. Our love and devotion will provide them a warm, healthy, and moisturized field, where our children will slowly sprout, and gradually maturate. ─── 孩子们是一颗颗梦幻的种子,我们的爱与付出将为他们提供一片温暖、湿润、肥沃的土地,让他们慢慢发芽,走向充盈和茁壮。

30、2. Children are the seeds of dreams. Our love and devotion will provide them a warm, healthy, and moisturized field, where our children will slowly sprout, and gradually maturate. ─── 孩子们是一颗颗梦幻的种子,我们的爱与付出将为他们提供一片温暖、湿润、肥沃的土地,让他们慢慢发芽,走向充盈和茁壮。收藏指正

31、The combination of their success of different methods will make the predictions more maturate. ─── 将不同方法的优势结合起来,可能会使流星雨的预报更加成熟。

32、With the maturate of 3D-MID technology, the 3D-MID applications will be more and more popular. ─── 在国内,虽然之前对3D-MID应用不多,但随着国内汽车电子和通讯电子业的发展,3D-MID的应用也必将越来越广泛。

33、grow, maturate, mature, mellow, ripen. ─── 使成熟,成熟,长成,长成。

34、The culture technologies on intervertebral disc cell maturate gradually, however, the studies involved these technologies are insufficient in China. ─── 椎间盘细胞不易培养,目前其培养技术渐趋成熟,但国内涉及椎间盘细胞培养的研究偏少。

35、The present paper reports schistosome can maturate and oviposit in Apodemus agrarius infected the parasite primarily. ─── 初次实验感染日本血吸虫的姬鼠,虫体能发育成熟,并从粪中排出虫卵;

36、this technology is going to maturate in foreign country especially in usa and japan , and its application is very wide. ─── 国外尤其是美国和日本等国对新型系统的研究已趋于成熟,应用越来越广泛。

37、My dear friends, your hesitation, oscillation, lament and perturbation cannot equate to thinking, provement and the symbol of maturate. ─── 他们死得光荣,死得伟大,他们的人生价值是那些碌碌无为而寿终正寝的人不可比拟的。

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