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09-21 投稿


meddled 发音


英:  美:

meddled 中文意思翻译



meddled 词性/词形变化,meddled变形

名词: meddler |动词第三人称单数: meddles |动词过去式: meddled |动词过去分词: meddled |动词现在分词: meddling |

meddled 相似词语短语

1、meddle ─── v.干涉,管闲事,干预他人之事;瞎搞,乱弄

2、middled ─── 米德尔德

3、peddled ─── vt.叫卖;兜售;散播;vi.沿街叫卖;忙于琐事;n.(Peddle)人名;(英)佩德尔

4、reddled ─── 红色的

5、medaled ─── adj.佩带徽章的;接受奖章的;vi.接受奖章(尤指运动竞赛奖章,medal的过去式);vt.授予…奖章(medal的过去式)

6、meddles ─── v.干涉,管闲事,干预他人之事;瞎搞,乱弄

7、comeddled ─── 有皱纹的

8、meddler ─── n.干涉者;爱管闲事的人

9、muddled ─── v.弄乱;(使)困惑;混淆;懵懵懂懂地白忙;调制(饮料)(muddle的过去式及过去分词);adj.糊涂的,混乱的

meddled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kurama also meddled in an entertainer murder case, who will kill a kindness person like an entertainer? ─── 鞍马也干涉了一位艺人的谋杀案,谁会杀死一位带欢笑给人们的人了?

2、Anyone who's meddled with officialdom for long must be lower than a snake's belly, and Ho Shen-an's just that sort ─── 大凡在官场中从前清混到民国的人,全是比狗还下作!

3、Prior to Jabba the Hutt's ascent to the head of the Desilijic clan, Xizor meddled into the internal politics of the Hutt heirarchy. ─── 在赫特人贾巴成为德斯里吉克家族的头领之前,西佐介入了赫特人内部的政治争端。

4、Your humble slave has heard that the reason the Empress has never produced any Imperial offspring is that someone has meddled with the Dragon-Phoenix soup that the palace doctor prepares for her. ─── 奴才听说,皇后一直怀不上龙子,是因为,太医给皇后熬的龙凤保胎汤被人做了手脚。

5、Felt said he was unhappy with the way the administration meddled with the FBI investigation into the break-in which led him to divulge information to the newspaper. ─── 费尔特说,他对政府插手联邦调查局对于水门事件的调查而感到不满,于是他将此事的真相透漏给了报社。

6、Judicial figures have meddled egregiously in economic affairs before. ─── 司法人物以前就异乎寻常地插手经济事务。

7、Long misgoverned, it was meddled in by the United States, often with the best of intentions but the worst of outcomes. ─── 由于长期统治不善,海地国家事务为美国所干涉,通常最好的意图带来的却是最坏的结果。

8、Rhythm had long seemed something organic and regular, like footsteps or the heartbeat, not to be meddled with. ─── 长久以来,节奏一直被看作是固定的、有规律的东西,就像脚步的韵律、心脏的搏动一样不能随意打乱。

9、The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with. ─── 14分争的起头,如水放开。所以在争闹之先,必当止息争竞。

10、the thing that you meddled up in the first place! ─── |你一开始多管闲事惹出来的祸!

11、The gifts of charity meddled with a man's private affair. ─── 慈善团体的赠品受到了某人私人事务的干涉。

12、The gifts of charity meddled with a gentleman's private affair. ─── 慈善礼物干扰一位绅士的私事。

13、Who have meddled with my papers? ─── 谁动了我的文件?

14、South China Sea, China's original territory, has been coveted and meddled in frequently by some countries because of its important economic and strategic values in recent years. ─── 南中国海本是中国的领土,但由于其重要的经济及战略价值,使其成为一些国家觊觎并纷纷插手的对象。

15、Alexander THINKS he understands this game and meddled with something that was at least starting to produce results. ─── 鸭梨以为他理解比赛,他乱管闲事,至少,这带来了报应。

16、That the military governor governor corp meddled in the State affairs is one of unique pattern of the warlords politics in the beginning of Republic of China. ─── 摘要“督军团”干政是民初军阀政治的独特形态之一。

17、The beginning of strife [is as] when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with. ─── 分争的起头,如水放开。所以在争闹之先,必当止息争竞。

18、43. The gifts of charity meddled with a man's private affair. ─── 慈善捐赠干预了一个人的私人事务.

19、Pro 17:14 The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with. ─── 箴17:14分争的起头,如水放开。所以在争闹之先,必当止息争竞。

20、Long misgoverned, it was meddled in by the United States, often with the best of intentions but the worst of outcomes. ─── 国内长时间管理不善,美国出面干涉,但往往是目的很好结果很差。

21、Someone has meddled with the photographs I laid out so carefully. ─── 有人把我精心布置好的照片弄乱了。

22、The beginning of st***fe is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with. ─── 14分争的起头,如水放开。所以在争闹之先,必当止息争竞。

23、The House Judiciary Committee is calling on him to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department. ─── 司法委员会要求他就白宫是否不正当的干涉了司法部门的工作这件事作证。

24、It is not the first time the government has meddled with stamp duty (see chart), but after a relatively long period of official inactivity, it came as a welcome surprise. ─── 这并不是政府首次调整印花税,但由于此前较长时间内政府都没有采取干预措施,所以这次出乎意料的税率调整也倍受欢迎。

25、The House Judiciary Committee is calling on him to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department. ─── 众议院法律委员会让他对于白宫是否干涉司法部一事作证。

26、Next the researchers demonstrated that stone-age humans had meddled with the shells. ─── 其次,研究者证明石器时代的古人类就已经对壳类进行加工。

27、The Federal Reserve meddled Bayles to ascend, causes the stabilization of money market two months; ─── 美联储插手贝尔斯登,使金融市场稳定了两个月;

28、43. The gifts of chairty meddled with a man's private affair. ─── 给慈善组织的募捐牵涉到个人隐私。

29、The investigation comes as opposition politicians say Prime Minister Naoto Kan's office appeared to have meddled in the recovery operation. ─── 就在调查进行的同时,反对派政界人士说首相菅直人(NaotoKan)的办公室曾试图干涉核电站的救灾工作。

30、He meddled continually with business, with the result that the private sector is howling about red tape. ─── 他频繁干预商业运行,导致私人部门抱怨官僚主义。

31、Last czarina of Russia (1894-1917). The wife of Nicholas II, she was influenced by Rasputin and meddled in politics. After the Bolshevik revolution, she and her family were imprisoned and executed. ─── 亚历山德拉:俄罗斯末代沙皇之妻(1894-1917年)。作为尼古拉二世的妻子,她受到了拉斯普廷的影响并参与了政治活动。布尔什维克革命后与其家人一同被捕入狱,后被处死

32、You`re meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. ─── 你们现在在管你们根本不该的事情.

33、Genesis and the Talmud both suggest that the Giants, who resented God for destroying their ancestors, meddled in the affairs of mankind. ─── 起源记和犹太法典两者都提到巨人族,他们愤恨上帝消灭了他们的祖先、干预人类事务。

34、And the Portuguese chief says he would quit if Abramovich meddled with his backroom team. ─── 葡萄牙主帅表示,假如阿布更换他的助手,他将辞职。

35、Alexander THINKS he understands this game and meddled with something that was at least starting to produce results. ─── 鸭梨以为他理解比赛,他乱管闲事,至少,这带来了报应。

36、He has meddled with good policies and failed to stop bad ones, such as the attempt to roll back the privatisation of the postal system. ─── 他对好的政策乱动手脚,又废止不了糟糕的政策,例如,他曾试图阻止邮政体系的私有化。

37、The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with. ─── 分争的起头、如水放开.所以在争闹之先、必当止息争竞。

38、The girls of chariity meddled with a man's private affair. ─── 1.女孩们的施舍干涉了他人的私事.

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