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09-30 投稿


militate 发音

英:[ˈmɪlɪteɪt]  美:[ˈmɪlɪteɪt]

英:  美:

militate 中文意思翻译



militate 常用词组

militate against ─── 对…产生不利影响

militate 词性/词形变化,militate变形


militate 短语词组

1、militate against ─── 对……产生不利影响

2、Aeronautics Militate Italiana ─── 意大利航空兵

3、militate in favor of ─── 有利于

militate 习惯用语

1、militate against ─── 妨碍, 对...产生不利影响

2、militate in favor of ─── 便于, 有助于

militate 相似词语短语

1、militant ─── adj.好战的;n.富有战斗性的人;好斗者;激进分子

2、ministate ─── n.小国;超小国家

3、militates ─── vi.有影响;产生作用

4、militated ─── vi.有影响;产生作用

5、imitate ─── vt.模仿,仿效;仿造,仿制

6、digitate ─── adj.(复叶)掌状的

7、militance ─── n.战斗性;战斗状态

8、meditate ─── vt.考虑;计划;企图;vi.冥想;沉思

9、militants ─── n.激进份子(militant的复数)

militate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Increased costs militate against further enlargement of the buildings. ─── 成本的增加影响了建筑物的进一步扩建。

2、1.The high risks involved in such a business venture militate against finding backers. ─── 像这样的企业投资所冒的高度风险不利于找到赞助者。

3、Several factors combined to militate against the success of our plan. ─── 好几个因素合并在一起不利于我们计画的成功。

4、However, while the situation has undeniably deteriorated, several factors militate against an outright balance of payments crisis in the country. ─── 不过,虽然不可否认,越南的经济形势有所恶化,但一些因素有助于避免该国出现全面的国际收支危机。

5、Despite the redistributive intent, some of the criteria applied militate against justice and efficiency. ─── 再分配的初衷是好的,但有些为此制定的各种执行标准却与公平效率背道而驰。

6、militate v. ─── 发生作用;

7、Aeronautics Militate Italiana ─── 意大利军事航空

8、If anything, it is likely to militate against prisoners' rehabilitation. ─── 总之,这(剥夺选举权)很有可能对囚犯们的改过自新造成一定影响。

9、The institutions, in their principle, militate against it.The day we are celebrating protests against it. ─── 他们应当撇开无益的炫耀,他们的力量在于知识;

10、bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure. ─── 更多的,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。

11、Another consideration that can militate against the right to predeprivation notice and hearing is the availability of statutory or common law remedies that can compensate the individual for her loss of liberty or property. ─── 另一个能够影响预先剥夺通知和听证权的考虑是提供法规或普通法的补救办法,使失去自由或财产的个人能够得到补偿。

12、3.The invisible powers of heaven seemed to militate on the side of the pious emperor. ─── 来自天堂的无形力量似乎只在影响著虔诚帝皇的一方。

13、What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure. ─── 更多的,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。

14、JIN Ling; CHEN Fei; CHEN Xiangdong. Hangzhou Sanatorium; Nanjing Milit ary Area of PLA; Hangzhou 210002; China; ─── 中国人民解放军南京军区杭州疗养院海勤疗养区;

15、The fact that such a situation as this might militate against any permanent arrangement with Jennie was obvious even to Lester at this time. ─── 在这情形之下,他当然不容易同珍妮缔结什么永久的关系,这是他自己也明白的。

16、One important factor that may militate against the dissemination of China's cultural outreach is that its language, a vital conduit for cultural transmission, is difficult for foreigners to learn. ─── 可能妨碍中国文化传播的一个重要因素,是外国人要学华文并不容易。

17、Higher efficiency of calcium oxide per unit weight, lower price and reduced transport space requirement militate in favour of burned lime ─── 单位重量的生石灰的高效能,低价和较小的运输空间要求使得烧石灰倍受宠爱

18、Take all of those reasonable measures that will help us militate and contain how many people actually get sick. ─── 采取一切合理的措施,帮助我们影响和包容那些事实上已经染病的很多人。”

19、The environment which is excellent or not will militate against the development of students. ─── 班级文化建设中存在的问题以及解决这些问题的对策。

20、Among rich nations, domestic politics militate against trade liberalisation. ─── 在富裕国家中,国内政治妨碍了贸易自由化。

21、Sraw Straw is the dry stam dried stem part of plants such as weetwheat, milit millet and sorgumsorghum. ─── 稻草是小麦,玉米和高粱等农作物的干燥的茎杆部分。

22、Facts militate against this opinion ─── 事实不能说明这个论点。

23、Author LIU Wang;HUAN Jing -nin;CHEN Yu -lin;et al.Changhai Hospital;Second Milit ary University;Shanghai 200433;China; ─── 作者刘旺;郇京宁;陈玉林;夏照帆;肖仕初;王璐;张素贞;刘志国;

24、Despite the redistributive intent, some of the criteria applied militate against justice and efficiency. ─── 再分配的初衷是好的,但有些为此制定的各种执行标准却与公平效率背道而驰。

25、and particularly, issues that might militate against the use of the Web as a ubiquitous and generic instructional medium. ─── 尤其是,网络作为一种普遍存在的一般技术媒体的争议可能会得到缓和。

26、We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it. ─── 不测风云,所以我们永远都不会保证具体航行到哪个地方。

27、Diego I militate is optimist before the possible arrival of Saviola and to form a frightful pair. ─── 大米对兔兔来萨拉感到很乐观,期望和兔兔一起组成强大进攻组合。

28、militate in favor of ─── 便于有助于

29、To militate against something is to affect or influence it adversely: The bad weather militated against the planned outing. ─── 错的人多了,也就成了正确的了。

30、People sometimes say mitigate against instead of militate against but this is incorrect and should be avoided. ─── 但是字典还是要坚守正统,维持最后一条防线。

31、Some assert that aging's complexity will forever militate against the development of anti-aging therapies. ─── 有些人断言,老化的复杂程度将永远不利于抗老化疗法的发展。

32、militate against ─── 妨碍对 ... 产生不利影响

33、2.While many forces are at work to facilitate intermarriage, others militate against it. This is particularly the case for African Americans. ─── 尽管有许多力量在促进异族婚姻,也有因素在妨碍这一进程,对非洲裔美国人来说尤其如此。

34、Themissile- shield programme, whatever its merits, must not militate against efforts to improve security against other kindsofthreat. ─── 导弓单防御计划无论有什么长处,都不应妨碍美致力提高安全措施,以防范其它类型威胁。

35、The institutions, in their principle, militate against it.The day we are celebrating protests against it.It is for Americans, more especially, to nourish a nobler sentiment; ─── 他们应当撇开野心勃勃出人头地的想法,他们的原则应当是平等。

36、What's more, bigger banks can diversify their earnings, which should further militate against failure . ─── 而且,大银行可以使他们的收入多样化,这可以防止经营失败。

37、Increased costs will militate against further enlargement of the buildings. ─── 成本的增加影响了建筑物的进一步扩建。

38、All the employee of this company have experience of working in Milit ary unit,they are deeply in earnest,with passions for every Single order。 ─── 公司由军工科技人员组成,工作认真负责,一直本着严谨认真的态度对待每一份定单。

39、6.All this did not militate our success. ─── 所有这些并不妨碍我们的成功。

40、Two factors may well militate against these benefits ─── 有两个因素会妨碍这些利益。

41、The president's extraordinarily thin base of popular support and uncertain relations with soft-liners militate against a pacted transition. ─── 总统极薄弱的民意支持和与温和派的不稳定关系妨碍了协议过渡。

42、Yet the alarming pictures on news bulletins and front pages are likely to militate against that cool-headed response. ─── 然而,新闻快报与报纸头版上触目惊心的图片,可能会妨碍政府做出冷静的回应。

43、7.Old age: A diminished sense of taste and smell, loneliness, physical and mental handicaps, immobility, and chronic illness can militate against adequate dietary intake in the elderly. ─── 老年人味觉和嗅觉减退、孤独、身体与精神障碍、不活动以及慢性疾病都会影响上老年人摄入足够的食物。

44、Milit groups The militant group Islamic Jihad said 1 of its members was killed on the ground while on the a mission to attack Israel an Israeli patrol. ─── 伊斯兰圣战组织杰哈德声称,他的一名成员在执行攻击以色列巡逻部队的任务时被打死。

45、HPLC method for the determination of huperzine A content in Huperziaceae.Bull Acad Milit Med Sci,2000,24(2):123-125. ─── HPLC法测定石杉科植物中石杉碱甲的含量.军事医学科学院院刊,2000,24(2):123-125.

46、This would certainly militate against good bonding between the resin matrix and the glass ─── 这当然会影响树脂基体与玻璃间的良好粘结。

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