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10-02 投稿


mooed 发音

英:[muːd]  美:[muːd]

英:  美:

mooed 中文意思翻译





mooed 词性/词形变化,mooed变形

名词复数: moos |动词现在分词: mooing |动词第三人称单数: moos |动词过去式: mooed |动词过去分词: mooed |

mooed 相似词语短语

1、mooted ─── adj.无实际意义的;未决议的;vt.提出…供讨论;n.大会;辩论会;假设案件;n.(Moot)人名;(英)穆特

2、mood ─── n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛;n.(Mood)人名;(英)穆德;(瑞典)莫德

3、booed ─── int.(表示不满、轻蔑等)嘘;(惊吓别人发出的声音)啵;v.向……喝倒彩;发出嘘声;n.嘘声;n.(Boo)(美)博(人名)

4、cooed ─── v.(鸽子)发出咕咕声;柔声地说;(婴儿)满足地轻哼;int.(表示惊讶或者高兴等)唔,呀;n.咕咕声,鸽子的叫声

5、moped ─── n.助动车;机动脚踏两用车;v.抑郁不乐;生闷气(mope的过去式和过去分词)

6、looed ─── n.厕所,洗手间;赌金;卢牌戏(一种纸牌赌博);vt.使罚赌金;n.(Loo)人名;(德、法)洛

7、-ooed ─── abbr.面向对象程式设计(ObjectOriented);已订购而尚未交货的(onorder);n.(Oo)人名;(缅)吴

8、mooned ─── adj.月状的;月亮般的;以月亮图案装饰的;v.懒散度日,浪荡;出神,发呆;以屁股示人(moon的过去式和过去分词)

9、moored ─── adj.停泊的;系泊的;v.停泊(moor的过去分词)

mooed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wait a minute. You"re that Moo Slashie guy, aren"t you? ─── 等等。难道你就是那个“亩”藏?

2、Pan Tau on snakes, cows moo moo loudly. ─── 蛇盘牛头上,牛哞哞高叫。

3、I dug up forty dollars, strapped Moo and Roo into their car seats and headed for the department store. ─── 我挖了四十美元,紧张的总统和塔纳罗奥纳入其汽车安全座椅,并前往百货公司。

4、There, the new arrivals ate hay, mooed and wandered around. ─── 新来的牛在这里吃草料、哞哞叫、四处走动。

5、We give the farmer our finest milk,” she mooed proudly.“But what do you give” Can you give milk? ─── 我们可以给农场庄主挤出最好的牛奶,”你能挤出牛奶吗?

6、Keywords rare metals oxides;MoO 3 Bi 2O 3 catalyst;isobutene;methacrolein; ─── 稀有金属氧化物;钼-铋催化剂;异丁烯;甲基丙烯醛;

7、to enjoy the moonlight; to admire the moo ─── 弄月

8、Eric Moo - Found You In The Wind ─── 巫启贤-风中有你

9、to shine forever like the sun and the moo ─── 日月同辉

10、New Century, New President and New Challenge: Analysis of Roh Moo Hyun's Winning of Presidential Election ─── 新世纪、新总统、新挑战:卢武铉当选韩国总统析

11、“And what are you doing here?” mooed Mrs. Milkmaker. ─── “你在干嘛?”挤奶太太翱翱叫。

12、The life of catalyst can be prolonged by adding the quantitative active component of MoO 3 and baking directly. ─── 通过直接焙烧和添加定量的MoO3活性组分的方法可大幅度延长催化剂的寿命。

13、With a moo, moo here and a moo there, ─── 这里哞哞叫,那里也哞哞叫,

14、She has cows that moo. ─── 她有哞哞叫的母牛。

15、volcanism on the moo ─── 月球火山活动

16、moo juice ─── n. 牛奶

17、We have investigated the transverse alternating and direct current effect on the charge_density wave (CDW) dynamical properties in K 0 3 MoO 3 by measurin g I-V characteristics. ─── 通过I V特性测量 ,研究了横向交、直流电流对蓝青铜K0 3 MoO3 中电荷密度波 (CDW )动力学行为的影响 .

18、The characteristic sound uttered by cattle; a moo. ─── (牛)哞哞的叫声牛发出的典型声音,哞哞叫

19、Can you ‘ moo’ ? ─── 你会发出牛叫声吗?

20、I give milk, " mooed the cow. ─── 奶牛哞哞:“我能产奶。”

21、Multi-Object Optimization(MOO) ─── 多目标优化(MOO)

22、Cow (牛): Moo! Oh, my goodness! The Gingerbread Man is running away. Stop! Gingerbread Man! Moo! ─── 牟!噢。我的天啊!姜饼人跑掉了。停!姜饼人!牟

23、In future will it be possible for the region north of the Yellow River to produce eight hundred catties per moo, that north of the Huai River one thousand catties and that south of it two thousand? ─── 将来是不是黄河以北亩产八百斤,淮河以北亩产一千斤,淮河以南亩产两千斤?

24、A part of MoO was reduced to MoO2 during the formation of the films.A possible inhibitive mechanism was discussed. ─── 讨论了乙醇胺钼酸盐的缓蚀作用机理,提出膜组成的长链螯合结构模式。

25、We measured the reflectance spectra of pure,3% and 15% Tungsten|doped K 0 3 MoO 3 below and above the charge density wave (CDW) transition temperatures. The conductivity spectra were derived from Kramers|Kronig transformation. ─── 研究了准一维材料K0 3MoO3以及掺杂了 3%和 15%的W的样品在TCDW =180K以上和以下的温度时的光反射谱和电导率谱 .

26、Roti Sauce Moo Roti with Pork and Peanut Sauce ─── 花生酱猪肉罗地饼

27、It was a clear evening, with a bright moo ─── 这天晚上,浮云尽敛,皓月当空。

28、We give the farmer our finest milk," she mooed proudly, "But what do you give ? ─── 我们能给农夫品质最好的牛乳,]她自豪地哞哞叫着,[但是你给了什么?

29、Rob Moo - Hyun Government ─── 卢武铉政府

30、Moo Shi Zheng Yi ─── 毛诗正义

31、moo goo gai pan ─── 蘑菇鸡片

32、Nobody tells fish to swim, birds to fly, cows to moo, dogs to bark - they just do. Just like nobody tells me to remember you. I just do! ─── 没有人会告诉我鱼儿会游水;没有人会告诉我鸟儿会飞翔;没有人会告诉我牛儿会哞哞;没有人会告诉我狗儿会狂吠;也如同没有人会告诉我去想念你,但是我却做到了!

33、A Method for Treating the Instabilities of MOO in Transient Scattering by Conducting Surfaces of Arbitrary Shape ─── 一种解决MOO算法求解任意形状导电目标瞬态散射稳定性的方法

34、It is a practical and effective MOO method. ─── 它是一种有效的、实用的多目标优化方法。

35、Roh Moo - hyun Doctrine ─── 卢武铉主义

36、The damage-mitigating and life-extending control(DMLEC) based on multiobjective optimization(MOO) is presented by DMLEC policy analysis and synthesis. ─── 着重分析了减损与延寿控制律的综合过程,提出其基于多目标优化方法的理论基础。

37、D.A. Carson, Douglas J. Moo, Leon Morris. An Introduction to the New Testament. USA: Zondervan Publishing House, 1992. ─── 藤慕理著。新约综览,第十二版。香港:宣道出版社,2002。

38、Mu has been used in fiction many times since."Moo" was also the prehistoric kingdom where 'Alley Oop' lived, and its rival nation "Lem" parallels 'Lemuria. ─── 自从“Moo”认定也是'Alley Oop'生活的史前国王,姆大陆也在虚构中使用了很多次,它的竞争国家“Lem"也与“Lemuria(利莫里亚)”相似。

39、It can avoid the particles gathering and colour blackening if the potassium is added in direct reduction for MoO 2 from secondary ammonium molybdate. ─── 仲钼酸铵直接还原成二氧化钼时加钾,可克服产生颗粒聚集、颜色发黑等还原不良现象。

40、Akumajou Dracula Circle of the Moo ─── 恶魔城-月之轮回

41、Through the past 60 years, the friendly and cheerful bovine has " mooed " her way into the list of top ten icons of all time. ─── 正解:过去的六十年来,这只友好欢快的牛一路“哞哞”叫着进入有史以来十大广告明星的行列。

42、After introducing the concept of MOO,comparing and analyzing the succeeded multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) at current,a new algorithm of steady elimination MOEA is presented to solve numerical optimization. ─── 多目标演化算法的研究目标是使算法种群快速收敛并均匀分布于问题的非劣最优域。

43、Here a moo!There a moo! ─── 这儿哞一声,那儿哞一声!

44、Core of Roh Moo Hynn Administration's Policy Toward North Korea: Realization of South and North Economic Community ─── 卢武铉政府对朝政策的核心:实现南北经济共同体

45、Keywords SO 2- 4/TiO 2 MoO 3;dibutyl adipate;catalyst;esterification; ─── 己二酸二丁酯;催化;酯化反应;

46、NOT with a bang, but a moo, the last ever Royal Show closed on July 10th, ending a 170-year run. ─── 伴随着一声牛叫而不是一声枪响,最后一届英国皇家农业展7月10日结束了其170年的旅程。

47、So the cow said, "Moo," and the pig said, "Oink," and the he said, "Cluck," and the duck said, "Quack. ─── 可是由于用力过猛奶牛从小羊的身上滑了过去,于是,小猪,母鸡,鸭子,都被摔了下来。各自都四散逃窜了。

48、You must be joking....Jealousy of looks is more likely....How can his talents ever match Eric Moo?? ─── 但"接近哑巴亦能唱歌",这是作为一个司仪应该说的话吗?

49、The Cow The cow is of the bovine ilk; One end is moo, the other, milk. ─── 奶牛是牛的同类;一头是牛叫声,另一头奶水。

50、Roh Moo Hyun ─── 卢武铉

51、Two of South Korea's last five presidents were crim-inally prosecuted by their successors, and President Roh Moo Hyun was impeached just a year after winning office in 2003. ─── 南韩过去五位总统有两位被继任者以刑事罪名起诉。卢武铉总统更在2003年当选才一年就遭到弹劾。

52、Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo, ─── 这里哞一声,那里哞一声,到处哞哞叫!

53、A moo, moo here and a moo, moo there, ─── 牛在到处哞哞叫。

54、Carol: I know. And all the other restaurants serve is egg foo young and moo goo gai pan. ─── 卡萝:对啊。而其他餐厅卖的都是芙蓉蛋和蘑菇鸡片。

55、"Is it hurt? That doesn't sound like an ordinary moo." ─── "叫声听起来可不像一般的牛叫。 这牛是受伤了吧。"

56、Everywhere a @moo moo. ─── 到处“哞哞哞”。

57、1. Through the past 60 years, the friendly and cheerful bovine has “mooed” her way into the list of top ten icons of all time. ─── 正解:过去的六十年来,这只友好欢快的牛一路“哞哞”叫着进入有史以来十大广告明星的行列。

58、With a moo, moo here and a moo, moo there, ─── 这里哞哞哞,那里哞哞哞

59、Through the past 60 years, the friendly and cheerful bovine has come to embody all that is dairy and has " mooed " her way into the list of top 10 icons of all time according to Advertising Age. ─── 过去60年中,这个和蔼可亲的奶牛形象已经成为体现奶制品一切特征的标志,并且一路“哞”声不断,进入了《广告时代》评出的有史以来十大顶尖广告形象的行列。

60、But I forced myself to acknowledge the fact that every time I ate a hamburger, a cow had ceased to breathe and moo and walk around. ─── 但我强迫我自己每当我吃汉堡时要明瞭这个事实,就是,一只牛已经为此停止呼吸,不能再叫与走路了。

61、the past 60 years, the friendly and cheerful bovine has "mooed" her way into the list of top ten ICONS of all time. ─── 过去的六十年来,这只友好欢快的牛一路“哞哞”叫着进入有史以来十大广告明星的行列。

62、Some will jump up and down, others just stand there and moo. ─── 有些跳上跳下,有些只是站在那哞哞叫。

63、There, he met beautiful Rerai, daughter of Khun Ram and they felt for each other.Unfortunately, she's already been engaged to Moo Khan against her own will. ─── 另一方面,成武偶然地邂逅了南迪哈大人的女儿,莹慧,惜她早已被配婚予慕简。

64、Comments on Roh Moo Hyun Administration's Economic Policy Towards DPRK ─── 卢武铉政府对朝经济政策评述

65、A few cows grazing on the pasture let out a long drawn-out moo now and then as if urging their master to lead them home as quickly as possible ─── 草场中牧放着的几条黄牛,不时曳着悠长的鸣声,好像在叫它们的主人快来牵它们回去。

66、Can you hear the sheep? Baa! Baa! Listen to the cows.Moo! Moo! ─── 你听到绵羊的叫声吗?咩!咩!听听奶牛的叫声。哞!哞!

67、Moo illustrate : that the transfer Meimuqingxiu an exotic girl. . ─── 游戏介绍:明哞流转、眉目清秀的异国少女。。

68、Mountains of the Moo ─── 浩气盖山河

69、near side of the moo ─── 月球正面

70、ephemeris of the moo ─── 月历表

71、A child's first words are often common animal sounds. Listen to sounds like ?moo? and ?baa? and guess which animal made them. ─── 孩子最初学会的单词,往往是动物的声音。(人也是某种动物)。让他们去猜猜是那种动物发出的声音。

72、You're a cow, moo, moo, moo. ─── 你是一只牛,哞,哞,哞。

73、To utter the sound made by cattle; moo. ─── 哞哞叫牛发出声音,哞哞叫

74、The meetings included a warm session with Japan's new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, and a frosty one with the South Korean president, Roh Moo Hyun. ─── 这些会晤中既包括与日本新首相安倍晋三所进行的气氛融洽的会谈,也包括与韩国总统卢武铉所进行的不太愉快的会谈。

75、Here the word moo is originally onomatopoeia, but it is used as a verb to give the vivid image of the action taken by a cow. ─── 译文:过去60年中,这个和蔼可亲的奶牛形象已经成为体现奶制品一切特征的标志,并且一路“哞”声不断,进入了评出的有史以来十大顶尖广告形象行列。

76、5、Affairs have s moo thed down since the cause of trouble was removed. ─── 自从纠纷的起因消除后,事态就缓和下来了。

77、Opinion polls indicate Roh Moo Hyun will survive the referendum. ─── 不过民调显示卢武弦将会赢得公投。

78、There, the new arrivals ate hay, mooed and wandered around. ─── 新来的牛在这里吃草料、哞哞叫、四处走动。

79、A good part of the room had become softly illuminated by the bluish rays of the moo ─── 淡蓝色月光透进屋子来,把大半间屋子映照得蓝莹莹的。

80、Indeed, what psychological wisdom do we have to deal with children's surfing of the Internet, wandering through virtual MOO "rooms," or entering night-long chats with strangers? ─── 的确,面对儿童网上冲浪,长时间驻足于虚拟MOO(多用户面向对象系统)空间,或者彻夜与陌生人聊天,我们的心理学理论又能做何解释呢?

81、Here a moo, there a moo, ─── 在这哞哞地叫,在那哞哞地叫。

82、Many cows on the farm singing moo, and the sheeps bleating.The birds are singing on the tree.Then,some passerby are going by the farm, they praise that what a beatiful landscape this farm has! ─── 农场里有很多牛在哞哞地叫,有很多羊在咩咩地叫,鸟儿在树上唱歌,这时有几个路人经过农场,他们夸农场的风景真美呀!

83、annular eclipse ;eclipse of the sun by the moon when a ring of sunlight can be seen round the moo ─── 环蚀(在月球周围可见到一圈阳光的日蚀).

84、Eric Moo - Love Puppet ─── 巫启贤-爱情傀儡

85、to enjoy the glorious full moon; to admire the full moo ─── 赏月

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