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spliced 发音

英:[splaɪst]  美:[splaɪst]

英:  美:

spliced 中文意思翻译



spliced 词性/词形变化,spliced变形

动词过去式: spliced |名词: splicer |动词过去分词: spliced |动词现在分词: splicing |动词第三人称单数: splices |

spliced 相似词语短语

1、splined ─── adj.花键的;用花键联接的;v.刻键槽于;用花键接合(spline的过去分词)

2、surpliced ─── adj.穿白袈裟的;穿着白色法袍的;n.白色法袍

3、-spliced ─── v.绞接,捻接(两段绳子);胶接,粘接(胶片等);移接,拼接(基因段)(splice的过去式及过去分词)

4、respliced ─── 复制的

5、splices ─── v.捻接(绳子);拼接,接合(胶片等);移接(基因);使结婚;n.接合处;(连接的)绳;(板球击板的)柄脚;结婚(非正式)

6、splice ─── v.捻接(绳子);拼接,接合(胶片等);移接(基因);使结婚;n.接合处;(连接的)绳;(板球击板的)柄脚;结婚(非正式)

7、sliced ─── adj.(食物)已切成薄片的;v.切成薄片;分配(slice的过去式和过去分词)

8、spiced ─── adj.五香的;调过味的;含香料的

9、splicer ─── n.连接工具;接合东西的人

spliced 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At the heart of the process are protein fragments called exons that are spliced together to produce an active protein, he explained. ─── 他解释说,该过程的中心是称为编码序列的蛋白碎片,该编码序列连接在一起就可以形成活性蛋白。

2、This working condition and material properties of hot_forging die are indroduced,and heat treatment technology of splice for hinge joint upper beam is also discussed. ─── 叙述了热锻模的工作条件及材料分析,对铰接顶梁接头模具的热处理工艺作了探讨。

3、left splice junction(splice donor) ─── 左拼接剪接

4、Keywords Hepatitis C virus;Splice;cDNA microarray; ─── 丙型肝炎病毒;剪切体;基因芯片;

5、A novel splice variant of human RABL4_v1, named RABL4_v2, was isolated through the large-scale sequencing analysis of a human fetal brain cDNA library. ─── RABL4_v1的一新的剪接体,RABL4_v2,从从人类胎脑cDNA文库的大规模序列分析中分离出来。

6、vacuum cleaner plastic tube splice ─── 吸尘器弯管连接头

7、The plank was spliced with nails. ─── 那块木板是用钉子拼接的。

8、These specifications apply to the gold-jacketed fiber and nickel sleeve that comprise the probe assembly. The probe connects with a splice bushing to a standard patch cord. ─── 以下的规格适用于由有镀金保护层的光纤和镍套管组成的探头。该探头通过一个结合套管与标准跳线相连。

9、Considering the specialties of the splice sites, the method to encode the DNA sequences, WAM and the HMM themselves are modified to achieve better results. ─── 在使用这两种方法时,针对剪接位点本身的特点,本文对HMM本身和WAM本身都做了一定的改进。

10、IT-ISJ (intron targeted intron-exon splice junction) ─── 内含子定靶的内含子-外显子拼接位点(IT-ISJ)

11、Phone tap is a set of wires spliced into a junction box or phone line. ─── 电话监听线是安装在配线箱或电话线上的分接线。

12、Ebony Blank with 4 cutting short spliced exotic wood points including 2 colors veneers,no any inlay . ─── 中段黑檀主木,四硬木插角双色层,无任何镶饰。

13、One end of the heat pipe is spliced on the heat transfer board, the other end thereof is spliced in the radiator. ─── 热管的一端插接在传热板中,另一端插接在散热器中

14、A successful exa mple of underwater pile splice of bored cast-in-situ concrete piles is also give n. ─── 为水下灌注桩接桩提供了一个成功的实例。

15、SL (spliced leader) trans-splicing ─── SL反式剪接

16、The GWM model for splice signals is a mixture of weight matrix models (WMM) with unknown number of components. ─── 分组权重矩阵是一个子总体数未知的混合权重矩阵模型。

17、He then digitised it and spliced it together into a short documentary. ─── 接着,他将其数码化,拼接成一个短小的纪录片。

18、The reference spectra was the signal obtained by coupling the two fibers with a splice bushing . ─── 参考光谱是通过将两个纤维与一个接合套筒耦合后获得的信号。

19、Indeed, one group of alternatively spliced exons is unique to primates (humans, apes and monkeys) and might have contributed to primates' divergence from other mammals. ─── 事实上,灵长类(人类、猿和猴)独有一类选择性剪接表现子,可能是使灵长类与其他哺乳动物不同的原因。

20、·The tape in a VHS cassette cannot be spliced. ─── vhs盒式录像带不得粘接,

21、Application of STL File in Camber Splice ─── STL文件在可视化曲面拼接中的应用

22、Splice: Crosswise joint in a web of paper, secured with adhesive. ─── 叠接:用黏结剂把卷筒纸斜斜的黏接的情况.

23、Time to splice the mainbrace!" ─── 大家喝点酒提提神!”

24、Study on modified adhesive for hemlock splice ─── 一种铁杉改性拼板胶的研制

25、Spliced another way, the cells turn epithelial. ─── 向着另一个方向进行,变成上皮性。

26、Example: Since the card with splice remains in the player's hand, it can later be played normally or spliced onto another spell. ─── 例:由于通联牌还留在玩家的手上,稍后便可以正常使用该牌,或是将该牌通联在其他咒语上。

27、A bitmap of the Russian game, the box algorithm is spliced into the smallest pixel, and is worth a look oh! ─── 一个bitmap的俄罗斯游戏,方块的算法是用最小图元拼接成的,很值得一看哦!

28、The Design of Vacuum Cleaner Plastic Splice Tube Mould ─── 吸尘器弯管连接头模具的设计

29、You must reveal all of the cards you intend to splice at the same time. Each individual card can only be spliced once onto any one spell. ─── 你必须把想要通联上去的所有牌同时展示。对同一个咒语来说,每张牌只能通联上该咒语一次。

30、If you splice a targeted card onto an untargeted spell, the entire spell will be countered if the target isn't legal when the spell resolves. ─── 如果你将需指定目标的牌通联在不需指定目标的咒语上,且该咒语结算时此目标不合法,则整个咒语都会被反击。

31、It also gave the reason of the crack which is produced in the splice welded seam, and madea clear summary of the practice in controlling the technical process of argon arc welding. ─── 介绍了抛物面天线整体旋压成型的工艺过程,针对旋压过程铝板拼接焊缝开裂的原因进行了初步分析,并对氩弧焊接工艺控制过程的经验进行了总结。

32、Each supporting actor had a clip long enough to be a movie trailer, spliced together like a YouTube mash-up. ─── 每位配角出场时播放的剪辑长得像电影预告片,各部分拼接在一起,就跟Youtube视频一个水平。

33、Finally, they spliced the hemagglutinin gene into a common-cold virus and used that to make a vaccine. ─── 最后他们将红血球凝集素基因与普通流感病毒融合,并用其生产疫苗。

34、Have you heard?John's just got spliced. ─── 听说了吗? 约翰刚结了婚。

35、Compared to the conventional 3-D seismic data splicing technology, this method can minimize the quality difference and boundary effects between spliced seismic data. ─── 与常规三维地震资料拼接处理技术相比,在复杂地区三维地震资料拼接处理中,该一致性处理技术可以最小化各区块地震资料之间的品质差异和边界影响。

36、They went to Las Vegas to get spliced. ─── 他们去拉斯维加斯结的婚

37、Optical fiber mechanical--type splice insertion loss test ─── 光纤机械式固定接头插入损耗测试方法

38、In this study, we built a system to detect splice sites in the genomic DNA and to generate all possible isoforms. ─── 其中,雷射振镜主要用于控制雷射行进方向,以及调整雷射焦距,是影响雷射焦点准确性的重要设备。

39、In order to get a good effect,the transition curved surface is spliced with several arc surfaces. ─── 对过渡曲面采用了圆弧曲面相拼接的方法来拟合,以减少失真。

40、In this paper, a set of unified calculating models for general network planning, spliced network planning and streamlined network planning based on analysis of the spliced network planning. ─── 基于对搭接网络计划的分析,给出一组一般网络计划、搭接网络计划和流水网络计划的通用时间参数计算模型.

41、Also, the sides of the spliced portion should be trimmed plane for putting the straps on. ─── 同时, ,被接合的部分的边应该被整理放绳的飞机在。

42、translation of an alternately spliced transcript ─── 交替拼接转录翻译

43、The21-02 SMA Splice Bushing is an in-line adapter that mates SMA905- terminated fibers. ─── 多模接续管是一个连接sma905端接光纤的在线适配器。

44、They are getting spliced next week, let's wish them luck. ─── 他们下星期结婚,让我们祝他们新婚幸福吧。

45、Fiber Optic Fusion Splice Equipment ─── 光纤融接设备

46、The three cDNA fragments were spliced into one chimeric cDNA. ─── 在田间,病毒病多混合发生,给烟草生产带来巨大损失。

47、They toiled their way to the farther end of the tunnel, then made their spliced kite-strings fast and moved on. ─── 他们吃力地走到通道的另一端,系好风筝线,然后继续往前走。

48、He can splice together the broken ends of ropes quickly ─── 他能把断了的绳子头快速接起来。

49、Gene therapy traditionally employs retroviruses to splice a functioning copy of a gene permanently into the body of a patient in whom that gene has ceased to work properly. ─── 传统上,基因疗法使用反转录病毒(retrovirus),将具有活性的基因,插入该基因失去功能的病人体内。

50、Splice cracking of inner tube ─── 内胎接头裂纹

51、She made swift marks in soft red pencil, giving the strips to her assistant to splice and file. ─── 她把一段段片头递给她的助手拼接时,用软红铅笔匆匆作上记号。

52、Barrel Connector This connector is a cylindrical (barrel-shaped) connector used to splice together two lengths of thick Ethernet coaxial cable. ─── 圆柱式连接器这种连接器是一种圆柱形(桶形)连接器,用于将两根以太网粗同轴电缆结合在一起。

53、4,Follow the splice period tightly. ─── 4. 紧密跟踪拼接阶段生产。

54、Of course, as long as introns needed to splice themselves in and out of genomes, their sequences could not have deviated much from that of group II introns. ─── 当然,只要插入子得靠自己剪接进入或移出基因组,它们的序列就不能与第二类插入子相差太多。

55、The recording tape's broken; can you splice these two bits together? ─── 录音带断了,你能否把断开的两节粘接起来?

56、The paper aimed to review the new progress of investigation into Ob-R gene structure, spliced isoform, distribution, function and signal transfer. ─── 同时,瘦素受体与瘦素在外周与中枢间的交流中也有重要作用。

57、By freeing introns from the need to splice themselves, the spliceosome would in effect have encouraged introns to proliferate, mutate and evolve. ─── 剪接体的出现让插入子不再需要自行剪接,结果等于鼓励插入子增生、突变与演化。

58、In the course of adjustment and testing of a pneumatic splicer, a phenomenon was found that when splicing,sometimes in some places outside the splice zone, some fibers were broken off and even the entire yarn was broken. ─── 在气流捻接器的调试过程中,发现加捻时有时在接头区外的某个部位产生部分纤维的断开,甚至整纱断裂的现象。

59、The boy and I will splice them when we are home. ─── 回家以后,我要跟孩子把它们接起来。

60、He spliced the two lengths of film together. ─── 他把两段胶卷粘接起来。

61、RNAs in which this intron was spliced were abundant and encoded the SPV 14 kDa protein (analogous to the B19 11 kDa protein), which initiated at an AUG in the exon preceding the third intron. ─── 从第三个内含子之前的外显子的一个AUG开始,该内含子拼接形成丰度较高的RNA,编码SPV 14 kDa蛋白(类似于B19的11 kDa蛋白)。

62、The error between the spliced surface by stitching interferometry and the actual surface is analyzed, and the accuracy of stitching interferomertry is evaluated. ─── 并对子孔径拼接成的面型与实际面型的误差进行分析,建立了对子孔径拼接全口径波面恢复精度的评价指标。

63、Buried Service Wire Splice A watertight splice filled with an encapsulant. ─── 地下服务导线接头一种填充了密封剂的不漏水的接头。

64、Handcrafted formation - whips the clay pieces by paddling ( round shape wares) or luting (square shape wares) techniques to splice for the wares manually. ─── 全手工成型-把拍打好的泥片用打身筒(圆形壶类)或镶身筒(方形类壶)法手工镶接成型技法而成。

65、Figure "A" - Factory installed 4 to 6 inch full eye splice affording as much as 85% of fast rope tensile strength. ─── 图的“A”-工厂安装4至6英寸锁眼提供多达85%的快速绳子拉伸强度。

66、Splice donor site -- the junction between the end of an exon and the start of the downstream introns commencing with the dinucleotide GT. ─── 剪接提供位--位在表现子终端和下一个表现子之间的接合点由GT核苷对起始.

67、Exon 7 splicing mechanism stems from the loss of TRIM5 intron 6 within the first 3 'splice site of the G / T mutation. ─── 外显子7剪接丢失机制源于TRIM5第6内含子内3’剪接位点的G/T突变。

68、The conclusion is shown that the effects of transverse and angular misalignments on the splice loss are more significant than longitudinal misalignment. ─── 得到的结论是:纵向距离对耦合效率的影响不大,横向偏移和角度偏移对耦合效率的影响较大。

69、Make certain that the splice of the belt is on the flat surface of the machine when the clean-up, scrubbing and servicing are completed. ─── 当机器刷洗干净和维护完毕时,棉织带的接头处应位于机器的平面上。

70、They spliced the sequence of nucleotides they saw in the Tetrahymena into yeast and found that it played a protective function in a completely different organism. ─── 他们将在四膜虫体内的核酸序列接合在酵母菌上,并发现其在完全不同的生物体内也起到了保护作用。。

71、By bending electronica elements, less than you would think, the genre splice is successful. ─── 弯曲电子元件,不到你会想,体裁剪接是成功的。

72、A rope would have run in the groove around the outside, and have been spliced back into itself (at the narrower end of the deadeye). ─── 一条绳索通过外部的凹槽后系紧到绳体上。另外一条绳索穿过三眼木盘中心的小孔。

73、Specifically, genetics were spliced in to allow for an electrical energy flow in the greater auric field of our species. ─── 具体地说,基因被拼接来让电性能量流存在于我们物种的大金场中。

74、Keywords unwinder;rewinder;splice system;design; ─── 关键词退卷机;收卷机;驳接系统;设计;

75、Since we explicitly spliced the new variables into the existing syntax object, there is no chance for them to be renamed. ─── 因为我们显式地将新变量拼接到现有的语法对象中,所以不会对它们进行重命名。

76、Splice donor site -- the junction between the end of an exon and the start of the downstream introns, commencing with the dinucleotide GT. ─── 剪接提供位--位在表现子终端和下一个表现子之间的接合点,由GT核苷对起始.

77、If the male-specific exon is spliced in during the first round of editing, however, a nonfunctional mRNA results, which commits the fly's cells to the male-specific pathway. ─── 如果雄性专有的表现子在头一次剪接过程中保留下来,形成的mRNA将不具有功能,这样果蝇细胞就会步上发育成雄性的路径。

78、Because of construction period,the crane girder is often precast into concrete components in the construction of powerhouse,and is put in place by means of installation and splice. ─── 在水电站厂房工程施工中,因工期需要,经常将吊车梁预制成混凝土构件,然后通过安装拼接的方法就位。

79、multiply spliced early transcript ─── 多拼接早期转录本

80、splice enclosure for optical cables ─── 光缆连接附件


82、You could for example waste precious APMs (Actions per minute) trying to click on a spliced Space Marine that you thought was still alive. ─── 在多人游戏中,我们需要绝对保障玩家能够看清楚战场中所发生的一切。

83、The Monitor for the spliced coaxial-cable is an adapter which is designed to correct to the common faults of disconnection and disconcertion when the coaxial-cable is being spliced. ─── 同轴电缆接续监视器是针对同轴电缆接续操作时常见混线和断线故障而设计的附加装置。

84、Did they get spliced? ─── 他们结婚了吗?

85、Where field joints are required in the case of tubing bundles crossing structural splice lines, the tubing shall be cut at each terminating end to prevent damage during installation. ─── 如果导压管管束经过结构拼接管线要求使用现场接头,应在每个终端切割导压管和防止在安装期间收到损坏。

86、Splice donor site -- the junction between the end of an exon and the start of the downstream introns, commencing with the dinucleotide GT. ─── 剪接提供位--位在表现子终端和下一个表现子之间的接合点,由GT核苷对起始.

87、Villa facade: entity constructed by cover, facade is planarizd, roofing splice, steel cornice, roofing and facade turning bear with directness and simplicity, door window is flush with wall crust. ─── 别墅立面:由面构成的实体、立面平面化、屋面拼接、钢制檐口、屋面与立面的转折直接简单、门窗与墙外皮齐平。关键色彩:青灰、玄、土黄。

88、The experimental results show that the HMM identification system acquires higher rate in the splice site identification than popular machine learning techniques. ─── 实验结果表明,该识别系统在用于剪接位点的识别中较常用的机器学习方法获得了更高的识别率。

89、They have to learn how to splice together the broken ends of ropes. ─── 他们必须学会怎样把绳子的断头编接起来。

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