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10-02 投稿


magnetizable 发音


英:  美:

magnetizable 中文意思翻译



magnetizable 短语词组

1、magnetizable concrete ─── 磁化混凝土

magnetizable 相似词语短语

1、magnetically ─── adv.有磁力地;有吸引力地

2、magnetic pole ─── [电磁][地物]磁极;磁北极

3、magnetisable ─── 可磁化

4、magnetization ─── n.磁化

5、magnifiable ─── adj.放大的;扩大的

6、magnetizability ─── n.磁化能力;可磁化性

7、amortizable ─── 可分批偿还的

8、demagnetizable ─── 可消磁的

9、magnetize ─── vt.吸引;使磁化;vi.磁化;受磁

magnetizable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Han sätter en magnet påkylskåpet. ─── 他放一个磁铁在冰箱上。

2、Magnet design and shimming of cyclotrons based on virtual prototyping[J]. ─── 引用该论文 秦斌,樊明武,陈德智.

3、A new 'do and wardrobe will turn you into a guy magnet. ─── 一种新打扮、新衣着就会把你变成一块男人的吸铁石。

4、If you bring a permanent magnet near a compass and move it around, the compass will react. ─── 如果把一块永久磁铁拿到指南针附近,并围绕指南针移动,指南针将做出反应。

5、The ancient Chinese knew that a magnet will point north and south . ─── 古代中国人就知道磁石会指南北。

6、To look at how the brain works in fine detail, from neuron to neuron, a huge magnet is needed. ─── 如果要仔细观看脑部如何运作,亦即神经元之间的活动,就需要一块很大的磁铁。

7、When love awakes, the Lord, like a magnet, draws to Him the soul. ─── 一旦爱被唤醒,神会像磁铁一样,把灵魂吸引到身边。

8、A positive attitude is like a magnet for positive results. ─── 乐观的态度就像是吸引好结果的磁石。

9、In 1999 and 2000, Iraqi officials negotiated with firms in Romania, India, Russia and Slovenia for the purchase of a magnet production plant. ─── 1999年到2000年间,伊拉克官员和罗马尼亚、印度、俄罗斯和斯洛文尼亚的公司进行磋商试图采购磁体生产设备。

10、Their creativity seems to act like a sexual magnet. ─── 创造力的高低看似就象性磁力的强度。

11、In the world of existence there is no more powerful magnet than the magnet of love. ─── 在现实世界中没有什么东西比爱更具有魔力。

12、J. F. Gieras, R. J. Wang and M. J. Kamper, Axial flux permanent magnet brushless machines, Boston, 2004. ─── 张英彬、曾相彬、曹登发,电机机械,二版,新文京开发出版公司,2004年6月。

13、If the magnet ends up at the same location and in the same orientation as it started out, no work is done. ─── 如果这根磁棒在运动结束时和运动开始时具有相同的位置和相同的取向,则没有做功。

14、The meter make of the test system, note setting, magnet electric point setting, shield, control and joint box. ─── 仪表由测量系统,指装置,磁助电接点装置,外壳,调节装置及接线盒等组成。

15、He picked all the pins up with a magnet. ─── 他用磁铁捡起了所有的大头针。

16、Magnetic disk is a flat circular plate with a magnetizable surface layer on which data can be stored by magnetic recording. ─── 磁盘是一种带有可磁化层的扁平圆盘,在其表层上可用磁记录方式存储数据。

17、As if there was a giant magnet sucking them together. ─── 好像两手掌间有一个巨大的磁铁。

18、In fact, the Prince called himself "a bullet magnet". ─── 事实上,王子称自己是“一个吸子弹的磁铁”。

19、We have many kinds of divot, visor clip and marker with magnet. ─── 信息介绍:The metal and plastic divot, visor clip, marker are available.

20、Key technologies in making permanent magnet motor were introduced. ─── 介绍了永磁电机制造中的关键工艺。

21、When you don't want to be disturbed, put your candy dish away. It is an interrupter magnet! ─── 如果你什么时候不想被打扰,把你的水果盘放远一点。这是打扰的磁体。

22、When the inner spiritual force is raised to the "third eye" (the pituitary gland) the individual becomes a magnet. ─── 当内在精神力量提升至“第三只眼”(脑垂体)时,个人就会成为一块磁铁。

23、Has adhesive to all kinds of metal(same material or different materials) ,magnet,ceramic,stone,hard PVC,FRP etc. ─── 各类金属同质或异质互相粘著,及磁铁,陶瓷,石材,硬质PVC,FRP等。

24、Fast installation,no magnet switch. ─── 安装方便、快捷、不再需要磁开关。

25、I was drawn to these letters like a magnet. ─── 如磁铁一般我被这些信件吸引住了。

26、The quality issue appears to be with the plastic portion holding the magnet. ─── 似乎质量问题是在于固定磁铁的塑胶部分.

27、defect in the magnetizable surface coating (for example, on magnetic disc) consisting of a raised or thick area. ─── 在磁性表层上(如磁盘上)的缺陷,包括隆起的区域或厚的区域。

28、The principle and method of Faraday relative are given with which magnet. ─── 介绍一种测量物质磁化率的实验原理和方法。

29、Over 4000 years ago, the laboring people of ancient China noticed the attracting property of the natural magnet. ─── 四千多年前,中国古代的劳动人民就注意到了天然磁石的吸引性质。

30、Fredo: [Laughing]Okay, girl magnet. ─── 佛瑞多:(笑)好,少女杀手。

31、A defect in the magnetizable surface coating (for example, on magnetic disc) consisting of a raised or thick area. ─── 在磁性表层上(如磁盘上)的缺陷,包括隆起的区域或厚的区域。

32、The magnetizable layer comprises a magnetic pigment dispersed in a cured binder. ─── 该可磁化层包括一种分散在一种固化粘合剂中的磁性颜料。

33、In an experiment a pupil uses several paper clips and a magnet. ─── 在一个实验中,某学生使用了几枚回形针和一块磁铁。

34、In this experiment, we will use a compass to study the rate at which a temporary magnet relaxes. ─── 在本实验中,我们将用指南针来研究暂时磁铁的驰豫率。

35、The earth pull thing to it just as a magnet pull needle. ─── 地球吸引物体就好像磁铁石吸引针一样。

36、Techniques based on using of these biocompatible magnetizable complex systems have found application in numerous biological fields viz. ─── 这些生物兼容的磁性复合物为基础开发的各种技术,已经在众多生物学领域被使用。

37、Iron yoke, an important component of Yoke of the Magnet Resonator for medical use etc. ─── 医用轭磁共振仪重要部件铁轭等铸钢件。

38、It should constantly keep clean and smooth of the holding surface of the permanent magnet hoisting machine. ─── 应始终保持永磁起重器吸持面的清洁与平整。

39、The earth pulls thing to it just as a magnet pulls needle. ─── 地球吸引物体就好像磁铁石吸引针一样

40、The earth behaves as a large and somewhat irregular magnet. ─── 地球象一个稍不规则的大磁铁在转动。

41、As a normal material magnet can make force with iron. ─── 一种常态的磁体可以和铁产生力量。

42、The results forms are similar to those in the linear polarized magnet wiggler. ─── 上述结果与平面磁摇摆器有类似的形式。

43、The drum is a cylinder with a magnetizable surface with several recording tracks. ─── 它是一个表面可磁化的圆筒,磁表面有若干个磁道。

44、A smile is a magnet which draws people. ─── 微笑是吸引人的磁铁。

45、Magnetic disk is a flat circular plate with a magnetizable surface layer on which data can be stored by magnetic recording. ─── 是一种带有可磁化层的扁平圆盘,在其表层上可用磁记录方式存储数据。

46、Dalian is a magnet for tourists. ─── 大连是吸引游客的地方。

47、In wax (fact), the prince called himself a “bullet magnet”. ─── 实际上,王子称自己是“吸引子弹的磁铁”。

48、Your laid-back tude will be a major friend magnet. ─── 你柔和的态度是交朋友的一块吸铁石(吸引朋友的主要因素)。

49、MRI magnet technology marches steadily forward, improving year after year. ─── MRI核磁技术一直在前进中发展。

50、A magnetic recording medium comprising a magnetizable layer provided on a nonmagnetizable support. ─── 一种磁性记录介质,它包括一个涂在不可磁化支持体上的可磁化层。

51、The girl was drawn to the cartoon as by a magnet. ─── 动画片强烈地吸引着那个小姑娘。

52、The method of mode search is taken to optimize a single-phase permanent magnet stepping motor with concavity structure. ─── 利用模式搜索法对具体凹坑结构的单相微型永磁步进电动机进行了优化,并与传统方法设计的电机的性能进行了实验比较。

53、Human beings have learned out how to make magnet from cast iron. ─── 人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。

54、When the gyro is vertical, the magnet is directly below the center of the disk of copper. ─── 当陀罗处于垂直位置时,磁铁就在铜片中心下。

55、With a strong magnet close by, a compass can no longer tell direction. ─── 在近处有一块强力磁铁的指南针是不能辨别方向的。

56、Before World War II, the French thought their Magnet Line as an invincible bulwark against German invasion. ─── 二战之前,法国认为他们的玛格涅特防线是对抗德国入侵不可攻破的壁垒。

57、Johnnie: Yeah, but with these good looks, what can I do? I'm a girl magnet. ─── 强尼:是呀,但是生来一付好面孔,我又能怎么办?我是个少女杀手。

58、What happens if you hit a magnet with a hammer? ─── 当你将磁铁与铁锤碰在一起将会发生什么?

59、A method of representing data in magnetizable surface storage; for example,"modified frequency modulation". ─── 在磁表面存储技术中一种表示数据的方法,例如改进型调频制。

60、A strong magnet combined with the light cone ensures high efficiency and a good transient response. ─── 强磁体和轻质锥盆的结合保证了高效率和良好的瞬时响应性能。

61、Like a magnet attracted nails, make-up attracted her. ─── 像磁铁吸引钉子一样,化妆品吸引着她。

62、Of course, if when the temperature drops, we re-magnetize the magnet, it will be able to restart "working". ─── 当然,在温度下降后,我们如果重新给磁铁充磁,它还是能重新"工作"起来的。

63、Venice's unique setting and character make it a magnet for hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. ─── 威尼斯独特的景观和特色每年都吸引了成千上万的游客。

64、Be mainly suitable for the cleaning of accurate machine component parts, such as hardware parts, magnetizable material and bearing, etc. ─── 主要适用于小五金零件、磁性材料、轴承等精密机械零件部件的清洗。

65、The characteristics of a superconducting magnet power supply developed ourselves is also presented. ─── 并介绍了国内配制的超导磁体电源的特点。

66、You can't play trumpet or sax inside the giant magnet that is an MRI machine. ─── 在MRI机器的大型磁场中无法吹奏小号或萨克斯管。

67、If the bar magnet is simply held stationary near the coil, no current is indicated. ─── 如果磁棒单纯静止在线圈附近,就检测不到电流。

68、A piece of glass is laid on top of the magnet. ─── 一块玻璃被搁在那磁铁的上面。

69、Slowly move the permanent magnet in a circle above the compass. ─── 在指南针上方,绕着圆圈慢慢地移动永久磁铁。

70、Figure displays the full process of the XFM magnet demagnetization. ─── 图4显示了XFM铁氧体磁体的退磁的全过程。

71、He felt it drag his hand around like some great magnet, saw a spurt of golden fire through his half-closed eyelids, heard a crack and a scream of fury. ─── 他感到它像一块巨大的磁铁,拖着自己的手在空中挥舞;他透过半闭的眼睑,看到一束金色的火光;他听到噼啪声和愤怒的尖叫声。

72、The drum is a cylinder with a magnetizable surface with several recording tracks. ─── 它是一个表面可磁化的圆筒,磁表面有若干个磁道。

73、The scarf worked like a magnet. ─── 围巾就像一块磁石。

74、A method of representing data in magnetizable surface storage; for example, "modified frequency modulation". ─── 在磁表面存储技术中一种表示数据的方法,例如改进型调频制。

75、A clean (and dry) set of BDU's is a magnet for mud and rain. ─── 乾净的野战制服是招引泥浆与雨水的磁石。

76、There are parallel or cross relationships between geochemical boundaries and gravity, Moho and magnet gradisnts. ─── 地球化学边界的形成与板块的斜结合以及结合以后岩石圈结构调整产生的克拉通边界密切相关。

77、Qui-Gon once again felt the pull of the living Force between them, like a magnet drawing them together. ─── 再一次地,奎刚感觉到生命的原力在他们之间涌动,仿佛有一块磁石将他们拉向对方。

78、Thought form is a magnet for like vibrational entities. ─── 思想形态对类似振动的实体来说是块磁铁。

79、Long enjoying a bohemian reputation, the city became a counterculture magnet in the second half of the 20th century. ─── 市区内有40多座小山丘,延著地形起伏修筑而成的电缆车,保留19世纪古色古香的味道,别有一番趣味。

80、Having the properties of a magnet. ─── 具磁性德具有磁体的特性的

81、Does it really matter between the two different types of magnet? ─── 两者不同的磁铁真的关系大吗?

82、The earth pulls things to it just as a magnet pulls needles . ─── 地球吸引物体就像磁铁吸引针一样。

83、If you are a stone, you should be a magnet, a plant, a mimose; and a man, a person of my heart. ─── 如果你是石头,便应当做磁石;如果你是植物,便应当做含羞草;如果你是人,便应当做我的意中人!

84、A permanent magnet assists closing and latches the breaker in the closed position. ─── 一个永久磁铁帮助跳开关闭合并锁定在闭合位。

85、In addition, the magnet acts as a seal keeping its contents fresh. ─── 吸附的同时还起到了密封的作用,让放在瓶里的东西保持新鲜。

86、You are the most powerful magnet in the universe! ─── 你是宇宙中最强有力的磁铁!

87、Beijing is a magnet for tourists. ─── 北京是吸引游客的地方。

88、A piano keyboard acts like a magnet to him, he says. ─── 他说,钢琴键盘犹如磁铁一般吸引着他。

89、All kinds of metal stamping parts, zinc alloy castings, NdFeB strong magnet. ─── 各种五金冲压件,锌合金铸件,钕铁硼强磁铁。

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