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mired 发音

英:[ˈmaɪərd]  美:[ˈmaɪəd]

英:  美:

mired 中文意思翻译



mired 词性/词形变化,mired变形

动词现在分词: miring |动词第三人称单数: mires |动词过去分词: mired |动词过去式: mired |

mired 相似词语短语

1、mered ─── abbr.最低能量要求(MinimumEnergyRequirements);最大有效生产率(MaximumEfficientRateofProduction);测量工程报告(MeasurementEngineeringReport);n.(Mer)人名;(英、法)梅尔

2、mire ─── n.泥潭;[地理]泥沼;vi.陷于泥坑;陷入困境;vt.使陷于泥坑;使陷入困境;n.(Mire)人名;(塞、索、阿拉伯)米雷;(法)米尔

3、hired ─── v.雇用(hire的过去式及过去分词形式);租用

4、mires ─── n.[地理]泥沼(mire的复数);v.使…陷入困境(mire的三单形式);n.(Mires)人名;(意)米雷斯

5、miked ─── n.扩音器,麦克风;话筒;休息,游手好闲;vi.使用扩音器;偷懒,游手好闲;vt.用扩音器传送;用窃听器窃听

6、mined ─── n.开采

7、mimed ─── v.表演哑剧;模拟歌唱;假唱(mime的过去式和过去分词)

8、fired ─── adj.用某种燃料的;v.烧制;点火;激发(fire的过去式和过去分词)

9、aired ─── 通风;夸耀;晾干(air的过去式和过去分词)

mired 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you put that mire simply? ─── 你能简单地把它讲一下吗?

2、Both countries had so much to gain from peaceful relations and cooperation, and so much to lose if we stayed mired in distrust. ─── 和平关系与合作可让两国获益良多,如果继续困在互相猜疑之中,必然对彼此有害。

3、I fear that Europe could be mired in low growth not just for a year or two but for a decade. ─── 我担心欧洲陷入低增长泥沼中的时间可能不仅是一两年,而是长达十年之久。

4、They have been in mire for the some time. ─── 他们陷入困境已有一段时间了。

5、There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. ─── 一个小男孩在恐惧中尖叫着,挣扎着,要从没腰的黑色淤泥中挣脱出来。

6、They are mired in cost cutting and in complaints about services. ─── 他们陷入了削减成本以及服务投诉的困境。

7、Along with thousands of other families in dying inner cities, the Wolfs have become mired in a morass of welfare, crime and self-destruction. ─── 他们同几千家居住在毫无希望的贫民窟中的居民一道,陷入接受救济、违法犯罪、自我毁灭的困境。

8、Updated thinking can often be an impact to people and imitated. But some unprecedented deeds can sink ourselves into mire and abyss! ─── 前卫的思想常常会给别人造成冲击并被效仿,而前卫的行为则往往让自己陷入泥淖和深渊!

9、Analysts say the main cause of Mexico's nosedive is that the nation's economy is tied strongly to that of the United States, which is mired in the deepest economic downturn since the 1930s. ─── 分析师说,墨西哥经济急剧下滑的主要原因是墨西哥经济与美国紧密相连,美国目前正陷入19世纪30年代以来最严重的经济衰退。

10、One is non-desliming craft but to use the depressing reagent to depress the mire and control the trend of mire. ─── 与现场生产工艺相比,新工艺具有不脱泥以及扫选泡沫再磨再选等特点。

11、Don' t mire the wheels of a cart. ─── 不要让车轮陷于泥坑。

12、Good intentions have not lost their power to devastate or to mire the earnest bearers of them in the Hindu Kush. ─── 在兴都库什山脉地区[1],这种“好意”仍保持其破坏力,或者让那些最“热忱”的心怀“好意”的人们身陷泥潭。

13、Stereovision reconstruction using Triangulation and "Mire" Calibration. ─── (译):立体视觉重建使用三角和“沼泽”校准。

14、He hath cast me into the mire, and I am become like dust and ashes. ─── 19神把我扔在淤泥中,我就像尘土和炉灰一般。

15、He has cast me into the mire, and i have become like dust and ashes. ─── 上帝把我扔在淤泥中,我就像尘土和炉灰一般。

16、He found his finances mired in stock market losses. ─── 他发现股市的损失使他的经济陷入困境。

17、For Tyre built herself a fortress And piled up silver like dust, And gold like the mire of the streets. ─── 亚9:3推罗为自己修筑保障、蓄银子如尘沙、起精金如街上的泥土。

18、The economy continued to be mired in a long recession that many blamed on the free-trade agreement. ─── 经济依然是陷入长期衰退,许多归咎于自由贸易协定。

19、And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire: so Jeremiah sunk in the mire. ─── 井里没有水,只有淤泥;耶利米就陷在淤泥中。

20、KJV] Sharp stones are under him: he spreadeth sharp pointed things upon the mire. ─── [新译]它的腹下像锐利的瓦片,它在泥上碾过如同有利钉的耙犁田一样。

21、Sharp stones are under him: he spreadeth sharp pointed things upon the mire. ─── 他肚腹下如尖瓦片;他如钉耙经过淤泥。

22、At the same time, also lets the depth degradation mire Team Liaoning, saw has echeloned the successful dawn. ─── 同时,也让深陷降级泥潭的辽宁队,重新看到了保级成功的曙光。

23、From Eastern Europe to Latin America, from Africa to Asia, the democratic system in most of the Third World countries has been mired in crisis. ─── 从东欧到拉美,从非洲到亚洲,第三世界的民主制大多陷入了危机。

24、He has rescued me from the mire of misery. ─── 他把我从苦海里救了出来。

25、He found he was stuck fast in the mire of debts. ─── 他发现自己债台高筑。

26、Chinese officials have said they aren't calling for a withdrawal of the fiscal or monetary stimulus measures with the world still mired in recession Cheap EverQuest platinum.Mr. ─── 中国官员表示,鉴于全球仍然身陷衰退,中国并不是要求美国取消财政或货币刺激举措。

27、But her attempts to formalise ties between the "eight" and the "five" have been mired in squabbling. ─── 不过,她试图将“八国”与“五国”之间的联系正式化的努力已经陷于争论不休的困境。

28、What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, mire terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for that same reason. ─── 可是在他内心唤起的却是另一种和谐,因为没有言词反而更为有力,因而成了胜利的谐音。

29、Many local governments in rural China are mired in debt. ─── 中国农村许多当地政府都是陷入债务困境。

30、On the basis of the mire,river and riverine wetland,lake,restortion strategies are discussed. ─── 从沼泽、河流及河缘湿地、湖泊出发,简述了湿地恢复的基本策略。

31、KJV] And Tyrus did build herself a strong hold, and heaped up silver as the dust, and fine gold as the mire of the streets. ─── [新译]推罗为自己建造了堡垒,堆积银子,多如尘沙,积聚精金,多如街上的泥土。

32、He said despite economic gains throughout the hemisphere, too many people remain mired in poverty. ─── 他表示尽管全球正在取得经济成果,很多人民仍然现在贫穷的泥潭中。

33、Until now, Indonesia has followed their lead, only to sink ever deeper into the mire. ─── 在此之前,印尼一直唯中泰两国马首是瞻,在掩盖实情的泥潭中越陷越深。

34、NIV] He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. ─── [和合]他从祸坑里,从淤3泥中,把我拉上来,使我的脚立在磐4石上,使我5脚步稳当。

35、From 22 different combined bacterial systems which could convert L-sorbose to 2-keto-Lgulonic acid, a new mired bacterial dydtem H19S19 was selected. ─── 从22个不同组合的发酵L山梨糖生成2-酮基-古龙酸的组合菌系中选出了最佳组合新菌系H19S19。

36、They are mired in strict adherence to traditions only they remember, whose original purpose may be lost to time. ─── 他们深陷在一味的只趋附于他们自己记得的传统,而那些传统原本的目的却已经随时间的流逝而不复存在。

37、But later on Beaucock had fallen into the mire . ─── 但是后来,比奥库克陷入了困境。

38、But for the past decade, U.S. foreign economic policy has been mired in stalemate. ─── 但是,就过去的十年而言,美国的对外经济政策一直止步不前。

39、For the third man: his pale feet stick out of the water by the bank with his head in the mire. ─── 一双发青的死者的脚从湖边伸出来,头插在岸边的泥泞中。

40、He moved on to Leeds - who were also mired in debt - and helped them avoid administration. ─── 他随后加盟了利兹联-后者同样陷入债务泥潭,伯赫帮助利兹联解决了问题。

41、But the material benefits of tourism for local residents are hard to overstate,especially for people long mired in poverty and desperate for a way out. ─── 但是对地方性的居民观光事业的物质利益是难夸大的叙述,尤其因为人们渴望在贫穷方面陷于泥泞和不顾死活为一个出路。

42、The rain mired the cart and it couldn't be moved. ─── 下雨使马车陷入泥坑而无法前进。

43、KJV] I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me. ─── [新译]我深陷在淤泥中,没有立足之地;我到了水深之处,波涛漫过我身。

44、The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. ─── 先前被打的那个人这时不小心陷入了一个泥潭里面,差点被淹死了,幸运的是他的朋友把他给救了出来。

45、Analysis the potential consumer and the market of Nixing Pottery,can be to work out a mire encouraging Nixing Pot... ─── 分析坭兴陶的潜在消费者和市场,可以为制定坭兴陶营销战略,增强坭兴陶的市场竞争力,推动坭兴产业的发展提供一些借鉴。

46、He would pull himself out of the mire . ─── 他要把自己拨出泥淖。

47、But anxious U.S. consumers are rediscovering the virtues of thrift and many overseas markets are mired in their own recessions. ─── 但忧心忡忡的美国消费者正在重新发现节俭的美德,许多海外市场也都陷入到了自己的经济衰退之中。

48、Mired in their rancorous culture wars and squabbling among themselves, they seem oblivious to the fact that American global leadership is fast ebbing away. ─── 在强势文化战争中不能自拔,相互之间攻讦不断,他们似乎没有意识到美国全球领导者地位正在迅速衰退的事实。

49、They splashed through the mire to the village. ─── 他们一路踏着泥水向村子去。

50、He has run away and landed in the mire. ─── 他逃开,却开到泥坑里去了。

51、Prices in Italy have been more stable than those of any of the other countries mired in the debt crisis. ─── 意大利的房价一直比深陷债务危机泥潭的其他国家要稳定。

52、To hinder, entrap, or entangle as if in mire. ─── 使受困扰使阻碍、牵绊或纠缠如陷入泥沼一般

53、"He's an old friend," he went on, getting deeper into the mire. ─── “他是老朋友了,"他继续说,越来越深地陷进了泥沼。

54、Near midnight in Chengdu, thousands of people trying to evacuate the city by car became mired in gridlock, stuck bumper to bumper in clotted streets. ─── 在成都已近午夜,数千市民试图乘车撤离城区以致陷入困境,车辆卡在已经凝结的街道上不能移动。

55、He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. ─── 他从祸坑里,从淤泥中,把我拉上来,使我的脚立在磐石上,使我脚步稳当。

56、The country was mired in recession. ─── 这个国家陷入了经济衰退的困境。

57、Finding herself in the mire, Mary had to give up her adventure. ─── 发现自己陷入困境后,玛丽不得不放弃她的冒险活动。

58、Iran, mired in deficits, is in no position to help, compared to the still-flush Arab petro-monarchies. ─── 伊朗,财政赤字,和赋予的阿拉伯产油国比起来已经处于无能为力的位置了。

59、But rising stock markets have ushered in an alternative scenario: a quick comeback for the wealthy. Will Richistan recover while the rest of America remains mired in recession? ─── 但节节上涨的股市展现了另一种景象:富人迅速恢复元气。在美国其他阶层依然深陷衰退泥潭时,“富人国”能率先复苏吗?

60、A great deal of achievements have been obtained through the investigations in main distributed areas of mire during recent years. ─── 三十年来先后对主要沼泽分布区进行综合考察,获得了丰富的研究成果,填补了沼泽学科的空白。

61、But they all betrayed revolution early or late.They gave guidance and help to each other in politics,wallowed in the mire in t erms of theory. ─── 他们后来却先后背叛革命,在政治上相互提携,在理论上同流合污。

62、He levered up the wheels of the car from the mire using a pinch bar. ─── 他利用撬棒将车轮从泥潭里撬了出来。

63、He found himself in the mire. ─── 他发现自己陷入了困境。

64、This allegation has led to Google becoming mired in a legal battle whose scope and complexity makes the Jarndyce and Jarndyce case in Charles Dickens' Bleak House look straightforward. ─── 这一指控使谷歌陷入了一场法律纠纷的泥潭,这场纠纷的范围和复杂性使得查尔斯•狄更斯的《荒凉山庄》中的贾尼斯和贾尼斯案看起来很简单。

65、Mired in debt, the city sold the building to an investor who found a pretext to terminate the leases. ─── 陷入债务危机之后,政府将这栋大楼出售给了投资商,投资商又找借口终止了租赁合同。

66、Biological denitrogenation theory,A/O technological process,mire taming and operation management were discussed in this paper. ─── 介绍了生物脱氮原理、A/O工艺流程及污泥驯化和运行管理。

67、Characteristics of Mire Soils and Its Sustainable Utilization in Xianghai Mire Wetland. ─── 向海沼泽湿地土壤特征及可持续利用。

68、A world in which most people enjoy prosperity and opportunity is surely better than one in which 80% are mired in economic stagnation. ─── 一个多数人享有繁荣和机会的世界一定好于一个在经济停滞中80%人陷入困窘的世界。

69、Now think what will happen if, after two or more years of monstrous fiscal deficits, the US is still mired in unemployment and slow growth. ─── 设想一下,假如在巨额财赤状况持续了两年或更长时间后,美国仍陷于失业和增长缓慢的泥潭之中,后果将会怎样呢?

70、Being engaged in speculation and profiteering, he wallowed in the mire with them. ─── 他和他们同流合污,投机倒把。

71、To cause to sink or become stuck in or as if in mire. ─── 使陷入致使陷入或使陷入泥沼或类似泥沼的境地。

72、The Sunni jihad unleashed in Afghanistan 30 years ago remains mired in bloody utopianism, with more Muslims among its victims than infidels. ─── 30年前于阿富汗大地上展开的逊尼派圣战仍在空想主义的血沼中煎熬,在圣战中,穆斯林比异教徒所受的伤害更多;

73、The Dark forces are struggling to keep as many of you mired down and anchored to the lower frequencies as possible. ─── 黑暗势力在不断斗争,以尽可能的困住你们,描定在这低级的频率中。

74、STEP3:The animality whipped cream cooks to ebullition and joined to once steep water of lucky D, the one more rises and go into pumpkin mire in. ─── 动物性鲜奶油煮至沸腾,加入泡过水的吉利丁,再一起和入南瓜泥中。

75、He was mired from head to toe. ─── 他弄得浑身是泥。

76、The most brilliant person may be mired in detail and confusion. ─── 即使是最聪明的人也会陷入琐事与混乱之中。

77、But his toolism truth viewpoint induces him into a mire of truth epistemology. ─── 但库恩工具主义的真理观也使其陷入了真理认识论的泥淖。

78、For the fact is that, even as it turns 50, the EU is mired in a mid-life crisis. ─── 原因在于正如欧盟已年及五旬,它也陷入了中年危机之中。

79、He was mired in difficulties. ─── 他陷入困境。

80、The leftover assets likely will be mired in Chapter 7 liquidation for much longer, however, as they are individually sold off or shut down entirely. ─── 剩余资产很可能将陷入第7章清算更长的时间,但是,因为它们是单独出售或关闭完全。

81、KJV] Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters. ─── [新译]求你救我脱离淤泥,不要容我沉下去;求你救我脱离那些恨我的人,救我脱离深水。

82、They were all mired in their own dung. ─── 他们陷在自己拉的屎中不能自拔,他们都是喜欢不厌其烦地絮絮叨叨的人。

83、Instead, Europe's best example of industrial co-operation is mired in political infighting. ─── 但是,这个欧洲工业合作的极好榜样陷入了政治混战。

84、The world has many tiny states which have languished in obscurity, with even resource-rich small stakes like Nauru mired in problems. ─── 全球有许多默默无闻的小国家,就算资源丰富的西太平洋岛国瑙鲁,也面对重重困难。

85、Only a small percentage of Canadians remained consistently mired in poverty between 1999 and 2004. ─── 从1999到2004年间,只有很少比例的加拿大一直处于贫困状态。

86、The history of mire research in China has lasted more than thirty years. ─── 中国沼泽研究已有三十多年历史。

87、The PWA was mired in red tape. ─── 公共工程管理局陷于官样文章的困境之中。

88、If God did not give us the opportunity to know Him, we would still be living in darkness, mired in our self-centered troubles. ─── 倘若 神不给我们认识祂的机会,我们就仍然活在黑暗之中,活在自我中心的种种捆绑之中。

89、Only the gulls heard his dying curses ringing over the cape as he sank down and down into the mire and was engulfed. ─── 只海鸥死亡诅咒他听到铃声在开普敦他倒和成的泥潭,并吞没。

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