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10-02 投稿


macerated 发音

英:[ˈmæsəreɪtɪd]  美:[ˈmæsəreɪtɪd]

英:  美:

macerated 中文意思翻译




macerated 短语词组

1、macerated strawberry ─── 浸渍草莓

2、macerated oil ─── 浸渍油

3、macerated meniscus ─── 浸渍弯月面

4、macerated infant ─── 可怜的婴儿

5、macerated exlicer ─── 浸渍剥落剂

6、macerated foetus ─── [医] 浸软胎儿

macerated 词性/词形变化,macerated变形

动词过去式: macerated |动词过去分词: macerated |名词: maceration |动词第三人称单数: macerates |动词现在分词: macerating |

macerated 相似词语短语

1、acierated ─── vt.化铁为钢

2、cancerated ─── vi.癌化

3、macerates ─── vt.把…浸软;使…消瘦;vi.浸软;消瘦

4、acerbated ─── v.使发怒;使烦恼

5、lacerated ─── adj.撕裂的;受伤的;v.撕裂(lacerate的过去式和过去分词);划破

6、macerate ─── vt.把…浸软;使…消瘦;vi.浸软;消瘦

7、acerated ─── 尖酸的

8、acerate ─── adj.针状的(等于acerose)

9、macerater ─── n.浸渍者;切碎机;纸浆制造机

macerated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、macerated fabric ─── 碎布

2、Macerated Dyeing of Color Paper ─── 彩色纸的浸添染色

3、The Dolcetto component was crushed and macerated for 4 days prior to yeast addition. ─── 将酿酒的葡萄压碎后,先经过4天的浸软,再添加酵母。

4、a flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol (or imitating vanilla beans) ─── 香草豆(或仿香草豆)在酒精中浸软后精制而成的一种调味品

5、4. Dark ruby color. Complex and integrated nose of cassis, oak, vanilla, and a light touch of caramel. Slightly macerated flavors, smooth tannin, quite toasty through long finish. ─── 深红色泽,馥郁而复杂的香味,有黑加仑子、橡木、丁香和桂皮的味道。略微浓稠的乳酸发酵口味,单宁顺滑,熏烤味十足,回味悠长。收藏指正

6、be macerated with cares ─── 因烦恼而消瘦

7、Garnet-red ruby with intensity.Great smell of macerated Morello cherry, blackberry, raspberry, mild spices, smoked, musk and Virginia tobacco. ─── 明亮的深红色,有丰富的樱桃,黑莓,香料,烟熏,麝香和烟草的味道。

8、The grapes are fermented and macerated in stainless steel and aged in French and American oak barrels.The wine is red, bright and comlex with medium body. ─── 本葡萄酒在不锈钢容器内发酵后储存在有一定年份的法国橡木桶内,酒呈宝石红,清亮透明,酒体适中,色香优美。

9、7. The Dolcetto component was crushed and macerated for 4 days prior to yeast addition. A warm ferment (28 degrees) with 4 times daily hand-plunging. ─── 将酿酒的葡萄压碎后,先经过4天的浸软,再添加酵母。暖温发酵下(28度),以人工每日搅动四次,并保留葡萄皮十天,一直到进行挤压前。收藏指正

10、Ruby with great intensity.Good smell of macerated blueberry, prune, spices, scrubland, Mocha coffee, floral. ─── 明亮的红宝石色,有越桔,香料,咖啡和花朵的清香。

11、The Dolcetto component was crushed and macerated for 4 days prior to yeast addition. A warm ferment (28 degrees) with 4 times daily hand-plunging. ─── 将酿酒的葡萄压碎后,先经过4天的浸软,再添加酵母。暖温发酵下(28度),以人工每日搅动四次,并保留葡萄皮十天,一直到进行挤压前。

12、The relation between the respective novels and all her literary production is similar to the macerated favric and the quilt. ─── 本文第三章从文本结构即板块拼接的特点和非线性的时间顺序分析了莫里森作品中表现出的百衲被含义的另一个方面。

13、Chamaesiphon macer ─── n. 细长管孢藻

14、Dark ruby color. Complex and integrated nose of cassis, oak, vanilla, and a light touch of caramel. Slightly macerated flavors, smooth tannin, quite toasty through long finish. ─── 深红色泽,馥郁而复杂的香味,有黑加仑子、橡木、丁香和桂皮的味道。略微浓稠的乳酸发酵口味,单宁顺滑,熏烤味十足,回味悠长。

15、a flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol (or imitating vanilla beans). ─── 香草豆(或仿香草豆)在酒精中浸软后精制而成的一种调味品。

16、macerated jute ─── 浸渍黄麻

17、Contagious dermatitis associated with macerated skin caused by wet conditions ─── 由潮湿环境引起传染性皮炎,与皮肤浸渍有关

18、major advantage the Ganimede has during this period is its ability to introduce CO2 externally allowing for the cap to be turned and gently macerated. ─── 这段时间,嘉尼米德罐的主要优势就在于它能够引入外界的CO2对皮盖进行翻动和柔和地浸渍。

19、macerated wooden rosin ─── 浸渍木松香

20、Flavors of macerated fruit and notes of toast with fruit jam fill the palate. ─── 富含腌制水果的口味,及涂过果酱的烤面包的香味。

21、The influence of stubble on the growth and development of soybean was studied in the liquid and sand cultures with the macerated liquid and mashed matter of soybean stubble. ─── 应用大豆残茬浸提液处理及大豆残茬砂培等方法研究了大豆残茬对后茬大豆生长发育的影响。

22、A flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol. ─── 香草豆在酒精中浸软后精制而成的一种调味品。

23、a flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol (or imitating vanilla beans). ─── 香草豆(或仿香草豆)在酒精中浸软后精制而成的一种调味品。

24、Methods: The sample was macerated and extracted with cold tetrahydrofuran twice.A reversed-phase HPLC method was developed to determine curcumin in Jinxiong Dan an Caspule. ─── 方法:样品经四氢呋喃冷浸2次提取后,采用反相高效液相色谱法测定姜黄素的含量。

25、the tissue in the scorched region ' s completely macerated , ─── 烧焦区域的组织已经完全浸软了

26、Flavors of macerated fruit and notes of toast with fruit jam fill the palate. ─── 富含腌制水果的口味,及涂过果酱的烤面包的香味。

27、Griffiths was macerated by this blasting flash from his well-intentioned good deed ─── 格里菲思出于善意做的一件好事却招来了毁灭性的打击。

28、Macerated fetus ─── 浸软胎

29、After de-stalking and crushing the grapes were pumped into a red wine fermentation tank and cold macerated before yeast was inoculated and fermentation commenced. ─── 去除茎梗和压碎后泵送入红葡萄酒发酵罐,在发酵开始前先冷浸软。

30、Carrot oil, Wild carrot oil(macerated) ─── 胡萝卜、野生胡萝卜油(浸泡)

31、flavoring made from almonds macerated in alcohol. ─── 杏仁在酒精中浸软后制成的调味品。

32、macerated foetus ─── [医] 浸软胎儿

33、Organic Macerated Oils--St John's Wort Oil ─── 中文名称:有机圣约翰浸泡油

34、It reminds us of candied cherries and macerated fruits. ─── 令人回味起糖渍草莓和浸渍果香。

35、This strategy was first popularized early in the 20th century, when older men occasionally submitted to the grafting of testicles from goats or monkeys or received injections of macerated testicles. ─── 这种方法在20世纪初开始流行,当时老年男人偶尔会接受来自山羊或猴子的睪丸移稙,或是注射睪丸的浸泡液。

36、The major advantage the Ganimede has during this period is its ability to introduce CO2 externally allowing for the cap to be turned and gently macerated. ─── 恰恰在这段时间,嘉尼米德罐的主要优势就在于它能够引入外界的co2对皮盖进行翻动和柔和地浸渍。

37、Fermented fish paste Paste prepared from salted fish that has been macerated, sometimes to a smooth consistency, and allowed to ferment or ripen. ─── 鱼浆发酵从已经被浸软的盐腌鱼处理成鱼浆,有时经过平滑一致性,而进行发酵成熟。

38、Macerated stillbirth ─── 浸软死胎

39、The proportion of alcohol to green plum was 1:5,green plum were macerated in food alcohol (28%(v/v)) refined by treating with 0. ─── 以青梅和食用酒精为原料,对青梅配制酒工艺条件包括影响浸提的因素、产品调配等进行了较系统地研究。

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