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macho 发音

英:['mætʃəʊ]  美:['mɑtʃo]

英:  美:

macho 中文意思翻译




macho 网络释义

adj. 大男子气概的n. 强壮男子;大丈夫n. (Macho)人名;(西)马乔;(捷)马霍

macho 词性/词形变化,macho变形

名词: machoism |名词复数: machos |

macho 短语词组

1、uta macho ─── [医] 结节型皮肤利什曼病

2、so macho ─── 所以有男子气概

3、village people macho man ─── 村人男子气概

4、mero macho ─── 雄性石斑鱼

5、macho-man ─── [网络] 猛男;男子汉;大男子主义

macho 相似词语短语

1、machi ─── n.麻吉(组合名);马基

2、nacho ─── n.(墨西哥人食用的)烤干酪辣味玉米片;n.(Nacho)人名;(保)纳乔;(葡)纳舒

3、mach. ─── n.马赫(奥地利物理家);[航]马赫数(飞行速度除以音速)

4、maco ─── n.原色埃及棉针织物;n.(Maco)人名;(葡)马科;(英)马科

5、machos ─── 强壮男子;大丈夫(macho的名词复数);大男子气概的

6、mucho ─── n.(Mucho)人名;(英)马乔

7、mach ─── n.马赫(奥地利物理家);[航]马赫数(飞行速度除以音速)

8、macro ─── n.(计算机)宏指令,宏;微距镜头;adj.大规模的,宏观的;微距摄影的;巨大的,大量的;n.(Macro)(美、英、意大利)马克罗(人名)

9、mache ─── n.马谢;n.(Mache)人名;(法)马什;(德、罗)马赫

macho 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Macho or gung ho tendencies are seriously frowned upon. ─── 大男子主义和狂热倾向都是被严重反对的。

2、'' The can designs for Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Zero (that's the marketing masterstroke of packaging a low-calorie cola in macho black for straight guys) look pretty good, too. ─── '' 该设计可以为健怡可乐和可口可乐零(这是巧妙的营销包装的低热量可乐在马乔黑色的直线家伙)外观也不错。

3、Tomato planto macho viroid ─── TPMVd

4、But in several other countries the voters have, in recent memory, elected such warmakers as Mr Blair, as well as macho types like Silvio Berlusconi and Nicolas Sarkozy. ─── 不过近来欧洲其他国家推选出来的领袖,不是像英国的布莱尔先生这样善战,就是像意大利总理贝卢斯科尼和法国总统萨科奇这样阳刚领袖的典型。

5、The slim and youthful 48-year-old does not cut a macho figure. ─── 48岁的佩奇,外表年轻,体型削瘦,没有男子汉的魁梧身材。

6、"Men from the south, from the Caucasus region, are macho, strong. ─── “来自南方和高加索地区的男性雄性十足,而且强壮。”

7、Her new boyfriend is really macho. ─── 她的新男友实在有男子气概。

8、Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American macho image and judges were lenient in most courts. ─── 酗酒曾经是美国男子汉形象中可以接受的一部分,而且大多数法庭的法官都很宽容。

9、I think it's a time for the sexual liberation of men as well -- liberation from any vestiges of a traditionally macho perspective. ─── 女人已经性解放了,而男人也同样需要性解放-从传统的男性崇拜中解脱出来。

10、I work at a bank, where the culture is macho. ─── 我在一家银行工作,那里的文化是"强悍"。

11、e.g I love seeing guys work out at the gym because they look so macho and masculine. ─── 我好喜欢看在健身房运动的男生。他们看起来好健壮,好有肌肉。

12、I am Macho OX, solid and trusty. ─── 我是大力牛,踏实讲信用。

13、Angrily, she cut short his mirth: "Even in novels it says the macho man is extinct. ─── 她忿忿地打断了他的笑声:“连小说上都说,男子汉绝迹了。

14、I know he's not the macho sort to make light of injuries. ─── 我知道他不是那种对受伤毫不在乎的男子汉。

15、MACHO (massive compact halo) ─── 晕族大质量致密天体

16、I work at a bank, where the culture is macho . ─── 我在一家银行工作,那的文化氛围很阳刚。

17、Juergen Macho ─── 尤尔根·马乔,奥地利足球运动员,司职门将

18、9."Sometimes I get carried away with the macho image;a lost of us do," Officer Pott said, blowing a cloud of cigarette smoke out the window. ─── “有时我为表现男子汉的气概而操之过度,我们很多人的都这样,”警员波特说,同时向窗外喷了一口烟。

19、macho pride/posturing ─── 大男子汉的高傲/姿态

20、When it was over, I was surprised to see this macho guy, the size of an oak tree, just standing there holding Tiny, with tears running down his beard ─── 当一切都结束之后,我很奇怪地看到这个大男人,这个长得象一棵橡树的男子汉,就站在那里捧着蒂尼,而泪水顺着他的胡子淌下。

21、Bollywood, which turns out more movies than Hollywood, often depicted its macho heroes with cigarettes or cheaper-priced handrolled bidis dangling from their lips. ─── 比好莱坞制造的电影还要多的宝莱坞经常刻画那些嘴唇间摇晃着卷烟或价格低廉的手卷比迪烟的男子英雄人物。

22、They go drinking and whoring, just to prove how macho they are. ─── 他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气。

23、Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man ─── 别让有人流血,别逞匹夫之勇

24、Got tired of the macho bit. ─── 厌倦了男子气

25、They go drinking and whore, just to prove how macho they are ─── 他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气

26、So ladies, get your man to visit the doctor more often, eat more green leafy vegetables, and to avoid skydiving stints with his macho friends. ─── 因此,让你的男人多看看医生,多吃绿叶蔬菜,避免参加"大男子气概"的特技跳伞活动等等。

27、In baths and gay bars, some gays dressed up as caricatures of the most macho of men. ─── 在澡堂或者gaybar,一些男人穿着非常夸张凸显极致的男性魅力。

28、He was big and bluff and macho. ─── 他个头很大,说话直率,而且很有男子气。

29、He didn't think of himself as being the macho type in the field of psychology. ─── 他不认為自己是心理学领域中什麼了不起的人物。

30、He's too macho to ever admit he was wrong. ─── 他太大男子主义了,从不认错。

31、The Japanese, however, without realizing their control over the colonized Korean nation or support for the separation of the two Koreas, regard these movies only as macho movies," he said cuttingly. ─── 但是,日本人没有体会到他们对韩国的殖民统治,也没有支持韩国的分裂,他们只把这些电影看成刚阳味十足的影片”,他斩钉截斩铁的说。

32、The more macho types, especially those of a conservative cast of mind, desire certainty of every kind even more than most. ─── 那些办事爽快的人,尤其是其中那些比较保守的人,希望所有的东西都是确定的。

33、Can be in this picture that release the macho man. ─── 在此发布猛男的图片和照片。

34、He had an array of houses and apartments in Panama, France and the Dominican Republic, a collection of personal aircraft and three large pleasure yachts Macho I, Macho II and Macho III. ─── 他在巴拿马、法国及多明尼加共和国拥有许多房屋及公寓,收集了一些私人飞机以及三艘大型的游艇--阳刚一号、阳刚二号及阳刚三号。

35、The legacy of all this posturing is a view of space travel as a macho, gung-ho affair, all about the conquest of the solar system by men with shiny suits and very big rockets. ─── 所有这些姿态遗留下的馈赠就是对太空旅行的一种观点,认为太空旅行是雄赳赳气昂昂满载壮志雄心的事情,全是关于穿着闪亮的宇航服的人们坐着巨大火箭征服太阳系。

36、Already, before he defected, Nureyev had begun to push boundaries, to shift the ground under the heavy, macho style of Russian male dancers. ─── 尽管在他出逃祖国之前,就开始推进分界线,改变在重压之下俄罗斯芭蕾男演员的不利状况。

37、He looked to his left, adjusted his arm, part nervous twitch, part macho posturing, and shot back at Wilson, "That's not true. ─── 他朝左边看看,动动胳膊,半是紧张,半是鼓气地回击威尔逊说,“那不是事实。”

38、Is there any salvation in this late-night world of" macho dancing" and prostitution? ─── 从他们三个人踏入酒吧当舞男所接触到的声色犬马来映呼出生活的另一面。

39、"It's a macho marathon from third grade up, when you start butting each other in the stomach. ─── 也正是从那时起,一场男人气概耐力赛也就拉开序幕了。”

40、A few months ago it looked as if the NATO meeting in April would take place in the shadow of a Russia still in macho mode after the Georgia war and confident of bobbing to riches on oil and gas. ─── 数月前,北约预定在四月份召开的聚会似乎注定要笼罩在俄国人的阴影下了。其时俄罗斯在格鲁吉亚战争后正大展其肌肉,雄心勃勃的计划依靠石油与天然气重归富国行列。

41、He emerged with a macho swagger. ─── 他大摇大摆地走了出来。

42、Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will strike a blow one more timest Australia's macho culture Tuesday when IT becomings the first “ITila”to get over the top job. ─── 澳大利亚高中等级学院利亚Australia副总理朱莉娅-吉拉德周二将成了接掌很高生意场位置的首位女孩,使该国的男性文学受到打击。

43、Truck drivers have a reputation for being macho and tough. ─── 卡车司机素有强壮和吃苦耐劳的美名。

44、It has not even managed to sweep up the cosmic detritus in its neighbourhood as real, macho planets like Jupiter and Earth have done. ─── 它太小,太可怜了,甚至没有能力像木星和地球这类强势行星那样将周围的宇宙碎块清理干净。

45、macho man ─── ph. 硬派男子汉

46、macho position ─── 武断粗暴态度

47、They go drinking and whore,just to prove how macho they are. ─── 他们经常酗酒嫖妓,就是为了证明他们多有男子气。

48、I don't like macho behavior nor exaggerated nationalism. I am happy to discover that we are fighting in the same side. ─── 我不喜欢大男子主义,也不喜欢夸张的民族主义;我很高兴发现我们都是一条战壕里的战友。

49、Your boyfriend may ogle other girls in front of you because he believes it proves he's macho. ─── 你的男朋友在你面前可能会跟别的女人眉来眼去,因为他相信这样做可以证明他很具有男性的魅力。

50、But these days NATO is trying to learn the art of winning hearts and minds, so macho driving is out. ─── 但是这些天,北约正在尝试着学会赢取民心和民愿,因此他们不再蛮横地抢车道。

51、A seafaring life may be full of suffering, but it is also full of a macho romance that lends a larger sense of destiny to it all. ─── 虽然航海生活充满苦楚,但同样也能充满阳刚的传奇,增添了一种强烈的人生终极感。

52、Jason: Mike, cut the macho stuff. Would you just take the map please? ─── 杰森:迈克,别充大男子汉,带上这张地图。

53、And, while my beefy flight companion boasts of his "macho" prowess, I suspect the auspices of his well-known employer carry just as much weight. ─── 所以,她说:当我这个健壮的(重量级)邻座吹嘘自己的阳刚气概的时候,我想他那位著名的上司的体重也许一点都不比他差。总觉得不对劲。

54、You needn't so much macho sometime. ─── 没必要那么有男子气。

55、You are an epidemic.Manuela: How could anyone act so macho with a pair of tits like that? ─── 为了让心爱的儿子有更完美的生活,她隐藏了孩子的父亲的事情,只对依斯特班说在他出生前就已经去世。

56、Derek:Son, being a man is not simply a macho thing and it's not about always being right. ─── 德拉克:孩子,做一个男人并非只是显示男子汉气概那么简单,那并不完全正确。

57、uta macho ─── [医] 结节型皮肤利什曼病

58、“He was a mindless activist, a war lover, who found macho relish in danger and felt driven to prove manhood by confrontation”(Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. ─── “他是个没有头脑的活跃分子,一个战争狂,在险境中寻到了充分显示男子汉气概的机会并急切地希望通过直接对抗证明自己是男子汉”(小阿瑟M.施莱辛格

59、Hummers are based on US military vehicles that gained fame during the 1991 Gulf War - a link that fuels their macho appeal. ─── 悍马是基于美军用车辆(其在1991年海湾战争期间名声大噪)-一种联系树立了他们的硬汉形象.

60、Now that doesn t sound like a very tough assignment, until you stop to realize that most of the men were over 35 and were raised in the generation of men that were taught that expressing emotions is not "macho." ─── 听起来这不像是一份苛刻的任务,直到你意识到这个班里多数男生已年逾35岁。何况在他们成长的那个年代,他们受到的是这样的灌输,流露情感没有“阳刚之气”。

61、He's too macho to ever admit he was wrong. ─── 他太大男子主义了,从不认错。

62、There will always be a few people who, through macho perversity, gain satisfaction from bullying and terrorism. ─── 总有一些人,通过欺负弱小和恐吓行为表现一种病态的男子气概,并以此获得满足。

63、There is no point in starving a business and endangering a firm's balance-sheet in order to meet macho dividend commitments. ─── 为了满足大量红利承诺,停止业务,并危机公司资产负债表是毫无意义的。

64、How macho do you have to be? ─── 你有必要这麽威风吗?

65、This statement is emphasis on girls and not male... (hehe, need not to be so macho... ─── 如果你是男人,那么你身上的体毛比大多数女人少.(又不是大猩猩,老子要那么多体毛干什么?

66、Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will strike a blow against Australia's macho culture Tuesday when she becomes the first “Sheila”to take over the top job. ─── 澳大利亚副总理朱莉娅-吉拉德周二将成为接掌最高职位的首位女性,使该国的男性文化受到打击。

67、Fancied himself to be of a macho cast. ─── 想象他自己是一个强壮男子

68、For example, adolescents tend to exaggerate male-female differences, with boys trying hard to be macho and girls trying equally hard to be feminine. ─── 举例来说,青少年倾向于夸大男女之别,因此男性致力于拥有男子气概,女性努力于培养女孩气息。

69、Don't Be A Macho Man ─── 不要去逞能

70、This seems a fairly macho accusation. ─── 这似乎是个相当男子气概的指控。

71、While tobacco ads that target men focus on cigarettes as macho or cool, tobacco ads that target women focus on social and political themes important to women. ─── 当销售群体为男人的烟草广告集中显示抽烟很有男子气概或是很酷,而销售群体位女人的烟草广告集中显示对女人很重要的社交和政治话题。

72、And Obama will be this scrawny guy who doesn't seem macho enough to stand up to the enemy. ─── 而奥巴马将被描绘成一个瘦弱单薄的家伙,在敌人面前毫无英雄气概。

73、Our gym coach is a beefcake guy with a lot of macho. ─── 教练是个很有男子气概的猛男。

74、She does not seem to like any other features traditionally associated with a "real macho man. ─── 她并不像传统中的“真实男人”。

75、Modernism, with its macho ideal of the artist, seems to have provided a particularly hostile environment. ─── 而追求阳刚的现代主义似乎为女性作家提供了尤其不利的土壤。

76、Like most macho men, I believed that once was enough. ─── 像大多数强壮男子一样,我认为一次足够。

77、Kitty is a cute icon for young girls. It's not something macho police officers want covering their biceps. ─── 凯蒂猫是小女生可爱的偶像,有堂堂男子气概的警察不会用他来盖住二头肌。

78、He thinks it's macho to drink a lot and get into fights. ─── 他认为酗酒斗殴就是男子气概。

79、He was a mindless activist,a war lover,who found macho relish in danger and felt driven to prove manhood by confrontation(Arthur M.Schlesinger,Jr) ─── 他是个没有头脑的活跃分子,一个战争狂,在险境中寻到了充分显示男子汉气概的机会并急切地希望通过直接对抗证明自己是男子汉(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

80、“They talk male talk,” grumbled the late Norman Mailer, a novelist who thought liberals could be macho too. ─── “他们都说些男人之间对话,”最近小说家诺尔曼梅勒抱怨道,她认为自由开放也应该变得男性化。

81、She likes to date macho guys. ─── 她喜欢跟有男子气概的人约会。

82、They were macho and sexist, and neglected their wives, so it's good that they're discovering their feminine side, and learning to cooperate. ─── 即便那些选择传统婚姻的人也发现,养家糊口的重任不再如前,而渐渐转变为家里家外的职责男女共同承担。

83、and were raised in the generation of men that were taught that expressing emotions is not “macho.” ─── 何况在他们的那个年代,他们受到的是这样的灌输:流露没有“阳刚之气”。

84、How come you weren't so macho the night before last? ─── 前天晚上,你怎麽没有这麽强旺的男子气?

85、There is nothing wrong with acting aggressive in a macho environment: in fact, it is a sign of mental health to be able to be different people as the occasion demands. ─── 别理会他们。在"强悍"的环境里表现得积极进取没有错:实际上,能根据环境要求,做出不同的表现,正是精神健康的标志。

86、Strange as it seems, in this world where macho is everything, drunkenness and depression are safer ways for men to deal with feelings than tears. ─── 但这似乎也很奇怪,在雄性主宰一切的世界里,在男人处理感情困扰时,酗酒和消沉是比痛哭流涕更安全的方法。

87、It has not even managed to sweep up the cosmic detritus in its neighbourhood as real, macho planets like Jupiter and Earth have done. ─── 它甚至不能像那些真正强大的行星那样,例如木星和地球,将身边的宇宙碎石清除干净(注1)。

88、"He was a mindless activist, a war lover, who found macho relish in danger and felt driven to prove manhood by confrontation" (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.) ─── “他是个没有头脑的活跃分子,一个战争狂,在险境中寻到了充分显示男子汉气概的机会并急切地希望通过直接对抗证明自己是男子汉”(小阿瑟M.施莱辛格)

89、" He said that the first thing macho, no-time-for-nonsense cosmonauts did after floating out of bed in the Soviet skylab was to tend their tiny pea seedling "experiments. ─── 他说,苏联的太空实验室里精力充沛、没时间讲废话的宇航员从床上飘起后做的第一件事,就是侍弄小小的豌豆苗“实验”。

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