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Malling 中文意思翻译




Malling 词性/词形变化,Malling变形

原型:mall 形容词比较级:mallinger

Malling 短语词组

1、malling centenary ─── 马林百年

2、malling centenary strawberries ─── 马林百年草莓

3、malling list ─── 商场列表

4、malling booth ─── 商场展位

5、malling hansen ─── 画他的手

Malling 常用词组

shopping mall ─── 大商场,大型购物中心

pedestrian mall ─── 步行街

national mall ─── 国家广场

Malling 相似词语短语

1、balling ─── v.把……捏成团;攥紧(拳头);做成球状;(移植树木时)将根与泥用麻布包捆成团;与(某人)性交;(花)未开先败(ball的现在分词);n.(Balling)(美、荷)巴兰(人名)

2、milling ─── n.磨;制粉;轧齿边;v.碾磨;磨成粉;滚(碾轧)金属(mill的ing形式);n.(Milling)人名;(德)米林

3、galling ─── adj.难堪的;使烦恼的;擦伤人的;n.(Galling)人名;(德)加林

4、lalling ─── v.发音不正确;把/r/音读成/l/音

5、-alling ─── n.(Alling)人名;(英、瑞典)阿林

6、calling ─── n.使命感;职业;(动物或人的)喊叫;强烈冲动;v.呼喊;大声说;(动物)叫;打电话给;短暂拜访(call的现在分词)

7、melling ─── vt.使融合;n.(Mell)(美、英、加)梅尔(人名)

8、falling ─── v.落下;跌倒;减少;(建筑物、地方)沦陷;进入某种状态(fall的现在分词);adj.(规模、数量等)下降的;减少的;落下的;n.(Falling)(美)法林(人名)

9、halling ─── n.哈林舞曲;哈林舞(一种三拍子的挪威民间舞蹈)

Malling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Malling has also become a way of life for the Filipinos. ─── 逛购物中心也成为菲律宾人的一种生活方式。

2、Darth Maul Limited Edition Mini Bust ─── 限量版迷你半身像

3、Here, Park discusses how Maul changed his life, and how he was able to get into character as the ninja hero. ─── 这里,帕克谈论了摩尔如何改变了他的生活,以及他是如何得到忍者英雄这一角色的。

4、Its a little ridiculous when an maul does 1-5 fire damage is on fire....just looks too over the top. ─── 一个仅带有1-5点火伤害的大锤却燃着火,很可笑...怎么看都有些过分。

5、using the Force, Maul pushed Obi-Wan into a deep mining pit. ─── 魔使用原力把欧比王推进一个深邃的发电机。

6、Stop pulling my arm, you have no right to maul me about like this! ─── 别拉我的胳膊,你没有权利这样粗暴地对待我!

7、Once a Zabrak from Iridonia, Maul abandoned all trace of his former identity when he took on his Sith name. ─── 曾经是一位艾里多尼亚的萨巴克人,魔在他接受西斯之名时,抛弃了所有和他过去身分的痕迹。

8、We can no doubt inflict grievous injuries upon one another and maul each other cruelly, and darken the Mediterranean with our strife ─── 我们两国之间的不和,无疑将使我们互相残杀,两败俱伤,并使地中海上密布乌云。

9、maul in goal ─── 球门线内的摔压夺球

10、Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Ogre Maul ─── 不朽之王之碎魂者-食人魔之锤

11、The Tannin is inside a basket within Dire Maul North and only one person in the group can pick it up. ─── 第二天我去他公司看了看,真的很小的一个公司,整个公司只有三张桌子几个电话,其他什么都没有。

12、As an undeniable example of his skill and devotion, Maul plunged headlong into battle against two Jedi warriors. ─── 对他的技巧和忠诚的一个绝佳的证明,魔冒险攻击两位绝地武士。

13、2.I go malling for hours and try to find a perfect present for my friend. ─── 我花了好几个小时逛街,希望给我的朋友找一份完美的礼物。

14、In the interests of concealing the Sith presence from the Jedi, all of Maul's missions were executed from the shadows. ─── 为了在绝地之前隐藏西斯,魔的所有任务总在阴影中执行。

15、spiking maul ─── 手用大锤

16、His decades of marriage counseling led him to distill some “mostly common sense” advice about how to dodge mates who would maul your happiness. ─── 他十年对婚姻的社会咨询引导他得出几个如何去避开与会伤害自己的伴侣交往的“最有公信力”的忠告。

17、When Amidala returned to Naboo, Maul was there, waiting to face the Jedi once more. ─── 当艾米达拉回到那卜,魔早就在那边,等著再次面对绝地。

18、To that end, Sidious even sicced Maul on the greatest criminal empire the galaxy had known, Black Sun, to ensure the syndicate would not ruin what he had carefully plotted. ─── 为了这个目的,西迪厄斯甚至派摩尔去对付银河系最大的黑帮集团黑日,以确保该犯罪组织不会毁掉他精心经营的计划。

19、Colin would ask sarcastically, “And when they send Mr.Glum and his savage dog to hunt us down and maul us, does it then, at some point, become our affair? ─── 科林讽刺地问道,"当他们派格罗姆先生和他凶猛的大狗来抓获我们的时候,那么,那个时候,是不是成了我们的事了?

20、A creature of pure evil, Maul had no personality beyond his ultimate devotion to his master, Darth Sidious. ─── 纯粹邪恶的生物,达斯.魔没有个人因素逾越他对师父,达斯.西帝的忠诚。

21、And decorate in the building later in, because decorate the contradiction between team and property, the construction personnel that decorates a team returns two security personnel property to maul. ─── 而在之后的房屋装修中,由于装修队与物业之间的矛盾,装修队的施工人员还将物业的两位保安打伤。

22、No te rias diegomalaka: nathalie halts maul sarcasticmistery: sometimes look green and sometimes blue. ─── 有时候看上去是绿的有时候是蓝的。哦,是的。

23、Another good spot for World of Warcraft Gold Farming is Dire Maul Tribute You will probably need a group with you for this one because it is tough. ─── 我国制冷空调产品的区域性和季节性特征明显。

24、Eventually, though, Naboo's young monarch Queen Amidala returned and led a resistance movement that defeated the mechanized Trade Federation army. Darth Maul was killed by Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. ─── 但是,最后那卜的年轻统治者,艾米达拉女王回到那卜,并率领一项反抗行动,击败机械化的贸易联邦大军。

25、spike maul ─── 道钉锤

26、With the death of Darth Maul at Naboo, the Jedi Council realized that the Sith menace was true.What they hadn't puzzled was whether Maul was the master, or the apprentice. ─── 当达斯魔在那卜被杀后,绝地议会才体认到西斯威胁是真有其事,但他们无法推断达斯魔究竟是师父还是徒弟。

27、The Cranium Basher Thunder Maul ─── 暗金雷锤

28、wooden maul ─── 大木锤

29、So it is, too, in South Korea, where the administration of Lee Myung-bak, the current president, is accused by opponents of unleashing the prosecutorial hounddogs to maul his predecessor's reputation. ─── 同样,在韩国,反对者指控,现任总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)政府借用检察部门来损害前任的声誉。

30、maul and bar ─── 大锤和撬棒

31、A pained look of bewilderment crossed Maul's tattooed face as death overtook him. His body fell into the melting pit, splitting in two as it tumbled into oblivion. ─── 在魔刺青的脸上闪过痛苦、迷惑的表情,就如同死亡突然降临一般。他的身体跌进洞内就像跌入遗忘中,撕裂成两半。

32、Maul of the Redeemed Crusader ─── 赎罪十字军之锤

33、A man that beareth false witness against his neighbour is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow. ─── 18作假见证陷害邻舍的,就是大槌,是利刀,是快箭。

34、Though Maul longed to reveal the Sith menace to the Jedi, his devotion to his master was absolute so as not to question Sidious' timing. ─── 虽然魔极想揭露西斯对绝地的威胁,但是对师父绝对的忠心,使他不去对西帝的安排提出质疑。

35、Using his double-bladed lightsaber, Maul held off both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn in the heart of the Theed Royal Palace. ─── 在席德皇宫的核心地带,魔使用他的双刃光剑抵挡欧比王.肯诺比和魁刚.金。

36、A maul used by masons in fitting stones ─── 定位槌石匠在摆放石头时使用的槌子

37、They plot to fight Valeera and Broll so that they won't be well enough to win the Dire Maul tournament. ─── 布罗尔和瓦蕾拉扯了很多对方的阵营问题,貌似直到到达奥格瑞玛才结束。

38、Each form has its own attacks (like Maul) that are only available in that shape. ─── 每一种形状都有自己的攻击方式(比如说挥掌)。

39、Mangle (Feral): Now increases the damage done by Maul in addition to Shred. ─── 野性的芒果(裂伤):在增加撕碎伤害基础上,也增加重殴伤害。

40、Traveling aboard his sleek Sith Infiltrator, Maul scouted the galaxy for the missing monarch, and reported his findings to his master. ─── 开著他光滑的西斯渗透者,达斯.魔在银河中四处搜索失踪的女王,并把发现回报给他的师父。

41、Every year the Cape Buffalo is known to maul and kill multiple humans; ─── 一些人相信,在非洲,非洲水牛每年杀死的人数要比其它任何动物都多。

42、"Savage Fury" no longer applies to "Maul" or "Swipe". ─── 野蛮暴怒不再影响熊的槌击和扫击。

43、He watched helplessly as Maul killed Qui-Gon, and rushed to kill the Sith Lord in turn. ─── 在一连串的反击后,欧比王终于杀掉了西斯武士达斯魔。

44、Maul would be Sidious' blunt instrument, his deadly weapon to carry out his plans while he remained in the shadows, conspiring to take over the Republic in its waning years. ─── 摩尔将成为西迪厄斯愚钝的工具,一件用于执行计划的致命武器,而西迪厄斯则躲在暗处,密谋掌控垂暮之年的共和国。

45、maul: The hunter was mauled by a lion. ─── 猎人被狮子伤害了。

46、Maul had assassinated a number of enemies whose activities encroached on the growing Sith agenda. ─── 魔已经暗杀了一票侵犯到西斯的敌人。

47、Ronald Maul ─── 毛尔,德国足球运动员

48、Keywords rheologic property;extrusion maul ding;parameter selection;flowrate calcrlation; ─── 流变特性;挤压成型;参数选择;流量计算;

49、Kenobi, enraged, attacked Maul.This barrage was deflected by Maul who used Obi-Wan's touching of the dark side as a conduit for a Force attack; ─── 被激怒的肯诺比攻击魔,魔把欧比王对黑暗面的接触当做原力攻击的管道,加以偏折欧比王的激烈攻击。

50、Calming himself by calling upon the light side of the Force, Kenobi was able to surprise Maul, and cleave him in half with his saber. ─── 藉由召唤光明面原力冷静自己,肯诺比能够突袭魔,连他的光剑把他劈成两半。

51、That is where Maul was best used: a stealthy assassin dispatched on missions to remove any impedance to Sidious' master plan. ─── 这就是摩尔最大的用处,派遣他作为秘密刺客,去为西迪厄斯的伟大计划扫清一切障碍。

52、to inflict heavy losses (or casualties) on; to maul heavily ─── 重创

53、raw hide maul ─── 生牛皮槌

54、Pro 25:18 A man that beareth false witness against his neighbour is a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow. ─── 箴25:18作假见证陷害邻舍的,就是大槌,是利刀,是快箭。

55、maul, of base metal ─── 木头锤,贱金属制

56、While Qui-Gon Jinn was escorting the fugitive Queen Amidala from Tatooine to Coruscant, Darth Maul swept down from above, lunging at Qui-Gon from his rocketing Sith speeder. ─── 当魁刚.金在塔图音护卫逃亡中的艾米达拉女王到科罗森时,达斯.魔从上方疾驶下来,在高速的西斯飞行机车上向魁刚.金猛冲。

57、splitting maul ─── 锤斧

58、Reporter: Ever had report a network gets online to go into the child of addiction, steal money frequently, still block the way his grandma gives maul. ─── 记者:曾有报道说一个网络成瘾的孩子为了去上网,屡次偷钱,还将阻拦他的奶奶给打伤。

59、Binding - the careful method players grip and grasp each other to form a secure scrum, ruck, or maul. ─── 绑扎,绑紧。在拉克(ruck)、摩儿(maul)和斯克兰(scrum)等情况下,参与的队员需要抓紧彼此以稳定或保证上述集团形式的完成。

60、umm here usually hang out with friends, go to the beach with friends, malling, and yeah preety much the same thing haha so what do you plan to be or do after high school? ─── 同志我来了!!整个下午到现在我都在看作业的材料,希望在回上海前尽量多完成。你呢?台风结束吗?这里从昨晚到现在雨没有停过。

61、Hmp. Empty bravado. Maul had been an animal. A skilled animal, but a beast nonetheless. ─── 唔,空洞的虚张声势。摩尔不过是一头野兽,一头技艺高超的野兽,但到头来也不过是一头牲畜罢了。

62、Maul's attack was relentless;he hammered down lightsaber strikes against the accomplished Jedi Master, forcing him back time and again. ─── 魔的攻击非常残忍:他用光剑反覆重击年长的绝地大师,迫使他节节败退。

63、G. Bickel, G. Hauser, and M. Maul, “Triangulation with expended range of depth, “ Optical Engineering, Vol. 24(6), pp. 975-977(1985). ─── 魏毅光,“雷射测距仪”,国立台湾大学电机工程所硕士论文,1996。

64、Miguel Campos is the leader of the fan club and he is dressed as his character of choice, Darth Maul. ─── 麦谷是影迷俱乐部的领导人,他打扮成黑武士达斯魔。

65、To split(wood) with a maul and wedge. ─── 用长柄重锤或楔劈开(木头)

66、While still having good restorative abilities, the Bear Shaman prefers to rend and maul the enemy. ─── 他们可以召唤他们自己的守护神使敌人暴露并且给与重创的同时来保护和帮助同盟者。

67、maul and wedges ─── [美]樵夫用的各种工具

68、- Mangle (Bear) now increases the damage of your Maul ability instead of the Shred ability. ─── 熊芒果debuff不增加猫背刺伤害,改增加熊捶击伤害(猫芒果还是增加猫背刺伤害)。

69、Chrissy: Carol tried to maul me. And Mike tried to give us liver poisoning. ─── 克丽丝:卡罗尔想要害我,还有迈克,给我们吃有毒的牛肝。

70、- Base damage of Maul, Rake and Ravage has been increased. ─── 缠绕和自然之握也可以在室内用了;

71、Master all the passages of play, from the maul to penalties to line-outs. ─── 这个橄榄球游戏比任何其他游戏都要简单易玩!

72、One or more of the dogs maul ed the boy to death in his backyard on Sunday.Police are investigating. ─── 其中两只罗特维尔犬和一只狮子狗已经被安乐死,警方正在就此事展开调查。

73、wood chopper rs maul ─── 伐木木锤

74、The Republic first came to know of Maul only as a mysterious attacker. ─── 共和第一次知道有关于达斯.魔的事,只是个神秘的攻击者。

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