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ministerial 发音

英:[mɪnɪ'stɪərɪəl]  美:[,mɪnɪ'stɪrɪəl]

英:  美:

ministerial 中文意思翻译



ministerial 词性/词形变化,ministerial变形

副词: ministerially |

ministerial 短语词组

1、ministerial council ─── 部长理事会

2、ministerial dialogue ─── 部长级对话

3、ministerial project ─── 部长级项目

4、the eighth ministerial conference ─── 第八届部长级会议

5、ministerial intervention ─── 部长级干预

6、ministerial code ─── 部长级法规

7、ministerial meeting n. ─── 部长级会议

8、ministerial conference ─── 部长级会议

9、ministerial crisis ─── [法] 内阁危机

10、non-ministerial ─── [网络] 非部长级

11、ministerial meetings n. ─── 部长级会议

12、ministerial ordinance ─── 部长条例

13、the eighth ministerial conference of the forum ─── 论坛第八届部长级会议

14、ministerial level ─── 部长级

15、ministerial scholar ─── 部长级学者

16、ministerial conference of the forum ─── 论坛部长级会议

17、ministerial responsibility ─── [法] 部长负责制, 部长责任制

18、ministerial engagement officer ─── 部长级参与官员

ministerial 相似词语短语

1、ministerialist ─── n.执政党议员

2、ministeria ─── 部

3、administerial ─── adj.管理上的;行政上的

4、ministerium ─── 新教理事会

5、magisterial ─── adj.有权威的;专横的;官吏的

6、monasterial ─── adj.修道院的;僧院的

7、ministerially ─── 部长地

8、ministering ─── n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人

9、unministerial ─── 联尼特派团

ministerial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As a result of such review, the Ministerial Conference may amendthe provisions of the Agreement. ─── 作为此类审议的结果,部长级会议可修正本协定的条款。

2、In a week's time, the Fourth FOCAC Ministerial Conference will take place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. ─── 再过一周,论坛第四届部长级会议将在埃及沙姆沙伊赫召开。

3、In a week's time, the Fourth FOCAC Ministerial Conference will take place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. ─── 再过一周,论坛第四届部长级会议将在埃及沙姆沙伊赫召开。

4、Indeed, agreement is needed by this time next year at the Third WTO Ministerial Conference. ─── 事实上,明年这个时候,我们需要在第三届世界贸易组织部长级会议上取得一致的看法。

5、As a result of such review, the Ministerial Conference may amend the provisions of the Agreement. ─── 作为此类审议的结果,部长级会议可修正本协定的条款。

6、The number of patients manage d by each individual resident is mo re than the requirement set by the ministerial standards, and has significant variations across subspecialties. ─── 各科住院医师层人均管理病例数多数超过卫生部专科医师培养标准要求,且科室差异明显。

7、To offset weak traditional loyalties, he has curried favour by lavish ministerial appointments. ─── 为了抵消掉那些传统而衰弱的忠贞不渝的老旧念头,他谄媚般慷慨的提供了很多内阁职位。

8、Rice was in Cairo, Egypt, as part of a whirlwind tour of the Middle East ahead of NATO ministerial meetings later this week in Brussels, Belgium. ─── 在一周后将于比利时的布鲁塞尔举行的北约部长级会议之前,莱斯展开中东的旋风之旅,埃及是其中一站。

9、The WTO Fourth Ministerial Meeting deliberated and adopted, on the basis of consensus, the decision on China's WTO accession on the afternoon of November 10 in Doha, capital of Qatar. ─── 世界贸易组织第四届部长级会议11月10日下午在卡塔尔首都多哈以全体协商一致的方式,审议并通过了中国加入世贸组织的决定。

10、The international community must remain engaged -- including through the third expanded ministerial meeting on Iraq, which will take place right here in Kuwait. ─── 国际社会必须依然是参与--包括通过第三个膨胀的内阁会议在伊拉克上,将发生这里在科威特。

11、The words "if the king said"in the table of Lai tripod cauldron refer that the ministerial dukes reigned in the name of King Li. ─── ?鼎铭文中的“王若曰”是执政诸侯以厉王的名议在行政。

12、Thereinto, The China-Japan-South Korea Economic and Trade Ministerial Meeting officially launched in September 2002. ─── 其中,中日韩经贸部长会议于2002年9月启动,至今已举行五次会议。

13、The intellectual property ministerial conference, which took place in October 2004, was one example of cooperation activities. ─── 2004年10月举行的知识产权部长会议是合作活动之一例。

14、Gillard will also hold the ministerial posts of education and industrial relations. ─── 吉拉德同时还将担任教育与工业关系部长。

15、For the second five years, we should set age limits for leaders at certain levels (for example, the provincial, municipal and autonomous-region and ministerial levels), which will apply with only certain special exceptions. ─── 到第二个五年,我们又要做到哪一级领导成员(比如盛市、自治区级,部长级),除特殊情况以外,不超过多少年龄。

16、"Using corrigent compatibility "is one method of TCM herbal compatibility.It is neglected always because its unimportant position in "king drug,ministerial drug,assistant drug,sacrifice drug". ─── “反佐配伍”是中医学方剂组织配伍中的法度之一,但由于它在“君、臣、佐、使”中处于辅佐的地位,常常不能引起人们的重视。

17、On November 10, the legal document on China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) was adopted at the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference held in Doha, the capital of Qatar. ─── 11月10日,在卡塔尔多哈举行的世界贸易组织(WTO)第四届部长级会议通过了中国加入世贸组织法律文件。

18、During all that time they referred to the troops as "ministerial, " as if the Crown's bureaucracy, not the king, waged the war. ─── 之前的日子里,他们将英军称为“内阁军”,好象是英王的内阁而非是英王发动了这场战争。

19、In November 2001, at the Doha Ministerial Conference of the WTO, all members agreed to launch a new round of negotiations on issues related to trade and the environment. ─── 20 0 1年 11月 ,在多哈举行的世贸组织部长级会议上 ,各国部长一致同意就贸易与环境的某些问题进行谈判。

20、APEC Ministerial Meetings Annual meeting where Ministers meet to develop and fund work programs for the committees. ─── 亚太经济合作组织部长会议部长们为发展和支持委员会工作计划而每年举行的会议。

21、Up to now CESI has been awarded more than 300 items of the Prize for Scientific Progress at the national, provincial and ministerial levels. ─── CESI遵循“科学、公正、诚信、服务”的准则,围绕着标准化的核心业务,按照国际通行规则为政府主管部门提供技术支撑。

22、NATO also agreed to reopen ministerial contacts with Russia, frozen since last year's war in Georgia. ─── 北约也同意重新恢复与俄罗斯的部长级接触,两者的关系自去年因格鲁吉亚战争以后一直处于断交状态。

23、On the Doha Ministerial Conference in 2001,all members agreed to negotiate on the issue of trade and environment. Doha Round is trying to achieve win-win-win situation among trade,environment and development. ─── 2001年WTO多哈部长级会议上,各方一致同意就贸易与环境议题进行谈判,力图实现贸易、环境与发展“三赢”的局面。

24、The HKSAR welcomes the launching of a new Round of multilateral trade negotiations at the WTO's Fourth Ministerial Conference concluded in Doha, Qatar in November. ─── 二零零一年十一月,世贸组织于卡塔尔多哈举行第四次部长级会议。 会上通过开展新一轮多边贸易谈判。 对此,香港特区表示欢迎。

25、To ensure that the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communication technologies, in conformity with recommendations contained in the ECOSOC 2000 Ministerial Declaration, are available to all. ─── - 依照《经社理事会2000年部长宣言》6所载建议,确保人人均可享受新技术、特别是信息和通讯技术的好处。

26、The last ministerial conference two years ago in Cancun, Mexico, ended without a new trade agreement. ─── 两年前在墨西哥坎昆举行的最近一次部长会议,最终也未能达成一项新的商贸协议。

27、The Ministerial Conference may review the operation of this Article in particular cases at the request of any Member and make appropriate recommendations. ─── 在任何成员请求下,部长级会议可审议本条在特殊情况下的运用情况,并提出适当建议。

28、They are holding a conference at ministerial level. ─── 他们正在举行部长级会议。

29、The prime minister's initial ministerial appointments haven't pleased all his supporters. ─── 这位首相最初的部长任命没有令他所有的支持者都满意。

30、In this connection, this Ministerial Meeting issued a separate Declaration. ─── 因此,此次部长会议出台了一个有关于此的单独宣言:

31、It may subsequently undertake appraisals of the TPRM at intervals to be determined by it or as requested by the Ministerial Conference. ─── TPRB随后还可按其确定或按部长级会议要求的时间间隔对TPRM进行评估。

32、He holds ministerial position in the church. ─── 他是教堂的牧师。

33、December 17 Oran in Algeria at the OPEC ministerial meeting is an occasion to make major decisions. ─── 12月17日在阿尔及利亚奥兰举行的欧佩克部长级会议才是作出重大决定的场合。

34、Renzhijiang directly refuted said : "ministerial officials say his statement is quite wrong! ─── 任志强直接驳斥说:“部长级官员说出此话颇为不妥也!”

35、Some MPs worked the expenses system too disreputably to keep their seats or, in some cases, their ministerial jobs or places on the Conservative front bench. ─── 一些操纵开支系统的议员们因够声名狼藉,或者在一些事情上,因他们的部门指责和地位在保守派议会前座才保住他们的位置。

36、A Joint Ministerial Statement was adopted. ─── 会议通过联合部长声明。

37、Stronger international cooperation to fight cybercrime moved a step forward on Wednesday with the signing of the Seoul Declaration at the OECD Ministerial meeting in Korea, but will Australia benefit? ─── 加强国际合作,打击网络犯罪的动议向前迈进一步,对周三与签署的汉城宣言在经合组织部长级会议在韩国,澳大利亚,但将受惠呢?

38、That is why we have come to China as the strongest ministerial delegation ever to visit from the UK. ─── 那就是我们作为英国有史以来最强大的部长级代表团到中国访问的原因。

39、At the national and the provincial and ministerial level published 14 papers. ─── 先后在国家级及省部级刊物上发表论文14篇。

40、LDPE has been awarded with State Silver Medal, Ministerial Excellent Product, Famous Product of Beijing Municipal, Good Product of Beijing and "Products with excellent quality stablility". ─── 低密度聚乙烯产品曾获国家银奖、部优市优产品奖、北京市名牌产品、北京市好产品、“全国质量稳定合格产品”等荣誉称号。

41、Pray for the EFC Ministerial Association meeting and the annual General Assembly Meeting. May God grant every EFC Church has new vision. ─── 为今年在洛杉矶举行的台福教会总会代祷,也求神带领整个台福教会的新方向。

42、Lin Liwu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a national model worker, has won 11 prizes of the national, provincial and ministerial levels. ─── 化学家林励吾,系中国科学院院士,为全国劳动模范。其研究成果11次获得国家、省部级成果奖。

43、U.S. top nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill is mobbed by the press at ASEAN ministerial meeting in Singapore, July 22, 2008. ─── 7月22日,在新加坡参加东盟峰会的美国负责朝核问题的首席谈判代表希尔被记者团团围住。

44、At an ASEAN ministerial meeting held in Hanoi in 2000, all the ministers agreed in principle to build a trans-ASEAN power line system and a gas pipeline project. ─── 两千年在河内举行的一项东协部长级会议中,各国部长原则上同意兴建泛东协输电系统和天然气管计划。

45、But the BJP, and its prime ministerial candidate LK Advani, are still haunted by the memory of the last general election when it lost despite being the overwhelming favourite. ─── 但是,在上次大选中已压倒性的支持率却最终败选的事实,仍让印度人民党和其总理候选人阿德瓦尼耿耿于怀。

46、Goh ChokTong's press secretary said that since the WTO ministerial meeting made the decision last year in Doha, capital of Qatar, to hold a new round of trade negotiations, the EU has put the global trade on top of its priority list. ─── 吴作栋的新闻发言人说,自世贸组织部长会议去年在卡达首都杜哈作出召开新一轮贸易谈判的决定之后,欧盟便将全球贸易当作首要之务。

47、NHI owns more than 200 patents and professional technique, there are 111 sets of new products fill the blank of the country and 104 product technique obtains the national, ministerial, provincial and municipal level rewards. ─── 公司拥有200余项专利和专有技术,先后有111台(套)新产品填补国家空白,有104项产品技术获国家、部、省、市奖励。

48、To ensure that the benefits of new technologies,especially information and communication technologies,in conformity with recommendations contained in the ECOSOC 2000 Ministerial Declaration,are available to all. ─── 依照《经社理事会2000年部长宣言》6所载建议,确保人人均可享受新技术、特别是信息和通讯技术的好处。

49、A pan-African ministerial meeting held in March this year in Maputo, Mozambique marked a turning point. ─── 2007年3月在莫桑比克首都马普托举办的全非部长级会议标志了一个转折点。

50、But the problems which were referred to these ministerial committees by the Cabinet were frequently unassociated with the name and purpose of the committee. ─── 但是内阁部委所提及得问题常常无法与与委员会的名字和目标关联。

51、He won the provincial and ministerial science or technology award. ─── 他获得了省部级科技奖。

52、I therefore urge Syed Hamid to take responsibility for not following proper procedure in issuing the detention order and resign immediately for misusing his ministerial power. ─── 因此,我促请赛哈密为不经正当程序发出扣留令和滥用部长权力负起全责,马上引咎辞职。

53、There will be a conference at ministerial level in the hotel. ─── 一个部长级会议将在这家酒店举行。

54、ASEAN - Mekong Basin Development Cooperation Ministerial Conference began in 1996 has grown into the Mekong River Basin is an important economic cooperation mechanism. ─── 东盟-湄公河流域开发合作部长级会议始于1996年,现已发展成为湄公河流域一个重要的经济合作机制。

55、McCormack said the ministerial talks would be loosely structured and unlikely to produce any specific outcome. ─── 麦科马克说,这次部长级会议的安排比较松散,不大可能产生具体结果。

56、Iran will be represented at the Kuwait ministerial though Rice said she has no plans for any direct contact with the Iranian delegation. ─── 伊朗将参加在科威特举行的部长级会议,不过赖斯说她没有和伊朗代表团直接接触的计划。

57、But I don't imagine he is making a ministerial broadcast to say he isn't going to hold an election. ─── 不过,我相信,他不会只是为了宣布不举行大选而作这次广播讲话。

58、The intellectual property ministerial conference, which took place in October 2004, was one example of cooperation activities. ─── 2004年10月举行的知识产权部长会议是合作活动之一例。

59、At the end of the time-period, the relevant Council shall submit a report to the Ministerial Conference. ─── 在该期限结束时,有关理事会应向部长级会议提交一份报告。

60、In the Fourth Ministerial Conference in Doha, November 2001, the total 142 members of WTO were in consensus for negotiation on clarification and improvement of DSU. ─── 2001年11月第四次部长级会议上,WTO142个成员方一致同意就《谅解》的改进和澄清举行谈判。

61、He ordered the review earlier this year after saying he was uncomfortable with his ministerial intervention powers. ─── 他已下令检讨今年早些时候后,他说,他不舒服,与他的部长级干预的权力。

62、The highest governing body of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference. ─── 世界贸易组织的最高统治机构是部门的会议。

63、The HKSAR welcomes the launching of a new Round of multilateral trade negotiations at the WTO's Fourth Ministerial Conference concluded in Doha,Qatar in November. ─── 二零零一年十一月,世贸组织于卡塔尔多哈举行第四次部长级会议。会上通过开展新一轮多边贸易谈判。对此,香港特区表示欢迎。

64、In the end, those in favor won out and formal contacts within the Russia-NATO Council are to resume and a ministerial level meeting was announced as likely in the coming months. ─── 克林顿是支持与俄罗斯恢复高层对话的北约外长之一,尽管还有一些北约的东欧成员对此表达了保留的态度。

65、With support from the Spokane Ministerial Association and the YMCA, the first Father's Day was celebrated in Spokane on June 19, 1910. ─── 在波肯市部门协会与基督教青年会的支持下,波肯市在1910年6月19日庆祝第一个父亲节。

66、Sister Vivian Ngu, our new Ministerial Staff (Youth &Cell Group Development). Lets support her and pray for her so that she can work effectively, innovatively and efficiently. ─── 吴丽玲姐妹是年轻活力的姐妹,新一代的领袖。她的加入必定注入一股新的力量与冲劲。欢迎你!

67、Strict implementation of the ministerial regulations, we are strict in managing the test of a concrete manifestation of the principle of work. ─── 严格贯彻落实部颁规章制度,是我们坚持从严治考工作原则的具体体现。

68、By scaling back expectations for Hong Kong, ministers hope to avoid repeating the damaging collapse of previous ministerial meetings in Seattle in 1999 and Cancun in 2003. ─── 各国部长希望降低对香港会议的预期,以避免再现1999年西雅图及2003年坎昆部长级会议具有破坏性的破裂。

69、Trying to resolve this contradiction under TRIPS, the Doha Declaration was passed at the WTO ministerial meeting held in Doha. ─── 为了在TRIPS框架下解决这一矛盾,多哈部长级会议上通过了《公共健康宣言》。

70、She has an interested buyer, but transferring property in The Gambia requires ministerial consent and can take up to a year. ─── 她找到了一位有意向的买主,但要在冈比亚转让财产,必须要获得政府部委审批,而且耗时可能长达一年。

71、Nearly a decade since Humphrey was shown the door to No. 10 Downing Street, the prime ministerial house has a cat in residence again. ─── 在汉弗莱被逐出唐宁街10号近十年后,英国首相官邸又迎来了一只“第一猫”。

72、Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank. ─── 不出几个月,她就被提升至部级。

73、He won't allow anyone to defy his ministerial authority. ─── 他不允许任何人挑衅他的教长权威。

74、The meeting was preceded by the Eleventh APEC Ministerial Meeting, at which the HKSAR was represented by the Secretary for Trade and Industry. ─── 在是次会议前举行的第十一届亚太经合组织部长级会议,香港特区由工商局局长代表出席。

75、Five software planned and designed by the company have passed the provincial or ministerial appraisal and won the provincial or ministerial result prize. ─── 公司成员策划设计的软件有五个通过省部级鉴定,并获省部级成果奖。

76、They carried the ministerial veto. ─── 他们行使了内阁否决权。

77、In this connection,this Ministerial Meeting issued a separate Declaration. ─── 因此,此次部长会议出台了一个有关于此的单独宣言。

78、He demanded OPEC members make right decisions and seek a consensus in the forthcoming ministerial meeting in the western Algerian town of Oran. ─── 他要求欧佩克成员在奥兰的西方阿尔及利亚的城镇中即将到来的部长级会议会议中做出正确决定和寻找一一致意见.

79、Repeated Ministerial advice is carrying little weight and the expansion programme is not working very well. ─── 部长们一再提出的建议收效甚微,扩张计划也不太奏效。

80、The Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation is held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. ─── 世界贸易组织第六次部长级会议在香港会议展览中心举行。

81、Lavish spending on such things as ministerial cars is being frowned on. The new government seems to be tackling corruption. ─── 对于部长座车等毫无节制的开支亦皱眉表示不满,新政府似乎要打击贪污。

82、The other functions that the provisions of GATT 1994 assign to the CONTRACTING PARTIES acting jointly shall be allocated by the Ministerial Conference. ─── gatt 1994的条款指定采取联合行动的缔约方全体履行的其他职能应由部长级会议进行分配。

83、The initial talks will focus on the itinerary of the meeting, dates and other details of the North Korean proposal of holding ministerial meeting in Seoul. ─── 初步的会谈将讨论会谈的议程、日期以及北韩提议在汉城举行部长级会谈的其他细节。

84、Tehran submitted a document to Solana July 19 that is understood to have proposed several rounds of ministerial level negotiations while avoiding any promise to halt enrichment. ─── 在7月19日会上上交给S一份文件,该文件提议要求多轮部长级商谈,同时也避免任何承诺停止浓缩铀项目。

85、Among these, 32 are brand new faces to the top echelons of government, none of them ever having served in a ministerial or departmental leadership capacity. ─── 其中32位阁员是全新的政务官,从来没有担任过部会首长的职位。

86、But now that Mr Putin himself is in the prime ministerial seat it may be harder for him to find scapegoats. ─── 但是现在,普京自己坐在总理的位置上,再去找个替罪羊可能会比较困难。

87、The Municipal (Ministerial, State) Quality Certificate is a glorious symBol of this product. ─── 产品质量市级(部级,国家级)合格证书是该产品的荣耀象征。

88、The WTO is holding its sixth ministerial conference. ─── 世贸正举行第六次部长级会议。

89、The fourth WTO Ministerial Conference is being held in Doha, Qatar from9 to14 November2001. ─── 于2001年11月9日至14日在卡塔尔首都多哈举行的世界贸易组织第四届部长级会议。

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