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10-02 投稿


makable 发音


英:  美:

makable 中文意思翻译



makable 短语词组

1、makable trading limited makable ─── 贸易有限公司

makable 相似词语短语

1、bankable ─── adj.银行能接受的;卖座的,吸金的;可赢利的,能赚大钱的;有利可图的,确保成功的;可靠的

2、mockable ─── 可嘲笑的

3、maskable ─── adj.可屏蔽的

4、makeable ─── adj.可标记的;可建造的

5、makeables ─── 可制造的

6、unmakable ─── 不可兑换

7、hackable ─── 可破解的

8、mailable ─── adj.可邮寄的

9、takable ─── 应税

makable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That's a real makable hobby! Everyone who passes your house can admire and enjoy. ─── 那真是一项值得做的爱好。任何一个从你家经过的人都会欣赏享受的。

2、Of this breed we can make short shrift. ─── 这个品种,我们能很快解决。

3、Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? ─── 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?

4、How many yards must I buy to make a coat? ─── 做一件外套我必须买多少码?

5、I do not want to make a fuss over such a trifle. ─── 我不想为这种小事大惊小怪。

6、They planned to make a wedding trip to Paris. ─── 他们计划到巴黎旅行度蜜月。

7、Jane save up pieces of cloth to make a quilt. ─── 简存了几段布留做棉被用。

8、He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. ─── 他给鸭肉加了点猪油使它美味可口。

9、The remark make me want to climb under the pew. ─── 这句话使我真想藏在座位下面去。

10、Please make every endeavour to arrive punctually. ─── 请尽量准时到达。

11、They gave me a week to make up my mind. ─── 他们允许我有一周的时间作决定。

12、Take the prescription to the dispensary and they'll make it out. ─── 拿这个处方到药房,他们就会给你配药了。

13、The same principle may make for smoother writing. ─── 这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。

14、I regret having to make so many staff redundant. ─── 我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。

15、The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. ─── 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。

16、It rests with you to make the next move. ─── 下一步怎么办就取决于你了。

17、It is imperative that we make a quick decision. ─── 我们要尽快做出决定。

18、I adviced him to make hay while the sun shone. ─── 我劝他抓紧时机。

19、They are pressing us to make a quick decision. ─── 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。

20、Pack your bags and make it snappy; we leave in five minutes. ─── 赶快把东西装进你们的包里,5分钟后我们就走。

21、The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. ─── 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。

22、I make the distance anywhere between ten to twelve miles. ─── 我猜想距离在十到十二英里之间。

23、You won't make the team if you don't try out. ─── 不参加选拔就不能加入这个队。

24、May I prevail on you to make a speech after dinner. ─── 可以请你在用餐後讲几句话吗。

25、I saw him make by the gate on his bicycle. ─── 我看见他骑自行车从大门旁边过去了。

26、Some young people like to make a fetish of style. ─── 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。

27、The shy girl tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. ─── 那个怕羞的女孩子尽量使自己不被人注意。

28、Could is used to make more tentative suggestions. ─── 可用以提出较试探性的建议。

29、I believe that he can make a judicious choice. ─── 我相信他能作出明智的选择。

30、The shop expect to make a small profit this year. ─── 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。

31、That's all there is to make a speed dial call. ─── 在那里全部要进行快速拨号呼叫。

32、She used up the chicken bones to make soup. ─── 她把鸡骨头全用来熬汤了。

33、The shock make me go all weak at the knee. ─── 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。

34、It is not easy to make a simile go on all fours. ─── 一个比喻要完全贴切是不容易的。

35、I could make little of what he was saying. ─── 我弄不懂他在说些什么。

36、How she longed to make it up with him! ─── 她多么渴望与他重修旧好啊!

37、It's cruel to make fun of a blind man. ─── 取笑一个瞎子是残忍的。

38、He knows how to take a joke and make one. ─── 他经得起别人开自己的玩笑,也会开别人的玩笑。

39、I don't know what to make of his behaviour. ─── 我不知道怎么理解他的行为。

40、I'm going to make sure if I'm going to Macao. ─── 我要拿定主意我是否去澳门。

41、A good weep would probably make you feel better. ─── 你痛痛快快哭上阵也许就好受些了。

42、Did you make any headway in your research work? ─── 你们的研究工作有进展吗?

43、I can make do with this handbag for some time. ─── 我这个提包还可以应付一阵子。

44、To make stuffed dumpling is his speciality. ─── 包饺子是他的拿手好戏。

45、We will make some concession in price. ─── 我们将在价格上做些让步。

46、These words are jumbled up and don't make sense. ─── 这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通。

47、I don't quite know what to make of her remarks. ─── 我不太知道如何来理解她的话。

48、They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel. ─── 他们正在凿山建一条隧道。

49、The thought nerved me to make an other effort. ─── 这种想法激励我再作一番努力。

50、He asked the tailor to make over his pants. ─── 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。

51、This sentence doesn't make sense. ─── 这个句子没有意义。

52、Don't make yourself a nuisance to others. ─── 不要做一个令人讨厌的人。

53、Please make an appointment with my secretary. ─── 请跟我秘书定个见面时间。

54、The hard core in the party make all the decisions. ─── 这个党的核心成员决定一切。

55、Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red. ─── 她那些批评任谁都得火冒三丈。

56、He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. ─── 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。

57、He find it impossible to make her change her mind. ─── 他发现使她改变主意是不可能的。

58、It was reserved for him to make the admirable discovery. ─── 那项令人赞赏的发现注定由他完成。

59、He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. ─── 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。

60、I saw him make mops and mows at Mary. ─── 我看见他冲着玛丽做鬼脸。

61、It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer. ─── 嘲笑口吃的人未免不近人情。

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