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10-02 投稿


mariposa 发音

英:  美:

mariposa 中文意思翻译



mariposa 词性/词形变化,mariposa变形

形容词: Mariological |

mariposa 短语词组

1、mariposa grove ─── 马里波萨格罗夫

2、desert mariposa tulip ─── [网络] 沙漠马里波萨郁金香

3、sagebrush mariposa tulip ─── [网络] sagebrush马里波萨郁金香

4、mariposa tulip n. (=Mariposa lily) ─── 蝴蝶百合

5、yellow mariposa tulip ─── [网络] 黄色马尾蛇郁金香

6、mariposa lily ─── 蝴蝶百合属(calochortus)植物; ─── 蝴蝶百合花, 美丽大百合 [亦作 marposa tulip]

mariposa 相似词语短语

1、margosa ─── 楝树

2、katipos ─── 卡蒂普斯

3、maria ─── n.母马;母驴;月球(或火星)表面的阴暗部;(非正式)女人(mare的复数);n.(Maria)(美、西、阿根廷、巴)玛利亚(人名)

4、curiosa ─── n.珍品;奇品;黄色书刊

5、mariposas ─── n.蝴蝶百合;斗牛士在身后挥动披风的逗牛动作

6、margosas ─── 楝树

7、mareros ─── 马雷罗斯

8、matipos ─── 数学

9、adipose ─── adj.用于贮存脂肪的;脂肪的;n.动物脂肪

mariposa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With the help of Mariposa,Sunburst,Lumina,Glee,Rayla,Rayna,Dandelion,Nori, and many more friends Elina had the courage to defeat the evil Laverna and to find the Gold Wand. ─── 靠着曼瑞莎,莎宝丝,露美娜,姬丽,瑞拉,瑞娜,丹丽安,罗丽,以及很多别的朋友的帮助,爱丽娜有了勇气去打败邪恶的露维娜,并找到金色魔杖。

2、mariposa having umbel-like clusters of a few large deep yellow bell-shaped flowers atop slender stems; California coastal ranges ─── 一种蝴蝶郁金香,在细长的茎干上长着几朵大的、深黄色的、钟状花,其花呈簇生,类似于伞状花序;生长于加利福尼亚海岸地区

3、mariposa with clusters of bell-shaped vermilion or orange or yellow flowers atop short stems; southern California to Arizona and Mexico ─── 一种蝴蝶百合,在短的茎干上长有簇状、钟形的花,花色有朱红色、橙色或黄色;分布于加利福尼亚南部到亚利桑那州和墨西哥

4、The side of the Mariposa rushed past him like a dark wall, broken here and there by lighted ports. ─── 船底从他身边一掠过,想一堵黑乎乎的墙,上面有几处发光的洞。

5、Mariposa having loose umbel-like clusters of 1-3 handsome lilac flowers atop stout erect stems,arid northwestern North America east of Cascade Mountains from southern British Columbia to northern California. ─── 一种蝴蝶百合,在短粗而直立的的茎干顶端长着由一至三朵漂亮的丁香紫色花构成的簇状松散的伞状花序,生长于北美北部的干旱地区。

6、Sclerocactus mariposensis [mariposa cactus] ─── 海波硬仙人掌

7、The side of the Mariposa rushed past him like a dark wall, broken here and there by lighted ports. ─── 船底从他身边一掠过,想一堵黑乎乎的墙,上面有几处发光的洞。

8、mariposa having loose umbel-like clusters of 1-3 handsome lilac flowers atop stout erect stems; arid northwestern North America east of Cascade Mountains from southern British Columbia to northern California. ─── 一种蝴蝶百合,在短粗而直立的的茎干顶端长着由一至三朵漂亮的丁香紫色花构成的簇状松散的伞状花序;生长于北美北部的干旱地区。

9、The Mariposa was now in the northeast trades, and this wine of wind, surging against him, irritated him. ─── 某种辽远的求生的本能还在他心里搏动,他明白他必须走掉。

10、They meet different fairy friends and also meet Mariposa in Flutterfield. ─── 他们见到了不同的仙子朋友,还在展翅镇见到了曼瑞莎!

11、The Mariposa was deeply loaded, and, hanging by his hands, his feet would be in the water. He could slip in noiselessly. No one would hear. ─── 船吃水很深,用胳膊攀住舷窗,他的脚能够到海水,悄无声息地滑进水里,没有人会听到。

12、Mariposa lily ─── n. [植]美丽大百合, 美丽大百合的花

13、The Mariposa was deeply loaded, and, hanging by his hands, his feet would be in the water. ─── 马里泊萨号负载沉重,他只需两手攀着舷窗双脚便可以点到水。

14、The corner of the mariposa rushed, murphy is "Samson section chief" ? ─── 那墙角里黑乎乎的,莫非是“孙科长”?。

15、mariposa having loose umbel-like clusters of 1-3 handsome lilac flowers atop stout erect stems; ─── 一种蝴蝶百合,在短粗而直立的的茎干顶端长着由一至三朵漂亮的丁香紫色花构成的簇状松散的伞状花序;

16、Fallen Monarch in Mariposa Grove. ─── 倒下已有数百年了.

17、mariposa having umbel-like clusters of a few large deep yellow bell-shaped flowers atop slender stems; ─── 一种蝴蝶郁金香,在细长的茎干上长着几朵大的、深黄色的、钟状花,其花呈簇生,类似于伞状花序;

18、Not far from Wawona lies Mariposa Grove, a grove of 500 enormous, ancient sequoias. The oldest tree in the grove, named “Grizzly Gaint,” is estimated to be around 2,000 years old. ─── 在华娃纳不远处就是玛里普萨丛林,这里生长约500棵巨型的参天大红杉树,这里最老的树龄名叫“格里兹利”巨型大红杉,大约有2000年树龄。

19、mariposa having umbel-like clusters of a few large deep yellow bell-shaped flowers atop slender stems; California coastal ranges. ─── 一种蝴蝶郁金香,在细长的茎干上长着几朵大的、深黄色的、钟状花,其花呈簇生,类似于伞状花序;生长于加利福尼亚海岸地区。

20、Givens, a 46-year-old electrical engineer, has an extreme commute between home in Mariposa, California, and his job in San Jose. ─── 46岁的吉文斯是一名电气工程师,其上下班极端旅程是往返于加利福尼亚州马里波萨的家与位于圣何塞的工作单位之间。

21、Mariposa tulip ─── n. [植] (=Mariposa lily)蝴蝶百合

22、The Mariposa was deeply loaded, and, hanging by his hands, his feet would be in the water. ─── 午饭时他发现自己上了荣誉席,坐到了船长右边。

23、In a place called the Mariposa Grove, visitors can see some of the largest, tallest and oldest living things on Earth.These are the giant Sequoia Trees. ─── 在一个叫做蝴蝶百合树林的地方,游客可以看到一些地球上最大最高最老的生物。

24、Mariposa is an open source Material Requirements Planning (MRP) system written in PHP. GOALS:A working MRP system which includes:Sales, Purchasing, Accounting, Inventory, Exploded Bills of Material ─── 这是个开源的物质规划系统,采用PHP编写。其功能包括:销售、采购、记账、库存、材料清单等。

25、Mariposa entered the doldrums, Martin was more miserable than ever. ─── 马里泊萨号进入赤道无风带那天,马丁比任何时候都痛苦了。

26、They meet different fairy friends and also meet Mariposa in Flutterfield. ─── 他们见到了不同的仙子朋友,还在展翅镇见到了曼瑞莎!

27、The lights of the Mariposa were growing dim in the distance, and there he was, swimming confidently, as though it were his intention to make for the nearest land a thousand miles or so away. ─── 他那厌倦的灵魂大喊大叫着提出了抗议。他呻吟了一声,转身离开了甲板,喃喃地说道:“你呀,你已经病入膏盲,病人膏盲。”

28、Mariposa formation ─── 马里波萨组

29、Sixty percent of the teachers at the Mariposa-Nabi primary school in Los Angeles have received layoff notices. ─── 洛杉矶Mariposa-Nabi小学60%的教师收到了裁员通知。

30、the Wawona Hotel was built to serve tourists visiting Mariposa Grove. ─── 人们为参观马里·波萨林地的游客建了瓦沃纳旅馆。

31、mariposa with clusters of bell-shaped vermilion or orange or yellow flowers atop short stems; ─── 一种蝴蝶百合,在短的茎干上长有簇状、钟形的花,花色有朱红色、橙色或黄色;

32、The Mariposa was now in the northeast trades, and this wine of wind, surging against him, irritated him.He had his chair moved to escape the embrace of this lusty comrade of old days and nights. ─── 他把躺椅向屋内移了移,逃开了这个过去日夜陪伴他的强健的老伙计。

33、La mariposa es bonita.The butterfly is pretty. ─── 这是只漂亮的蝴蝶 --> Las mariposas son bonitas.

34、mariposa with clusters of bell-shaped vermilion or orange or yellow flowers atop short stems; southern California to Arizona and Mexico. ─── 一种蝴蝶百合,在短的茎干上长有簇状、钟形的花,花色有朱红色、橙色或黄色;分布于加利福尼亚南部到亚利桑那州和墨西哥。

35、Buttle is a member of the Mariposa School of Skating where he was coached by Lee Barkell and Rafael Arutunian. ─── 是的,生命还要继续。走出去,外面是一片更广阔的天空,阳光依旧灿烂如常。

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