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10-01 投稿


metes 发音

英:[miːt]  美:[miːt]

英:  美:

metes 中文意思翻译





metes 短语词组

1、metes and bounds ─── [法] 区划, 边界, 分界

metes 词性/词形变化,metes变形


metes 常用词组

mete out ─── 给予

metes 相似词语短语

1、meres ─── adj.仅仅的;只不过的;n.小湖;池塘;n.(Mere)人名;(日)目连(姓);(西)梅雷

2、fetes ─── n.节日;宗教庆典;盛宴;义卖集会(fete的复数);v.盛宴招待;赞扬(fete的三单形式)

3、mates ─── n.伴侣牌,伙伴;好朋友;n.(Mates)人名;(捷)马特斯;(英)梅茨

4、memes ─── 模因(meme的复数)

5、cetes ─── n.一群獾

6、jetes ─── n.(法)芭蕾舞小跳(单脚跳起单脚落地)

7、metres ─── 米;格律

8、mete ─── vt.给予;分配;测量;n.边界;测量;n.(Mete)人名;(意、土、乍、中非)梅特

9、meters ─── n.[计量]米;[计量]公尺(meter的复数形式)

metes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At the same time, multi-test we possible because the CAN bus was expansibility.This teat can use for comparison analysis for different metes at the same time. ─── 同时,CAN总线的可扩展性使多个电机的同时检测成为可能,更便于对电机进行相关性能的分析比较,同时实现多驱动车辆电机的性能检测。

2、"Don't be to say that would drinking coffee make the person excited, that can affect kid's check-up, in case of mete out the Zha like a hypertension to do? ─── “不是说喝咖啡会让人兴奋吗,那会不会影响孩子体检啊,万一量出个高血压之类的咋办呢?”

3、metes and bounds ─── n.[律](房地产的)四至,界线,(事物的)公认范围,界限

4、mete data ─── 元数据

5、mete out severe punishment to sb ─── 严惩某人

6、because of His mercy, he wants the wicked to return to Him before he metes out punishment. ─── 因为出于怜悯,他在还没实行审判前要行恶的回头是岸。

7、Hightlord Alexandros Mograine says: My son,there will come a day when you will command the Ashbringer and.with it,mete justice across this land. ─── 大领主亚历山德罗斯.莫格莱尼说:我的孩子,将来会有这么一天,当你将能够支配灰烬使者并且为之战斗时,让正义洒遍这片土地的那一天。

8、One of the most powerful scenes in the film occurs when the Emperor metes out a particularly cruel comeuppance to someone, ─── 影片中最震撼的场面之一就是大王非常残忍地惩罚了一些人

9、pressure mete ─── 压力计划

10、mete model ─── 元模型

11、KJV: For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. ─── 和合本:因为你们怎样论断人,也必怎样被论断;你们用什麽量器量给人,也必用什麽量器量给你们。

12、And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. ─── 又说你们所听的要留心。你们用什么量器量给人,也必用什么量器量给你们,并且要多给你们。

13、For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. ─── 因为你们用什么量器量给人,也必用什么量器量给你们。

14、mete wand ─── n. 计量基准

15、mete out punishment to sb.; apply sanctions against sb. ─── 予以制裁

16、Schools should not mete out physical punishment to children. ─── 学校不应该体罚学生。

17、the floor space is 80,000 square meters, with a building area of 53,000 square metes; ─── 占地面积80000平方米,其中建筑面积53000平方米;

18、I confess such endless days and nights would be a punishment far greater than you could ever mete out. ─── 我承认那样的漫漫白日和长夜才是超乎你们所能给予的巨大的惩罚。

19、40 Highlord Alexandros Morgraine says: My son, there will be a day when you will command the Ashbringer and, with it, mete out justice across this land. ─── 大领主亚历山德罗斯.莫格莱尼说:我的儿子,会有那麽一天,你将手持灰烬使者,将正义播撒整个大陆。

20、Beijing promised to mete out harsh punishment if any wrongdoing was involved. ─── 北京方面表示如果其中存在过失将严厉惩处。

21、Komite mete men pou verite blayi ─── 发掘真相联合委员会

22、1.in addition; moreover; 2.to inflict ... on/upon; to mete sth. out ─── 加以

23、According to the Gospels John prophesied that he would be followed by someone greater than he who would save the righteous and mete out eternal punishment to the evildoers. ─── 据福音书(复数),约翰预言他后面来的比他更大,来救义人,给与恶人永远的惩罚。

24、He provided detailed plans for how it would provide healthcare, pave roads and reorganize schools, and how it would mete out justice. ─── 他制定了如何提供健康保险、铺路、重组学校和如何伸张正义的具体计划。

25、peak flow mete ─── 最大呼气流量计

26、charge and discharge type frequency mete ─── 充放电式频率计

27、A commissar is the bearer of the Emperor's Law, and holds the irrefutable right to mete out judgement, sentence and punishment. ─── 政委是帝皇法则的传达者,拥有执行判决和惩罚士兵的绝对权利。

28、He saddled Mutz, promising to mete out cruel punishment to the thief. ─── 他跨上马,保证要狠狠地治那个贼子。

29、If the advertising agents run false advertisements, the consumers may request administrative departments to mete out punishment. ─── 广告的经营者发布虚假广告的,消费者可以请求行政主管部门予以惩处。

30、They'll mete out more damage than any other class, but will be very weak in melee situations, wearing only cloth armor. ─── 他们能比其他职业造成更大伤害,但是只能穿衣甲:近身肉搏将是一件不愉快的事情。

31、aggrandize the degree to mete out punishment to corruption and strengthen the construction of cadre troops; ─── 加大惩治腐败的力度,加强干部队伍建设;

32、2For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. ─── 2因为你们用什麽判断来判断,你们也要受什麽判断;你们用什麽尺度量给人,也要用什麽尺度量给你们。

33、At the same time, Shaanxi Province will accelerate the liquidation of real estate projects in the industrial wage, and to mete out more severe punishment. ─── 同时,陕西省还将加快清理房地产工程拖欠农民工工资的问题,并加大惩处力度。

34、The Center now has four incubation buildings with a total incubation area of 108,000 spuare metes. ─── 创业中心现有4个孵化基地,拥有孵化场地108000平方米,具有完善的配套设施。

35、God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth. ─── 6神已经指着他的圣洁说,(说或作应许我)我要欢乐。我要分开示剑,丈量疏割谷。

36、Using National Standard Utensil to Solue the Problem of Business's Reference Wagon Trace to the Source Mete Value ─── 利用国家标准器具解决企业用检衡车量值溯源问题

37、One of the most powerful scenes in the film occurs when the Emperor metes out a particularly cruel comeuppance to someone, ─── 影片中最震撼的场面之一就是大王非常残忍地惩罚了一些人,

38、Within an hour, plans have been formed to pool the neighbourhood's perishables, to keep them in one cool shared place, and to mete them out, fairly and carefully so they last as long as possible. ─── 在一个小时内,大家就制定出了共享邻居的易腐食物的计划,将它们放到一个共享的阴凉处,仔细而平均地分给每个人以便使它们可以保持得尽可能久。

39、Keywords Altingia chingii Mete;Tissue culture; ─── 半枫荷;组织培养;

40、Evidence-based nutrition recommendations and principles for diabetes were presented by American Diab-metes Association in2002. ─── 美国糖尿病学会于2002年提出基于证据的糖尿病营养推荐量标准和治疗原则。

41、The only way to prevent driving under the influence is to mete out stiffer penalties to violators. ─── 唯一可以阻止醉酒驾车的方法是给予违反者更加严厉的处罚。

42、Environmental protection authorities of People's Governments at the county level are empowered to mete out penalties under ten thousand yuan ─── 县级人民政府环境保护部门可处以一万元以下罚款

43、You did not know the measure you were going to mete me. ─── 因为您不知道您要用什么量器量给我。

44、EG.I will estimate the size of the garden at 1000 square mete. ─── 我估计这个花园的面积有1千平方米。

45、But this is a tall order. Two adult zebras mete out powerful kicks with sharp hooves. ─── 但这是一个难办的事情。两只成年斑马用锋利的蹄子强有力地踢着。

46、On what basis did he mete out the rewards? ─── 他是根据什么决定奖励的?

47、mete stick ─── n. 量尺

48、The World Trade Center, an office building for over 1, 200 firms which employ 50, 000 people is even higher at 411 metes. ─── 世界贸易中心更高,有411米。它是一座办公大楼,楼里有雇佣了约5万雇员的1200多家公司。

49、The application of converter contributes a lot to the control of flow mete,aiming at avoiding the loss and saving the energy. ─── 提出了采用变频器实现对注塑机的流量控制,避免了溢流损失,实现节能。

50、Finally, the SEC also acts as judge and jury in deciding whether its rules have been violated; it conducts adjudicatory hearings to determine guilt and mete out punishment. ─── 最后,委员会在决定是否有人违反了其规章方面还可充当法官和陪审团的角色,它进行判决性的审讯,宣判有罪并裁量惩罚。

51、God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth. ─── 7神已经指着他的圣洁说(说或作应许我),我要欢乐。我要分开示剑,丈量疏割谷。

52、No,in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth. ─── 不!你们一心只想作恶,在地上犯强暴的罪。

53、To exact or mete out punishment. ─── 强制服从惩罚或给予惩罚

54、It is normal, in accordance with the merits of the case, to mete out appropriate and well grounded criticism to comrades who have erred, and even to conduct necessary struggle against them; ─── 按照情况,对于犯错误的同志采取恰如其分的合乎实际的批评,甚至必要的斗争,这是正常的,是为了帮助他们改正错误。

55、area-type mete ─── [机] 面积型流量计

56、Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole ─── 我与年老的妻子相匹,颁布着

57、No, in your heart you devise injustice, and your hands mete out violence on the earth. ─── 不然,你们是心中作恶。你们在地上秤出你们手所行的强暴。

58、Some people can dive about 180 metes, but most people can only dive about 30 meters. ─── 大部分的人仅仅只能签到30米左右,少部分的人可以到180米。

59、Highlord Alexandros Mograine says: My son, there will come a day when you will command the Ashbringer and with it, mete justice across this land. ─── 我的孩子,有一天你会驾驭灰烬使者,拿着它给这片大地带来正义。

60、Mete out severe punishment to a counter-revolutionary ─── 严惩反革命分子

61、sound level mete ─── 审计计, 噪声计

62、To mete out severe punishment according to law ─── 按法严惩

63、To mete out penalties not commensurate with the off tenses committed ─── 故人故出

64、Superwing Electronic Co. , Ltd was established in 2000, located in the China's largest game-production area –Panyu, its covers 6000 square metes. ─── 翔电子科技有限公司成立于二000年,位于中国最大的游戏机生产基地,占地面积为6000多平方米。

65、they can be brown , purple, red, blue and green. they can be as small as 3 cms long and as large as 3 metes long. ─── 他们可棕色、红色、蓝色、紫色和绿色可大可小。有3厘米长的,还有长达3米的。

66、mete out combined punishment ─── 数罪并罚

67、We need to mete out severe punishment to the small number of criminals while making unremitting efforts to unite, educate and rescue the vast majority of people who have been taken in. ─── 中国将积极参与国际事务,为维护世界和平、促进国际合作、实现共同发展,为推动建立和平稳定、公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序,作出新的贡献。

68、For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. ─── 因为你们怎样论断人、也必怎样被论断。你们用甚麽量器量给人、也必用甚麽量器量给你们。

69、The Introduction of Compute Method to Difference between Direct Current Volts Using Digital Volt Mete, and Assess the Uncertainty of Measured Result ─── 数字电压表检定直流电位差计方法介绍及测量结果不确定度的评定

70、For with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again. ─── 你们用什么量器来量,上帝也要用同样的量器量还给你们。”

71、And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack;they gathered every man according to his eating. ─── 及至用俄梅珥量一量,多收的也没有余,少收的也没有缺,各人按着自己的饭量收取。

72、Smart mete technologies can change this, with a feature called “time of use ” pricing, which offers lower prices during off-peak periods and higher during peak periods. ─── 智能仪表将改变这种做法。智能仪表具有一种叫做“使用时间”的性能,可以在峰谷时段提供较低的价格,在用电高峰时给出较高的价格。

73、clamp - on ultrasonic gas mete ─── 夹装式超声波流量计

74、year of vaporize mete ─── 年蒸发量

75、We must also follow the laws and regulations and mete out punishment against those who breach the laws and regulations and illicitly seize the land of the farmers. ─── 必须依法严惩那些违背法律、强占乱占农民土地的人。

76、jaw force mete ─── 咬合力计, 颌力计

77、At the same time, our province will also accelerate the liquidation of real estate projects in the industrial wage, to mete out more severe punishment. ─── 同时,我省还将加快清理房地产工程拖欠农民工工资问题,加大惩处力度。

78、Foreign firms feel obliged to use contractors like Mr Zhang to cope with capricious and corrupt local officials, and the arbitrary justice they mete out. ─── 外国企业想使用像张先生那样的承包商,以应付当地那些出尔反尔的贪官污吏,以及他们认为是独断专行的司法机构。

79、Environmental protection authorities of People's Governments at the county level are empowered to mete out penalties under ten thousand yuan, ─── 县级人民政府环境保护部门可处以一万元以下罚款,

80、And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating. ─── 及至用俄梅珥量一量,多收的也没有馀,少收的也没有缺,各人按着自己的饭量收取。

81、Inflict: To deal or mete out (something punishing or burdensome); impose ─── 使负担:给予或强加给(通常是惩罚性的或沉重的东西);强迫

82、It does, however, mete out plenty of perspective. ─── 不过,它的判决很多观点。

83、"The reincarnations of some former lovers have recently gathered here, and so I have come to look for a chance to mete out love and longing." ─── "因近来风流冤孽,缠绵于此处,是以前来访察机会,布散相思."

84、And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. ─── 24又说你们所听的要留心。你们用什么量器量给人,也必用什么量器量给你们,并且要多给你们。

85、It's said that a judge who metes out justice with a firm hand is going to try the case. ─── 当地政府已经把救济物资分发给了水灾地区的人们。

86、A Red-Line Communication Device of Getting data from Electronic Mete which realized by Micro Controller ─── 单片机控制的手持红外抄表系统

87、Other creature metes tend to rise and fall rather quickly. ─── 其他动物萌图的流量往往会很快涨落。

88、US court metes out justice to corrupt Chinese officials. ─── 中国(外逃)受贿官员(许超凡、许国俊)被美国法庭定罪(25年有期徒刑)。

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