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10-02 投稿


unclaimed 发音

英:[ˌʌnˈkleɪmd]  美:[ˌʌnˈkleɪmd]

英:  美:

unclaimed 中文意思翻译



unclaimed 词性/词形变化,unclaimed变形

副词: uncivilly |名词: uncivilness |

unclaimed 同义词

rude | discourteous | offensive | ungracious | bad-mannered | insulting | impolite | caustic | unfriendly

unclaimed 短语词组

1、unclaimed balance ─── [经] 没有人来提取的存款余额

2、unclaimed letter ─── [法] 拒绝书

3、unclaimed money ─── 无人认领的钱

4、dividend payable unclaimed ─── [经] 未取的的应付股利

5、unclaimed baggage ─── 无人认领的行李

6、unclaimed article ─── [财]无人认领的物品

7、unclaimed freight ─── [财]无人认领的货物

8、unclaimed corpse ─── [法] 无主尸体

9、unclaimed cargo ─── 无人领取的货物

10、unclaimed fund ─── [法] 无人认领的资金

11、unclaimed merchandise ─── [经] 未领商品, 货主不明的商品

12、unclaimed goods ─── [经] 未领货物, 货主不明的货物

13、unclaimed package ─── 无人认领的包裹

14、unclaimed dividend ─── [经] 未领股利

15、unclaimed property ─── 无主物

16、unclaimed waged ─── [经] 未领工资

unclaimed 反义词


unclaimed 相似词语短语

1、uncharmed ─── [核]不具有粲数的

2、declaimed ─── vi.慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读;vt.演讲;慷慨激昂地发表

3、acclaimed ─── adj.受到赞扬的;备受推崇的;广受欢迎的;v.称赞,推崇(acclaim的过去式和过去分词)

4、reclaimed ─── adj.回收的,再生的;翻造的;v.回收利用;改造(reclaim的过去分词);开垦土地

5、unreclaimed ─── 未收回的;[农]未开垦的

6、claimed ─── v.声称;宣称;断言(claim的过去式)

7、unaimed ─── 不合时宜

8、unclamped ─── adj.未制动的(unclamp的过去分词形式);v.松开(unclamp的过去分词形式)

9、exclaimed ─── v.大叫,呼喊(exclaim的过去分词形式)

unclaimed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Each December we sent her a tax notice, which would be returned by the post office a week later, unclaimed. ─── 每年十二月我们都寄给她一张纳税通知单,但一星期后又由邮局退还了,无人收信。

2、Floating as unclaimed since 2000 in my bank as all efforts to get ─── 浮动无人认领2000年以来,我国银行的一切努力争取

3、unclaimed property ─── 无人领取的财物

4、If the mail remains unclaimed, you can keep it as a proof for future legal proceedings if needed. ─── 若邮件无法投递,你应保留有关信件,以备日后有需要时在法律程序中作为证据。

5、Any prize not claimed within this period will be forfeited and returned to its source as unclaimed. ─── 任何奖项没有声称在此期间会被没收并归还给无人认领的来源。

6、Proceeds from sale of unclaimed goods ─── 变卖无主货物所得款

7、an unoccupied apartment; very little unclaimed and untenanted land ─── 没有租出去的房间;非常小的一块无主的、闲置的土地

8、Remember, all winning must be claimed not less than four weeks, after this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. ─── 记得,所有的胜利一定被要求至少四个星期,在这个日期之后,所有的无人要求的基金将会被包含在下一个赌注之中。

9、The state was counting on $115 million in unclaimed deposits to balance its budget. ─── 国家指望1.15亿美元无人认领的存款,以平衡预算。

10、Jewels? Unclaimed properties of a valuable nature? ─── 珠宝?或是一些无人认领的贵重物品?

11、Fee for claiming unclaimed benefit entitlements ─── 代申请索还未领取权益费

12、What we are producing now is not just the news, but the product which goes to the uncontrolled market and in the open competition becomes claimed or unclaimed. ─── 我们目前生产的并非只是新闻,而是将要流入市场的商品,它在公开激烈的竞争中要么具有需求,要么沦为废品。

13、By 1932, the sale of unclaimed land and allotted land resulted in the loss of two-thirds of the 138 million acres Native Americans had held prior to the Act. ─── 西元1932年,因为买卖无主土地与指定土地的结果,导致美国原住民在土地法案宣布前拥有的1亿3千8百万英亩中,损失了三分之二之多的土地。

14、Fridge is cleared every Monday afternoon. Unclaimed items will be disposed the following day. Please don't consume or take away other guest's storage. ─── 冰箱逢星期一清理一次。无人认领物将于翌日移走。请勿取用其他客人物品。

15、BESIDE the literal ground, unoccupied for Christ, there is the unclaimed, untrodden territory of Divine promises. ─── 也许你对于自己非常不满意。

16、2、 A sale, especially of unclaimed or excess goods, as at a warehouse or wharf. ─── 捐赠品义卖:为慈善事业集资而卖的由捐助人捐赠的各种各样的二手货物。

17、unclaimed vehicle ─── 无人认领的车辆

18、Something found and unclaimed, as an object cast up by the sea. ─── 无主失物被发现而无人认领的东西,如丢在海上的东西

19、unclaimed animal corpse ─── 无人认领鸟兽尸体

20、unclaimed fund ─── [法] 无人认领的资金

21、To display a list of activities claimed by the currently logged-in user , as well as a list of unclaimed activities . ─── 显示由当前联机用户声明的动作列表,而且未声明动作列表也一样。

22、something found and unclaimed,as an object cast up by the sea ─── 被发现而无人认领的东西,如丢在海上的东西

23、Remittances unclaimed when such time period expires shall be returned to the remitters by postal enterprises or branch offices. ─── 无法投递又无法退回的进口国际邮递物品,在国务院邮政主管部门规定的期限内无人认领的,由海关依法处理。

24、She possessed herself of the unclaimed goods. ─── 她把那些没人认领的货物占为己有

25、l49.All dividends unclaimed for one year after having been declared may be invested or otherwise dI1S made use of by the Directors for the benefit of the Company until claimed. ─── 宣布的股息一年内尚未被人认领或同意认领,公司有权将其用于投资或用于其它有利于公司的事务。

26、unclaimed dividends ─── 未领股利

27、Unclaimed body ─── 未被认领的尸体

28、unclaimed waged ─── [经] 未领工资

29、Her luggage remained unclaimed at departures. ─── 她的行李在离境处无人认领。

30、" The government officials said some bodies were unclaimed and relatives, but there is still a lot of the identity of the deceased could not be confirmed. ─── 该政府官员称,已有一些尸体被亲戚认领,但仍有很多死者身份无法确认。

31、Ignore Free Money Come-Ons.Various hucksters purport to offer an inside angle on "free money for college" or "unclaimed financial aid. ─── 抵挡住免费的诱惑:各种“商家”提供“免费上大学”或“无人认领的经济资助”等等诱惑。

32、Riding to school in a ricksha each morning, I often passed corpses of people who had died in the night - from starvation, disease, or accident.Bodies sometimes lay unclaimed for days. ─── 每天早晨坐着黄包车去学校时,我常常从夜里死去的人的尸体旁经过(由于饿死、病死或意外事件)。

33、unclaimed freight ─── 无人认领的货物

34、Each December we sent her a tax notice, which would be returned by the post office a week later, unclaimed. ─── 最后一个学生离开后,前门关上了,而且永远关上了。

35、We are seeking your assistance to front as beneficiary of the unclaimed funds, since we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts. ─── 我们正在寻求你的帮助,以战线为受益人的无人认领资金,因为我们没有获准开办海外帐户。

36、unclaimed goods ─── [经] 未领货物, 货主不明的货物

37、To display a list of activities claimed by the currently logged-in user, as well as a list of unclaimed activities. ─── 显示由当前联机用户声明的动作列表,而且未声明动作列表也一样。

38、Unclaimed property or unclaimed baggage will be sold by auction after six months. ─── 无人领取的财物或行李将在6个月后予以拍卖。

39、unclaimed baggage ─── 无人认领的行李

40、However, there are $14.9 million unclaimed distribution to investors affected by the frequent trading market timing activities. ─── 不过,在这些结算资金中尚有1490万无人认领。

41、Though the actual contract cost has been paid to the original contractor, leaving the excess balance unclaimed. ─── 虽然实际的合同费用已经支付给原来的承建商,使得过剩的平衡,无人认领。

42、God's promises without our prayers would go unclaimed. ─── 神有应许,我们却不祷告,那应许就无人领取。

43、dividend payable unclaimed ─── [经] 未取的的应付股利

44、- Please note that claiming all certificates may cause a slight delay in the response time on your client, depending on how many certificates you had unclaimed. ─── + 或者,你可以点击最底下的“申领所有证书”按钮,去获取所有你已满足条件可以领的证书。

45、unclaimed article ─── 无人认领的物品

46、He has checked the mortuaries and photo galleries of unclaimed bodies held by the police, but his sister was not among them. ─── 他在停尸房和照片中暂由警察保管的未被认领的尸体中寻找他妹妹。但是其中没有她妹妹。

47、Abandoned and unclaimed children in the United States have better opportunities and living conditions than their predecessors. ─── 在美国,被遗弃的孩子比先前得到了更好的机会和生活条件。

48、Remittances which are unclaimed when a period of ten months expires, counting from the date of delivering the return-remittance notice to the remitters, shall be turned over to the state treasury. ─── 自退汇通知投交汇款人之日起满十个月未被领回的汇款,上缴国库。

49、Finns' products and activities may cause great damages to the society.Owing to a limited liability effect, some of the victims' losses will go unclaimed when the firm goes bankrupt. ─── 摘要企业的产品及其经营活动可能会给社会带来重大损害,由于有限责任制,这些损害可能因企业破产等原因无法得到赔偿。

50、When this timer expires, a device is permitted to discard unclaimed Delayed Completions (refer to Section and Appendix E). ─── 当该定时器定时期满的时候,允许设备丢弃不需要的延时结果(请参考3.节和附录E)。

51、Let me first check unclaimed baggage records for you. ─── 我给您查查无人领取行李记录。

52、The validity of the Membership is from Sep 2007 to Jul 2008. Any unclaimed tickets cannot be redeemed at cash value. ─── 会藉有效期为2007年9月至2008年7月。未兑换的门票不能兑换为现金。

53、One who ventures into unknown or unclaimed territory to settle. ─── 拓荒者,开辟者冒险进入不可知或无人占有的地方定居的人

54、be unclaimed ─── 无人提取

55、The rebel held unclaimed with rebel-held enclave is coming under sustained pressure from the armyand . ─── 反叛者现在受到政府军强大的持续性的压力之下。

56、unclaimed balance ─── 不动户余额无人提取的存款

57、unclaimed letter ─── 无主信

58、The funds have remained unclaimed since his death and such unclaimed funds are appropriated and returned to the treasury after 4 years as a matter of banking policy. ─── 资金一直无人认领,因为他的死亡而这些无人认领的资金拨付,并归还给财政部经过4年的事,银行的政策。

59、unclaimed corpse ─── [法] 无主尸体

60、after which it will be subject to applicable state laws regarding escheat of unclaimed property. ─── 在那之后,关于不明所有主财产的归还问题以相应国家法律为准.

61、unclaimed dividend ─── 未领股息

62、the bank has the right to appreciate in case of the unclaimed desposits. ─── 最近美元对日元汇率有大的增加.

63、unclaimed wages fund ─── 未付工资

64、Hillary Clinton Enters the Race for a Prize As-Yet Unclaimed by Any Woman in American Politics ─── 开美国女性之先河:希拉里克林顿志在竞选

65、Any prize winnings which remain unclaimed after 30 days, including uncashed checks, shall be deemed forfeited. ─── 包括奖金在内的任何建立在30天为领取的情况下会被取消!

66、Any prize tickets unclaimed or forfeited will be awarded to the next eligible winner. ─── 无人领取或遭放弃的机票奖项将颁发给其他合资格优胜者。

67、unclaimed prize ─── 无人认领的奖金

68、unclaimed balances ─── 没有人来提取的存款余额

69、'Ma'am, ' he said gently, 'that's our policy. We don't have room for every unclaimed dog. ' ─── “女士,”他温柔的说,“这是我们的政策。我们没有地方容纳每一条没人认领的狗。”

70、worth a mouth-watering $16 million are unclaimed. ─── 价值1,600万美元的诱人奖品无人认领。

71、The bank had the right to appropriation in the case of unclaimed deposits. ─── 银行有权使用无人领取的存款。

72、When I went unclaimed, the person in charge said: "You really are, and you swap out only one, lost a pair ofcan be used to lend us. ─── 我去认领时,那位负责人说道:“你也真是的,掉么只掉一只,掉一双倒还可以借给我们用用。”

73、one who ventures into unknown or unclaimed territory to settle ─── 冒险进入不可知或无人占有的地方定居的人

74、And he hastily arranged a Harlem event to broadcast word that roughly 5 million working people have as much as $5,000 a year in unclaimed money coming to them thanks to the Clinton-era expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit. ─── 他还匆忙地在哈勒姆组织了一次活动宣布,因克林顿时代推广的"勤劳所得的税收优惠"政策,约500万上班族每年各有高达5000美元的收入不用申报上税。

75、You should see the same number of unclaimed staff activities as the number of failed attempts to generate a courier id in the previous step. ─── 您应该查看与未声明的staff动作数目一样的先前步骤中无法生成向导标识的尝试的数目。

76、unclaimed wage ─── 未领工资

77、an unoccupied apartment; very little unclaimed and untenanted land. ─── 没有租出去的房间;非常小的一块无主的、闲置的土地。

78、unclaimed merchandise ─── [经] 未领商品, 货主不明的商品

79、More likely, however, the $1-million prize will go unclaimed this year and the contest will repeat in 2005. “If no one wins this race and we recommit for next year, who's in?” ─── 然而,比较可能的情况是,今年可能没有人会领到100万美元的奖金,而2005年这场比赛还要再来一次。

80、On the government side, we cover all types of seized, surplus, and unclaimed property. ─── 企业简介: We are a company dealing with Government and Non-Government Auctions.

81、unclaimed, it will be refunded to us and included in our next draws. ─── 无人要求的,它将会对我们被付还并且在我们的下个平局中包括。

82、Cremains of family members often go unclaimed, leaving funeral homes with heaps of cinders. ─── 家庭成员们的骨灰经常无人认领,殡仪馆里留下一堆堆的灰烬。

83、New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office had asked the court to modify the injunction to allow some provisions, such as the state keeping most of the unclaimed deposits, to go forward. ─── 纽约州总检察长安德鲁库默办公室要求法院修改禁令,允许一些规定,如国家维持大部分无人认领的存款,向前迈进。

84、Kingdom} as "UNCLAIMED FUND". ─── 英国)为"无人认领基金" 。

85、In Indonesia 1,500 containers are stacked at the Sumatran port of Medan, according to customs records, with 599 of the units unclaimed or needing import permits. ─── 在印尼,根据海关记录,有1500个集装箱堆积在棉兰的苏门答腊港,其中599个集装箱无人认领或需要进口许可。

86、unclaimed package ─── 无人领取的包裹

87、contractor, leaving the excess balance unclaimed. ─── 承包人,致使超出余额认领.

88、an unoccupied apartment;very little unclaimed and untenanted land. ─── 没有租出去的房间;非常小的一块无主的、闲置的土地。

89、unclaimed cargo ─── 无人领取的货物

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