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menstruous 发音


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menstruous 相似词语短语

1、monstruous ─── 畸形的

2、menstruates ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

3、menstrual ─── adj.月经的;每月的;一月一次的

4、menstrua ─── (尤指药用的)溶媒,溶剂(menstruum的名词复数)

5、menstruums ─── n.溶剂;溶媒

6、mens rooms ─── 更少的房间

7、monstrous ─── adj.巨大的;怪异的;荒谬的;畸形的

8、menstruum ─── n.溶剂;溶媒

9、menstruate ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

menstruous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gynecologic History: Last menstrual period length of regular cycle. ─── 产科史:既往妊娠史,孕期及结局,早产,剖宫产

2、Women may develop menstrual irregularities as well as other symptoms of early menopause, such as hot flashes, insomnia and increased irritability. ─── 女性患者可能会出现月经失调,甚至其他一些更年期早期症状,如潮热,失眠,或者易怒。

3、Her chosen poison was oestrogen, one of the hormonesthat make women women and help to control the menstrual cycle.People flush alot of oestrogen down the toilet. ─── 她选择的毒素是一种可以促进女性发育并且控制月经周期的雌激素。

4、This article introduced successful treatment of one case of menstrual stranguria by clearing heat and disinhibiting dampness, enriching yin and blood. ─── 介绍一经行淋痛案,于清热利湿方中加养阴补血之剂而收效。

5、She usually has regular menstrual cycles( mc), but this month her period was5 days late and it was heavier than usual. ─── 她通常月经周期正常,但这个月经慢了五天,且量比平时还多。

6、The keypoint of treating anovulia types of infertilitas feminis was that regulating menstrual cycle and promoting the establishment of ovulation function. ─── 因此,调整月经周期,促进排卵功能的建立,是治疗无排卵不孕症的关键。

7、Females who are plagued with irregular or no menstrual cycles or who hae problems becoming pregnant may hae what is known as Polycystic Oarian Syndrome (PCOS). ─── 在我们国家“驴”这个词不罕见,但是对某些妇女来说怀孕生孩子很容易,对另外一些虽有女人特征,生孩子却不可能。

8、shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold: thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth; ─── 你雕刻偶像所包的银子和铸造偶像所镀的金子,你要玷污,要抛弃,好象污秽之物;

9、H.A.Keizer.Exercise and traing-induced menstrual cycle irregularities(AMI)[J].Int.J.Sports Med,1986(7):38. ─── 刘慧荣,刘佩清,秦孝梅等.女子举重运动员月经周期调查研究[J].体育科学,1990,10(2):53-56.

10、The clinical symptom is irregular menstrual cycle, heavy menstruation or vaginal bleeding.It is divided into ovular type and anovular type. ─── 临床主要表现为月经周期、经期、经量的异常,如月经周期长短不一、经期延长、经量过多或不规则阴道出血。

11、The Doctor's Dilemma: Sin, Salvation, and the Menstrual Cycle in Medieval Thought. ─── 医生困境:中世纪思想中的罪孽、救赎和月经周期。

12、How are your menstrual periods? ─── 你的月经怎么样?

13、Helpful in the treatment of impotency, sterility and menstrual problem. ─── 对阳痿、不育和月经问题有帮助。

14、Why menstrual predecessor body is particularly uncomfortable, came better instead? Be ill? ─── 为什么月经前身体特别不舒服,来了反而好些?是病吗?

15、Upon enrollment, participants were aged 42 to 52; all had an intact uterus and at least one oary and had had one or more menstrual periods during the preious 3 months. ─── 在登记人群中,参与者的年龄从42岁到52岁;所有人均有完整的子宫,至少有一枚卵巢,并且在前三个月中有一次或者一次以上的月经期。

16、During the menstrual cycle of female patients in the period of treatment would appearance in stagnation of body weight. ─── 女性患者在疗程中若遇到的生理期,会出现体重停滞的现象;

17、In fact, by one year of use, there may be up to a 90% reduction in menstrual bleeding, and 20% of Mirena users had no bleeding or spotting at all. ─── 事实上,通过一年的使用,可能会有多达90 %的减少月经出血,和20 %的mirena用户没有出血或检举在所有。

18、Why did menstrual quantity decrease? ─── 为什么月经量减少了?

19、Meno pause occurs when the ovaries gradually lose the ability to produce estrogen and progesterone, the hormones that govern the menstrual cycle. ─── 当 卵 巢 渐 渐 失 去 分 泌 雌 激 素 和 黄 体 酮 - - 控 制 月 经 周 期 的 荷 尔 蒙 - - 的 能 力 时 , 更 年 期 就 来 了 。

20、Nobutaka Suzuki, lead researcher of the study. “Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) like aspirin or ibuprofen provide temporary help against menstrual pain. ─── “非类固醇消炎药物(NSAID),如阿司匹林或者布洛芬,可以暂时缓解经期疼痛。

21、Why menstrual around a few days of mood are particularly bad? ─── 为什么月经前后几天心情特别不好?

22、D: How about your menstrual cycle? ─── 你的月经周期怎样?

23、Pregnancy is considered prolonged or postdates when it exceeds 294 days or 42 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). ─── 从末次月经第一日计算,停经时间超过294天,即42周时被认为妊娠延长或过期。

24、In the newly published study, Matsumoto and colleagues examined whether the activity of the autonomic nervous system was altered during the menstrual cycle. ─── 在新近公布的研究中,松本和他的同事研究了这项活动是否对自主神经系统被改变,在月经周期。

25、The top five symptoms of menstrual distress were cramps, fatigue, backache, swollen abdomen, and tender breasts. ─── 使用之统计方法包括描述性统计、皮尔森积差相关、单变量变异数分析和逐步复迴归分析。

26、The bleeding really is like a menstrual flow; it keeps up for two, maybe three days, a slow trickle. ─── 可这种流血还真的象女人的月经,它们滴滴嗒嗒的怎么也得流上个两三天。

27、BMR is influenced by menstrual cycles, shows a slight premenstrual rise and a 7.2% menstrual depression. ─── BMR受月经周期影响,月经期比月经前下降7.2%。

28、"Women with asthma experience more symptoms during their premenstrual and menstrual weeks with peak symptoms two to three days before menses. ─── “没有患哮喘的女性在服用口服避孕药时其肺活量显示比正常水平更高。

29、Are the Menstrual Onset Dates Associated with the Weekdays or Lunar Days? ─── 妇女的月经起始日与周日或阴历日有关吗?

30、The puerperal period, the menstrual period, around the stream of people surgery cleanly nurses. ─── 产褥期、经期、人流手术前后的清洁护理。

31、Loss or disturbance of menstrual periods in females. ─── 女性生理周期紊乱。

32、A.Perimenopause is defined as the two to eight years preceding menopause and the one year after the last menstrual period. ─── 围绝经期是指绝经前2-8年到最后一次月经后的1年这段时间。

33、The clinical manifestations include irregular uterine bleeding,large menstrual blood volume,infertility,postmenopausal bleeding,and symptomless. ─── 临床表现可为子宫不规则出血,或月经量多、不孕、绝经后出血等,也可无明显症状。

34、Shively and colleagues found that the stressed monkeys had abnormal menstrual cycles. ─── Shively及其同事发现,处于压力下的猴子出现反常的月经周期。

35、Opera singers sometimes have problems hitting high notes in their menstrual cycle because of changes to their vocal chords. ─── 努力追求声音完美的女歌手被建议服用避孕药,因为荷尔蒙有助稳定她们的歌声。

36、Avoid usage during pregnancy and post-parturition period, Not recommended for females with large volume of menstrual flow, abnormal blood platelets or blood coagulation. ─── 怀孕、做月子、经期量多、血小板或凝血异常者请避免使用。

37、It is suggested that schools should strengthen procreation health education in order to alleviate the discomfort brought by premenstrual and menstrual cycle. ─── 建议学校加强女学生生殖健康教育,尽可能减轻围经期给妇女带来的负面影响。

38、When was your wife's last menstrual period? ─── 你妻子上一次例假是在什么时候?

39、Gestational age, last menstrual period, estimated date of confinement. ─── 孕周,末次月经,预产期。

40、The larger one at the top is a hemorrhagic corpus luteum of menstruation, and the smaller one at the bottom is involuting from a previous menstrual period. ─── 图上方大者为月经期间黄体出血。下方小者为上次月经后形成的退化的黄体。如果卵子受精,黄体便产生雌激素和孕激素,称为妊娠黄体。

41、The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days. ─── 妇女的平均月经周期是28天。

42、When pneumothorax occurs temporally with menstrual cycles, catamenial pneumothorax should be suspected. ─── 当气胸发生在月经来潮时要怀疑胸腔子宫内膜异位症。

43、Advanced Woman Calendar is a precise and user-friendly personal ovulation calendar that monitors the menstrual cycle . ─── 女性日历是一款容易使用且友好的个人日历。

44、Having bowel movements or menstrual periods with normal or healthy frequency. ─── 恒常的具有正常或健康的频率的肠胃运动或月经周期的

45、Contraindication during pregnancies and menstrual periods, rectal bleeding. Not to use in case of pixu (spleen deficient) . ─── 怀孕或月经期间,或直肠出血,或脾虚者忌用。

46、Discontinue use immediately upon unusual loss of menstrual blood and seek medical advice. ─── 使用后若经量异常,请立即停止使用并送医治疗。

47、Some couples may avoid cunnilinctus during the woman's menstrual period for aesthetic reasons. ─── 出于审美的原因,一些夫妇也许会在妻子的月经期避免阴户口交。

48、It's not much use to single men, unless some nifty gadget which discreetly gauges the menstrual cycle I'm unaware of has come on the market. ─── 对于单身男子来讲,这一结果没多大用处,除非市场上已经出现了某种精巧的小玩意,可以用来精确地测量出我自己无法察觉的月经周期。

49、It is not allowed to assign women with jobs in high altitude, law temperature and cold water during the menstrual period or in manual labour of Class Three intensity. ─── 不得安排女职工在经期从事高处、温、水作业和国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动。

50、The clinical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome are characterized by menstrual irregularity,hyperandrogenism,anovulation and infertility. ─── 多囊卵巢综合征患者的主要病理、生理变化为胰岛素抵抗、高胰岛素血症及高雄激素血症。

51、It is also very usful to keep a menstrual diary for several periods, writing down which symptoms appear on which days. ─── 在数个月经周期里记月经日记也是非常有用的选择,譬如记下哪一种症状出现在月经周期的哪一天。

52、Moreover, they had special experiences of female: overcome difficulties, such as menstrual cycle, period of pregnancy and give birth to a child. ─── 但是也有作为女性的特殊感受:克服“三期”(期、期、产哺乳期)特殊困难。

53、Predicting the final menstrual period (FMP), although not a critical clinical issue, would be helpful to women. ─── 对最后的月经期(FMP)进行预测尽管不是什么关键性的临床问题,但它的预测对妇女是有益的。

54、Older women were more likely to prepare more than one egg per menstrual cycle. ─── 在每次月经周期中,大龄女性可能预备了更多的卵子。

55、FMP was defined as the initial day of the last menstrual period preceding 12 consecutie months of amenorrhea, identified retrospectiely. ─── FMP的定义为经回顾性分析,自末次月经第一天始连续12个月闭经。

56、The first two pre-treatment menstrual cycles were utilized for establishing base-line values for pain sensation and NSAID analgesics. ─── 实验开始前的两个月经周期所记录下来的数据作为基数以及NSAID用量统计。

57、Sexually mature males of all species are always potent, and all nonpregnant females have a monthly menstrual cycle. ─── 性成熟后,所有种的雄猴任何时候均具性能力,雌猴则每月有规则经期。

58、If the schoolgirl makes love in menstrual around and male friend, can appear what is undesirable and sequential. ? ! ! ─── 女生要是在月经前后和男友做爱,会出现什么不良后果.?!!

59、Did you ever correlate the episodes with your menstrual cycle? ─── 你有没有把发作联系到月经周期呢?

60、Gynecologic History: Menstrual history (menarche, interval, duration), herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, abortions; oral contraceptives. ─── 妇科病史:月经史(初潮,月经周期,经期)疱疹,淋病,衣原体,流产史;口服避孕药。

61、In Chinese medicine, turmeric is used to treat shoulder pain, menstrual cramps, and colic. It is also said to be useful against coughs, indigestion, and conjunctivitis. ─── 在中国医学方面,郁金被使用来治疗肩痛、月经的痉挛,和绞痛。并且也被说对预防咳嗽、消化不良和结膜炎有用。

62、Herbal Relief for Menstrual Cramps? ─── 中草药可以减轻月经痉挛?

63、Fibroid symptoms can include excessie menstrual bleeding, enlarged uterine size, frequent urination, pelic pressure or pain and infertility. ─── 平滑肌瘤症状包括过多的经血,子宫体积增大,尿频,骨盆压痛以及不孕。

64、HBsAg has been found in all body secretions and excretions. However, only blood, vaginal and menstrual fluids, and semen have been shown to be infectious. ─── 乙肝表面抗原在所有体液中都能检出,但只有血、阴道分泌物、经血、精液显出有传染性。

65、And also for soothing indigestion, gas, menstrual cramps, and irritable bowel syndrome. ─── 并减轻消化不良,月经绞痛,和肠易激综合症。

66、Women shall z be under special protection during menstrual period, pregnancy, obstetrical period and nursing period. ─── 妇女在经期、孕期、产期、哺乳期受特殊保护。

67、The menstrual cup is not placed as up as e.g. a tampon so there shouldn’t be any risk when using the cup with intrauterine device. ─── 可以,月事杯的位置没有像棉条那麽高,所以跟子宫内避孕器一起使用不会有任何危险。

68、Female menstrual generally can be divided into three phases, according to these three stages may choose to use different types of sanitary napkins. ─── 一般女性经期可分为三个阶段,可根据这三个阶段选择使用不同型号的卫生巾。

69、Blessed Thistle has long been used by women to balance out hormonal changes. It is believed to ease menstrual cramps and can also help increase milk supply in breastfeeding women. ─── 多年来赐福蓟草都用作平衡女性荷尔蒙失调,它可舒缓经期抽筋和帮助增加乳汁。

70、They have discovered the nakedness of their father in thee, they have humbled the uncleanness of the menstruous woman in thee. ─── 在你中间有人揭开父亲的下体,在你中间有人玷污行经不洁的妇女。

71、Fecundability is defined as the probability of achieving a pregnancy within one menstrual cycle. It is estimated that 10% to 20% of couples are infertile. ─── 受精率是指通过一个月经周期能妊娠的可能性。已证实大约10%-20%的夫妻是不能生育的。

72、A woman's essence is manifest in her menstrual blood and giving birth. Excessive menstrual flow, difficult pregnancies, and too many pregnancies will deplete a woman's essence. ─── 女子的精华主要在存于她的月经血和生育阶段。经血过多、难产或是怀孕次数过多都会耗尽精气。

73、Witches and other pagans regarded the red holly as a symbol of the menstrual blood of the queen of heaven, also known as Diana. ─── 女巫和其他异教徒认为红冬青作为天堂女王也被称为戴安娜的月经血的一个象征。

74、You can estimate your ovulation cycle, the menstrual cycle. ─── 你可以自己测算排卵周期,即月经周期。

75、Isolated alopecia as the only sign of male hormone excess is uncommon in PCOS, since the latter is usually associated with menstrual abnormalities and increased hair growth. ─── 将脱发症作为男性激素过剩的唯一症状分离出来,这在PCOS中是不常用的,因为后者常与月经不调和毛发生长性增长联系在一起。

76、It causes hunger during the second half of your menstrual cycle and is responsible for the ravenous appetite experienced during pregnancy. ─── 在生理周期的后半期激素使女性经常感到饥饿;

77、Energy availability hypotheses may be one of mechanisms causing athletic menstrual cycle irregularities. ─── 可利用能量假说可能是运动性月经失调的一种发生机制。

78、In 1957, Searle took a tentative step -- releasing the Pill under the name Enovid, as a treatment for menstrual disorders. ─── 1957年,西尔列公司采用了尝试性的手段,将避孕药以治疗月经不调药品的名义投入市场。

79、But for most women, the disorder will disappear after the end of menses.If it is so serious that the work and learning is affected, it needs to see the doctor for menstrual cramp. ─── 但大多数人下腹不适会随著月经乾净而自行恢复正常,只有其中症状特别严重者,以致于影响工作和学习时,才因此而就医,并被诊断为痛经。

80、Investigation on menstrual changes of 209 infertile women with endometriosis. ─── 子宫内膜异位症不孕妇女209例的月经状况调查分析

81、The sonographic screening study consisted of 250 menstrual cycles in 114 infertile women. ─── 对114例不孕症妇女,用B超连续监测卵泡发育与子宫内膜声像变化,共观察了250个周期。

82、During sexual activities, mucous membrane is exposed to vaginal secretions, semen, pre-ejaculate ("pre-cum"), blood or menstrual blood. ─── 在性交过程中,黏膜会接触到血液、经血、精液、射精前的分泌或阴道分泌。

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