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10-02 投稿


logan 发音

英:[ˈloʊɡən]  美:[ˈləʊɡən]

英:  美:

logan 中文意思翻译



logan 短语词组

1、Logan tent ─── 洛根帐篷

2、Mount Logan ─── [网络] 洛根山;最高峰洛根峰;最高峰罗根山

3、Logan, Mount ─── 洛根峰(位于加拿大, 北美第二高峰)

4、logan paul ─── 罗根·保 ─── 罗

5、has logan ─── 有logan

6、nea logan ─── 没有日志

7、veronica logan ─── 维罗妮卡·洛根

8、logan williams ─── 洛根·威廉姆斯

9、Logan crown ─── [医] 洛根氏冠, 桩冠(利用铂桩固定于根管内的瓷冠)

logan 相似词语短语

1、Hogan ─── n.泥盖木屋;n.(Hogan)人名;(西)奥甘;(英)霍根

2、login ─── n.[计]进入系统;vt.[计]登录;注册;vi.[计]登录;注册;n.(Login)人名;(英、俄、匈、罗)洛金

3、loan ─── n.贷款;借款;vi.借出;vt.借;借给

4、slogan ─── n.标语;呐喊声

5、ligan ─── n.系浮标投海的货物

6、Bogan ─── n.博根(姓氏)

7、logans ─── n.洛根(男子名)

8、Logan ─── n.洛根(男子名)

9、lagan ─── n.系浮标投海的货物;n.(Lagan)人名;(西)拉甘;(法)拉冈;(英)拉根

logan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We interviewed Marie Logan from Brisbane. ─── 我们采访了布里斯班的玛丽?洛根。

2、Williams, Logan or BerattI might help you here during morning exercise or afternoon free time. ─── 威廉、罗根和贝拉地可以在晨间运动时间或是下午自由时间帮助你。

3、"I suppose," Logan said,"Only trouble is that you don't make enough to do anything in all the spare time." ─── “依我看,”洛根说,“美中不足的是,你挣不到足够的钱,在这段假期里你什么也干不了”。

4、The logan of company: to develop the spirit of QingHua and make a famous brand. ─── 企业口号:发扬清华精神、共铸百年品牌。

5、Logan watched the smoke from his cigarette going up in a line. ─── 洛根看见香烟冒出的烟向上飘去成了一条线。

6、American Old West: Second-in-command of Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch gang, Kid Curry Logan, is sentenced to 20 years imprisonment with hard labor. ─── 年在美国旧西部:假小子野蛮群团伙的二把手小崽卡瑞·洛根被宣判20年入狱和苦役徒刑。

7、Look, Captain. Maybe we should work together here. I could use some currency and I'm guessing you could use some muscle. So pay me 25, I'll talk to Logan and BerattI and see If we can't all help you out. ─── 上校,也许我们在这边该合作一下。我需要点钱,我猜你是需要点力。付我25元我就去跟罗根和贝拉地说一声,看看我们可不可以帮你点什么忙。

8、Long after its frothing tumble down the east side of Logan Pass, this water will stream into the Gulf of Mexico, and eventually join the Atlantic Ocean. ─── 在罗根隘口东面澎湃而下之后,这条水路一直流到墨西哥湾,最终汇入大西洋。

9、Yeah, that's always useful If you want to access a doorway from the Courtyard. But not my speciality, talk to Beratti, Williams or Logan. ─── 如果你想要从庭院那边进入哪个门,最好先问问贝拉地、威廉以及罗根,这些是他们的专长,不是我的。

10、Again he looked at Logan, raised his eyebrows and gave her a big smile. ─── 他再次看着洛根,扬起眉毛,给了她一个大大的微笑。

11、We need two kinds of acquaintances, one to complaint to, while to the others we boast. By Logan Pearsall Smith ─── 我们需要两种熟人,一种是可以向其倾诉苦恼的,而另一种是可以向其夸耀吹牛的。罗根。帕索。史密斯

12、"There are two things to aim at in life:first, to get what you want;and after that, to enjoy it" (Logan Pearsall Smith). ─── “人的一生必须以这两件事为目标:第一,要得到你想要的;然后享用它” (洛根·皮尔萨尔·史密斯)。

13、Chloe and Logan are both so young that it's likely they'll have no direct memories of me. ─── 克娄依和娄更太小了,应该无法对我留下什么直接的记忆。

14、OK. Let me talk to Logan and Beratti. You need us, you just shout. ─── 好,让我跟罗根和贝拉地讲一下。需要我们的时候就叫一声。

15、Hey! I'd forgotten all about that! Logan kicked It up onto the roof weeks ago and he was too chicken to get It. Tell you what, I'll stick something In your Hiding Place. My way of saying thanks. ─── 嘿!我都忘了!罗根上次把它踢到屋顶上,他又不敢去拿。谢谢你,我会放些东西进你的隐藏洞穴去的。

16、On the tenth of March, Norman Logan acted again ─── 三月十日,诺曼·洛根又一次故伎重演。

17、Manufactured at the Pitesti plant in Romania, Logan Pickup is the ideal working vehicle for craftsmen and tradespeople, while also meeting the needs of the ordinary motorist. ─── 在罗马尼亚皮特什蒂工厂制造,洛根皮卡是理想的工作技工和商人车辆,同时也满足了普通驾驶者的需要。

18、IN LOGAN, the local high school's cheerleaders wrote a chant for Hillary Clinton's visit on May 12th: “H-I-L-L-A-R-Y, Hillary, our nominee!” ─── 希拉里克林顿五月十二日造访Logan时,当地高中的拉拉队员们有节奏地喊着:“H-I-L-L-A-R-Y,希拉里,我们的提名人!”

19、Risner and Logan threw the coal to their engines and made a steep climb away from the base. ─── 他们开足马力,急剧爬升,以脱离共军的基地。

20、Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. (Logan P. ─── 只有最聪明的人到达了第二个目标。

21、"There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it" (Logan Pearsall Smith). ─── “人的一生必须以这两件事为目标:第一,要得到你想要的;然后享用它”(洛根·皮尔萨尔·史密斯)。

22、Max is aided in her quest - both to avoid capture and to reunite with her surviving siblings - by Logan Cale. ─── 她一直逃避实验室首领追捕及希望寻回当年逃走失散的伙伴。

23、Logan: What the hell are you doing? ─── 你不知道还是说你根本不在乎?

24、Mount Logan 洛跟峰:Mount Logan is the highest peak in Canada and islocated in the Yukon Territory of northwest Canada. ─── 加拿大最高峰,位于加拿大西北部的育空地区。

25、He said his coat ended up in the coat closet of his Logan, Utah, home. ─── 他说之后这件大衣被挂在他位于犹他州洛根市家中的衣橱里。

26、Fishman, J., Watson, C.E., Logan J.C. and Logan, J.A., 1990.Distribution of troposphere ozone determined from satellite data.Journal of Geophysical Research 95, 3599-3617. ─── 何宜达,2004,高屏地区臭氧事件日光化学模式解析及气象条件之探讨,国立中山大学环境工程研究所,博士论文。

27、"I'll want something in addition to the eighty-three fifty," said Logan, leaning forward and speaking in an even voice. ─── “除了这八十三元五角,我还要一些钱”,洛根说,俯身向前,语气从容不迫。

28、A memorial service was held yesterday; the Rev. Michael Logan officiated. ─── 纪念仪式是昨天举行的,由迈克尔·洛根牧师主持。

29、But the VTs were there first, two Alphas and a scratch element made up of a Beta and a Logan. ─── 但变形战斗机先来一步,是两架阿尔法和一组快速临时编队,包括一架贝塔和一架摇石。

30、Hi. Logan's the name. You're Stone, right? If they've put you In Colditz I guess It's 'cos you bust out of someplace else. Well, you might have trouble pulling the same stunt here. ─── 嗨,我是罗根。你是史东,对吧?他们把你抓到寇地兹来,我猜表示你从哪边逃出来过吧。不过在这边你就不大可能施展你的技巧了。

31、Mount Logan is the highest peak in Canada and is located in the Yukon Territory of northwest Canada. ─── 加拿大最高峰,位于加拿大西北部的育空地区。

32、At the age of twenty-one, however, I came under a new influence, that of my future brother-in-law, Logan Pearsall Smith. ─── 在二十一岁那年,我开始受到来自我未来妹夫,罗根皮尔索尔史密斯,的新影响。

33、It lacks cohesion and feels haphazard, a compendium of facts with only one common thread: Logan finds them interesting. ─── 所写的都是一些偶然的东西,缺乏必然的内在联系。连接所有事实的只有这样一条线络:洛根发现它们很有趣。

34、Now, in John Logan she saw a man prepared to die to prevent the kind of loss she felt herself to have sustained. ─── 现在,从约翰·洛根身上,她看到一个男人为了不让她自己所承受的悲剧重演而准备英勇赴死。

35、Boston's Logan International Airport spent more than 30 years trying to overcome community opposition to a new runway. ─── 波士顿Logan国际机场为了修建一条新的跑道,花了30年时间来消除公众的反对。

36、It is my great honor to introduce Dylan, Logan and Chloe's dad, Jai's husband, and my very dear friend, Dr.Randy Pausch. ─── 我极为荣幸地介绍狄伦、娄更和克娄依的爸爸,洁的丈夫,我至爱的朋友,兰迪.波许博士。

37、This Is always an embarrassing subject, sir. But, well, for the small sum of 25 currency, me, Williams and Logan could be a big help to you. ─── 总是有些话题让人觉得尴尬。不过,长官,只要小小的25元,我、威廉、罗根就可以提供你很不错的帮助。

38、Check out Natural States upcoming stud "FOLSOM" thanx Fred Logan. ─── Dreamline/Lifeline/Driveline 心情: On sum new shit 昨天。

39、So long, Logan. ─── 再见,罗根。

40、Bey Logan: I would like to ask you some background details.Would you like to tell us how old you are or is it a secret? ─── 女:有少少关于你自己噶问题,介吾介意讲下你自己几多岁?定是保持密码噶呢?

41、He began to shake Logan in a kind of final attempt to shake the ten thousand dollars out of him ─── 他开始摇撼洛根,仿佛就是最后一招了,非从他的身上摇出那一万元来不可。

42、obviously. but if there's no medical solution, our only option may be brute force. skin contact with Logan. ─── 很明显。如果没有药物解决办法,那我们唯一的选择可能比较有希望--和罗根进行皮肤接触。

43、Alexis: Logan drives a Porsche on the show. What would be you dream car? ─── Logan在戏里开的是一部保时捷,那么你的梦想之车是什么呢?

44、With its Renault-originated petrol and diesel powertrain packages and the same chassis as Logan MCV, Logan Pickup is a vehicle that is both contemporary and robust. ─── 凭借雷诺起源汽油和柴油动力系统封装,此举既为洛根相同的底盘,洛根拾取只是一种工具,是当代和鲁棒性。

45、And a car laden with Arabic language flight training manuals was found at Logan Airport's central parking garage. ─── 并且在洛根机场的中央停车场发现了一辆装满阿拉伯语飞行训练手册的小车。

46、I appeal to any white man to say, if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat;if ever he came cold and naked, and he clothed him not. ─── 我请求任何一个白人说说看,他又没有饿着肚子走进洛根家的小屋,而洛根没有给他肉吃;

47、Continental Airlines began testing such a system in Houston in December and is now extending it to Washington National, Newark and Boston's Logan airport. ─── 12月美国大陆航空公司在休斯顿测试这个系统并且现在延伸至华盛顿总部,纽瓦克机场和波士顿的洛根机场。

48、Eight-year-old Logan Crawford, center, takes a photo of USSen.Hillary Clinton, D-NY, as she speaks during a town hallmeeting,Sunday, Jan. 28, 2007, at the Mississippi ValleyFairgrounds inDavenport, Iowa. ─── 希拉里?罗德汉姆?克林顿上周日称,布什总统已经把伊拉克问题弄得一团糟,他在离任前,有责任把美国从这个泥潭中“解救出来”。

49、And of course Logan Pickup offers unbeatable value for money. ─── 当然,洛根皮卡提供资金无与伦比的价值。

50、Logan's sense of the couples have been deceived by the infuriated sale will be done "not authentic" Shiwaxinge couples on a court. ─── 感觉受骗上当的洛根斯夫妇愤然将做买卖“不地道”的施瓦辛格夫妇告上了法庭。

51、We had a hayride, picked up pumpkins, went through haunted house, visited an old logan house built sometime in the 18th and we saw animals, goat, pig, rooster,hen, donkey and turkeys. ─── 十七,八个月左右,他就开始讲一些完整的句子了,但只有主语和谓语,象妈妈来了之类。

52、Where's Logan? ─── |洛根去哪了?

53、LOGAN: Hey! Hook me up with a beverage, huh? ─── 嗨,想用饮料来引我上钩?

54、There are favorable climatic conditions for Logan planting in Guangxi Zhuang Autonornous Region,but it does not acquire the ideal economic benefit because of irrational variety structure and regional distribution. ─── 广西具有发展龙眼的适宜气候条件,却由于品种结构和区域布局不合理而没有取得理想的经济效益。

55、Logan Herbert Roots ─── 吴德施

56、The aircraft made an unscheduled landing at Logan after developing an electrical fault. ─── 飞机发生电气故障后,临时在洛根着陆。

57、Naturally, Logan Pickup bears all the hallmarks of a true Logan. ─── 当然,洛根皮卡熊一个真正的洛根的所有特征。

58、The Rocky Mountains, the Coastal Mountains and a number of other ranges run north to south. Mount Logan(5,951 m.) in the Yukon is Canada's tallest peak. ─── 境内有落基、岸山以及其他山脉绵亘南北。洛根山位于育空地区,海拔5,951米,为全境最高峰。

59、Bey Logan: Actually the biggest difference is that in the film you are always so serious and in person you are quite happy looking and friendly. ─── 实际上最大的区别是您在您的电影中的形象总是很严肃,并且看起来非常的友好,很有亲和力的。

60、Well, that's your version, Mr. Logan. ─── 嗯,那是你的一面之词,洛根先生。

61、He let his pipper creep toward the MiG's tailpipe, and just as he was about to fire, Risner heard Logan's voice: "Lead, they're shooting at us. ─── 他将瞄准器对准了米格机的尾喷口,就在他将要开火时,雷斯纳听到了洛根的声音:“长机,他们正在向我们开火。”

62、that afternoon when he would have to keep his appointment at the old, empty house on Logan's Hill. ─── 当他按约定来到洛根山上那座破旧的房子时。

63、There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it, only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. --P. Smith Logan, American writer ─── 人的一生有两大目标:第一,得到你想要的东西;第二,享有你得到的东西。只有最聪明的人才能实现第二目标。美国作家洛根

64、I appeal to any white man to say, if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat; ─── 我恳请任何一位白人说说,他是否曾饿着肚子走进洛根家的小屋,而洛根没有给他肉吃;

65、He could see the old house standing alone on Logan's Hill. ─── 他看到了在洛根山上的那所孤寂的老房子。

66、2001 NIU Art Museum, Chicago Gallery, Chicago, IL, USA Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Logan, UT, USA ─── 2001年美国伊利诺斯州北州立大学美术馆,芝加哥画廊,芝加哥市

67、logan stone ─── n. 摇石(指受到轻微触动即发生摇动的平衡状态的大石)

68、Behind the film of obsequiousness was an attitude of vast superiority that always set logan on edge ─── 在这种谄媚的烟幕背后,却隐藏着一种非常自命不凡的态度,这常使洛根看了生气。

69、"I appeal to any white man to say, if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat; ─── “我请求任何一位白人说说看,他有没有饿着肚子走进洛根家的小屋,而洛根没有给他肉吃;

70、Research on mixed logan juice sports drink ─── 复合龙眼汁运动饮料的研制

71、...Williams, Logan or BerattI to occupy the guards' attention. ─── ...威廉、罗根或是贝拉地来帮你引开警卫的注意力。

72、Look, Captain, how's about we cut a deal. Me, Logan and BerattI can give you a hand. But we'd like 25 currency first If we're going to stick our necks out for you. ─── 上校,我们另外来个协定如何。我,罗根和贝拉地可以帮你个忙,但是我们想先要25元,以防万一我们为了帮你而被处死。

73、Authorities discovered the suitcase in which the letter was found at Logan Airport in Boston, where the plane took off from. ─── 官方在波士顿机场发现的箱中找到了这封信。

74、Just part of the cacophony, a statistic in Logan's weekly FAA report. ─── 尽量让Logan机场的统计报告里看出我只有一点点异常是最好。

75、Study was conducted on the change of fresh weight,moisture and the aril total-sugar of logan before and after the fruit cluster nutation by choosing the extremely serotinous variety-Lidongben. ─── 以晚熟龙眼品种立冬本为试材,研究了果穗垂头前后果实鲜重、各组织的水分及假种皮总糖的变化。

76、Content Abstract: Logan loves to share.She brings her classmates bright leaves, wiggly worms, and ladybugs. ─── 内容简介:劳根喜欢与人分享,她给同学带鲜艳的树叶,蠕动的虫子,还有七星瓢虫玩。

77、Logan Leistikow ─── n. 罗根·雷斯高,知名电影人,网络脱口秀"汤姆·格林实况"的制片人之一

78、I appeal to any white man to say. if ever he entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat: if ever he came cold and naked, and he cloathed him not. ─── 我恳请任何一位白人说说,他是否曾饿着肚子走进洛根家的小屋,而洛根没有给他肉吃;他是否曾在又冷又没衣穿时来到洛根家,而洛根没有给他衣服穿。

79、If I hadn't, Logan and I might have dropped together, and Clarissa would have been sitting here alone tonight. ─── 如果我不这么做,我和洛根会一起掉下去,而克拉莉莎现在只能一个人孤零零地坐在这里。

80、Largely due to the enthusiasm and obvious love of the subject displayed by my teacher,Dwight Logan Reid of David Starr Jordan High School in Los Angeles,chemistry captured3 my imagination almost immediately. ─── 在洛杉矶的大卫斯达乔丹高中担任化学老师的德怀特·罗根·里德先生是一位对化学具有巨大兴趣且充满热爱的老师,主要是在他的影响下,我的想像力一下被激发起来。

81、Royse, D., Thyer, B.A., Padgett, D.K., &Logan, T.K. (2001). Program evaluation: An introduction. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/ Thomas Learning. ─── 张英阵(2002)方案设计与评估。草屯:内政部社会福利工作人员研习中心。

82、Logan: Sorry to hear that. If that happened to me I'd feel awful. ─── 听到这些我很难道,如果这些发生在我身上我会感到很糟糕。

83、It is my great honor to introduce Dylan, Logan and Chloe's dad, Jai's husband, and my very dear friend, Dr. ─── 我极为荣幸地介绍迪伦、娄更和克娄依的爸爸,洁的丈夫,我至爱的朋友,兰迪.波许博士。

84、Pickens /edited by Keith Busby, Bernard Guidot, and Logan E.Whalen. ─── 书名/作者 "De sens rassis"essays in honor of Rupert T.

85、"I suppose," Logan said, "Only trouble is that you don't make enough to do anything in all the spare time." ─── “依我看,”洛根说,“美中不足的是,你挣不到足够的钱,在这段假期里你什么也干不了”。

86、Your character Logan is not the hardest worker or the most serious student. Sounds like you were pretty different in college. ─── 你所扮演的角色Logan并不是个认真刻苦的学生,听上去跟你在大学的样子很不一样。

87、Logan: Fight with you! ─── 和你一起战斗?

88、Logan: Hey Aaron, whats the matter You look down. ─── 嗨,亚伦,出什么事了你看起来情绪很低落.

89、Two of the four planes -- American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 -- were hijacked from Boston's Logan International Airport. ─── 两架遭劫持的飞机--美利坚航空公司的11次航班和联合航空公司的175次航班都是从波士顿洛根国际机场起飞后被劫持的。













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