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10-02 投稿


modena 发音

[ 'mɔdnə; 'mɔdɛnɑ]

英:  美:

modena 中文意思翻译



modena 网络释义

n. 摩德纳(意大利北部城市)

modena 相似词语短语

1、codens ─── 代码

2、moderns ─── adj.现代的,近代的;时髦的;n.现代人;有思想的人

3、Modena ─── n.摩德纳(意大利北部城市)

4、Rowena ─── n.罗威娜(女子名)

5、moderne ─── n.现代

6、Lorena ─── n.(Lorena)人名;(罗、英、西、葡)洛雷娜(女名),洛雷纳

7、melena ─── n.[内科]黑粪症;n.(Melena)人名;(葡、捷)梅莱纳

8、duodena ─── n.十二指肠(duodenum的变形)

9、model ─── n.模型;典型;模范;模特儿;样式;vt.模拟;塑造;模仿;vi.做模型;做模特儿;adj.模范的;作模型用的;n.(Model)人名;(德、俄、英)莫德尔

modena 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Parma and Chievo were significantly higher than the forces of Modena and Turin, and have two home benefits. ─── 帕尔马和切沃的势力明显高于摩德纳和都灵,而且两队都有主场之利。

2、His manager, Terri Robson, told the AP in an e-mailed statement that Pavarotti died at his home in Modena, Italy, at 5 a.m. local time. ─── 帕瓦罗蒂的经纪人特里"罗宾逊通过电子邮件给美联社发了一份声明,称帕瓦罗蒂已于当地时间本周四凌晨5点在意大利摩德纳的家中去世。

3、Bishop of Modena, appealed to young catholics to believe in him. ─── 摩德纳的主教,呼吁年轻的天主教徒相信他。

4、MILANELLO - The 1-1 draw at Modena has certainly left a bitter taste in the Rossoneris mouths and now they are looking to take their revenge in the next game at Deportivo. ─── 米兰内洛--1-1战平摩德纳显然令米兰不爽,他们希望在对拉科的比赛中好好发挥。

5、At the end of the 4-0 win over Modena, Monsieur Dechamps gave his team a well-earned couple of days off. ─── 在4:0完胜摩德纳后,德尚给球队两天的假期作为奖励。

6、In July last year, Pavarotti underwent surgery in New York for pancreatic cancer and retreated to his villa in Modena. ─── 去年6月,帕瓦罗蒂在纽约接受了胰腺癌手术然后隐居在他摩德纳的别墅里。

7、Dr Massimo Mangialavori -A doctor in Modena using homeopathic remedies. CV, cases and articles, courses, publications. Humor from Dr Bufo. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

8、""I remember that last time I was visiting him in his town in Modena, at his home, he was preparing some special bread and tomato for me together with prosciutto. ─── 在帕瓦罗蒂之前,人们根本无法想象,一部部经典歌剧居然能够出自一个如此胖乎乎的身体。

9、He had asked his team to repeat their impressive performance against Crotone, and at the end of the game with Modena, Didier Deschamps couldn't have been more satisified with their response. ─── 大意:德尚曾要求他的队员们延续在周二的表演,在这场比赛结束之后,交出的答卷令他非常满意。

10、WAM S.p.A., established in year 1969, locating in the pleasant Italy city MODENA, which has set up subsidiaries and offices in over 40 countries and areas. ─── 成立于1969年,坐落在意大利北部美丽的城市MODENA,在世界40个国家和地区建立了分公司或办事处。

11、Bettini also played for Palermo, Roma, Udinese, Lazio and Modena in his long career. He scored 110 goals in 270 top-flight appearances. ─── 贝蒂尼在其职业生涯中能够除了国际先后效力过巴勒莫,罗马,乌迪内斯,拉齐奥和摩德纳。其270次顶级联赛经历中一共进了110球。

12、Holiday Inn Modena : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

13、The blond midfielder added: 'Modena know how to make things difficult for us, but Milan have the potential to win this game. ─── 这位金发的中场球员还说:“摩德纳知道怎么为难我们,但是米兰有赢得这场比赛的能力。

14、The design is the result of cooperation between Novitec Rosso and Italian design studio Luca Serafini Stile in Modena. ─── 的设计是合作的结果NovitecRosso和意大利设计工作室卢卡塞拉菲尼台阶在摩德纳。

15、Modena did well and were aggressive but we kept concentration high. ─── 摩德纳踢得不错,很有进攻性,但是我们一直高度集中精力。

16、He said: 'This victory and the one to Modena are very important.Six important points for the future. ─── 他说:“这场胜利和与摩德纳的胜利非常重要,对未来非常重要的6分。

17、Formed a polygon and square so, the comparative space of the colour of modena and white and line. ─── 这样便形成了一个多边形与正方形,深紫色与白色的色彩与线条的对比空间。

18、Crotone should be warned, along with Modena who are our opponents the week after”. ─── 我们会小心应付克罗托内,再下周的对手摩德纳也一样。”

19、Modena spends skirt to show maturity slightly, was full of the breath of romantic mystery, the bowknot before the bosom adds lively touch, let you wander in maturity and lovely. ─── 深紫色花裙略显成熟,布满了浪漫神秘的气息,胸前的蝴蝶结增加活泼感,让你游走在成熟与可爱间。

20、Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and IRCCS, Ospedale San Camillo, Venezia, Italy. luigiagnati@tin.it ─── 华北电力大学数理学院数理系,北京市,102206;北京科技大学信息工程学院,北京市,100083

21、All that against a Modena side who were intent on making life particularly hard, closing down the gaps and denying space up front. ─── 摩德纳一直试图缩小差距,压缩尤文的前场空间。而尤文球员的默契配合是对他们最好的回应。

22、"The great tenor Luciano Pavarotti died today at 5 a.m. (11 p.m. Wednesday EDT) at his home in Modena," Robson said in a statement. He was 71. ─── 他享年71岁。“伟大的男高音歌唱家卢西亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂于今早5点(美国东部时间周三晚11点)在其摩德纳的家中过世。”罗布森在一份声明中说。

23、The Italian Olympic Committee has already backed the team's stance, and now the mayor of Modena - the local jurisdiction of Ferrari's headquarters - follows suit. ─── 意大利奥林匹克委员会已经支持团队的立场,现在的市长摩德纳-地方管辖的法拉利车队的总部-跟进.

24、The design is the result of cooperation between Novitec Rosso and Italian design studio Luca Serafini Stile in Modena. ─── 的设计是合作的结果NovitecRosso和意大利设计工作室卢卡塞拉菲尼台阶在摩德纳。

25、Modena hospital spokesman Alberto Greco confirmed Pavarotti was at home, but said he had no further information. ─── 医院发言人艾伯特。格雷科证实目前帕瓦罗蒂正在家中休养,但是并没有说明帕瓦罗蒂进一步的情况。

26、a very natural desire, since he lives in Modena, just a few kilometers away from Sant'Agata Bolognese. ─── 一个很自然的愿望,因为他生活的一辈,只是一条几公里以外的圣博洛尼亚。

27、"Everything is possible at the end of the season, " Buffon said before yesterday's 4-0 defeat of Modena. ─── “到了赛季末,一切都可能发生。”在尤文4:0大胜摩德纳的比赛中,布冯如是说。

28、Inside petaline and topmost modena. ─── 内花瓣顶端深紫色。

29、The romantic atmosphere that modena brings, it is mysterious and heavy, the person is enmeshed in depressed atmosphere, enjoy elegant romantic feeling. ─── 深紫色带来的浪漫气氛,是神秘且沉重的,人沉浸在阴郁的氛围里,享受典雅的浪漫感觉。

30、Foshan City Modena Machinery Co., Ltd ─── 佛山市摩德娜机械有限公司

31、The pilot was killed, the horse became a black color; and location for the company logo background color of the canary in Modena. ─── 后来这位飞行员战死了,马就变成了黑颜色;而标志底色为公司所在地摩德纳的金丝雀的颜色。

32、Bush, 3 meters tall: Rod is fine and stretchy, cylindrical, modena, be bordering on without wool, become ever since virescent or green. ─── 灌木,高3米:小枝纤细而伸长,圆柱形,深紫色,近于无毛,其后变成淡绿色或绿 色。

33、What we do know is that the TuLesto was designed with the help of Luca Serafini Stile, a design studio in Modena, Italy, and is built at Novitec's plant in Stetten, Germany in the province of Bavaria. ─── 我们所知道的是,TuLesto设计的帮助下,卢卡塞拉菲尼台阶,一个设计工作室在摩德纳,意大利,并建于Novitec工厂斯特滕在德国巴伐利亚省的。

34、Design and color from lilac to modena, balmy. ─── 花色自淡紫色至深紫色,芳香。

35、Bentivoglio is on-loan at Modena from Juve and the 21 year-old said: "I have developed in the Bianconero junior system and you cannot imagine how much I want to return to Torino. ─── 摩德纳中场西蒙内.本特沃格奥承认他不顾一切的想回到尤文图斯.给租借到摩德纳的21岁的本特沃格奥说:"我是在斑马军团的青训体系中成长起来的,你不能想象我有多么想回到都灵!"

36、For the hotly contested Modena's Thoroughbred class, top honors went to winner Paul Roesler and his 1964 Lamborghini 350 GT Coupe. ─── 封闭的国际威望奖,1949年阿尔法罗密欧6C条2500党卫军跑车旅游而公开赛冠军是1958年法拉利车队250敞篷车.

37、The Spaniard tried to avoid the waiting media as he arrived at the offices of Giuseppe Tibis, a magistrate in Ferrari's home district of Modena. ─── 当他到达法拉利的主场摩德纳地方官员G蒂比斯的办公室,西班牙人设法躲避媒体的采访。

38、Professor Luigi Celli is an Orthopaedic Expert in the city of Modena and believes it is not a replacement of conventional prosthesis implants. ─── 莫迪纳市的席林博士是位整形外科专家,他相信这不能取代传统的植入疗法。

39、All that against a Modena side who were intent on making life particularly hard, closing down the gaps and denying space up front. ─── 摩德纳一直试图缩小差距,压缩尤文的前场空间。而尤文球员的默契配合是对他们最好的回应。

40、He first sang in the Modena chorus with his father, a fervent lover of opera and gifted amateur tenor.When the chorus won first prize in an international competition, the youngster was hooked. ─── 这特辑我们将看到一些独家的生活片段,好像他的结婚典礼,与三岁女儿畅泳的精彩境头,更有他的挚友德斯汀荷夫曼大谈两人的种种往事。

41、Returned furniture of some board type to appear modena, coffee, white, orange, blue, staged show of profusion of a colour. ─── 还有的板式家具出现了深紫色、咖啡色、白色、橙色、蓝色,上演了一场色彩缤纷秀。

42、The player that Mancini and his team mates have missed for all of the first part of the season re-started playing at Modena. ─── 在和摩德纳的比赛之前,曼奇尼和他的队友在整个上半赛季都没有这位球员。

43、The content of this page is from the MODENA port or MODENA customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MODENA港口或MODENA海关的进出口公司目录;

44、Charles' office said he would not be attending Pavarotti's funeral in Modena, Italy, but would send a wreath. ─── 王储的办公室说他不会参加帕瓦罗帝在意大利举行的葬礼,但是他会特别送一个花圈.

45、The cladding will be seen from the railroad and from an adjacent bridge that connects the two parts of the city and will become a symbol for the city of Modena. ─── 包层将被视为从铁路和从毗邻桥连接的两个部分,将成为城市的象征的城市摩德纳。

46、Advocate lie: Quadrate advocate lying metope is modena, below the premise that withholds polygonal cant housetop, brush it white. ─── 主卧:方形主卧的墙面是深紫色的,在保留多边形斜面屋顶的前提下,将它刷成白色。

47、The Cathedral, Torre Civica and Piazza Grande, Modena ─── 摩德纳的大教堂、市民塔和大广场

48、The magnificent 12th-century cathedral at Modena, the work of two great artists (Lanfranco and Wiligelmus), is a supreme example of early Romanesque art. ─── 位于摩德纳的宏伟的12世纪大教堂,是兰弗兰科和威利盖尔茨这两位伟大的艺术家的杰作,是罗马风格艺术的最杰出典范。

49、He was sheltering at her stupendous mountain stronghold of Canossa, not far from Modena, and the Emperor had to climb there barefoot, in the depths of winter, to make his kowtow. ─── 教皇躲进了她那气势恢宏的山间城堡,它建在离摩德纳市不远的卡诺萨。皇帝不得不在隆冬季节赤脚攀上城堡,前去叩头谢罪。

50、Born on October 12, 1935, in Modena, Italy, the usual sequence of giving a particular date is month-date-year or date-month-year. ─── 1935年10月12日帕瓦罗蒂生于意大利的蒙德拿。他是伴随着音乐长大的。

51、of the logo is the color of the canary in Modena, where the company is located. ─── 标志底色为公司所在地摩德纳的金丝雀的颜色。

52、Pavarotti was taken to a hospital in Modena last month and treated for more than two weeks. ─── 上个月,帕瓦罗蒂被送去摩德纳的一家医院并接受了超过两周的治疗。

53、The car was the successor to the 360 Modena, which debuted back in 1999, and it shared many of its components, including its all-aluminum chassis. ─── 赛车的继承者360摩德纳,它早在1999年推出,它有许多共同的组成部分,包括其全铝质底盘。

54、From highway: take the exit signposted Reggio Emilia, then the motorway direction Modena, exit number 3 to Airport/Centre/Hospital.The hotel is situated near the exit, on the right. ─── 如果太迟取消或更改预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

55、many clubs as Reggina, Torino, Cagliari, Vicenza, Grosseto, Livorno, Rimini and Modena are interested in the player. ─── 其中以雷吉纳为首的8家联赛俱乐部都对他表示了兴趣。

56、Show modena, criterion uric ketone body ( ) . ─── 呈深紫色,则尿酮体( )。

57、The couple turned off Highway 56 near Modena and headed north up a dirt road into Hamblin Valley. ─── 夫妇俩从摩德纳附近的56号口拐出,离开高速路,沿着尘土飞扬的公路向北驶入汉布林山谷,不久便达到了一片遍布山艾树的红土地。

58、Tricolour amaranth seedling very resemble three-colored amaranth, but arrived deep autumn, its Jibuxie turns for modena, and top leaf becomes if blood-red is caught, bright-coloured and unusual. ─── 雁来红幼苗很像苋菜,但到了深秋,其基部叶转为深紫色,而顶叶则变得猩红如染,鲜艳异常。

59、Design and color has modena, shallow purple, pink or white, provide scent. ─── 花色有深紫色.浅紫色.粉红色或白色,具芳香。

60、Petiolar modena, chief instrument 3 millimeter, without wool. ─── 叶柄深 紫色,长仪3毫米,无毛。

61、The project idea came from the designer's dream to work as a designer for Lamborghini; a very natural desire, since he lives in Modena, just a few kilometers away from Sant'Agata Bolognese. ─── 该项目的构思来自设计师的梦想工作,作为设计师,为兰博基尼;一个很自然的愿望,因为他生活的一辈,只是一条几公里以外的圣博洛尼亚。

62、Coach Chiarenza expressed his satisfaction at the end of the game: “Taking on a side like Modena, who had lost their first three games, is always delicate. ─── 比赛结束后,主帅对这批年轻球员的表现表示满意:“摩德纳此前已经三次败北,和这样的球队比赛,总是很微妙的。

63、Righi E, Aggazzotti G, Fantuzzi G, Ciccarese V, Predieri G. Air quality and well-being perception in subjects attending university libraries in Modena (Italy). Sci Total Environ 2002; 286:41-50. ─── 苏慧贞、江哲铭、黄筑筠、黄诗芸等人:都会区办公大楼室内空气品质与季节变化之相关性。工业卫生研讨会发表论文集,1999年。

64、Celebrities from the world of both classical and pop music are expected to attend the funeral of Luciano Pavarotti tomorrow in his home town of Modena. ─── 世界古典音乐和流行音乐的名流们都期望明天能在鲁契亚诺-帕瓦罗蒂的故乡-摩德纳参加他的葬礼。

65、Coquettish of you with modena eyes ─── 那样妖冶的你带着深紫色的瞳

66、MILANELLO - Training ended with the usual mini-game between players wearing red-and-black shirts and those in a yellow bib. The team will leave for Modena at 5pm CET. ─── 训练以通常的小场地比赛结束,一队穿红黑剑条衫,一队是黄色背心.队伍将于下午5点出发前往摩德纳.

67、Yet another goal-fest for the Juventus Primavera who, on day five of the championship, overcame their contemporaries from Modena at Vinovo. ─── 尤文青年队又一次为球迷奉献了进球盛筵,在联赛的第五个比赛日,他们主场战胜了摩德纳。

68、I hope I could play against Modena, last year we had an important game at the Emilian side, we hope we can repeat the same tomorrow. ─── 我希望能在和摩德纳的比赛中上场,去年我们在和摩德纳的比赛中发挥的很出色,希望能重复上一次的表现。”

69、The wall of wine and shop are in the modena antependium on woodiness desktop. ─── 暗红色的墙与铺在木质桌面上的深紫色桌布。

70、Configuration feature: The rod that depends on this mutation with the distinction of former mutation modena, without wool; ─── 形态特征: 与原变种的区别在于本变种的小枝深紫色,无毛;

71、Triticale exterior modena, contain iodine, and calcic, magnesium and protein content are very high, it is a variety that functional sex has in our country wheaten breed. ─── 黑小麦外观深紫色,含碘,而且钙、镁和蛋白质的含量很高,是我国小麦品种中具有功能性的一个品种。

72、James had taken to wife the princess Mary of Modena. ─── 詹姆斯娶了摩德拿的玛丽公主为妻。

73、a very natural desire, since he lives in Modena, just a few kilometers away from Sant' Agata Bolognese. ─── 一个很自然的愿望,因为他生活的一辈,只是一条几公里以外的圣博洛尼亚。

74、Cathedral, Torre Civica and Piazza Grande, Modena ─── 摩德纳的大教堂、市民塔、和广场

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