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10-02 投稿


myo 发音

英:[ˈmaɪoʊ]  美:[ˈmaɪəʊ]

英:  美:

myo 中文意思翻译




myo 短语词组

1、myo-albumose ─── [医] 肌蛋白ж

2、shine myo ko shine myo ko

3、myo-relaxin ─── [医] 肌松弛激素

4、myo-albumin ─── [医] 肌白蛋白

5、myo-atrophy ─── [医] 肌萎缩

6、myo-inositol ─── [化] 肌醇

7、myo- pref. ─── 肌 [医] ─── 肌

8、myo-architectonic ─── [医] 肌结构的

9、myo-epithelial cells ─── [医] 肌上皮细胞

10、myo-asthenia ─── [医] 肌无力

myo 相似词语短语

1、myo- ─── abbr.肌(myoglobin);n.(Myo)人名;(缅)妙

2、my- ─── pron.我的;int.哎呀(表示惊奇等);喔唷;n.(My)人名;(越)美;(老、柬)米

3、Oyo ─── n.(Oyo)人名;(挪)厄约

4、myxo ─── 粘液

5、Wyo ─── abbr.怀俄明州(Wyoming)

6、mayo ─── n.蛋黄酱(等于mayonnaise)

7、moo ─── v.(牛)发出哞哞声;n.牛叫声;(非正式)讨人厌的妇女;n.(Moo)(美、加、挪)莫(人名)

8、-myo ─── abbr.肌(myoglobin);n.(Myo)人名;(缅)妙

9、mho ─── n.姆欧(电导率单位,欧姆的倒数)

myo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At present, MYO has grown to have 4 symphony orchestras with 300 young talented orchestral players, aged from 10 to 25 years old, who meet every week for great music making and rehearsals. ─── MYO持续发展,直到目前已拥有四个乐团,三百位十至廿五岁充满音乐天份的青少年管弦乐手,每星期聚在一起认真的排练,同时分享学习音乐的乐趣。

2、RESULTS:It was found that the contents of glucose and sorhitol were increased and myo inosltol was decreased in diabetic group. ─── 糖尿病+醛糖还原酶抑制制剂组山梨醇含量明显低于糖尿病十肌醇组和糖尿病组,而肌醇含量未见减少;

3、Peaks belonging to lipids and a combined broad peak belonging to myo inositol and glycine were noticed. ─── 峰属于血脂和联合布洛阿特峰属于肌醇和甘氨酸被发现。

4、Kuchar D. Late potentials defected after myo cardial infarction. Natural history and prognostic significance. Criculation 1986,44(5): 1284 ─── 蒋文平.心室晚电位在预测心律失常事件中的价值.中华心血管病杂志,1991,19(5):275

5、Keywords Electrocardiogram;AMI;Cardic muscle myo calcium proteinT; ─── 关键词心电图;急性心肌梗死;心肌肌钙蛋白T;

6、Uses the pylorus myo- incision technique is the best method of treatment. ─── 采用幽门肌切开术是最好的治疗方法。

7、Active ingredients;- standardised Lignans, Myo Inositol, proanthocyanidins, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Amino Acids. ─── 有效成分:标准木脂素,肌醇,原花青素,n-乙酰半胱氨酸,氨基酸

8、Leading role: The repair scar injured area, lives the myo- tender skin, strengthens the flesh resistivity. ─── 主要作用:修复疤痕创面,生肌嫩肤,增强肌肤抵抗力。

9、nitric oxide myo(hemo)-globin ─── 氧化氮肌红蛋白

10、Objective: To observe the CK-MB, CRP and MYO contents change in the peripheral blood of Caffeine abusers. ─── 目的:为了查找安钠咖滥用致血中生化变化。

11、myo monitor ─── 肌监控仪

12、myo hand ─── 肌电假手

13、myo inositol 1 phosphate synthase -like protein gene ─── 肌醇-1-磷酸合酶类蛋白基因

14、A total of 92,509 entries were made this year with 8,363forinochi, also read myo and mei, followed by 3,793 foryu,read also hisa as used in the first of the two kanji ofthenewborn princes name. ─── 日本汉字能力鉴定协会本周二公布,“命”字当选为日本今年的年度汉字。

15、Keywords myo inositol dihexaphosphate;chelating agent;corrosion inhibitor;anticorrosion; ─── 肌醇六磷酸酯;螯合剂;缓蚀剂;防腐蚀;

16、Methods: The gene rearrangement in blood and bone marrow of 12 children with AML was detected by Southern blot hybridization using LE11. 8, MYO and M13 probes. ─── 方法:用LE11.8、MYO和M13探针,经Southern杂交法检测12例儿童急性粒细胞白血病患者的外周血或骨髓细胞的基因重排。

17、Keywords Acute chest pain AMI cTn-I CK-MBmass Myo; ─── 急性胸痛;急性心肌梗死;心肌钙蛋白I;肌酸激酶同工酶;肌红蛋白;

18、Gives with it does myo- relieves thirst, is one kind of arrogant and willful simply. ─── 用它给干性肌解渴,简直是一种骄纵。

19、All MYO performances are made for good causes. ─── 五年来,MYO积极参与海外的音乐演出和文化交流。

20、myo inositol ─── 肌醇

21、Myo cardial infarction ─── 心肌梗死

22、The distribution of myo- sleeve was uneven at different areas of the same circumference. ─── 在腔静脉同一周径上的不同区域肌袖分布不均一。

23、3 SDS-PAGE image of Myo with different con-centrations of linkage reagent(bis). ─── 标题: 图3不同交联度的凝胶对反应结果的表征 Fig.

24、HELLO ALL... LORD BUDDHA BLESS U AND YOUR LOVE ONES.... MYO IRELAND 00353 87 1353648. ─── 会议:没有自己的公开会议上的时刻。

25、Athe very end myo wWorkunit jumps from 99% to 100% complete very quickly (orkslowly!). ─── 在快结束的时候,我的计算包的完成率很快地从99%一下子跳到100%(有时候很慢!)。

26、myo epithelium ─── 肌上皮

27、Therefore, the myo- strength and the explosive force training speaking of the basket player is a not allow to neglect link. ─── 因此,肌力和爆发力的锻鍊对篮球员而官是不容忽视的一环。

28、Among those who have conducted MYO are Ernst Smole, Robert Rieder, Mak Ka Lok, Choi Ho Man, Jerome Hoberman, Yang Li and Synthia Ko. ─── 企业的赞助和大众的捐款能支援MYO的管弦乐教育和外展工作,以至海外游学和演出的计划,并且与本港最具潜质的年青一代联结起来。

29、MYO Live your Life. ─── 平静做自己 ;

30、The differences among push-up, minus-lens and infrared optometer methods were both significant among Emm group (P=0.000,0.000,0.003,respectively) and among MYO group (P=0.002,0.002,0.036,respectively). ─── 在正视组移近法、负镜片法和红外视力计法测量的AMP值三者之间差异有显著性(P值分别为0.000,0.000,0.003),近视组三种测量方法之间的AMP差异也具有显著性(P值分别为0.002,0.002,0.036)。

31、The AMP between Emm and MYO was only significantly difference in the infrared optometer method (P=0.006). ─── 正视组和近视组之间仅红外视力计法测量时两者AMP差异有显著性(P=0.006)。

32、Myo’s best of the best . ─── 无视 小不更事 的人 那些言论 ;

33、The diagnostic accuracy of these markers and their combination regimens were calculated and presented as follows (cTnI, Myo, H-FABP, cTnI+Myo, cTnI+H-FABP, cTnI+Myo+H-FABP): sensitivity: 0.804, 0.674, 0.783, 0.957, 0.957 ard 0.957; ─── 据此推算的各心肌损伤标志物及其组合诊断AMI的敏感度(按cTnI、Myo、H-FABP、cTnI+Myo、cTnI+H-FABP、cTnI+Myo+H-FABP的顺序)分别为0.804、0.674、0.783、0.957、0.957、0.957;

34、If you can care me as a good friend, you shoud give something for present to me by Myo Min. ─── 如果你把我当成你的好朋友,你应该通过 敏 送我些东西做礼物。

35、The patriarch said, "Think neither good nor evil. At this very moment, what is the original self of the monk Myo?" ─── 祖云、不思善、不思恶、正与麽时、那箇是明上座本来面目。

36、All of the followed patients received good results except one who had partial necrosis of the orbicularis oculi myo... ─── 术后眼睑不仅得到功能性矫正,而且具有良好的美学效果。

37、Phytases are enzymes capable of hydrolyzing phytic acid(orphytate) to less-phosphorylated myo-inositol derivates and inorganic phosphate. ─── 植酸酶是催化植酸及植酸盐水解成肌醇和无机磷酸的一类酶的总称。

38、Myo, you are in Australia now... ─── 你的努力,大家是有...

39、Leading role: the repair scar injured area, lives the myo - tender skin, strengthens the flesh resistivity. ─── 主要作用:修复疤痕创面,生肌嫩肤,增强肌肤抵抗力。

40、yyy1668: Dear Myo, good night! Love &a... ─── 幽语:太喜欢了,永远支持...

41、Sends breathes the apnea which respectively the myo - stop motion causes. ─── 致各呼吸肌停止运动所引起的呼吸暂停。

42、percent(myo)electrical activity ─── (肌)电活动百分率

43、I believe its influenced by the people that arrive here, so our menu has evolved with many Asian influences and one of the signature dishes is the MYO Duck pancakes. ─── 我认为澳大利亚食品受到来到这里的人民的影响,所以我们的菜单有很多亚洲风味,其中的一个招牌菜就是自制鸭饼。

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