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10-02 投稿


whipped 发音

英:[wɪpt]  美:[wɪpt]

英:  美:

whipped 中文意思翻译




whipped 常用词组

whipped cream ─── n. 生奶油

whipped 词性/词形变化,whipped变形

过去分词:whipped 原型:whip 过去式:whipped

whipped 短语词组

1、whipped cream n. ─── 生奶油

2、pussy whipped

3、whipped-up ─── 鞭打

4、wind-whipped adj. ─── 被风吹打过的

5、sweetened whipped cream ─── 甜鲜奶油

6、stiffening whipped cream ─── 生硬鲜奶油

7、pussy-whipped a. ─── 怕老婆的, 受女人支配的

8、heavy whipped cream ─── 浓奶油

whipped 相似词语短语

1、whopped ─── vi.打;抽出;征服;vt.打;抽出;征服;使突然摔倒;n.重击;打击声;突然摔倒

2、whipper ─── n.鞭打者;抽打者;似用鞭子抽打者

3、shipped ─── v.装船(ship的过去分词);发货;adj.装船的

4、hipped ─── adj.着迷的;忧抑的;(牲畜等)股关节脱节的;(屋顶)有斜脊的;v.使知晓;使警觉(hip的过去分词)

5、whippet ─── n.轻型战车;小灵狗(一种赛狗)

6、whapped ─── 猛击

7、-hipped ─── adj.着迷的;忧抑的;(牲畜等)股关节脱节的;(屋顶)有斜脊的;v.使知晓;使警觉(hip的过去分词)

8、chipped ─── adj.(杯子等边缘)有缺口的;用碎片组成的;受切损的;v.削;碎裂,剥落;切取;吱吱地叫;(将足球等)踢出短弧线球(chip的过去式和过去分词)

9、whupped ─── vt.大胜,轻易地打败

whipped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist. ─── 他们因对手权柄在握,反抗也没用。

2、A willing horse must not be whipped. ─── 响鼓不用重锤敲。

3、so few people here are truly able to think , able to see beyond the pabulum whipped up by the government. ─── 这儿极少人能够真正思考,能够超越政府灌输的精神食粮来看问题。

4、Even when she gives me a twenty-point start, Gill always seems to have the whip hand over me when we play Scrabble. ─── 即使我们玩拼学游戏时,吉尔让我20点的话,她也似乎总是占优势。

5、I felt as if my mind was being whipped, as if a ghost had commandeered my pen and was writing to redress the injustices it had suffered. ─── 我觉得有一根鞭子在抽打我的心,又觉得仿佛有甚么鬼魂借我的笔为自己伸冤一样。

6、He flicked the horse with his whip/flicked his whip at the horse. ─── 他用鞭子轻轻抽马。

7、He whipped off three new songs last night. ─── 他昨晚匆匆写了三首新歌。

8、His speech whipped up national feelings. ─── 他的演讲唤起了民族感情。

9、Don't whip in while others are talking. ─── 在别人谈话时不要突然插话。

10、He set the whip to his horse to make it go faster. ─── 他以鞭策马快速前进。

11、Gales uprooted trees and whipped the slats off roofs. ─── 大风把树木连根拔起,并掀掉了屋顶的石板瓦。

12、She crowned the dessert with whipped cream. ─── 她在甜点心上面加上搅打过的奶油。

13、He lashed at the servant with a whip. ─── 他用鞭子猛抽仆人。

14、He whipped out a handkerchief to bind up his finger. ─── 他迅速地抽出一块手帕来包扎手指。

15、He whipped off his coat. ─── 他迅速地脱下外衣。

16、She whipped round just as he was about to attack her from behind. ─── 他正要从她後面袭击她,她一下子转过身来。

17、Suddenly he whipped round and saw me. ─── 他突然转过身, 看见了我。

18、He flicked the horse with his whip. ─── 他用鞭轻轻地抽马。

19、He said he could whip round to your place after work. ─── 他说他下班后可到你那儿转一圈。

20、Ah, how they made them skip and lift their heels at the very first crack of the whip! ─── 唉!他们怎样地使得幽魂们一受到第一鞭就提起腿来了啊!

21、He whipped out his gun. ─── 他突然抽出枪来。

22、The master tied me to a pillar and whipped me savagely. ─── 主人把我捆在柱子上,用鞭子死命地抽我。

23、He topped the cake with whipped cream. ─── 他在蛋糕上浇了掼奶油。

24、He dolloped whipped cream over the bread. ─── 他在面包上涂抹一层奶油。

25、The wind whipped across the plain. ─── 大风扫过平原。

26、He only laid on the whip with regularity. ─── 他只规律地将马一鞭一鞭地抽着。

27、He cracked his whip and the horses began to trot. ─── 他噼噼啪啪地挥鞭策马狂跑。

28、Her hair whipped around her face in the wind. ─── 她的头发随风在脸际飘拂。

29、She whipped off to Wuhan yesterday. ─── 她昨天匆匆到武汉去了。

30、He whipped his car along the expressway. ─── 他驾车沿着高速公路奔驰。

31、He flipped at his dog with a whip . ─── 他用鞭子抽打他的狗。

32、He whipped round at the mention of his name. ─── 一听到有提自己的名字,他猛地转过身来。

33、She whipped the mask off her face. ─── 她刷地一下子把脸上的面具摘掉了。

34、You got to admit you are whipped. ─── 你必须承认你很听话。

35、He flipped at the ass with a whip. ─── 他用鞭子轻轻抽打那头驴子。

36、His father whipped him for misbehavior. ─── 他因不守规矩,父亲抽打了他。

37、The other team, holding the whip hand, seemed to relax midway through the first half. ─── 另一支球队控制了场面,所以整个上半场的比赛显得很轻松。

38、He whipped round and disppaeared in the crowd. ─── 他猛一拐弯,消失在人群中。

39、A branch whipped across the car window. ─── 一条树枝突然划过车窗。

40、The man whipped out a knife. ─── 那个人突然抽出一把刀来。

41、Their team really whipped ours at volleyball. ─── 他们的排球队彻底击败了我们队。

42、The wind whipped across the plains so steady and sharp that it made my eyes water. ─── 风吹过平原,恒久而急剧,我被吹出了眼泪。

43、She whipped up a knife and faced the man bravely. ─── 她抓起一把刀,毫不畏惧地对着这个男子。

44、He urged the horses on with a whip. ─── 他用鞭子策马前行。

45、He whipped out a handkerchief to bind up his injured finger. ─── 他抽出一条手帕把受伤的指头包扎起来。

46、He whipped up the child out of danger. ─── 他一把将孩子从危险中抢救出来。

47、They tried in vain to whip the school into shape. ─── 他们企图强制改革该学校,但没有成功。

48、He whipped her away when she was just beginning to enjoy the party. ─── 她兴趣刚上来,他就把她带走了。

49、Can't you whip up the horses? We must get there quickly! ─── 你能不能用鞭子抽赶这些马让它们跑快点?我们必须迅速赶到那里!

50、With whip and spur he urged his horse onward . ─── 他以马鞭及马刺策马前进。

51、The chill wind whipped in and out in gusty breaths. ─── 一阵阵寒风像鞭子一样抽打着行人。

52、He whipped out into the street. ─── 他突然跳到街上去。

53、All the girls in the office whipped round to give Mary a wedding present. ─── 办公室的全体姑娘凑钱给玛丽送一件结婚礼物。

54、"Whipped already," he said to himself, smirking. ─── / "已经鞭打",他在心理想著,嘻嘻做笑。

55、She thrashed the children with a whip. ─── 她用鞭子痛打孩子们。

56、They're trying to whip up support for their candidate. ─── 他们竭力激励大家支持他们的候选人。

57、Bob whipped out his notebook. ─── 鲍勃猛地拿出他的笔记本。

58、Their team really whipped ours at football. ─── 他们的足球队彻底击败了我们队。

59、He opened the door and the cat whipped in. ─── 他打开了门,那只猫一闪而入。

60、An old Muslim man beside me whipped off his prayer cap and stuck his head far out the window, like a Labrador. ─── 我身旁的一位老年穆斯林脱下礼拜帽,把头伸出窗外老远,像一条拉布拉多犬。

61、They whipped through the work and went home. ─── 他们迅速把工作干完回家了。

62、He whipped me off to play bridge. ─── 他匆匆忙忙带我去打桥牌。

63、Cridland would whip the men into reasonable shape. ─── 克里兰德总能把这号人整得服服帖帖。

64、At the sound of the strange voice he whipped round. ─── 一听见那陌生的声音,他猛然转过身来。

65、He said that his friend was a very rough boy and asked if he got whipped often at school. ─── 他说,他的伙伴是个挺粗野的孩子,还问道,他在学校里是否常挨鞭子。

66、Using your own cupcake recipe or store-bought mix, these mini cupcakes can be whipped up in a flash. ─── 只要用自家的纸杯蛋糕制作方法,或者直接从店里买现成的,一秒钟就能变身这种迷你蛋糕了。

67、He whipped off his jacket. ─── 他迅速脱去夹克。

68、An aspic containing whipped cream. ─── 加有掼打奶油的肉冻

69、He whipped a piece of paper out of his pocket and waved it in our faces. ─── 他突然从口袋里取出一张纸,在我们面前挥动着。

70、He whipped the horse to make it go faster. ─── 他鞭打马使它跑得更快。

71、She opened the door and the cat whipped in. ─── 她打开门, 那只猫一闪而入。

72、They whipped round among themselves to give the Indian guide a tip. ─── 他们各捐了一点钱给那个印第安向导作为小费。

73、He opened the door and the cat whipped in . ─── 他打开门,那只猫一闪而进。

74、You can't whip our team this year. ─── 今年你们不能击败我队。

75、A walnut sundae,and don't spare the whipped cream. ─── 做胡桃圣代冰淇淋,就甭想少用掼奶渍。

76、He whipped out of the room like a shot. ─── 他飞快地冲出房间。

77、She whipped the mask off her face. ─── 她刷地一下子把脸上的面具摘掉了。

78、He flicked his whip at the horse . ─── 他用鞭子轻轻打马。

79、Fill the meringues with whipped cream. ─── 在蛋白酥中加上掼奶油。

80、He whipped round as he heard the noise . ─── 他听到吵闹声马上转过身来。

81、The people were whipped up into a frenzy by the speaker. ─── 人们听了演说人的话群情激奋。

82、He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. ─── 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。

83、He whipped the horse to make it run faster. ─── 他策马加速前进。

84、He was given 30 lashes of the whip. ─── 他被鞭打三十下。

85、She whipped the children on with shouts of encouragement. ─── 她大喊加油鼓励那些孩子们。

86、The butter churn had two paddles to whip the cream. ─── 奶油制造机有两根搅棍搅打奶油。

87、The girls are trying to whip up interest for a dance Suturday nigh. ─── 女孩们想鼓励我们参加周六晚上的舞会。

88、He lashed the horse across the back with a whip. ─── 他用鞭子抽打马背。

89、Whatever it was in there, whipped it right back. ─── 不知里面到底是什么东西,立刻把它打了回来。

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